Ted Cruz to file for food stamps?

Ted Cruz going on ObamaCare = Major Scandal

Hillary Clinton accepting millions of dollars in foreign donations = No Big Deal

Hillary Clinton didn't accept foreign donations.

Hillary Clinton doesn't benefit from the Clinton foundation.

nice try though

Clinton foundation has nothing to do with the Clintons? :lol:

Nice try, though.
Damn! Ted has RaValerie and Jap Jillian panties all in a wad

Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it
Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

No he knows it is a stinker of a bill and what better way to experience the problems with it if all of congress had to do the same as the rest of Americans.
Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

No he knows it is a stinker of a bill and what better way to experience the problems with it if all of congress had to do the same as the rest of Americans.
He's doing it to benefit his bottom line.
Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

Not at all. Odd you would think it's weird though.

Limit his choice, then think it's weird is the odd thing.
Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

No he knows it is a stinker of a bill and what better way to experience the problems with it if all of congress had to do the same as the rest of Americans.
He's doing it to benefit his bottom line.

Point being?
Now that his wife lost her job and he's been forced to apply for Obamacare (maybe he'll qualify for Medicaid?), will he also apply for food stamps?

She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

No he knows it is a stinker of a bill and what better way to experience the problems with it if all of congress had to do the same as the rest of Americans.
He's doing it to benefit his bottom line.

Point being?
He's a hypocrite.
She did not lose her job, she took an unpaid leave of absence.
He chose to go on Obamacare because he said and has been very consistent with, all of congress should go on it.
Weird then that he wants to do away with ObamaCare, isn't it

No he knows it is a stinker of a bill and what better way to experience the problems with it if all of congress had to do the same as the rest of Americans.
He's doing it to benefit his bottom line.

Point being?
He's a hypocrite.

No, he's doing what the nanny staters want.
No he is doing what the Founders did and that is - congress should be under the same laws that they pass.
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Health Care for Members of Congress

What type of health insurance do members of Congress receive? Is it a single-payer, government-run system?

A: Members of Congress are covered by private insurance under the same system that covers all federal workers.

Members of Congress have good health insurance by any standard, but it’s not free and not reserved only for them – and it’s not government insurance. House and Senate members are allowed to purchase private health insurance offered through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which covers more than 8 million other federal employees, retirees and their families.

It’s not a “single-payer” system where the government acts as the one and only health insurance company. As President Bush’s chief of personnel Kay Coles James said in 2003, while lecturing at the conservative Heritage Foundation, “the FEHB program is not centralized, government-run health care.” It has drawn praise both from conservatives and liberals, including President Obama, who held it up as a model for his own health care proposals.

According to the Congressional Research Service, the FEHBP offers about 300 different private health care plans, including five government-wide, fee-for-service plans and many regional health maintenance organization (HMO) plans, plus high-deductible, tax-advantaged plans. All plans cover hospital, surgical and physician services, and mental health services, prescription drugs and “catastrophic” coverage against very large medical expenses. There are no waiting periods for coverage when new employees are hired, and there are no exclusions for preexisting conditions. The FEHBP negotiates contracts annually with all insurance companies who wish to participate. There is plenty of competition for the business; FEHBP is the largest employer-sponsored health plan in the U.S.

Those who don’t like their coverage may switch to another plan during a yearly “open season” period. To help with the choices, FEHBP conducts an annual “satisfaction survey” of each plan with more than 500 members and publishes the results.

Like other large employers, the government pays a large share of the cost of coverage. On average, the government pays 72 percent of the premiums for its workers, up to a maximum of 75 percent depending on the policy chosen. For example, the popular Blue Cross and Blue Shield standard fee-for-service family plancarries a total premium of $1,327.80 per month, of which the beneficiary pays $430.04. Washington, D.C.-based employees who prefer an HMO option might choose the Kaiser standard family plan. It carries a total premium of $825.15 per month, of which the employee pays only $206.29.

Just more grandstanding from a grandstanding asshole.
^ that was from 2009

The Affordable Care Act says that starting in 2014, members of Congress and their staffs can no longer get their health insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, as they have in the past. Instead, these federal employees will have to get insurance through the exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act. Other Americans with work-based insurance aren’t subject to such a requirement. They can continue to get health insurance through their employers. Other federal workers, too, can continue to select health insurance plans through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. But not Congress.

Why the unusual requirement for lawmakers and congressional staffers? This provision was added when health care bills were being debated, out of Republican concern that Congress get the same insurance that would be offered to some Americans through this legislation — insurance sold through state-based and federal exchanges. Those exchanges are for individuals who buy their own insurance, including the now uninsured, and small businesses.

Our readers may recall that before this provision was created, there were claims circulating that Congress was “exempt” from the law. This twisted reading of the legislation was based on the fact that originally Congress, like other Americans with work-based insurance or Americans on Medicare and Medicaid, wouldn’t be eligible for the exchanges. In other words, Congress was supposedly “exempt” when members couldn’t participate in the exchanges, and now that they are required to do so, they’re still somehow “exempt” from the law. Neither of these convoluted claims is true.

No Special Subsidy for Congress

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