Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Lock Supreme Court At Nine Justices


HEN23006 JX9 S.L.C.

‘‘The Supreme Court of the United States shall be
composed of nine justices.’

Thats it?
That is the best Constitutional Scholar Ted Cruz can come up with?

Cruz is constantly whining about term limits and can’t include a term limit on SCOTUS?
Nothing setting a time limit on how long the Senate has to confirm a pick…thus the number can drop to eight or less if Congress sits on confirmation

Those should be separate issues so that we one is not lost because of another.
i think it's a good idea. though some reforms are needed to prevent politicization of the SC

I think a Constitutional Amendment to change how they're given the job in the first place would be better.
I would like to require a two thirds majority for any Supreme Court decision,
any Supreme Court decision could be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and a presidential signature,
it wouldn’t be a “Supreme” Court then? Anyway, if a SCOTUS decision is found to be mis-interpreting the Constitution, Congress could already propose a Constitutional Amendment to make the correction.
and unpopular justices could be removed by a two thirds vote on a national referendum.
Another terrible idea. The whole point of a Constitutional appointment for life on good behavior is to insulate a justice from politics.

it wouldn’t be a “Supreme” Court then? Anyway, if a SCOTUS decision is found to be mis-interpreting the Constitution, Congress could already propose a Constitutional Amendment to make the correction.

Another terrible idea. The whole point of a Constitutional appointment for life on good behavior is to insulate a justice from politics.

It flies in the face of the Constitution's original intent.
So what? Those who wrote and signed the Constitution did not claim Divine Inspiration. I will not make that claim on their behalf. I do not know of any other democracy in the world where courts have the power they have in the United States.
So what? Those who wrote and signed the Constitution did not claim Divine Inspiration. I will not make that claim on their behalf. I do not know of any other democracy in the world where courts have the power they have in the United States.
Good thing we aren’t a “democracy.”

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