Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Gee, the bloom left the flower quickly.

Much like Shillary's approval ratings :)

Still beats anyone in the GOP field easily.

You don't get out much....the field has tightened considerably. The good people of America are onto the old bitch

Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).
Gee, the bloom left the flower quickly.

Much like Shillary's approval ratings :)

Still beats anyone in the GOP field easily.

Not Rand Paul, she doesn't
Or kasich it turns out.

Neither will get the GOP nomination.

Kasich is just in Ohio, which makes sense given he's the governor, but Paul has lead in polls in Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Pennsylvania.

None of that matters anyway this early, but for you to say that nobody comes close is stating the way you want it to be, not the way it is.

You may as well have put Reagan in the mix...he has just as much chance of winning the nomination as Rand Paul.

Just saying...
She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

:lol: We'll make this post a keeper and dredge it back up on election night.
Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. ...

Next time be sure to tell them all that you have such a problem with the color of their faces, and we'll see how long yours remains attached to your empty, racist fucking skull, asswipe.
Hillary is a formidable opponent.

Paul and Kasich as a pair could oppose her with a possibility of success.

Matthew, since the Hispanics are not going anywhere, I suggest the GOP reach out to them instead of demanding they comport themselves to the far right. They won't.
She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

:lol: We'll make this post a keeper and dredge it back up on election night.

Please do.
Once, and this was many years ago now, I asked for 'assistance' in going to move to the US, response was: 'We can't help you'.

If US citizens, get the 'we can't help you' line, then why are foreigners being brought in Visas in droves [as cash cows] and illegals given 'amnesty' every time that the number of illegal immigrants grows too large?

Guess this is the irony of the US government, as US citizens get the 'we can't help you' line everyday, regardless of whether they are veterans, residents, or legal immigrants.

I thought, the 'we can't help you' response given to me, sums up everything.

Unless it is a political liability, or they can't avoid responsibility, they don't give help.

This is why legal immigrants have to go through hell, just to live here a few years, and why veterans can't get funding from the government and have to go through the private sector for donations.

Regardless of whether the US hands out more Visas, it won't solve the underlying problem, that the government doesn't care, unless it might hurt them politically.
and 'hil' will probably get my vote if the only other alternative is a 'boosh or roobio' or any other that I perceive to be 'rino' Candy .
I highly doubt Cruz gets the nod in the first place. If he does, the very same people claiming they won't vote for him will go rushing off to polls and do so anyway. They'll buy into the nonsense about how this will be the most important election in our lifetime and blindly vote for either party. To hell with this party over principles bullshit.
not this time , me , I'll vote for the dem over any 'rino' , at least when they destroy they will be destroying the moderate repub / rinos and I can applaud that MDK !!
First it was American manufacturing jobs. American business didn't want to pay American workers an American living, and now the Chinese manufacture American products.

Then it was American laborer jobs. American businesses didn't want to pay American laborers and American living, and now the illegal Mexicans labor in American yards.

Now it's American professional jobs. American businesses don't want to pay American professionals wages that accommodate American educations, so now Indians will manage American offices.

Eventually, America will have to learn that if it wishes to survive, it has to be willing to pay for itself.
Rand Paul is the only candidate from either party that may earn my vote. I need to see some more detailed plans beforehand though. I like a lot of what I am hearing thus far but I am bit concerned it may me lip service. We shall see...
There was just a news story saying that there are currently more than 5 million jobs for which there are no qualified Americans.

Americans can no longer afford an American education and are going to other countries for university. Same with medical care. A surgeon I know is leaving for Vietnam tomorrow to teach procedures that American medical tourists are leaving here and going to other countries to get.

That's what "American exceptionalism" is now.

I highly doubt Cruz gets the nod in the first place. If he does, the very same people claiming they won't vote for him will go rushing off to polls and do so anyway. They'll buy into the nonsense about how this will be the most important election in our lifetime and blindly vote for either party. To hell with this party over principles bullshit.

A year from now, they'll be posting that anything is better than ...

Conservatives are no more, drowned out and killed off by nutters like the current contents of the Repub Clown Car.

The rabid right is killing this country.
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

Don't you have a brown face? I can't say I've ever met anyone who DIDN'T have a brown face. And, really, I don't get it. What do brown faces have to do with H-1B visas?
The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd.

Sadly, it's very often true. There are many fields where qualified individuals are lacking in the United States, for a multitude of reasons. Partly the problem can arise from public interest in joining a certain work field. Partly, the problem is due to interested people not being able to enter the field due to the financial inaccessibility of education. Partly the problem can be due to volume accessibility of education (this is most pronounced in the medical field, where the system restricts the number of people who can enter medical school, and then goes on to restrict qualified graduates from entering the workforce). Partly the problem is sometimes due to requisite education being cost prohibitive when compared to what employers are willing to pay for the job.

If we don't get our educational system straight, this country won't exist 100 years from now.
well yeah , the lies , at least 'hil' and the dems tell the truth which is that they want to go after rich moderate voting rinos and I can get behind that kind of thinking . Me , I'm conservative , what the heck good is a moderate 'rino' ??
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

And... wouldn't it be GOOD for the US to bring in highly qualified people? We might raise our average math and science scores. Who wins all those spelling bees and sends their 9 year olds to college? The immigrants. That kinda seems obvious. So, when you complain about these folks coming in, I guess you don't care that their smart and hard working. Your concern seems to be that they're not white.

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