Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.
It must make you crazy that brown people out perform you.
Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. ...

Next time be sure to tell them all that you have such a problem with the color of their faces, and we'll see how long yours remains attached to your empty, racist fucking skull, asswipe.

I doubt a bunch of curry eating Indians are going to assault me. However, I'm not stupid like you. I have no animosity towards these people other than the fact that they are taking jobs from Americans. Let them find jobs in their own country. America isn't a welfare program for the detritus of every 3rd world country.
Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. ...

Next time be sure to tell them all that you have such a problem with the color of their faces, and we'll see how long yours remains attached to your empty, racist fucking skull, asswipe.

I doubt a bunch of curry eating Indians are going to assault me. ....

Find out, big mouth. Maybe you'll get some much needed sense beaten into you.
Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. ...

Next time be sure to tell them all that you have such a problem with the color of their faces, and we'll see how long yours remains attached to your empty, racist fucking skull, asswipe.

I doubt a bunch of curry eating Indians are going to assault me. However, I'm not stupid like you. I have no animosity towards these people other than the fact that they are taking jobs from Americans. Let them find jobs in their own country. America isn't a welfare program for the detritus of every 3rd world country.

You're Canadian, why do you care?
seems that he's not correct on either and I was a staunch supporter of Ted till this trade bill deal vote and learning about his 'h1b' hoped for increases Jake .

H1b's are bad but not as bad as the perfectly legal 900,000 Green cards and the 700,000 naturalizations. Those are 90% non-white each and the naturalized can vote.

Ted needs come out against
-Green cards
and naturalizations

He needs to stop it for a decade because if he doesn't then the republicans won't have a chance in hell to win in 2020. I look at the county by county voting in both Nev and Florida in 2012...It is apparent to me that the republicans lose both states because of 3 counties with heavy Hispanic voting base. We can't win with the Hispanic vote going 73% democrat!!! The majority of the Hispanic base supports legalization and free shit.
FYI-the Hispanic vote in Florida, are generally Cubans and they are Republicans for the most part.... some of their kids may be Democratic leaning when they reach voting age, but the parents and grandparents, are Republicans and hate the Democrats ever since Clinton sent Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba....and they are more religious and lean towards conservatism.
H1b's are bad but not as bad as the perfectly legal 900,000 Green cards and the 700,000 naturalizations. Those are 90% non-white each and the naturalized can vote.

Ted needs come out against
-Green cards
and naturalizations

He needs to stop it for a decade because if he doesn't then the republicans won't have a chance in hell to win in 2020. I look at the county by county voting in both Nev and Florida in 2012...It is apparent to me that the republicans lose both states because of 3 counties with heavy Hispanic voting base. We can't win with the Hispanic vote going 73% democrat!!! The majority of the Hispanic base supports legalization and free shit.
FYI-the Hispanic vote in Florida, are generally Cubans and they are Republicans for the most part.... some of their kids may be Democratic leaning when they reach voting age, but the parents and grandparents, are Republicans and hate the Democrats ever since Clinton sent Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba....and they are more religious and lean towards conservatism.

But.......... they're brown.......
from what I see 'h1b' is bad because they allow in more immigrants and that's my only concern !!
yeah , I understand 'Care4' , I just don't want to see more immigrants of any type simply because I don't like having to deal with their weirdness and I don't like the population increase in the USA . Heck , no one was being threatened in the USA 20 - 50 years ago because they drew a 'mohamad' cartoon . Cubans became Americans and I knew and liked many of them in 'Miami beach' , they showed me Cuban coffee and other things . Same experience with 'Miami beach' Jews .
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

Its not a coincidence that hedge fund managers are the primary funders of Pro-Cruz super PACs.

What the fuck do you think it is they are paying for?

Eventually its going to sink in that the nuttily wealthy aren't looking out for you or working in your best interest. They're working for their own. And they are going to elect candidates that promote their interests, that make them money, that forward their agenda. Not yours.

Making your advocacy of their candidates contrary to your own self interest.
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It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.
It must make you crazy that brown people out perform you.

Even if they did, it wouldn't "make me crazy."
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.

Recognize that what he means by 'competitive' is to fire American workers and replace them with lower paid foreign workers brought in on H1 Visas.

It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be found in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
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It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.
There was just a news story saying that there are currently more than 5 million jobs for which there are no qualified Americans.

Americans can no longer afford an American education and are going to other countries for university. Same with medical care. A surgeon I know is leaving for Vietnam tomorrow to teach procedures that American medical tourists are leaving here and going to other countries to get.

That's what "American exceptionalism" is now.

I highly doubt Cruz gets the nod in the first place. If he does, the very same people claiming they won't vote for him will go rushing off to polls and do so anyway. They'll buy into the nonsense about how this will be the most important election in our lifetime and blindly vote for either party. To hell with this party over principles bullshit.

What they really mean is that there are 5 million jobs for which they can't get a cheaper alternative.

A year from now, they'll be posting that anything is better than ...

Conservatives are no more, drowned out and killed off by nutters like the current contents of the Repub Clown Car.

The rabid right is killing this country.

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