Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Nope. Not if they can pay an H1B worker less than they do the Americans. And its notable that you completely ignored the example that he gave you. As it indisputably destroys the premise of your argument. Clearly American workers could do the job. As they were doing it until replaced by H1B workers whom they had to train.

Foreign workers who were paid far, far less than their American counterparts.
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.
How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.

An example is evidence. You merely asserting you must be right isn't evidence. So far Brit has you beat, as he's presented a specific example of what you say can't happen. And you've presented jack shit.

How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.

Because they are paid less. Because foreign workers are willing to accept a lower standard of living.
"The “actual” versus the “prevailing” wage: Here, the actual wage is the wage that the company’s compensation department has set for the position for all employees with similar experience and skill. Usually, the prevailing wage is a figure provided by the state’s employment agency which it thinks is an accurate reflection of what other employers are paying for that position. The employer must agree to pay the higher of the two wages."
"Working conditions: The employer must state that employing the foreign national will not adversely affect the working conditions of other similarly employed workers. Therefore, an employer who increased working hours and decreased vacation periods as a result of hiring foreign nationals would not be in compliance with this attestation. "
"Public access file: H1B regulations require that the employer maintain a public access file which is to be made available for public inspection. The file must contain documentation showing that the employer is complying with the aforementioned requirements. "
"Displacement of US workers: An H1B dependent employer must attest that by hiring a H1B worker, it is not displacing any US worker for a similar position within 90 days before or after filing a H1B petition. "
"The “actual” versus the “prevailing” wage: Here, the actual wage is the wage that the company’s compensation department has set for the position for all employees with similar experience and skill. Usually, the prevailing wage is a figure provided by the state’s employment agency which it thinks is an accurate reflection of what other employers are paying for that position. The employer must agree to pay the higher of the two wages."

According to government data acquired through a Freedom of Information Act request, the median wage HCL paid [their] 1,713 H-1B workers was $61,984, which is essentially the entry level wage for an information technology (IT) worker, and more importantly, a 25 percent discount on the median wage of $82,710 for Computer Systems Analysts in the United States. Moreover, it’s almost certain that Disney’s 25 percent H-1B discount is an understatement, because many of the laid off Disney workers I spoke with were earning approximately $100,000, and had been employed there for many years, so they had also earned and accumulated benefits packages based on their seniority.

Read more at Senator Calls for DHS Investigation of H-1B Visa Program After Reports of Disney Layoffs snopes.com

And yet they're still saving shitloads.

And you know where Disney could have found IT workers to fill those positions? At their desks. Because they were already doing them.
"Displacement of US workers: An H1B dependent employer must attest that by hiring a H1B worker, it is not displacing any US worker for a similar position within 90 days before or after filing a H1B petition. "

Is it really
"Recruitment efforts: The H1B dependent employer must also attest to making good faith attempts to recruit US workers and offering prevailing wages for this position. When hiring an H1B worker, it is important for employers to recognize the attendant responsibilities that they must shoulder. Although the requirements are not excessively burdensome, the employer is required to maintain some paperwork to demonstrate its compliance with the law. A clear understanding and fulfillment of these requirements will minimize possible civil penalties and ensure that the employer will be permitted to petition for future H1B workers"
"Displacement of US workers: An H1B dependent employer must attest that by hiring a H1B worker, it is not displacing any US worker for a similar position within 90 days before or after filing a H1B petition. "

Necessary to create a new post
"Displacement of US workers: An H1B dependent employer must attest that by hiring a H1B worker, it is not displacing any US worker for a similar position within 90 days before or after filing a H1B petition. "

for each section of the same website you're posting?
"The “actual” versus the “prevailing” wage: Here, the actual wage is the wage that the company’s compensation department has set for the position for all employees with similar experience and skill. Usually, the prevailing wage is a figure provided by the state’s employment agency which it thinks is an accurate reflection of what other employers are paying for that position. The employer must agree to pay the higher of the two wages."

What do you imagine that proves? Most H1-Bs are consultants working on contract. The prevailing wage doesn't apply to them.
"The “actual” versus the “prevailing” wage: Here, the actual wage is the wage that the company’s compensation department has set for the position for all employees with similar experience and skill. Usually, the prevailing wage is a figure provided by the state’s employment agency which it thinks is an accurate reflection of what other employers are paying for that position. The employer must agree to pay the higher of the two wages."

What do you imagine that proves? Most H1-Bs are consultants working on contract. The prevailing wage doesn't apply to them.

In the case of the Disney workers the 'prevailing wage' was entry level for their industry. And many couldn't speak English fluently, requring training on the basic aspects of their job.

They said only a handful of those laid off were moved directly by Disney to other company jobs. The rest were left to compete for positions through Disney job websites. Despite the company’s figures, few people they knew had been hired, they said, and then often at a lower pay level. No one was offered retraining, they said. One former worker, a 57-year-old man with more than 10 years at Disney, displayed a list of 18 jobs in the company he had applied for. He had not had more than an initial conversation on any one, he said.

The former Disney employee worked in project management and software development. His résumé lists a top-level skill certification and command of seven operating systems, 15 program languages and more than two dozen other applications and media.

“I was forced into early retirement,” he said. Shut out of Disney, he is looking for a new job elsewhere.

Former employees said many immigrants who arrived were younger technicians with limited data skills who did not speak English fluently and had to be instructed in the basics of the work.

Read more at Senator Calls for DHS Investigation of H-1B Visa Program After Reports of Disney Layoffs snopes.com

We don't need more of this. The H1B program is being morphed into domestic outsourcing.
"The “actual” versus the “prevailing” wage: Here, the actual wage is the wage that the company’s compensation department has set for the position for all employees with similar experience and skill. Usually, the prevailing wage is a figure provided by the state’s employment agency which it thinks is an accurate reflection of what other employers are paying for that position. The employer must agree to pay the higher of the two wages."

What do you imagine that proves? ...

Exactly what it says.
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.

Of course you do, you hate Americans. It's not enough for the United States to be your personal welfare teat to suck, you want the rest of the world to bleed us try as well so that Americans can go extinct in the next 50 years. You're a fucking terrorist.
yeah , I understand 'Care4' , I just don't want to see more immigrants of any type simply because I don't like having to deal with their weirdness and I don't like the population increase in the USA . Heck , no one was being threatened in the USA 20 - 50 years ago because they drew a 'mohamad' cartoon . Cubans became Americans and I knew and liked many of them in 'Miami beach' , they showed me Cuban coffee and other things . Same experience with 'Miami beach' Jews .
I LOVEEEEEE and miss Cuban Coffee, Cuban bread, Cuban Sandwich, Fried Plantains, black beans and rice, Carne Assada (it's like a pot roast w/spanish flavors, yummy), Flan.... so much from my favorite Cuban Restaurant in little Havana, called....hmmmm....I think it was called, La ESQUINA de Tejas....President Reagan ate there on a visit... ;)

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