Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

no problem with Cubans , generally no problem with Mexicans but I dislike the numbers / growth in the USA . In 1970 there were 200 million in the USA , now there are about 310 million not counting the 10 to 30 million illegals . I liked the Cuban coffee with strong smokes and the Cuban ham sandwiches . I liked the old Jews , some with tattoos from 'hitlers' camps , interesting as all heck . I liked them all . Worked at the RITZ Plaza hotel with a buncha old drunks that lived in the bowels of the hotel in a dormitory . I was the boss because I wasn't a drunk and I was capable . Good times in Miami beach but then my wife got pregnant and we didn't want to raise kids in a big city so we went home .
It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.

An example is evidence. You merely asserting you must be right isn't evidence. So far Brit has you beat, as he's presented a specific example of what you say can't happen. And you've presented jack shit.

How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.

Because they are paid less. Because foreign workers are willing to accept a lower standard of living.
Because that lower standard of living here, is still so much higher than where they came from too!
thankyou 'care4' , check out how 'Indians' live and its pretty nasty , same for poor 'mexicans' and all the others from the 3rd world .
thankyou 'care4' , check out how 'Indians' live and its pretty nasty , same for poor 'mexicans' and all the others from the 3rd world .

check out how 'Indians' live and its pretty nasty

you have democrats to thank for that
OP- Another dupe gets hit in the face with the ACTUAL plans Pubs have for the country. BREAKING: the same shytte they've been doing forever. Not to worry, the tidal wave of lies, bigoted bs and flag waving will snap you back....
thankyou 'care4' , check out how 'Indians' live and its pretty nasty , same for poor 'mexicans' and all the others from the 3rd world .

check out how 'Indians' live and its pretty nasty

you have democrats to thank for that
sorry Jon , I did mean 'indians' from 'india' . They are third worlder , smart and educated in many cases but they are third world as far as lifestyle !!
Ah, another consideration. Why would a company want foreign workers rather than Americans?


If you're an citizen and your company treats you like shit, you can look for another job. If you're on an H1 visa and your company treats you like shit, finding another job can be nearly impossible. If you quit, you have to leave the country. If you strike, you have to leave the country. If you make waves, you have to leave the country. If you do anything but make your employer happy, you have to leave the country.

And in the corporate mind, a controlled work force is a good word force.

As an aside, this is also why US business LOVES illegal immigrants. They're a cheap, disposalable work force that have virtually no rights, can be threatened and treated like shit....and if they do anything but take it, an ICE call makes them go away.

And they know it.
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It is just a damn shame that the so-called "conservatives" on this forum have no idea what "free movement of labor and capital" means. If they did, they would know that H1B visas are the lifeblood of American competitiveness. Companies can either hire those people to come here, or they will hire them to work elsewhere, like Canada or Iceland. But they will get use of their services.
I like Cruz more and more.
HI-Bs are just a way for corporations get get cheap labor. It's no different than importing Mexicans to do construction labor. Those visas take a lot of good paying jobs from Americans. We just had a perfect example occur at Disney. The claim that workers with those skills couldn't be fund in the USA was obviously false since the existing employees had to train their replacements.

H1-Bs are just another corporate scam.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.


The Walt Disney Company has filed 13 labor condition applications for H1B visa and 0 labor certifications for green card from fiscal year 2011 to 2014. The Walt Disney Company was ranked 13234 among all visa sponsors. Please note that 0 LCA for H1B Visa and 0 LC for green card have been denied or withdrawn during the same period.

The Walt Disney Company Jobs Salary for Foreign Workers myvisajobs.com.

bripat9643 caught telling porkies
Much like Shillary's approval ratings :)

Still beats anyone in the GOP field easily.

You don't get out much....the field has tightened considerably. The good people of America are onto the old bitch

Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.
hey good info Skylar , I don't know much about 'h1b' but your post is informative , thanks .
Ah, another consideration. Why would a company want foreign workers rather than Americans?


If you're an citizen and your company treats you like shit, you can look for another job. If you're on an H1 visa and your company treats you like shit, finding another job can be nearly impossible. If you quit, you have to leave the country. If you strike, you have to leave the country. If you make waves, you have to leave the country. If you do anything but make your employer happy, you have to leave the country.

In the hotel industry, this does indeed happen sometimes. I once worked in a hotel that made heavy usage of HB1 and J1 visas to fill it's line staff. I eventually found out that when new people came in, HR routinely would try to convince them to hand over their passports. And a good many actually fell for it. Even those who didn't fall for it, any discontent they expressed, any issue whatsoever, were met with threats to revoke their visas. Nevermind that the company has no power to revoke the visas. It was fucking disgusting. To this day, I feel somewhat ashamed to have worked for that hotel, and I was very happy when I was able to leave for a new opportunity.
"Displacement of US workers: An H1B dependent employer must attest that by hiring a H1B worker, it is not displacing any US worker for a similar position within 90 days before or after filing a H1B petition. "
That's what you and republicans say.
Google Feb. 2015 SCE in Ca replaced 500 IT employees with people from India. Just imagine what you don't hear in the news. I was aware of this nightmare since 2004. A lot of them married and settled here then negotiate for better pay or quit look for other employment.
I do not have a link to support this but this is from collective discussions with other business owners.
Because that lower standard of living here, is still so much higher than where they came from too!

Foreign workers have become a "great" backdoor to all kinds of lowering of standards. Areas that have a significant source of foreign workers end up having no shortage of landlords who are willing to blatantly violate housing codes and cram people into housing well beyond what is legal. Eight people living in small two bedroom places, at total prices that are horrendously inflated. It then drives the prices up for the locals. If a decent two bedroom goes for $1200 a month, a slum lord can convince eight foreign workers looking to save a few bucks $400 a piece to cram into a small and dumpy two bedroom. Get enough of that, and the decent two bedroom suddenly shoots up to $3000 a month.

Then there are the banks who are all too eager to prey on them. The workers need direct deposit, and set up partnerships with employers so the bank can try to convince the new foreign arrivals to set up accounts. Everything would seem fine, until the foreign worker is getting ready to go home. And that's when they're hit with a big fee to close their account. If they try to simply take their money and let the account ride, the account ends up going into overdraft from monthly maintenance fees, and the bank can turn around and ship the "bad debt" overseas to the worker's home country, where there can be serious repercussions.
Still beats anyone in the GOP field easily.

You don't get out much....the field has tightened considerably. The good people of America are onto the old bitch

Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.

Best resume since Bush 41 and extremely well qualified to be your President. You should get used to saying Madame President now and beat the rush.
You don't get out much....the field has tightened considerably. The good people of America are onto the old bitch

Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.

Best resume since Bush 41 and extremely well qualified to be your President. You should get used to saying Madame President now and beat the rush.

^ Complete unadulterated BS Now GFY
Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.

Best resume since Bush 41 and extremely well qualified to be your President. You should get used to saying Madame President now and beat the rush.

^ Complete unadulterated BS Now GFY

If it were not true, you could list the GOP "accomplishments" and their resumes. But you can't, you won't. You're a scared little fuckstain whose scent is the only thing that last.
Poll favor Ms. Clinton over any GOP challenger.

The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.

Best resume since Bush 41 and extremely well qualified to be your President. You should get used to saying Madame President now and beat the rush.

^ Complete unadulterated BS Now GFY
Zero executive experience.
Zero accomplishments while in office.
History of lying about events
History of taking bribes from foreign entities.

The Dems need to get used to saying "indictment" and "conviction".
The GOP has no front runner, when it's clear she will have problems, she's lost the independent vote and she'll never get the black vote in numbers like Obama had. Not only that she can't debate, she struggles, if the GOP candidate can carry water in debates he/she will massacre Hillary

She will win the independent vote
She will win the black vote
She will win the women's vote
She will win the Hispanic vote
She will win the vote of college educated individuals
She will win the vote of single men and women across all ethnic demographics

The debates wont' matter much since at this level, you're not debating the other person; you debate yourself (sophisticated people know this loser).

You really are a dumb ass. Hillary is the most dishonest candidate from either side but because she has a (D) and a vag you're going to vote for her. That's it, it has to be, she has accomplished NOTHING. Learn it....everyone else has. I actually feel sorry for clueless morons such as yourself.

Best resume since Bush 41 and extremely well qualified to be your President. You should get used to saying Madame President now and beat the rush.

^ Complete unadulterated BS Now GFY

If it were not true, you could list the GOP "accomplishments" and their resumes. But you can't, you won't. You're a scared little fuckstain whose scent is the only thing that last.

LOL awwww you mad BRO?

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