Ted Cruz's Creditor Pays Historic Regulatory Penalty

So both sides say it is ok to cheat. Got it.

And by "Both sides" Starkey means both Democrats AND Progressives
As well as Republicans and far right reactionaries. All say it is wrong for others to cheat but OK for their own people. Frank, you are going to be happy to know that HRC whom you adore will be the Dem candidate. I am resigning myself to the fact we are going to have Cruz, manipulated by the insider establishment, as our candidate. He may win, but more importantly he will keep the Senate Republican, which Trump can't do.

Soros is shiving Hillary like the prison scene in Breaking Bad. You'll finally have a genuine Socialist as your candidate -- and Trump wins all 57 states
So both sides say it is ok to cheat. Got it.

And by "Both sides" Starkey means both Democrats AND Progressives
As well as Republicans and far right reactionaries. All say it is wrong for others to cheat but OK for their own people. Frank, you are going to be happy to know that HRC whom you adore will be the Dem candidate. I am resigning myself to the fact we are going to have Cruz, manipulated by the insider establishment, as our candidate. He may win, but more importantly he will keep the Senate Republican, which Trump can't do.

Soros is shiving Hillary like the prison scene in Breaking Bad. You'll finally have a genuine Socialist as your candidate -- and Trump wins all 57 states
Sanders beats Trump worse in the polls than does Hillary.

I am encouraged by establishment GOP working hard to reign in and work with Trump and Cruz if either becomes the candidate. If the candidate works with mainstream leadership, He will get the full Party endorsement and campaign funds, etc. If not, then the Party will fracture, guaranteeing a Democratic victory for the WH and very probably in the Senate.
From realclearpolitics.com on Jan 10.

Sanders beats Trump in evangelical Iowa by 13 points, Cruz by 5 points, and ties Rubio.

So Ted is in bed with one of the banks that took the economy down in 2008. His wife whores for them too, so that's why she had to take a leave of absence because the news was going to come out that GS gave Teddy his big loan a few years ago.

Just sayin'....They are hypocrites and aren't going to do a damn thing for the middle class, except sneer and suggest we eat cake.

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

Pact marks largest settlement in history of Wall Street firm

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. agreed to the largest regulatory penalty in its history, resolving U.S. and state claims stemming from the Wall Street firm’s sale of mortgage bonds heading into the financial crisis.
In settling with the Justice Department and a collection of other state and federal entities for more than $5 billion, Goldman will join a list of other big banks in moving past one of the biggest, and most costly, legal headaches of the crisis era.
Goldman said litigation legal expenses stemming from the accord would trim its fourth-quarter earnings by about $1.5 billion, after taxes. The firm is scheduled to report results Wednesday."""

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

Goldman Sachs holds Obama's leash, you fucking retard.
This just shows the desperation of the Communists. The party bosses know how bad it is, even if the drones don't. Obviously they have zero chance at the presidency, but they will likely LOSE seats in both houses as well.

Obama has fucked them but good.
So both sides say it is ok to cheat. Got it.

And by "Both sides" Starkey means both Democrats AND Progressives
As well as Republicans and far right reactionaries. All say it is wrong for others to cheat but OK for their own people. Frank, you are going to be happy to know that HRC whom you adore will be the Dem candidate. I am resigning myself to the fact we are going to have Cruz, manipulated by the insider establishment, as our candidate. He may win, but more importantly he will keep the Senate Republican, which Trump can't do.

Soros is shiving Hillary like the prison scene in Breaking Bad. You'll finally have a genuine Socialist as your candidate -- and Trump wins all 57 states
Sanders beats Trump worse in the polls than does Hillary.

I am encouraged by establishment GOP working hard to reign in and work with Trump and Cruz if either becomes the candidate. If the candidate works with mainstream leadership, He will get the full Party endorsement and campaign funds, etc. If not, then the Party will fracture, guaranteeing a Democratic victory for the WH and very probably in the Senate.

Jake, Jake, poor Jake. Trump is not a RINO and is proud to draw sharp line distinctions between the failure that is Progressivism and the world changing success that is free enterprise entrepreneurship.

Sanders, nice guy though he may appear, will be shown for the radical, lunatic with zero real world experience he actually is. Bernie thinks he's writing a High School paper on "How Cool is Communism!!"

So Ted is in bed with one of the banks that took the economy down in 2008. His wife whores for them too, so that's why she had to take a leave of absence because the news was going to come out that GS gave Teddy his big loan a few years ago.

Just sayin'....They are hypocrites and aren't going to do a damn thing for the middle class, except sneer and suggest we eat cake.

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

Pact marks largest settlement in history of Wall Street firm

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. agreed to the largest regulatory penalty in its history, resolving U.S. and state claims stemming from the Wall Street firm’s sale of mortgage bonds heading into the financial crisis.
In settling with the Justice Department and a collection of other state and federal entities for more than $5 billion, Goldman will join a list of other big banks in moving past one of the biggest, and most costly, legal headaches of the crisis era.
Goldman said litigation legal expenses stemming from the accord would trim its fourth-quarter earnings by about $1.5 billion, after taxes. The firm is scheduled to report results Wednesday."""

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities
It wasn't historic. JP Morgan paid a much bigger fine.

But it does prove, once again, Wall Street was not being forced to make toxic loans and that the polar opposite is true. Much to the chagrin of the rubes who drink the CRA meme piss.

So Ted is in bed with one of the banks that took the economy down in 2008. His wife whores for them too, so that's why she had to take a leave of absence because the news was going to come out that GS gave Teddy his big loan a few years ago.

Just sayin'....They are hypocrites and aren't going to do a damn thing for the middle class, except sneer and suggest we eat cake.

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

Pact marks largest settlement in history of Wall Street firm

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. agreed to the largest regulatory penalty in its history, resolving U.S. and state claims stemming from the Wall Street firm’s sale of mortgage bonds heading into the financial crisis.
In settling with the Justice Department and a collection of other state and federal entities for more than $5 billion, Goldman will join a list of other big banks in moving past one of the biggest, and most costly, legal headaches of the crisis era.
Goldman said litigation legal expenses stemming from the accord would trim its fourth-quarter earnings by about $1.5 billion, after taxes. The firm is scheduled to report results Wednesday."""

Goldman Reaches $5 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities
It wasn't historic. JP Morgan paid a much bigger fine.

But it does prove, once again, Wall Street was not being forced to make toxic loans and that the polar opposite is true. Much to the chagrin of the rubes who drink the CRA meme piss.

Can you please give us the criteria for passing a CRA test?
How many guys from Goldman did Obama hire again to fill spots in his cabinet? OH SNAP!

Bush brought a lot of Goldman execs on board. In fact, almost every modern Administration has. OH, SNAP!

Bush's Treasury Secretary came to the job straight from the CEO position at Goldman. On his way out the door, Hank Paulson signaled he knew some seriously bad shit was going to come down.

Neel Kashkari also came from Goldman. He was the overseer of TARP.

The list of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Bush Administration is longer than the ones in the Obama Administration.
How many guys from Goldman did Obama hire again to fill spots in his cabinet? OH SNAP!

Bush is the one who started bringing a lot of Goldman execs on board. Oh, snap!

Bush's Treasury Secretary came to the job straight from the CEO position at Goldman. On his way out the door, Hank Paulson signaled he knew some seriously bad shit was going to come down.

Neel Kashkari also came from Goldman. He was the overseer of TARP.

The list of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Bush Administration is longer than the ones in the Obama Administration.

LOL!!! Boooooooooooooosh!!

It's a reflex

Some Democrat fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooooosh
How many guys from Goldman did Obama hire again to fill spots in his cabinet? OH SNAP!

Bush brought a lot of Goldman execs on board. In fact, almost every modern Administration has. OH, SNAP!

Bush's Treasury Secretary came to the job straight from the CEO position at Goldman. On his way out the door, Hank Paulson signaled he knew some seriously bad shit was going to come down.

Neel Kashkari also came from Goldman. He was the overseer of TARP.

The list of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Bush Administration is longer than the ones in the Obama Administration.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!! :laugh: We are talking about Obama fool.
Frank, Frank, the Trump is a progressive as you well know: higher taxes, single payer, and so forth.

The millennials have discovered Sanders, and they loved him.

If he can't beat HRC, he will destroy Trump.
How many guys from Goldman did Obama hire again to fill spots in his cabinet? OH SNAP!

Bush brought a lot of Goldman execs on board. In fact, almost every modern Administration has. OH, SNAP!

Bush's Treasury Secretary came to the job straight from the CEO position at Goldman. On his way out the door, Hank Paulson signaled he knew some seriously bad shit was going to come down.

Neel Kashkari also came from Goldman. He was the overseer of TARP.

The list of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Bush Administration is longer than the ones in the Obama Administration.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!! :laugh: We are talking about Obama fool.
No, we are talking about Goldman Sachs and its crimes which contributed to the economic crash. Obama wasn't even around then, retard. Your hack idiocy attempting to drag Obama into it doesn't even rank a "nice try".
How many guys from Goldman did Obama hire again to fill spots in his cabinet? OH SNAP!

Bush brought a lot of Goldman execs on board. In fact, almost every modern Administration has. OH, SNAP!

Bush's Treasury Secretary came to the job straight from the CEO position at Goldman. On his way out the door, Hank Paulson signaled he knew some seriously bad shit was going to come down.

Neel Kashkari also came from Goldman. He was the overseer of TARP.

The list of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Bush Administration is longer than the ones in the Obama Administration.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!! :laugh: We are talking about Obama fool.
You are condemning Obama for what Bush did? :lol:
Frank, Frank, the Trump is a progressive as you well know: higher taxes, single payer, and so forth.

The millennials have discovered Sanders, and they loved him.

If he can't beat HRC, he will destroy Trump.

Soros will pick your candidate just like he did in 2008

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