Ted Cruz’s daughter says she disagrees ‘with most of his views’

even his daughter hates Lyin' Ted!

Ted’s daughter is 13.

Ted probably took away her phone privileges because she failed a class and she is pissed.

Democrats are growing desperate and it shows. Biden and Harris might end up making your Party extinct.

Your kids were stupid enough to believe that? Oh well. What else could be expected. They are your kids.
What do your kids believe?

That more taxation will make a country more prosperous?

That diversity makes a country stronger?

That welfare is social justice?

That humans are changing the climate?

That the government is your friend?

That tens of millions of illegals are a positive thing for this country?

That their daddy should work and have his money taken away by the government and given to some worthless welfare queen?

That they can change their sex just by declaring it?

That a fetus is not human?

That the state is better at determining their well being than their parents?

That White people are devils?

What stupid Progressive ideas have you brainwashed them with?
You obviously failed as a parent! :auiqs.jpg:I have three kids and they are all staunch conservatives. Perhaps service in the military is why, and not me!
Meh. She’s still pretty young. I tend to agree with Sir Winston Churchill who once said something like: if you are under thirty and not a liberal, you have no heart; but if you are over thirty and not a conservative, you have no brain.
Meh. She’s still pretty young. I tend to agree with Sir Winston Churchill who once said something like: if you are under thirty and not a liberal, you have no heart; but if you are over thirty and not a conservative, you have no brain.
Only one of my kids is under 30. I am older than dirt, but they only showed a few fleshes of liberalism so far in their life.
Is she a product of a public school where she is being brainwashed?
I wouldn't doubt you reminded your kids everyday. You do it here, right?
My older son went to a Catholic High school the top academic student was a black kid with high honors and 4.5 gpa, he got offers from all over the country. But today with your progressive elites they want to do away with honor system and just teach kids to be like you, a dumb Joe Biden voter.

even his daughter hates Lyin' Ted!

how utterly ridiculous and insane!

I read what was probably the whole stupid article and NOWHERE does it say that his daughter hates him

I'm done and outa here... you liberals appear to be entirely hopeless..... (dishonest... crazy)

Notice how it mentions Ronald Reagan's son RON disagreeing with him

but not his son Michael agreeing w/ just about everything...

dishonest... LIARS... Vote out all the Dims so America won't be so dim....

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