Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

I guess that Ted doesn't believe in the individual and individual responsibility. The majority of Black people in America are doing well. I find it "funny" that Nugent seems to want to identify the minority of Blacks who aren't doing well, as "Black America". Well, "The Blacks" have a a whole hell of a lot more representation in the Democrat party than they do in the Republican party. The majority of Black people I know and am related to, are doing and have done quite well.

Im not sure we have the same definition of doing well. What do you mean by doing well? Because the evidence I've seen shows blacks doing worse than most people. In fact, that's one of the reasons they are continuing to cry racism though i think racism has nothing to do with what's going on.

Of course, Im for an all inclusive approach. We help people of all races do well by getting the government out of our way and empowering individuals.

What percent of Blacks are unemployed? What percent of Blacks are on welfare?
The highest of all races.
Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

HAHA. Whenever someone wants to praise blacks, they talk about what great entertainers they are. That's all anyone can do since there are no great black scientists or businessmen, the people who actually create wealth and are important.
You may not agree with everything Nugent says but you have to admit that the man has the respect and admiration of every inbred yahoo in every trailer park from Tallassee to Biloxi.

I just gave you rep for this wonderfully foolish and bigoted statement. You laid it right out there.


You are a bigot. Thru and thru.

Now once Lakhota brings us his article we can discuss what's in it. Because this thread is not about Ted Nugent.

It is about his article. But we still haven't seen his article. Just an opinion on it by a writer at media matters who has cherry picked quotes.
Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

HAHA. Whenever someone wants to praise blacks, they talk about what great entertainers they are. That's all anyone can do since there are no great black scientists or businessmen, the people who actually create wealth and are important.

Nugent is a musician you fool. Of course he'll compliment his fellow musicians that he's played with and admired since the freaking '60's.

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Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

HAHA. Whenever someone wants to praise blacks, they talk about what great entertainers they are. That's all anyone can do since there are no great black scientists or businessmen, the people who actually create wealth and are important.

Now to the latter part of your statement, surely you jest?

And fair warning don't derail the thread. And don't troll.
Headline: Ted Nugent doesn't realize that he is destroying the conservative movement. Why all of the sudden are idiot celebrities like Alec Baldwin and Ted Nugent relavent in politics? What this shows is how far we have fallen as a society.
You may not agree with everything Nugent says but you have to admit that the man has the respect and admiration of every inbred yahoo in every trailer park from Tallassee to Biloxi.

I just gave you rep for this wonderfully foolish and bigoted statement. You laid it right out there.


You are a bigot. Thru and thru.

Now once Lakhota brings us his article we can discuss what's in it. Because this thread is not about Ted Nugent.

It is about his article. But we still haven't seen his article. Just an opinion on it by a writer at media matters who has cherry picked quotes.

Blow me.
By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

In his February 20 WND column, titled "I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them," Nugent highlighted several metrics by which black America is struggling and commented:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.


The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most - black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.​

Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

More: Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Nugent's WND Article: I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them

Nugent should just ask a simple question:

Is Black America content with the Black Unemployment Rate Under Obama?
Is Black America content with the number of Blacks on Food Stamps Under Obama?

What is Obama's plan for turning around these numbers? How did killing Keystone help Blacks? How did funding failed ephemeral new energy companies like Solyndra help Blacks? How does taking away school vouchers help Blacks?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xryXpK042pQ&sns=em]Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats - YouTube[/ame]
Headline: Ted Nugent doesn't realize that he is destroying the conservative movement. Why all of the sudden are idiot celebrities like Alec Baldwin and Ted Nugent relavent in politics? What this shows is how far we have fallen as a society.

With all due respect, many don't realize Ted's contributions in the political world.

Nugent has been involved in politics for years. Hands on. Via the NRA and numerous hunting groups.

There are more issues out there than anti abortion and gay marriage. In the hunt world right now we are in a constant political battle.

Nugent has been involved in many of these battles fighting anti hunting groups.

ETA: and with all due respect while other people are involved in environment issues for example we have pro hunting lobbies. We have to. The anti hunting groups are huge and they are seriously financed.
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Im not sure we have the same definition of doing well. What do you mean by doing well? Because the evidence I've seen shows blacks doing worse than most people. In fact, that's one of the reasons they are continuing to cry racism though i think racism has nothing to do with what's going on.

Of course, Im for an all inclusive approach. We help people of all races do well by getting the government out of our way and empowering individuals.

What percent of Blacks are unemployed? What percent of Blacks are on welfare?
The highest of all races.

So what if that's true? What's the percentage of Blacks who are unemployed and in poverty? Do you think that people should judge you based on other people who share them same color as you or should they judge you based on your own character?
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?
Police is at fault for not enforcing laws.

They need to fight fire with fire.
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thank you for your reply.

Well his article was about black people, so does he do anything just for black people since he feels its a black problem?

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