Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

I guess that Ted doesn't believe in the individual and individual responsibility. The majority of Black people in America are doing well. I find it "funny" that Nugent seems to want to identify the minority of Blacks who aren't doing well, as "Black America". Well, "The Blacks" have a a whole hell of a lot more representation in the Democrat party than they do in the Republican party. The majority of Black people I know and am related to, are doing and have done quite well.
Translated: Democrats give 'em more free shit.

I do not understand why black voters don't take Republicans and the Republican party more to heart.
By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

In his February 20 WND column, titled "I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them," Nugent highlighted several metrics by which black America is struggling and commented:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.


The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most - black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.​

Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

More: Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Nugent's WND Article: I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them

Nugent should just ask a simple question:

Is Black America content with the Black Unemployment Rate Under Obama?
Is Black America content with the number of Blacks on Food Stamps Under Obama?

What is Obama's plan for turning around these numbers? How did killing Keystone help Blacks? How did funding failed ephemeral new energy companies like Solyndra help Blacks? How does taking away school vouchers help Blacks?

The MAJORITY of this stupid fucking term of "Black America" are content with their own individual employment rate.

The MAJORITY of this stupid fucking term of "Black America" are not on food stamps.

Are you content with the condition of poor white people? Should you (if you are White) be judged by the worst of your race? Do you people believe in the individualism you seem to tout? Or do just hate "the Blacks", because have inferiority issues of your own, and have no accomplishments of your own, so it makes you feel better to take out the frustrations you have about yourself, on "the Blacks"? :lol:
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thank you for your reply.

Well his article was about black people, so does he do anything just for black people since he feels its a black problem?

I'm waiting for the original article so I can read what he wrote.

I'm from the hunting and rock side of Nugent so I can't say specifically what he's doing privately. But his home town is Detroit.

He is the Motor City Madman after all and the last few times I've heard him on the radio he's concerned deeply about his home town; not only about the financial bankruptcy but the violence that is occurring.

And he's Teddly. Just one article on one topic.
Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thank you for your reply.

Well his article was about black people, so does he do anything just for black people since he feels its a black problem?

I'm waiting for the original article so I can read what he wrote.

I'm from the hunting and rock side of Nugent so I can't say specifically what he's doing privately. But his home town is Detroit.

He is the Motor City Madman after all and the last few times I've heard him on the radio he's concerned deeply about his home town; not only about the financial bankruptcy but the violence that is occurring.

And he's Teddly. Just one article on one topic.

Ok Fair enough:cool:
I didn't know Nugent was making policy that affects us and he is this important..

evidently mediamatters thinks he is
What does it take for rational Americans to admit that a program doesn't work? LBJ's war on poverty is the most gigantic raid on the social system in history. Black families had about a 7.7 rate of illegitimacy in 1964. Today the rate of illegitimate birth in the targeted Black family program is approaching 100%.
you can't say anything about blacks without being called a racist,..but whites they can crucify, man or woman

Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.
you can't say anything about blacks without being called a racist,..but whites they can crucify, man or woman

Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.

I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about
you can't say anything about blacks without being called a racist,..but whites they can crucify, man or woman

Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.

I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?
Nugget in right! See he isn't a politician. He isn't going to run for anything and he already made his fortune, so he can speak the truth.

(1) Welfare, Food Stamps, Section 8 = Dependency!
Simple metaphor is not to feed wild animals at the park, because they become dependent on the handouts and forget how to hunt for food. Same things with humans. For centuries blacks worked hard and provided for their families. Yes many were poor, but they still provided for their family via work. Once Democrats realized they could win loyal voters by giving them crumbs from the table they started doing that. The entitlement started rolling out. Even though these are crumbs, meaning no one on welfare, food stamps etc live that well, they become dependent and lose all desire to work for a living. This dependency insures Blacks will remain at the poverty level and not move up!

(2) Selling out to the Teacher's Unions:
60% of the property taxes in Cook County IL (which Chicago is in) goes to retired teachers unfunded pensions! Just imagine if the 60% went toward education! Class size would be smaller, more money for early childrenhood education, more school programs, more TA, more tutors! You are talking about a ton of cash that is WASHED in a highway robbery scene perpetrated by Democrats!

(3) Illegal Immigration Takes Blacks Jobs:
I know you heard all of them work in jobs that American won't due! That is a LIE! See below. Only 3% work in agriculture, 33% work in the service industry (Americans will do that. That 64% work in CONSTRUCTION, PRODUCTION, INSTALLATION, REPAIR, SALES, ADMINISTRATION, TRANSPORTATION (truck drivers), MANAGEMENT and BUSINESS!!! These are positions ALL AMERICAN from ALL RELIGIONS AND CREED would do!

Study counters beliefs about illegal immigrants (Only 3 percent work in agriculture)
Only 3 percent of the undocumented immigrants work in agriculture. The greatest numbers, 33 percent, work in the service industry.

The rest work in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business.

(4) Breakdown of the Black Family
Democratic policies promote this and reward it!
Considering Nugent's past history, I wonder if young girls are allowed to attend his Kamp for Kids?

I also wonder if he receives any state and/or federal funds?
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?
Why don't they do something to help themselves? Why does everybody else always have to "do something for them"? Are they that fucking helpless?
Considering Nugent's past history, I wonder if young girls are allowed to attend his Kamp for Kids?

I also wonder if he receives any state and/or federal funds?

of course you wonder..as if it really mattered to you

but you gotta keep your thread going
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?
Why don't they do something to help themselves? Why does everybody else always have to "do something for them"? Are they that fucking helpless?

Well Ted is concerned about the black population so if he is he should also offer his solution rather then just a rant.

He said he cares.

I would prefer that instead of being so worried about the black population in poverty he stick with helping all races in poverty as tinydancer pointed out since he cares so much.

He helps disadvantaged kids because he cares S.J. not because he has to.
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?
Why don't they do something to help themselves? Why does everybody else always have to "do something for them"? Are they that fucking helpless?

Well Ted is concerned about the black population so if he is he should also offer his solution rather then just a rant.

He said he cares.

I would prefer that instead of being so worried about the black population in poverty he stick with helping all races in poverty as tinydancer pointed out since he cares so much.

He helps disadvantaged kids because he cares S.J. not because he has to.
Why is your solution ALWAYS for somebody else to help them? You're avoiding my question.
Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.

I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?

I'm trying to get original article considering Lakhota won't. Get back to you in a minute.

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