Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.

I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?

well you see what this Nugent thread turned into..so don't expect any civil disscusions on it..go back and look at the others..

an example
Considering Nugent's past history, I wonder if young girls are allowed to attend his Kamp for Kids?

I also wonder if he receives any state and/or federal funds?
and we haven't seen yet where they say he shit his pants..
not my fault, that is how Nugent threads go it's the only reason they are posted
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I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?

well you see what this Nugent thread turned into..so don't expect any civil disscusions on it..go back and look at the others..

an example
Considering Nugent's past history, I wonder if young girls are allowed to attend his Kamp for Kids?

I also wonder if he receives any state and/or federal funds?
and we haven't seen yet where they say he shit his pants..
not my fault, that is how Nugent threads go

I wasn't blaming you personally Stephanie.

I acknowledged it goes back n forth the insults.

I just think don't care for the attitude of always blaming black people for everything.

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?

well you see what this Nugent thread turned into..so don't expect any civil disscusions on it..go back and look at the others..

an example
Considering Nugent's past history, I wonder if young girls are allowed to attend his Kamp for Kids?

I also wonder if he receives any state and/or federal funds?
and we haven't seen yet where they say he shit his pants..
not my fault, that is how Nugent threads go

I wasn't blaming you personally Stephanie.

I acknowledged it goes back n forth the insults.

I just think don't care for the attitude of always blaming black people for everything.


Oh I wasn't blaming anything on black people, I was pointing out you can't disguss things here about black people without being accused of being a racist..

anyway no problems, I'm off to bed, goodnight:cool:
Typical radical left wing post. They ain't got a clue unless Soros or Huffington gives them a freaking target. Lefties never tell us how great their system would work, they just freaking post ongoing hate speech.
well you see what this Nugent thread turned into..so don't expect any civil disscusions on it..go back and look at the others..

an example

and we haven't seen yet where they say he shit his pants..
not my fault, that is how Nugent threads go

I wasn't blaming you personally Stephanie.

I acknowledged it goes back n forth the insults.

I just think don't care for the attitude of always blaming black people for everything.


Oh I wasn't blaming anything on black people, I was pointing out you can't disguss things here about black people without being accused of being a racist..

anyway no problems, I'm off to bed, goodnight:cool:

I haven't accused ya, but it would be nice to just discuss people in poverty instead of "black people" in poverty.

sweet dreams:cool:
I wasn't blaming you personally Stephanie.

I acknowledged it goes back n forth the insults.

I just think don't care for the attitude of always blaming black people for everything.


Oh I wasn't blaming anything on black people, I was pointing out you can't disguss things here about black people without being accused of being a racist..

anyway no problems, I'm off to bed, goodnight:cool:

I haven't accused ya, but it would be nice to just discuss people in poverty instead of "black people" in poverty.

sweet dreams:cool:

If you actually read the article, he blames the Democrat Party and is confused as are many conservatives on the black addiction to the Party whose policies we believe keep them down.

No blame on blacks. Nugent like many on our side just don't understand why so many blacks don't get "it".

"It" being the toxic policies of the Dems.

If you read the article in its entirety every statistic that he gives, he does not blame the black community.

Nugent blames Democrat policies. If anything he is mournful and deeply saddened by the current status of so many.

And when he started out with Amboy Dukes in '64, when he says this he means it. All musicians at that time really owed their heart and soul to so many pioneering blacks in rock.

This is just a fact. But I adore how Ted puts it in this article.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month.

I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans.

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry.

The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them.

And it's true. They do owe it all to them. The Stones, The Animals, you name the band in the '60's. Nugent is telling the truth.

Do take the time to read it.

I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them
Oh I wasn't blaming anything on black people, I was pointing out you can't disguss things here about black people without being accused of being a racist..

anyway no problems, I'm off to bed, goodnight:cool:

I haven't accused ya, but it would be nice to just discuss people in poverty instead of "black people" in poverty.

sweet dreams:cool:

If you actually read the article, he blames the Democrat Party and is confused as are many conservatives on the black addiction to the Party whose policies we believe keep them down.

No blame on blacks. Nugent like many on our side just don't understand why so many blacks don't get "it".

"It" being the toxic policies of the Dems.

If you read the article in its entirety every statistic that he gives, he does not blame the black community.

Nugent blames Democrat policies. If anything he is mournful and deeply saddened by the current status of so many.

And when he started out with Amboy Dukes in '64, when he says this he means it. All musicians at that time really owed their heart and soul to so many pioneering blacks in rock.

This is just a fact. But I adore how Ted puts it in this article.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month.

I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans.

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry.

The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them.

And it's true. They do owe it all to them. The Stones, The Animals, you name the band in the '60's. Nugent is telling the truth.

Do take the time to read it.

I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them

I read it but there is more then black people on welfare and in lower class neighborhoods.

Why not just address the issue and leave race out of it like he does with his non-profit charity for children?

To me if you are trying to appeal to people on welfare or poverty stricken neighborhoods you should not come off as if "those" people are idiots.

I don't feel it's honorable at all for Ted Nugent to tell black people what their problem is.

If he wants to address a political party and issue do it, leave race out of it.
By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

In his February 20 WND column, titled "I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them," Nugent highlighted several metrics by which black America is struggling and commented:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.


The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most - black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.​

Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

More: Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Nugent's WND Article: I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them
Ted Nugent is just another rightwing racist. In the article you linked, he stated, "The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans. Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent."

While it's true that twice as many black adults than whites are unemployed, if you compare that to 40 years ago (that's as far back as the data goes), we see that twice as many blacks were unemployed then as well.

Jan/1972: white=4.3%; black=8.7%
Jan/2013: white=6.5%; black=12.8%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If anything, black unemployment has grown at a slower rate than it has for whites over that period: white=51.2%; black=47.1%

His observation about 40% of black teens being out of work is an even worse piece of garbage.

Jan/1972: white=14.8%; black=37.1%
Jan/2013: white=20.8%; black=37.8%
% increase: white=40.5%; black=1.9%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Would ya look at that? Since the BLS has been keeping track of this data, unemployment among black teens has increased just 2%, while it's up over 40% for white teens!

Maybe Nugent should stick to writing songs about white plight? :eek:
By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

In his February 20 WND column, titled "I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them," Nugent highlighted several metrics by which black America is struggling and commented:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.


The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most - black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.​

Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

More: Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Nugent's WND Article: I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them
Ted Nugent is just another rightwing racist. In the article you linked, he stated, "The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans. Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent."

While it's true that twice as many black adults than whites are unemployed, if you compare that to 40 years ago (that's as far back as the data goes), we see that twice as many blacks were unemployed then as well.

Jan/1972: white=4.3%; black=8.7%
Jan/2013: white=6.5%; black=12.8%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If anything, black unemployment has grown at a slower rate than it has for whites over that period: white=51.2%; black=47.1%

His observation about 40% of black teens being out of work is an even worse piece of garbage.

Jan/1972: white=14.8%; black=37.1%
Jan/2013: white=20.8%; black=37.8%
% increase: white=40.5%; black=1.9%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Would ya look at that? Since the BLS has been keeping track of this data, unemployment among black teens has increased just 2%, while it's up over 40% for white teens!

Maybe Nugent should stick to writing songs about white plight? :eek:

You agreed what he said was true.

Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.

Then you went off on your own little tangent. Bizarre.

And he's not blaming blacks. He's blaming Dems.
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Ted Nugent is just another rightwing racist. In the article you linked, he stated, "The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans. Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent."

While it's true that twice as many black adults than whites are unemployed, if you compare that to 40 years ago (that's as far back as the data goes), we see that twice as many blacks were unemployed then as well.

Jan/1972: white=4.3%; black=8.7%
Jan/2013: white=6.5%; black=12.8%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If anything, black unemployment has grown at a slower rate than it has for whites over that period: white=51.2%; black=47.1%

His observation about 40% of black teens being out of work is an even worse piece of garbage.

Jan/1972: white=14.8%; black=37.1%
Jan/2013: white=20.8%; black=37.8%
% increase: white=40.5%; black=1.9%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Would ya look at that? Since the BLS has been keeping track of this data, unemployment among black teens has increased just 2%, while it's up over 40% for white teens!

Maybe Nugent should stick to writing songs about white plight? :eek:

You agreed what he said was true.

Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.

Then you went off on your own little tangent. Bizarre.

And he's not blaming blacks. He's blaming Dems.

Ted brought blacks up though, why not just bring up poverty?
Ted is right...look at any black city run by democrats....its not a hard thing to comprehend

Red states are the poorest in the nation and they are run by white Republicans. Or as I like to call them, "The minions of the super wealthy".
Ted Nugent is just another rightwing racist. In the article you linked, he stated, "The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans. Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent."

While it's true that twice as many black adults than whites are unemployed, if you compare that to 40 years ago (that's as far back as the data goes), we see that twice as many blacks were unemployed then as well.

Jan/1972: white=4.3%; black=8.7%
Jan/2013: white=6.5%; black=12.8%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If anything, black unemployment has grown at a slower rate than it has for whites over that period: white=51.2%; black=47.1%

His observation about 40% of black teens being out of work is an even worse piece of garbage.

Jan/1972: white=14.8%; black=37.1%
Jan/2013: white=20.8%; black=37.8%
% increase: white=40.5%; black=1.9%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Would ya look at that? Since the BLS has been keeping track of this data, unemployment among black teens has increased just 2%, while it's up over 40% for white teens!

Maybe Nugent should stick to writing songs about white plight? :eek:

You agreed what he said was true.

Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.

Then you went off on your own little tangent. Bizarre.

And he's not blaming blacks. He's blaming Dems.
Which is retarded since as the data shows, unemployement has grown at a faster rate among whites than it has among blacks. If anything, Democrats have helped blacks, which possibly explains why blacks vote Democrat at a rate of close to 9 out of 10.
If anything, Democrats have helped blacks, which possibly explains why blacks vote Democrat at a rate of close to 9 out of 10.
Translated: Democrats have given more free shit to blacks, so they keep voting for them, no matter what.
Ted doesn't realize people stopped listening to him decades ago.

Nugent is quite popular among hunters, gun enthusiasts and appears regularly on political media outlets.

I heard him on Red Eye radio last night.

I'm confused as to how you have come your conclusion. Liberals don't pay attention to him, but that doesn't matter.

I'm a Progressive Democrat who agrees that the Democrats have totally abused the Black Vote and Black Christian community to avoid being held accountable.

I live in a National Historic District of Freed Slave Churches and Civil Rights History DESTROYED by City and Corporate Politics under Democrat Administrations.

I will invite TED NUGENT to come visit, my bf got Steve Stockman on his radio show twice, so maybe I can contact him that way to come down and witness the damage!
Televise live by national broadcast and embarrass the President and Democrat Party.

It's unbelievable.

I'm sure Nugent would be HAPPY to do a full documentary or live reality show
about a the ONLY National Historic African American District of
Freed Slave Churches *Destroyed by Democrats* right under the
nose of Sheila Jackson Lee, Mayor Annise Parker and President Obama.

While a Black Republican and Asian Democrat working 3 jobs each like indentured SLAVES
trying to fund the local nonprofits and community development denied support or funding
while all the public resources and approved plans go toward developers
taking over land and destroying historic houses, brick streets, and even gravesites,
and evicting residents to prevent them from organizing and defending restoration plans.

Currently the City is removing the last historic houses while we
were still negotiating with the owners to buy the land.

Totally stupid and tragic.

The district could have been used for a model campus
under the President's Executive Order on African American Education:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

If the Democrats don't come out in support of the historic
community, but refuse to question their leaders making this
decisions to destroy it, I don't see how they can explain that.

I would argue this even constitutes political fraud to
misrepresent that the Party is protecting the interests of
the Black community while all this has been going on.

I have spent over 50,000 of my own money (on credit that
I am still paying off after 16 years of "volunteering" trying to
compete to stop the destruction at taxpayer expense)
trying to repair the damage to the community leadership from just the
evictions alone and threats to shut down the volunteers pushing for historic preservation.
I have been working on a sustainable plan to buy the last 10 houses to teach financial and real
estate management to the local nonprofits to break the
cycle of poverty and use the revenue from residential
and business property to pay for their own historic preservation of churches.
(But Democrats don't get that they need to buy and manage the land to become
independent, and Conservatives who do get it won't lend to nonprofit groups with no concept of
financing projects on credit, which is why they remain in poverty.)

The City gave $3.4 million in taxpayers money to a bogus "nonprofit" group
(led by a developer friend of Democrat Mayor Bob Lanier, who
was also buddies with the developer who bought the historic hospital
at a loss to the county, demolished it, and transferred the property
to the Federal Reserve to build its facilities over the former site of historic gravesites,
so the developer made millions in profit on both sides of the deal at taxpayer expense),
that went under after it DESTROYED historic houses instead of providing 350 units
as the original agreement was for, and changed it later to
150 units while paying themselves huge salaries; but the
City would not give 1/3 o3 1/2 that amount to the community
nonprofits to buy and save the last set of historic houses. They
used funds to remove the houses instead, and spent another
$15 million from the Federal Reserve to pay for
infrastructure underneath for outside developers to acquire the land, but
wouldn't help the community and historic groups to preserve the district and]
their campus plans for sustainable jobs and education that would have
ended this nightmare of depending on govt that keeps betraying them.

The church members won't go against the city because
they feel that is displeasing to God to protest, and the Democrat leadership
is not allowed to speak against their own candidates in
support of opposing parties competing for the same
positions, so nobody says anything but lets the leaders
keep going along with the same patterns of destroying
the history and taking property by using public resources
and authority, and discriminating against the local
nonprofits that cannot sustain without securing
property for their programs and sustainable funding.

Maybe the history has to be totally destroyed
before anyone will notice or realize this is a problem!
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Why should Blacks care what Teddy Nugent says? If it was up to him we would be in chains and back out in the fields again. And we ain't going back in the fields no more. You all still ain't paid us for the work that was done by our ancestors.
You never LEFT the plantation. You just traded masters. Your new one is the Democratic Party.
I haven't accused ya, but it would be nice to just discuss people in poverty instead of "black people" in poverty.

sweet dreams:cool:

If you actually read the article, he blames the Democrat Party and is confused as are many conservatives on the black addiction to the Party whose policies we believe keep them down.

No blame on blacks. Nugent like many on our side just don't understand why so many blacks don't get "it".

"It" being the toxic policies of the Dems.

If you read the article in its entirety every statistic that he gives, he does not blame the black community.

Nugent blames Democrat policies. If anything he is mournful and deeply saddened by the current status of so many.

And when he started out with Amboy Dukes in '64, when he says this he means it. All musicians at that time really owed their heart and soul to so many pioneering blacks in rock.

This is just a fact. But I adore how Ted puts it in this article.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month.

I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans.

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry.

The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them.

And it's true. They do owe it all to them. The Stones, The Animals, you name the band in the '60's. Nugent is telling the truth.

Do take the time to read it.

I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them

I read it but there is more then black people on welfare and in lower class neighborhoods.

Why not just address the issue and leave race out of it like he does with his non-profit charity for children?

To me if you are trying to appeal to people on welfare or poverty stricken neighborhoods you should not come off as if "those" people are idiots.

I don't feel it's honorable at all for Ted Nugent to tell black people what their problem is.

If he wants to address a political party and issue do it, leave race out of it.

He wrote it because of Black History month. You must have missed that part. That was his reason for writing it.

Pretty damn hard to keep race out of it. :)
OK if you believe TN is a rightwing racist,
I wonder who would have more sympathy for saving the Freedmen's Town District.

Democrats who want to destroy the last historic houses so there is no way and
no evidence that the community residents could have used them to set up
Vet Housing and create a sustainable campus as the community groups have planned.

Or Conservatives who respect national history and churches (unlike the City's appointed
liaison who stated at a public meeting that the City had no plans for preserving the
last remaining historic Freed Slave Churches, and could not help the churches raise
money because of "separation of church and state."

I will see if Nugent will come out in support of a Black Republican community
leader trying to save her hometown district from Democrat destruction.

If he honors Blacks and the history of Freed Slave ministries that built a thriving business district while they were NONCITIZENS and got NO help from govt 100 years before
the Civil Rights movement, maybe he will support this historic project to build a campus
and teach areas of law and business as needed for the
community to become financially independent instead of relying on govt
that has done nothing but destroy the history in this national district.

By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

In his February 20 WND column, titled "I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them," Nugent highlighted several metrics by which black America is struggling and commented:

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.


The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most - black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.​

Elsewhere in the column Nugent praised "the tapestry of black America" as "rich and vibrant," and claims that "black musical thundergods" influenced his "fire-breathing musical career." He concludes, "Say it loud: my music is black and I'm proud!"

More: Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Nugent's WND Article: I Honor Blacks - The Dems Destroy Them
Ted Nugent is just another rightwing racist. In the article you linked, he stated, "The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans. Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent."

While it's true that twice as many black adults than whites are unemployed, if you compare that to 40 years ago (that's as far back as the data goes), we see that twice as many blacks were unemployed then as well.

Jan/1972: white=4.3%; black=8.7%
Jan/2013: white=6.5%; black=12.8%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If anything, black unemployment has grown at a slower rate than it has for whites over that period: white=51.2%; black=47.1%

His observation about 40% of black teens being out of work is an even worse piece of garbage.

Jan/1972: white=14.8%; black=37.1%
Jan/2013: white=20.8%; black=37.8%
% increase: white=40.5%; black=1.9%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Would ya look at that? Since the BLS has been keeping track of this data, unemployment among black teens has increased just 2%, while it's up over 40% for white teens!

Maybe Nugent should stick to writing songs about white plight? :eek:

Hey I'm Asian, and I wrote a collection of lyrics, poems and published letters
about the political history of African Americans in Freedmen's Town.
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