Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America


It is no accident that as the American welfare state grew, the American family collapsed.

Overreliance on entitlements harms U.S.

by Star Parker
January 28, 2013


"My inclination would be ... that it ought be retroactive as far back as you can get it ... because none of them ever get enough. That they are entitled to it. That's an obligation of ours. It's just like your mother writing you and saying she wants $20, and I always sent mine $100 when she did. I always did it because I thought she was entitled to it. ... We do know that it affects the economy. But that's not the basis to go to the Hill, or the justification. We've got to say that by God you can't treat grandma this way. She's entitled to it and we promised it to her."

I don't think we could have a clearer picture of Johnson's muddled thinking about his job and the role of government, which contributed so much to the problems we have today.


Overreliance on entitlements harms U.S.
It is a common fallacy among rightists, to blame Obama for the increases in black unemployment. The discrepancy like that of female unemployment is of course due to the massive public sector cuts--jobs that are attractive to women and minorities for their lack of paternalism and bigotry that is sadly, still too common in the private sector.
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It is a common fallacy among rightists, to blame Obama for the increases in black unemployment. The discrepancy like that of female unemployment is of course due to the massive public sector cuts--jobs that are attractive to women and minorities for their lack of paternalism and bigotry that is sadly, still too common in the private sector.

Exactly. Public sector employment has suffered greatly under Obama. Anyone care to guess why...?
Using guns, knives, traps, bows and arrows? That kind of "healing"?

Well, perhaps if Obama's health care reforms RECOGNIZED spiritual healing, instead of excluding natural health care that doesn't need govt to regulate, we'd see more of that promoted!
Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

No it's teaching a child the love of the wild. It's the natural high. It's not the kill; it's the rush of the hunt.

You can sponsor an at risk inner city child. Or a kid from the burbs who's really close to doing drugs. Whatever. It's a fabulous program.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

Using guns, knives, traps, bows and arrows? That kind of "healing"?

The type of healing that comes with being in a blind in the mist.

Staying so still that you can hear a squirrel bark far off in the distance.

Smelling mother earth as she comes alive for the day.

That type of healing. :eusa_angel:
Funny. The People's Cube is a political humor and satire site. In other words, a trusted news source for wingnuts.
Funny. The People's Cube is a political humor and satire site. In other words, a trusted news source for wingnuts.

WTF are you talking about, the article was written by black folks you silly SQ...
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What percent of Blacks are unemployed? What percent of Blacks are on welfare?

And what percent are in prison? And what percent pay income taxes. ? Blacks are dead weight to america.

Why not give the percentages? Why are you guys running from the percentages and going to "they are the most"?

last figure I saw was 25% of blacks on welfare.

Please don't ask for a link. Many of the links I saw in the past no longer exist. Putting on my tin foil hat now
Who is "they" that are crucifying whites and what have they said about them?

If you are going to segregate a group based on skin color and call them a problem, then you should expect people to question it.

If you are going to segregate a group based on income or class expect the same.

I was talking about on this board..go do a search you will see what I'm talking about

I have been mostly in the race threads but anytime I do try to have a civil discussion it seems like it just turns into a bunch of foul language and ugly behavior, it goes both ways so I will give you credit on that.

But I wish people could discuss the issue of poverty without making everything race based.

It sounds like based on what tinydancer posted that Ted Nugent has done charity to help kids in poverty and I don't understand the need to blame the black population.

If you want to empower why not do just that instead of slam a community?

it would be different if blacks did not identify themselves as blacks first and foremost.

I'll use the NAACP as an example. The NAACP is demanding that someone do something, white people, about the achievement gap.

Do you agree that if everyone was not part of a racial sub-group there would be no achievement gap? the NAACP will not let it go.

Another example: OJ Simpson trial. It became about race

Trayvon Martin, became about race. Who made it about race?
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If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thank you for your reply.

Well his article was about black people, so does he do anything just for black people since he feels its a black problem?

he should be expected to help black people just as much as the NAACP helps white people
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK2GJU5aWbc]Star Parker: On fire at CPAC 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

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