Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America


What percent of Blacks are unemployed? What percent of Blacks are on welfare?

And what percent are in prison? And what percent pay income taxes. ? Blacks are dead weight to america.

Why not give the percentages? Why are you guys running from the percentages and going to "they are the most"?

The numbers are staggering and only a dumbass like you would argue the black community as a whole is doing fine!

Number Of Americans Living In Poverty Hits 52-Year High, 27.4 Percent Of Blacks Under The Poverty Line
The number of blacks living under the poverty line -- which is $11,139 for an individual in 2010 -- rose to 10.7 million, up 1.6 percent. In all, 27.4 percent of blacks were living in poverty.

The median income for black households in 2010 was $32,068, down 3.2 percent from $33,122.

Over 27% are in poverty, but poverty incomes range btw $10k and $26K (see below). Poverty levels mean dirty poor, but there are other poor people. I personally don't know how a family now-a-days can make it on less than $100K, but much less under $50K. See above, the average black household income is $32K! That firmly puts the majority of black Americans in the poor category. I wonder how many are above $50K? Could be as high as 3/4s!

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan
2010 Poverty Thresholds, Selected Family Types
Single Individual
Under 65 years
$ 11,344

65 years & older
$ 10,458

Single Parent
One child
$ 15,030

Two children
$ 17,568

Two Adults
No children
$ 14,602

One child
$ 17,552

Two children
$ 22,113

Three children
$ 26,023
Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.

Yeah.....everybody knows it's (primarily) Republicans who are trying to increase funding to schools where Blacks are the majority!

If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?
Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

Shooting isn't always about killing. But why let facts stop you?
If Ted Nugent cares about the black population and poverty then why isn't he doing anything to help?

Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

My husband and I have been seriously into bow hunting since the early 90's. Nugent is more than an inspiration.

I've always loved Nugent's "take the child out of the mall and off the city streets; introduce that child to the love of the wilderness and they'll never turn to drugs".

Natural high.

And what most individuals involved in politics don't understand is that not all politics are strictly about education, anti abortion, environmental issues.

And Ted's not new to politics.

Nugent has been involved in my kind of politics for decades. Fighting the anti hunting lobby.

Ted has helped out so many pro hunting coalitions over all these years.

Some people get Better Home and Garden magazine subscriptions. That's their cup of tea.

But there is a world of people out there like my husband and I who get Full Cry delivered.:eusa_angel:

We have our own set of political issues.
Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

There is a preliminary IQ test rdean....
Good grief I'm turning into his PR person tonight. :lol:

He's cared about inner city kids for over three decades. All colors. His camp for kids has been around since 1990.

This is what he knows what to do.

Don't forget he's hugely anti drug anti drinking. And he's put his money where his mouth for years and has helped raised all sorts of money to help send kids to his camp.

Get the kids out of the mall and into wild. I've known that motto for years. :)

Kamp for Kids

The youth of today are the FUTURE OF AMERICA, and will determine the fate of conservation and outdoor sports, including hunting.

Basic Info

Your chance to Give The Love OF Bowhunting And Archery To A Child... A Love That Will Start With Their First Bullseye, And Never End...
About Kamp for Kids...

Ted Nugent Kamp for kids was founded by Ted in 1990.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

It's where we belong, and the best place to teach a child morals and ethics, and out roll as caring humans in life's cycles to manage and respect the wild life around us.

Kamp sessions are a three-day-weekend, outdoor class-format adventure. Each child, age 11 to 15, is to show proper archery shooting skills, learns hunters safety and ethics, survival skills, and participates in hands-on nature studies and a nature walk. As always TED will make an appearance to present the kids an upbeat pro-hunting, anti-drug lecture and musical performance.

Here's the link:

Kamp for Kids - TedNugent.com

Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

No it's teaching a child the love of the wild. It's the natural high. It's not the kill; it's the rush of the hunt.

You can sponsor an at risk inner city child. Or a kid from the burbs who's really close to doing drugs. Whatever. It's a fabulous program.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.
Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

Shooting isn't always about killing. But why let facts stop you?

I always love critics of hunters. We harvest wild game and eat honest meat within a program of wildlife management.

Non hunters however eat assassinated meat.:eusa_angel:

They allow others to murder and dismember domesticated animals whose body parts are then placed on foam, wrapped in plastic and put beautifully on display in the grocery store.

Credit goes to Teddly for pointing this out. :)
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Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

By Matt Gertz

Conservative commentator and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent wrote in his latest column that African-Americans are the only ones who don't realize that President Obama is continuing the Democratic Party's decades-long destruction of black America.

The comments are the latest in a long line of racially inflammatory statements from the rocker, who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."

It's not all the president's fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.

Yeah.....everybody knows it's (primarily) Republicans who are trying to increase funding to schools where Blacks are the majority!


Republicans are for vouchers which are working.
There is a big difference when all Dem's do is throw money money at the schools, without any changes in how the schools are teaching and failing our children.
Repubs want to reduce spending and make schools more accountable, they want all of our schools actually teaching our children, not indoctrinating them.
Meh, Ted Nugent.

He always gives off this vibe of sounding like a complete nutjob, but some of what he says does make sense. My family has voted Democrat for last 3 decades primarily because they were brought up that the GOP were racist hate-mongering boogeymen. Not really all that true, though there are and have been some exceptions, as is equally true with some Democrats. This type of ignorance of the fact that it was the Democrats of the past 100 years up until that point that were the true racist hate-mongers is pretty amusing. Bottom-line is this: If the Black community wants to improve nationally, they need to move out from under the Democratic umbrella. I'm not saying they should flock in max numbers to the GOP, but they need their own identity instead of just the one the Democrats have fed them for the past 40 years.
Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

Shooting isn't always about killing. But why let facts stop you?

I always love critics of hunters. We harvest wild game and eat honest meat within a program of wildlife management.

Non hunters however eat assassinated meat.:eusa_angel:

They allow others to murder and dismember domesticated animals whose body parts are then placed on foam, wrapped in plastic and put beautifully on display in the grocery store.

Credit goes to Teddly for pointing this out. :)

It's been a while but I used to go to Ted's website and Shemane always had different recipe's for cooking wild game posted there. I'm not sure if she still does that but I have gotten some good tips from her.
This type of ignorance of the fact that it was the Democrats of the past 100 years up until that point that were the true racist hate-mongers is pretty amusing.
What's more amusing is how "conservatives" always manage to "forget" how Republicans welcomed those Dems, with open-arms, after LBJ signed-off on Civil Rights legislation.
The state of the black community and black families pretty much speaks for itself.
Once you replace the family unit, and specifically the father, with government provided housing, and a government paycheck, you've pretty much doomed the community.
Blacks have come a long way since slavery in this country, but their societal evolution was derailed by bleeding heart liberals and their social programs.

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