Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America


Shooting isn't always about killing. But why let facts stop you?

I always love critics of hunters. We harvest wild game and eat honest meat within a program of wildlife management.

Non hunters however eat assassinated meat.:eusa_angel:

They allow others to murder and dismember domesticated animals whose body parts are then placed on foam, wrapped in plastic and put beautifully on display in the grocery store.

Credit goes to Teddly for pointing this out. :)

It's been a while but I used to go to Ted's website and Shemane always had different recipe's for cooking wild game posted there. I'm not sure if she still does that but I have gotten some good tips from her.

Back in. Going to town for me involves time and miles. :eusa_angel: I really live in the middle of nowhere.

Her recipes were awesome and adaptable.That's what I always loved about the two. I've hunted in Tennessee and in a variety zones in Canada.

Our deer and moose are seriously gamey compared to Tennessee. So we have different marinades.

Shemane would do that though. She knew that coast to coast same game different zones required it.

Oh cripes now we're getting into cooking. :lol:
Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Is there some reason you have to post everything in huge letters?

You don't understand the Nuge at all do you? And you haven't read his article have you?

He owes everything like the Stones, the Animals, the Yardbirds everyone and all of us in the 60's in music careers to Sam and Dave, Chuck Berry well all the blacks at the time.

He started out as the Amboy Dukes.

Don't forget he is the official Motor City Madman. He knows his home town very well.

In this article that he wrote he is lamenting and wondering how the black community can continue to support Democrat policies that have brought them to this point.

Not once does he blame blacks.
Ted Nugent knows whats best for African American's ... who has said of the Confederate battle standard, "I am going to wear it forever."


I'm still waiting for the direct quote.

People lie all the time about Ted Nugent.

I want the direct quote and a you tube to explain to me exactly what he meant.

Eta: in my rock days since the 60's professionally and when I picked up bowhunting in the 90's I've known Nugent history extremely well

I just want the you tube of him explaining his feelings about the Confederate flag. Not all the yahoo lib jerk off yankee websites who try to slag him this way.
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Ted Nugent if he had his way would make it easier for gangbangers to get guns.

That's his contribution to the well-being of Black America.

That's a lie. Plain and simple.

No it isn't. Nugent opposes closing background check loopholes. He opposes assault weapons bans.

For starters.

By all means outline his policies to me. I know them well.

link and debate me on them. Not a worry. I have a lot of time.

Hey that would be fun. They have this place now called the bull ring...

your choice.

I'm tired of the flaming headlines. I'll take you on.
Ted is right...look at any black city run by democrats....its not a hard thing to comprehend


Take a trip to Detroit. Take a trip to Chicago. Take a trip to Flint. All cities controlled by black democrats for generations. I rest my case.
I guess that Ted doesn't believe in the individual and individual responsibility. The majority of Black people in America are doing well. I find it "funny" that Nugent seems to want to identify the minority of Blacks who aren't doing well, as "Black America". Well, "The Blacks" have a a whole hell of a lot more representation in the Democrat party than they do in the Republican party. The majority of Black people I know and am related to, are doing and have done quite well.

Are you being serious??? Most Black Americans live in poverty! Youth Black unemployment is at 40%. All black unemployment is double the national average. The inner city school style is a joke. Black kids are more likely to go to prison than go to college. Violent in black communities is an epidemic. 75% of all black babies are born out of wedlock to single mothers. Per capita blacks receive welfare at astonishing levels. The iliteracy rate amongst Blacks is scary high. Drug use is rabid in the black community and parts of every major US city (where Black Americans are the residents) are more dangerous than war zones in Afghanistan or Iraq!

The black community isn't doing well and only a liberal douche bag would make that comment.


Yeah, neg me for asking assholes like you for statistics. I notice that NONE of you have giving the poverty rates for "the Blacks". :lol:
Now go fuck yourself asshole.
And what percent are in prison? And what percent pay income taxes. ? Blacks are dead weight to america.

Why not give the percentages? Why are you guys running from the percentages and going to "they are the most"?

The numbers are staggering and only a dumbass like you would argue the black community as a whole is doing fine!

Number Of Americans Living In Poverty Hits 52-Year High, 27.4 Percent Of Blacks Under The Poverty Line
The number of blacks living under the poverty line -- which is $11,139 for an individual in 2010 -- rose to 10.7 million, up 1.6 percent. In all, 27.4 percent of blacks were living in poverty.

The median income for black households in 2010 was $32,068, down 3.2 percent from $33,122.

Over 27% are in poverty, but poverty incomes range btw $10k and $26K (see below). Poverty levels mean dirty poor, but there are other poor people. I personally don't know how a family now-a-days can make it on less than $100K, but much less under $50K. See above, the average black household income is $32K! That firmly puts the majority of black Americans in the poor category. I wonder how many are above $50K? Could be as high as 3/4s!

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan
2010 Poverty Thresholds, Selected Family Types
Single Individual
Under 65 years
$ 11,344

65 years & older
$ 10,458

Single Parent
One child
$ 15,030

Two children
$ 17,568

Two Adults
No children
$ 14,602

One child
$ 17,552

Two children
$ 22,113

Three children
$ 26,023

Well, if 27% are in poverty that means that the MAJORITY 73% are NOT in poverty. Thanks for proving my point!!!
Lakhota with all due respect, if I wanted to read the articles you post I would go to those websites.

Why don't you tell us what you think about what Ted has said instead of just cut and pasting an opinion piece from Gertz?

Gertz isn't here for me to engage. You are. This is your thread.

Tell me what you think or bring Gertz over :lol:.
I looked up references to Nugent being insane, or if dodging the draft made him a hypocrite, and if Courtney Love's claim to have performed oral sex on him when she was 12 and he was 28 count as "pedophilia" if he was never charged.

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

With this snopes link, it sounds like he gave conflicting stories at different times citing
different reasons. Whether these actions, claims or hypocrisy are true or false, that sounds like the same problem with Democrats leaders being forgiven for their conflicting statements or actions for the sake of political unity, where you can't tell if they are in denial or truly forgiving for the right reasons if they did do something wrong.

So maybe it IS fitting for him to speak to Black Americans about the problems with Democrat leaders, if he has experienced the same deal. Where even if opponents claim you totally contradict what you stand for, or at least there are accounts or perceptions of this, as long as you stick to the message people want to hear, supporters will keep backing you up as representing them, similar to the phenomena with Black Democrat politics for unity sake.

Maybe he, himself, is a demonstration of how easily this happens!


Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America | Blog | Media Matters for America

Below I copied both the direct link and text on WND for article by
Ted Nugent on celebrating Black History every day with his music
while Obama and the Democrat politicians have destroyed Black America.

Note: I agree with the other poster, he does NOT blame Blacks. I applaud the honesty and clarity in the most diplomatic statement I've ever come across faulting Democrats for denial and dependence on unsustainable ineffective govt policies in a vicious cycle of political exploitation keeping Blacks in poverty.

He may not have a positive or popular reputation with his critics, but I find his words are well stated, in honestly asking to reconsider the tragic legacy that Democrats stand to leave for Black America in this stage of history. I am truly surprised if this is supposedly coming from a "mad man."


I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them

Ted Nugent is an American rock ‘n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ‘N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing). For all things Nuge, visit tednugent.com.More ↓

Ted Nugent WND said:
It’s been said that history is written by the winners. It that’s true, black Americans won’t be doing any writing as it pertains to this era in America.

With February being Black History Month, historians looking back at this timeframe studying black Americans will judge it as a complete and total disaster. And they won’t blame President Bush.

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It’s not all the president’s fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.

As a MotorCity Motown guy whose gravity-defying career pivots on my intense adulation for my black musical heroes, it pains me deeply to witness this self-inflicted destructo derby. The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans.

Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.

The high school drop out rate for black Americans in some inner cities is above 50 percent. Only 66 percent of black youth graduate from high school – the lowest in the country.

Experience more of Ted Nugent’s no-holds-barred passion and patriotism in his books and WND’s “Ted Nugent for President!” bumpers sticker

Black-on-black crime is epidemic. Our inner cities are cesspools of gangland violence. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis and so many others see young black men gunned down by other young black men on a nightly basis. Interestingly, these “gun free zone” cities have been controlled by Democratic mayors for years, often decades.

All too often black children are now raised in single-parent households with no father in their lives. Almost 75 percent of black kids are now raised in a single-parent household. What a pity, what a shame.

With all this unbelievable negative information, what is more unbelievable is that black Americans continue to support Democratic politicians who have raped and plundered black America forever.

It was a damnable lie when Vice President Biden stated at a campaign rally attended by many black Americans last fall that if the country elected Republicans they would “put y’all back in chains.” What a disgrace and clown Vice President Biden is. He’s a national embarrassment.

The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most – black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month. I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans.

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry. The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them.

Regrettably, the study of modern-day black history by future historians will not be bright or rich. I predict the fundamental blame for this will be laid at the feet of the Democratic Party.

There is no doubt that my 2013 tour will be the best of my life. With world-class virtuosos paying tribute to our black heroes nightly, it is only fitting that this year’s tour is aptly titled, “Ted Nugent Black Power 2013.” Say it loud: my music is black and I’m proud!

Read more at I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them
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Lakhota with all due respect, if I wanted to read the articles you post I would go to those websites.

Why don't you tell us what you think about what Ted has said instead of just cut and pasting an opinion piece from Gertz?

Gertz isn't here for me to engage. You are. This is your thread.

Tell me what you think or bring Gertz over :lol:.
I looked up references to Nugent being insane, or if dodging the draft made him a hypocrite, and if Courtney Love's claim to have performed oral sex on him when she was 12 and he was 28 count as "pedophilia" if he was never charged.

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

With this snopes link, it sounds like he gave conflicting stories at different times citing
different reasons. Whether these actions, claims or hypocrisy are true or false, that sounds like the same problem with Democrats leaders being forgiven for their conflicting statements or actions for the sake of political unity, where you can't tell if they are in denial or truly forgiving for the right reasons if they did do something wrong.

So maybe it IS fitting for him to speak to Black Americans about the problems with Democrat leaders, if he has experienced the same deal. Where even if opponents claim you totally contradict what you stand for, or at least there are accounts or perceptions of this, as long as you stick to the message people want to hear, supporters will keep backing you up as representing them, similar to the phenomena with Black Democrat politics for unity sake.

Maybe he, himself, is a demonstration of how easily this happens!


Ted Nugent: Blacks Are Only Ones Who Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America | Blog | Media Matters for America

Below I copied both the direct link and text on WND for article by
Ted Nugent on celebrating Black History every day with his music
while Obama and the Democrat politicians have destroyed Black America.

Note: I agree with the other poster, he does NOT blame Blacks. I applaud the honesty and clarity in the most diplomatic statement I've ever come across faulting Democrats for denial and dependence on unsustainable ineffective govt policies in a vicious cycle of political exploitation keeping Blacks in poverty.

He may not have a positive or popular reputation with his critics, but I find his words are well stated, in honestly asking to reconsider the tragic legacy that Democrats stand to leave for Black America in this stage of history. I am truly surprised if this is supposedly coming from a "mad man."


I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them

Ted Nugent is an American rock ‘n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ‘N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing). For all things Nuge, visit tednugent.com.More ↓

Ted Nugent WND said:
It’s been said that history is written by the winners. It that’s true, black Americans won’t be doing any writing as it pertains to this era in America.

With February being Black History Month, historians looking back at this timeframe studying black Americans will judge it as a complete and total disaster. And they won’t blame President Bush.

Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.

It’s not all the president’s fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.

As a MotorCity Motown guy whose gravity-defying career pivots on my intense adulation for my black musical heroes, it pains me deeply to witness this self-inflicted destructo derby. The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans.

Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.

The high school drop out rate for black Americans in some inner cities is above 50 percent. Only 66 percent of black youth graduate from high school – the lowest in the country.

Experience more of Ted Nugent’s no-holds-barred passion and patriotism in his books and WND’s “Ted Nugent for President!” bumpers sticker

Black-on-black crime is epidemic. Our inner cities are cesspools of gangland violence. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis and so many others see young black men gunned down by other young black men on a nightly basis. Interestingly, these “gun free zone” cities have been controlled by Democratic mayors for years, often decades.

All too often black children are now raised in single-parent households with no father in their lives. Almost 75 percent of black kids are now raised in a single-parent household. What a pity, what a shame.

With all this unbelievable negative information, what is more unbelievable is that black Americans continue to support Democratic politicians who have raped and plundered black America forever.

It was a damnable lie when Vice President Biden stated at a campaign rally attended by many black Americans last fall that if the country elected Republicans they would “put y’all back in chains.” What a disgrace and clown Vice President Biden is. He’s a national embarrassment.

The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most – black Americans.

The turbo-destruction will continue for black Americans until they realize that dirty Democrat politicians are their true enemy, not their salvation. Fortunately, some are beginning to embrace this self-evident truth.

The truth will set those black Americans free who want to be free, who want to be the best they can be, who want to leave their grandchildren a better, stronger America.

Indeed, the tapestry of black America is rich and vibrant. I don’t celebrate Black History Month. I celebrate it every day, as my very black-inspired musical dreams could not have been successful were it not for black Americans.

My fire-breathing musical career was literally launched by black musical thundergods such as Bo Diddly, Little Richard, James Brown, Wilson Picket, Sam & Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, the mighty Funk Brothers, and the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Gods, the master, Chuck Berry. The music these gentlemen created gave birth to my music and all great, moving, soulful music. We owe it all to them.

Regrettably, the study of modern-day black history by future historians will not be bright or rich. I predict the fundamental blame for this will be laid at the feet of the Democratic Party.

There is no doubt that my 2013 tour will be the best of my life. With world-class virtuosos paying tribute to our black heroes nightly, it is only fitting that this year’s tour is aptly titled, “Ted Nugent Black Power 2013.” Say it loud: my music is black and I’m proud!

Read more at I honor blacks ? the Dems destroy them

How about that kids? Ted Nugent is the new 'great black hope'. And He shall lead the blacks to salvation.

Play that funky music white boy...
Thanks for pointing this out.

I didn't know this about Ted and it makes me more sympathetic to him as a human being.

Maybe he's not merely the dithering Randian fool I've taken him to be all these years.

Good for him!

Wow, teaching kids all the different ways to kill "safely" and in a "positive" way. Sounds fun. Can I go?

No it's teaching a child the love of the wild. It's the natural high. It's not the kill; it's the rush of the hunt.

You can sponsor an at risk inner city child. Or a kid from the burbs who's really close to doing drugs. Whatever. It's a fabulous program.

The primary goal is to get kids out of the malls and off the streets, away form drugs and crime, into the woods and in touch with the natural healing powers of the wild.

Using guns, knives, traps, bows and arrows? That kind of "healing"?
Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Yeah.....everybody knows it's (primarily) Republicans who are trying to increase funding to schools where Blacks are the majority!


Republicans are for vouchers which are working.
There is a big difference when all Dem's do is throw money money at the schools, without any changes in how the schools are teaching and failing our children.
Repubs want to reduce spending and make schools more accountable, they want all of our schools actually teaching our children, not indoctrinating them.

They're working? Great. Post a link. I want to read about it too.
Ted Nugent: Blacks Don't Realize Democrats Are Destroying Black America

Yeah.....everybody knows it's (primarily) Republicans who are trying to increase funding to schools where Blacks are the majority!


Republicans are for vouchers which are working.
There is a big difference when all Dem's do is throw money money at the schools, without any changes in how the schools are teaching and failing our children.
Repubs want to reduce spending and make schools more accountable, they want all of our schools actually teaching our children, not indoctrinating them.

Magical creation
Twinkle down
Corporations are people

What Republicans call an "education"


What Republicans call "indoctrination"

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