Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

LMAO You guys are totally incapable of getting the point. Amazing.:cuckoo:

The only point you have is the one on top of your head.

No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thrill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?
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The only point you have is the one on top of your head.

No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

You have knowledge as to the state of blood flow in a hunter's penis? Or are you just projecting?

Actually it's in the quotes in the OP. Figuring this out really isn't hard, pun intended.

It's hard to tell if some of y'all are accidentally missing the point or if you're consciously trying to derail it.

The thread isn't about the merits of hunting, or where food comes from, or who eats what, or what damage feral pigs do. The thread is about psychology. Read the first four words of the thread title.

Nugent isn't doing what he's doing to help Texas with feral pigs. He's doing it for Bill Maher. He's doing it so ""My haters will hate me more". His point is not that feral hogs do damage; his point is "Blood lust and proud of it". In this, Nugent represents not only the culture of guns but the culture of death as its own reward. I mean it's nice and educational to have all these tangents on food production and feral hogs, but it's avoiding the point of motivation. The pigs are Nugent's tools in his ongoing political gadfly megalomania.

Nice try though.

Then clearly we need a law to ban anyone taking pride in anything you might find icky. :cuckoo:

More obfuscation. Nobody brought up any "laws", nor does the world of human behavour revolve around them.
A bit obsessed, are we?
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It's hard to tell if some of y'all are accidentally missing the point or if you're consciously trying to derail it.

The thread isn't about the merits of hunting, or where food comes from, or who eats what, or what damage feral pigs do. The thread is about psychology. Read the first four words of the thread title.

Nugent isn't doing what he's doing to help Texas with feral pigs. He's doing it for Bill Maher. He's doing it so ""My haters will hate me more". His point is not that feral hogs do damage; his point is "Blood lust and proud of it". In this, Nugent represents not only the culture of guns but the culture of death as its own reward. I mean it's nice and educational to have all these tangents on food production and feral hogs, but it's avoiding the point of motivation. The pigs are Nugent's tools in his ongoing political gadfly megalomania.

Nice try though.

Then clearly we need a law to ban anyone taking pride in anything you might find icky. :cuckoo:

Go figure. It's the same people who continually put a lock box on Muslims. I don't get it at all.

I don't understand it.
It's hard to tell if some of y'all are accidentally missing the point or if you're consciously trying to derail it.

The thread isn't about the merits of hunting, or where food comes from, or who eats what, or what damage feral pigs do. The thread is about psychology. Read the first four words of the thread title.

Nugent isn't doing what he's doing to help Texas with feral pigs. He's doing it for Bill Maher. He's doing it so ""My haters will hate me more". His point is not that feral hogs do damage; his point is "Blood lust and proud of it". In this, Nugent represents not only the culture of guns but the culture of death as its own reward. I mean it's nice and educational to have all these tangents on food production and feral hogs, but it's avoiding the point of motivation. The pigs are Nugent's tools in his ongoing political gadfly megalomania.

Nice try though.

What a dumbass to assume Ted hog hunts for the soul purpose of pissing off Bill Maher and his ilk.

Fact is pissing off the Maher's of this world is just the iceing on the cake.

Ted has been hunting long before Maher or the idiot liberals started spouting off.
What a dumbass to assume Ted hog hunts for the soul purpose of pissing off Bill Maher and his ilk.

Fact is pissing off the Maher's of this world is just the iceing on the cake.

Ted has been hunting long before Maher or the idiot liberals started spouting off.

I agree it's bizarre reasoning. That's the point.
But it's his idea, not mine. Read the OP. This goes back to the question of "sanity".

The only point you have is the one on top of your head.

No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?

The point is that real hunters don't go out for Bill Maher's benefit. Real hunters don't do what they do "so my haters will hate me more" and then take it to satellite radio. Ted Nugent's not a real hunter. He's a gadfly with a narcissism complex. Again, the story is not about hunting but about psychology.

I suspect as one of my links suggested that this is all a penis-waving exercise born of the guilt of cowardice for his literally living in his own shit to get out of military service.
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Do you realize how much damage feral hogs are responsible for?
I guess you live in the city and think of pigs as cute little animals.
They are an invasive species that need to be eradicated.
I dont care how it's done.

Do you think maybe, just maybe libs think it's a cutie patoutie pig like in Charlottes's Web or Gordy?

We don't care about what kind of fucking pig it is. It's that idiot Nugent shooting any animal with a machine gun that makes HIM a fatass, contemptable, coward.

Stop being deliberately obtuse.

So it would be better if he shot the same number of dangerous destructive and potentially deadly wild pigs with a single shot rifle

Now who is being obtuse?
The only point you have is the one on top of your head.

No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?

Amen. Truer words have never been spoken.

When I hunt and you'se guys....:eusa_shhh: being a smart ass here I'm in God's country.

It's not the kill. It's the tracking you see for me. I'm the idiot hunter who goes OMG. Yes I'm a moron. "you bark one more time, I'm going to pop you"

It's hunting down so many days tracking.

I don't care about the kill. It's this beauty called hunting.
It's hard to tell if some of y'all are accidentally missing the point or if you're consciously trying to derail it.

The thread isn't about the merits of hunting, or where food comes from, or who eats what, or what damage feral pigs do. The thread is about psychology. Read the first four words of the thread title.

Nugent isn't doing what he's doing to help Texas with feral pigs. He's doing it for Bill Maher. He's doing it so ""My haters will hate me more". His point is not that feral hogs do damage; his point is "Blood lust and proud of it". In this, Nugent represents not only the culture of guns but the culture of death as its own reward. I mean it's nice and educational to have all these tangents on food production and feral hogs, but it's avoiding the point of motivation. The pigs are Nugent's tools in his ongoing political gadfly megalomania.

Nice try though.

What a dumbass to assume Ted hog hunts for the soul purpose of pissing off Bill Maher and his ilk.

Fact is pissing off the Maher's of this world is just the iceing on the cake.

Ted has been hunting long before Maher or the idiot liberals started spouting off.

One of the funniest things ever. Teddly is out with his wife hunting while the rest of Damn Yankees were hanging around the pool.

And yes, I have the video. :eusa_angel:
With a machine gun? What a fatass old coward. :cuckoo:

Wild pigs are a problem in loads of states. They destroy crops and root up anything and everything they can.

Have loads of em down here in Florida and you can bet that local farmers are glad to see them killed.

They are fast becoming a problem in many States in fact they are overrunning some States.

They can also be dangerous as hell.

I see no problem with someone killing them. If you have a problem with it consult your local Govt. I'm sure they will be more than happy to listen to you.

I know Florida really well. You aren't even allowed to bring one out alive or your busted.

You go hog hunting in Florida, it better be dead.

Yup. They trap them, kill them and give the meat to needy families.

I have friends who hunt hogs with dogs. Hogs are dangerous. They will kill your dog and you if they can. They eat anything you included if they can.

These pests do millions of dollars in crop damage all across America. To a farmer the only good hog is a dead hog.

Hell. I see em all the time when trailriding down here in Florida. The County and State have hog traps on just about any trail you care to ride on. You can find wild hogs just about anywhere including your back yard.

I have no problem with Nugent shooting them. Hell. The Farmers of America would probably pay him and anyone else to shoot the pests.
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Only hypocrites criticize those that harvest their own sustenance while happily purchasing meats from the grocery store that was killed by somebody else.

My point. Yes. Let someone else do the well in their mind the dirty work.

Libs don't have a problem if their food is assassinated. Not at all. Like the Obamas Kobe beef.

Yep. I wonder if old Esmer would criticize the guy that enjoys his work as a butcher, making the sausages she eats on her pizza? My gawd, what if that butcher were to actually be 'thrilled' by his work?! The horror!

Oh you've never been thru this. My darlin man is a biology graduate from University of Toronto.

When he explained to me in great detail how we rip the babies from their mother and then we eat the babies from a tomato plant.

I'll never look at a vegetable the same way ever again.
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Wild pigs are a problem in loads of states. They destroy crops and root up anything and everything they can.

Have loads of em down here in Florida and you can bet that local farmers are glad to see them killed.

They are fast becoming a problem in many States in fact they are overrunning some States.

They can also be dangerous as hell.

I see no problem with someone killing them. If you have a problem with it consult your local Govt. I'm sure they will be more than happy to listen to you.

I know Florida really well. You aren't even allowed to bring one out alive or your busted.

You go hog hunting in Florida, it better be dead.

Yup. They trap them, kill them and give the meat to needy families.

I have friends who hunt hogs with dogs. Hogs are dangerous. They will kill your dog and you if they can. They eat anything you included if they can.

These pests do millions of dollars in crop damage all across America. To a farmer the only good hog is a dead hog.

Hell. I see em all the time when trailriding down here in Florida. The County and State have hog traps on just about any trail you care to ride on. You can find wild hogs just about anywhere including your back yard.

I have no problem with Nugent shooting them. Hell. The Farmers of America would probably pay him and anyone else to shoot the pests.

Once again, you miss the point entirely.. Woosh...
I know Florida really well. You aren't even allowed to bring one out alive or your busted.

You go hog hunting in Florida, it better be dead.

Yup. They trap them, kill them and give the meat to needy families.

I have friends who hunt hogs with dogs. Hogs are dangerous. They will kill your dog and you if they can. They eat anything you included if they can.

These pests do millions of dollars in crop damage all across America. To a farmer the only good hog is a dead hog.

Hell. I see em all the time when trailriding down here in Florida. The County and State have hog traps on just about any trail you care to ride on. You can find wild hogs just about anywhere including your back yard.

I have no problem with Nugent shooting them. Hell. The Farmers of America would probably pay him and anyone else to shoot the pests.

Once again, you miss the point entirely.. Woosh...

Once again, you fail to make a point. Woosh indeed.
No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?

Amen. Truer words have never been spoken.

When I hunt and you'se guys....:eusa_shhh: being a smart ass here I'm in God's country.

It's not the kill. It's the tracking you see for me. I'm the idiot hunter who goes OMG. Yes I'm a moron. "you bark one more time, I'm going to pop you"

It's hunting down so many days tracking.

I don't care about the kill. It's this beauty called hunting.

Just how do you track sitting your fat butt in a helocopter holding a machine gun? No tracking involved, just some lazy wingnut flying around with a machine gun out the window.

No skill involved.
Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?

Amen. Truer words have never been spoken.

When I hunt and you'se guys....:eusa_shhh: being a smart ass here I'm in God's country.

It's not the kill. It's the tracking you see for me. I'm the idiot hunter who goes OMG. Yes I'm a moron. "you bark one more time, I'm going to pop you"

It's hunting down so many days tracking.

I don't care about the kill. It's this beauty called hunting.

Just how do you track sitting your fat butt in a helocopter holding a machine gun? No tracking involved, just some lazy wingnut flying around with a machine gun out the window.

No skill involved.

Are you speaking from experience?

I doubt it.
What a dumbass to assume Ted hog hunts for the soul purpose of pissing off Bill Maher and his ilk.

Fact is pissing off the Maher's of this world is just the iceing on the cake.

Ted has been hunting long before Maher or the idiot liberals started spouting off.

I agree it's bizarre reasoning. That's the point.
But it's his idea, not mine. Read the OP. This goes back to the question of "sanity".

No. You guys really, really don't get it. Or your refuse to. Seriously, no one is that stupid that they don't see the difference between killing something to get rid of pests or for food and killing something just because it gives you a hard on. Seriously, are you all that stupid?

Do you think before you write?

Why do you think hunters go hunting? It's because they enjoy hunting and they enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

So yes, hunters do enjoy the thill of the hunt.

Why do you assume to know anything about a hunters reasoning when you've never been a hunter?

The point is that real hunters don't go out for Bill Maher's benefit. Real hunters don't do what they do "so my haters will hate me more" and then take it to satellite radio. Ted Nugent's not a real hunter. He's a gadfly with a narcissism complex. Again, the story is not about hunting but about psychology.

I suspect as one of my links suggested that this is all a penis-waving exercise born of the guilt of cowardice for his literally living in his own shit to get out of military service.

If you think that was Ted's soul reason then you are one stupid fuck.
Amen. Truer words have never been spoken.

When I hunt and you'se guys....:eusa_shhh: being a smart ass here I'm in God's country.

It's not the kill. It's the tracking you see for me. I'm the idiot hunter who goes OMG. Yes I'm a moron. "you bark one more time, I'm going to pop you"

It's hunting down so many days tracking.

I don't care about the kill. It's this beauty called hunting.

Just how do you track sitting your fat butt in a helocopter holding a machine gun? No tracking involved, just some lazy wingnut flying around with a machine gun out the window.

No skill involved.

Are you speaking from experience?

I doubt it.

I'm right about this, that's for sure. You wingnuts are all over the place creating diversion but everyone here knows there is something wrong with someone who sits around with a machine gun, shooting animals. Wild, dangerous or otherwise..

Shades of Elvis shooting his TV set. No rhyme or reason.
I'm right about this, that's for sure. You wingnuts are all over the place creating diversion but everyone here knows there is something wrong with someone who sits around with a machine gun, shooting animals. Wild, dangerous or otherwise..

Shades of Elvis shooting his TV set. No rhyme or reason.

Anyone who hunts feral hogs should be given a select fire full-auto license to do so.

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