Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
That was not a trained response.
Yea a guy pulls a gun out abs he shoots his arm off on the ground.. pretty outstanding
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...
The kid himself says you're an idiot... "I just killed someone." ~ teen murderer

Really? let me see a quote or something....

Are you feeling stupid now?

Yes in self defense.. you can’t unchange the video lol

Nope, not self defense as the teen murderer was in the commission of a crime.

What crime are you talking about now!? Lol

Same crime.

That was debuked poor guy., this boy really scares you lol


Suuure it was. uh-huh.

What law did he break?

The same one I posted half a dozen times. You should seek medical attention for your inability to retain information. Could be brain damage.

They been debunked and had nothing too do with self defense.

What a pity all you can do is say that, but you can't prove it. Meaning you're lying again just like you got caught lyimg earlier about the first victim calling the teen murderer the n-word.

You’re too chickenshit to even talk about What law he broke lol time to party ! View attachment 380936

Don't bring a skateboard to a gun fight! Classic.
That's what happens when mayors and governors don't stop the riots, people defend their property....using....
Self-Defense and the Castle Doctrine
Wisconsin law
allows deadly force in self-defense in the limited circumstances where the person defending themselves “reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm” to their person.
does that apply to riot tourists?
He was defending a car dealership.
There is a video of the owner thanking him for volunteering to defend the car dealership from rioters.
His mistake was going alone, he should have had backup.
He was a defender, not a rioter.
Have they changed the laws prohibiting the use of deadly force to defend property? (unless you're in Texas, it's night time and the intruder is attempting to abscound with your property)
I think you're more American than than racist. People have a right to have their property protected. I'm from America, and this rioting is bullshit! I went through the MacDuffie riots, which some may say were justified, and yes the police did bad on that one, but it did not justify the rioting. My 80 year old neighbor was ready with a Springfield '03 .06.
Furthermore, I saw a black National Guard shoot a black guy that was wearing a long sleeve shirt with a lit Molotov cocktail in his hand and trying to throw it at the National Guard right in front of Earl's Supermarket. Idk, why did this guy have a wool long sleeve thing on at that time of year? National Guard shot him right in the head and dropped him..and I saw it. His right arm caught on fire from the busted cocktail.
Why was he as stupid as he was? We just rolled by in the Monte Carlo. His right arm burned on the sidewalk..bet..
On 54th street.
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Wrong. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
You liberals should be happy. If more vigilantes step in like this to stop the BLM crazies, then Trump won't need to send in federal law enforcement.
If more RWNJs start showing up armed you're gonna see protestors with arms as well.
The “protestors” are already showing up with arms. Or did you miss the two guys with pistols, the one who threw what looked like a lit Molotov cocktail at Kyle and the one carrying what looked like a long spear or pike. All were in the video.
I don't watch videos posted by tRumplings. They are almost invariably faked, edited, or altered.
Wrong. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
You liberals should be happy. If more vigilantes step in like this to stop the BLM crazies, then Trump won't need to send in federal law enforcement.
If more RWNJs start showing up armed you're gonna see protestors with arms as well.
The “protestors” are already showing up with arms. Or did you miss the two guys with pistols, the one who threw what looked like a lit Molotov cocktail at Kyle and the one carrying what looked like a long spear or pike. All were in the video.

Once you realise you are responding to Batshit Crazy Communist Moonbats then you'll understand why they make NO sense.
It's so nice to have fans.
I used to wonder how something like Hitler and the Nazi's could have ever happened in a modern civilization. Now I understand.

Most of my life, even in the throes of teen angst and rebellion, I've felt like most people - even if I didn't like them, or understand them - were decent people when it came down to it. I was wrong.

Yet you fully support the Brown Shirts of ANTIFA on their months long Kristalnacht.

How did Hitler rise? Look in the mirror.
I used to wonder how something like Hitler and the Nazi's could have ever happened in a modern civilization. Now I understand.

Most of my life, even in the throes of teen angst and rebellion, I've felt like most people - even if I didn't like them, or understand them - were decent people when it came down to it. I was wrong.

Yet you fully support the Brown Shirts of ANTIFA on their months long Kristalnacht.

I do not. That is a lie. Got anything else?
Wrong. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
You liberals should be happy. If more vigilantes step in like this to stop the BLM crazies, then Trump won't need to send in federal law enforcement.
If more RWNJs start showing up armed you're gonna see protestors with arms as well.
The “protestors” are already showing up with arms. Or did you miss the two guys with pistols, the one who threw what looked like a lit Molotov cocktail at Kyle and the one carrying what looked like a long spear or pike. All were in the video.
I don't watch videos posted by tRumplings. They are almost invariably faked, edited, or altered.
Creepy only watches commie gay pr0n. Being the leftist faggot he is.

MOD EDIT: This post has been warned for off topic flaming and participating in thread derailment. Do not respond to it.
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He left his mom's house with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.

You already posted this propaganda, and I already 'spanked that ass' / debunked your BS...you just ignored it and decided to spew the same BS again.

Try READING it this time instead of RUNNING FROM IT:


NOW look who is spreading lies and propaganda...

If the shooter was looking for someone to shoot he didn't have to go all the way to the car dealership - there were plenty of places and plenty of people in between his house and the car dealership.

A reporter has declare publicly that he interviewed the young man earlier before the shooting, that he had stated he was there to help protect property and keep the peace. The guy was there before the shooting and had ample opportunity to kill protestors already there but did not do so. So much for your BS about him just being there with the intent of killing someone.

The police have said they talked to the guy and that he was there to help deter violence...again, so much for yoru BS propaganda.

If he was there simply to kill people, why did he wait until he was attacked and beaten? Why not just shoot the terrorists who approached him, who threatened him? Why did he wait to shoot until after HE became their VICTIM? AGAIN, so much for your lies and BS propaganda.

Fail. You're done, and is so is your pro-terrorist conspiracy theory.
You aren't posting, you interpreting. Incorrectly at that.

He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot. That's premeditated murder, or "murder 1" in most places. At 17 he will be charged as an adult, and receive at minimum 20 years in prison. His life is over. Please think about this before you imitate him.

Negative, dumbass. I pointed out FACTS...you were debunked, your narrative destroyed, you are desperate.

Facts:. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
Actually he rented an apartment. So your fact isn’t a fact. There is that
Wrong. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
You liberals should be happy. If more vigilantes step in like this to stop the BLM crazies, then Trump won't need to send in federal law enforcement.
If more RWNJs start showing up armed you're gonna see protestors with arms as well.
The “protestors” are already showing up with arms. Or did you miss the two guys with pistols, the one who threw what looked like a lit Molotov cocktail at Kyle and the one carrying what looked like a long spear or pike. All were in the video.
I don't watch videos posted by tRumplings. They are almost invariably faked, edited, or altered.
Creepy only watches commie gay pr0n. Being the leftist faggot he is.
We've discussed you putting me into your homoerotic fantasies, Marion, Let's not have to go there again please.

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Guy with an AR-15 - 1
Terrorist with a skateboard - 0

Leftist extremist foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are idiots, had to learn the hard way that their victims are no longer helpless sheep who won't fight back / who won't protect their lives, their businesses, and their communities.

Still, they are slow learners - more of them will die before this lesson sinks in.

The criminals / terrorists are the ones who demanded the elimination of the police, that the police be defunded, that police be replaced with social workers, therapists, and community organizers...

On the way to perpetrating another terrorist attack consisting of destroying some other innocent person's business they attack and try to victimize THE WRONG PERSON...and their intended victim fights back and ends up shooting / killing some of them...

And the 1st thing these pu$$ies do is CALL THE POLICE FOR HELP.


In places like Portland these terrorists blocked 1st Responders from showing up and helping their victims....yet now they scream and cry when 1st Responders / police did not show up in a timely manner to save THEM.

Boy, Karma is a bitch.

Where are those social workers, therapists, & community organizers when you really need them, huh?!



Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!


'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

If this case isn't thrown out, then people need to revolt against the lawlessness. This is insanity.
Civil rights division should bail him out
How? He was denied bond.

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!


'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

If this case isn't thrown out, then people need to revolt against the lawlessness. This is insanity.
Civil rights division should bail him out
How? He was denied bond.
We will
See tomorrow hehe

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!


'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

If this case isn't thrown out, then people need to revolt against the lawlessness. This is insanity.
Civil rights division should bail him out
How? He was denied bond.

I think Lin Wood already has him out, traitor.
Would it be communists who are going to make Kylie their "wife" in prison?

Nice pedo fantasy Farouk, but of course there is zero chance you scum can put the patriot in prison, no matter how horny the thought makes you.

MOD EDIT: This post has been warned for violating the pedo rule. Do not respond to it.
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Thread is way off topic...topic is not communism, rape, etc. please get back on topic.
Wow, Iran is totally cool with raping children - Allahu Akbar, eh Farouk?

and there have been several posters here who defend Muslims raping children, too.

They call people "racist" for not supporting it and celebrate the jailing in Britain of those who oppose it.

MOD EDIT: This post has been warned for ignoring Warning and continuing thread derailment. Do not respond to it.
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