Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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And illegally
Why was Rittenhouse running down the street with an AR-15?
He was responding to the violence on the left
and illegally carrying a firearm.

You don't respond to crime by committing crime
You don't commit MURDER in self defense.
It's not self defense when the actor is in the commission of a crime...

(1m) (a) In this subsection:​
2. “Place of business" means a business that the actor owns or operates.​

(b) The presumption described in par. (ar) does not apply if any of the following applies:​
1. The actor was engaged in a criminal activity...​

He had no legal authority to threaten lethal force to protect someone else's property and he was "engaged in a criminal activity" when he fired his weapon. A self defense case will fail him if the law is upheld in court.
Hey Faun. You have misinterpreted a statutory presumption.

(ar) If an actor intentionally used force that was intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm, the court may not consider whether the actor had an opportunity to flee or retreat before he or she used force and shall presume that the actor reasonably believed that the force was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself if the actor makes such a claim under sub. (1) and either of the following applies:

1. The person against whom the force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcibly entering the actor's dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, the actor was present in the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, and the actor knew or reasonably believed that an unlawful and forcible entry was occurring.
2. The person against whom the force was used was in the actor's dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business after unlawfully and forcibly entering it, the actor was present in the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, and the actor knew or reasonably believed that the person had unlawfully and forcibly entered the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business.
(b) The presumption described in par. (ar) does not apply if any of the following applies:

Now ready what you quoted again.

THE PRESUMPTION does not apply...

Which means he must prove that he had no opportunity to flee. The video pretty much shoots that shit down and proves it for him. He was on the ground against multiple attackers who were also carrying weapons.
All of that is meaningless in this case. The kid left his home with a rifle to find someone to shoot.
can you prove that? you need to be able to. you know that right? you know about the US constitution? you should learn it. You don't get to make shit up.
The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.
So if you get a speeding ticket, you deserve to be killed?
Fucking moron, no one said the teen domestic terrorist deserved to be killed for carrying a gun illegally.
That's the logical conclusion of your claims, moron. According to you, if you shoot someone in self defence, but commit some misdemeanor in the process, then you are guilty of first degree murder.
Fucking moron, all you do with comments like that is prove you have no ability to think logically. You have no proof anyone was trying to kill the teen terrorist before he committed murder. Right there, your piss-poor analogy crumbles.

There is video of him being chased by your Meth Head Hero, who also threw a Molotov cocktail at him. He continued to chase him and attack him, that’s when he got shot. After that he was chased down by more BLM retards (who were also yelling to call police ironically), and they physically attacked him, he shot them in self defense.
There was no molotov cocktail, ya raging lunatic. :cuckoo:
Racist TV Host Trevor Noah
“How come Jacob Blake was seen as a deadly threat for a theoretical gun — that he might have and might try to commit a crime with — but this gunman, who was armed and had already shot people, who had shown that he is a threat, was arrested the next day, given full due process of the law and generally treated like a human being whose life matters?” Noah said.
“I’m asking these as questions, but I feel like we know the answer. The answer is that the gun doesn’t matter as much as who’s holding the gun. Because to some people, black skin is the most threatening weapon of all.”


Most Left Wing Extremist have very limited reasoning power.
They also make everything about race because they are Racist.
When Blake reached into his car for his knife it was a direct leathal threat to the Policeman.
The Policeman has a 100% right to defend himself.
The real question should be why do people refuse to comply with police commands?
The Rittenhouse situation is entirely different.
The Police were not there at the time of the incident.
It is clear from the video that one of the Violent Far Left Extremist used his skateboard as a club and the other assailant pulled a gun on him.
It is a clear case of self defense.

If Noah wants to make this issue about race then he should show just a little equaility about it.
The Police shoot more than twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects, but the Left Wingers never make it a racial issue or have riots and protests.
The question is why?
Why is the Left only concerned about police brutality when the suspect is Black?
The answer is obvious.
The Left shamelessly exploit minorities for greedy political purposes.

he's a demofk racist, he won't ever get it. you could draw it on a board and he'd pee himself.
As usual, the Nazi thugs have come out in force to defend one of their own.
how so? explain that statement? how does someone carrying a rifle defending one self Nazi? When the SS were the ones destroying personal property and attacking innocent people? Did you ever learn history? just asking, cause you ain't ever on it right.

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!

'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

I guess it doesn't matter to you that a 17 year old who is carrying a long gun in public is in violation of WI gun laws
What WI gun laws? Link please.
Open carry is legal anywhere concealed carry is legal. It is legal for all adults who are 18 years of age or older unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. A license is not required unless in a taxpayer-owned building or within 1000 feet of school property and not on private property.[8]
From your link, he was defending a property from rioters with the consent of the Owner. The age limit doesn't apply on private property.
Castle Doctrine
On December 7, 2011, Governor Scott Walker signed a bill passing a Castle Doctrine for Wisconsin. The bill provides criminal immunity (WI statute 939.48(1m)[13]) and protection from civil suits (WI statute 895.62 [14]) for homeowners or business owners who use a gun in self-defense while on their property, with the presumption that any action is justified. The law is a "stand your ground" law, which does not contain a duty to retreat. This applies at the user's private vehicle, business, and at their home. Protection extends to improvements only (driveway, sidewalk, patio, fence, garage, house...), not bare ground. Also, the criminal must have forcibly entered, or be in the process of attempting to forcibly enter, and the defender must be present in the home, car, or business. The Washington County DA ruled that opening a door counts as forcible entry.[15]

You have to be "occupying" the business

Or vehicle

It is not a stand your ground law. Which has no requirement for occupancy. He was not occupying anything he was just running around with a rifle

SHut the fuck up pleb, you are clearly too slow to be talking about the law

You weren't even clever in whatever white trash classroom you were educated in. You're certainly not on the internet. Know your place

occupancy follows where ever the kids body was at the time. If someone attacks him his placement on ground is occupancy. he's allowed to defend himself. When were you born?

No castle doctrine doesn't apply to a business you are not and cannot occupy

He didn't eve know the owner, he was just running around

Castle doctrine has NOTHING to do with it

If wisconsin had a stand your ground law, it might be relevant. But he was backing up anyway and didn't stop until some one knocked him down.

He was literally running away as he shot the first guy.
It's a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin. Still a crime though

Age 16-18 open-carrying a long gun is EXPLICITLY legal in Wisconsin as long as the person has a FOID card. (He did-WI accepts an IL card.)
Let's see your evidence of this ... show evidence he had a valid FOID card and show evidence Wisconsin makes exceptions for minors with an Illinois FOID card...

Gun laws in Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Firearms and minors
Leaving a firearm within reach of a child under 14 is generally a misdemeanor if that child points it at anyone, harms anyone, or shows it to anyone in a public place. Defenses include having the gun locked in a safe or container, having it holstered on their person, having a trigger lock on the gun, removal of a key operating part, illegal entry by anyone to obtain the firearm, or a reasonable belief a juvenile could not access the firearm.
WI statute 948.55[32]
Firearms retailers are required to provide every buyer with a written warning stating, "If you leave a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a child, you may be fined or imprisoned or both if the child improperly discharges, possesses or exhibits the firearm."
WI statute 175.37[33]
Upon the retail commercial sale or retail commercial transfer of any firearm, the seller or transferor shall provide to the buyer or transferee the following written warning in block letters not less than one-fourth inch in height: "IF YOU LEAVE A LOADED FIREARM WITHIN THE REACH OR EASY ACCESS OF A CHILD YOU MAY BE FINED OR IMPRISONED OR BOTH IF THE CHILD IMPROPERLY DISCHARGES, POSSESSES OR EXHIBITS THE FIREARM."
WI statute 948.60[34]
Defenses to prosecution under this statute:
  • Target practice under the supervision of an adult
    • Members of armed forces or police under 18 in the line of duty
    • Hunting (either with an adult or having passed hunter's safety)
For hunting purposes, the following exceptions to the age limit apply, as specified in statute 29.304[35] for firearms with barrels 12" or longer.
  • under 10 may not hunt with a firearm or bow under any circumstances
    • under 10 can only possess firearm/bow in Hunter Safety class, or while cased/unloaded and under adult supervision while going to/from Hunter Safety class, or while under adult supervision while at a target range.
    • anyone age 10 or over may hunt when accompanied by an adult (within arms reach, both must be licensed, only one firearm/bow between the adult and mentor (no hunter safety course requirement for the mentored hunter).
    • 12-13 may hunt when accompanied by an adult and the child has successfully completed a Hunter Safety class.
    • 12-13 may possess firearm when accompanied by an adult, or while transporting cased/unloaded firearm to/from Hunter Safety class, or in Hunter Safety class
    • 14-16 is the same as 12-13, except Hunter Safety graduates can hunt and possess firearms (rifles/shotguns) without adult supervision.
School students shall be suspended until their expulsion hearing if they possess a firearm in school or during a school event (except if the student is participating in a Hunter Safety class). State law requires a minimum one-year expulsion for this offense. Statute 120.13(1)(bm)[36] and 120.13(1)(c)2m. In addition, the student's driver's license may be suspended for two years under Statute 938.34(14q).[37] This suspension also applies to students who make bomb threats or having CCW violations in taxpayer-owned buildings. § The age range has changed for Minors. Link included to Wisconsin statute. [38]

Nothing in there applies to the teen terrorist, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:
It says that if he has taken hunter safety it's legal for him to carry a rifle, you fucking dumbass.

The terrorists are the ones he shot. We owe him a debt of gratitude.
I want to add, thank god that the cops managed to prevent this kid from rejoining his group and forced him to be alone on the streets, where the mob was in charge.

Good work cops.

Order around the kid that listens and ignore the mobs that you are forcing him into contact with.

Were the cops the ones who 'ordered' the domestic terrorists to show up with the intent of destroying someone's business?

Did the cops convince the domestic terrorists to attack someone carrying an AR-15?

Just STOP.....there is this little thing called 'personal accountability'. As a snowflake I am sure you have never heard of it....


Oh, I agree that the terrorists are responsible for their actions. The police are not.

Just pointing out that the kid was ordered by the cops to be by himself, in a mob ruled war zone, instead of rejoining his group.
So he was driving 30 minutes away to "defend" HIS property?

He made a decision to take a stand against the domestic terrorists the Democrats have been / are supporting, supplying, facilitating, & inciting.

He chose to drive 30 minutes away to defend a car dealership - someone's property - from being destroyed in an act of domestic terrorism.

The domestic terrorists chose to show up with the intent to burn down some innocent citizen's business. At some point they chose to chase / attack this young man carrying an AR-15.
- Both of these PERSONAL CHOICES proved both stupid and fatal.

Choosing to attack someone carrying an AR-15 when all you have is a skateboard is having an insane desire to win a 'Darwin Award'.
- Congrats, you did it!


And now he will pay the price for murder.

Only if the local courts are corrupted by people like you.
You assume that using a firearm to kill 2 people IN AND OF ITSELF is felonious, which is why you are fucking gun grabber.

Did the kid fear for his life? Was that fear reasonable? That's all that matters.
he doesn't care about the kid and his fears. that's not relevant in his world. ask him. The rioters are the victims. ask him, he isn't afraid to tell you that. he thinks he is in Germany in the 40's. The SS are the saviors.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...
Are you still claiming he called the teen murderer the n-word for pointing his gun at him??

Not only was he a convicted child predator, even worse... he said the N word! Good riddance, I say.
a person fighting for black lives matter yelling the N word. That's all one needs to know. Tells you the riot is bullshit right there.
The Jury will find him innocent of this ridiculous charge and he'll be treated like the hero that he is by most of the people :Boom2: Antifa BLM
I wouldn't be so sure of that.

He was carrying a gun illegally after all.
I'm glad there will be more people like him fighting back against Antifa and BLM.
So you support people breaking federal and state gun laws?

I have cad a CCW permit since I was 21 and I personally think anyone who breaks state and federal gun laws should serve jail time
He will if this is the beginning of the Right giving it back to communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM :smoke: It wouldn't be a bad thing to see those Communist scum shot down in the streets:Boom2:
So you are in favor of people breaking state and federal laws?
No one is in favor of that sans Leftists like Jerry Nadler.
Then you must agree with me that this kid should be found guilty of both state and federal gun crimes and should serve time like any other criminal who does the same.
How can I agree when I don't know anything about the case yet? Are we not innocent until proven guilty in America? You must agree with me that all those rioters that were arrested should have to go to court.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. This is an internet forum, not a courtroom. He's guilty as sin.
You don't decide the rules you leftist moron.
they do if they demand it. ask them. They will burn down your business if you don't give to their demands. When did our local officials decide this was the usual for americans?
Let's see your evidence of this ... show evidence he had a valid FOID card and show evidence Wisconsin makes exceptions for minors with an Illinois FOID card...
Since he is under 18 I think the only thing the socialist assholes running the attorney generals office in WI can convict the kid of is procession of a firearm

even if they give him the max its 9 months in jail
The Jury will find him innocent of this ridiculous charge and he'll be treated like the hero that he is by most of the people :Boom2: Antifa BLM
I wouldn't be so sure of that.

He was carrying a gun illegally after all.
I'm glad there will be more people like him fighting back against Antifa and BLM.
So you support people breaking federal and state gun laws?

I have cad a CCW permit since I was 21 and I personally think anyone who breaks state and federal gun laws should serve jail time
He will if this is the beginning of the Right giving it back to communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM :smoke: It wouldn't be a bad thing to see those Communist scum shot down in the streets:Boom2:
So you are in favor of people breaking state and federal laws?
No one is in favor of that sans Leftists like Jerry Nadler.
Then you must agree with me that this kid should be found guilty of both state and federal gun crimes and should serve time like any other criminal who does the same.
How can I agree when I don't know anything about the case yet? Are we not innocent until proven guilty in America? You must agree with me that all those rioters that were arrested should have to go to court.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. This is an internet forum, not a courtroom. He's guilty as sin.
You don't decide the rules you leftist moron.
they do if they demand it. ask them. They will burn down your business if you don't give to their demands. When did our local officials decide this was the usual for americans?
It is basic extortion and I am tired of it.

"If you disagree with me you're racist"
"If you call protests riots, you're racist"
"If you re-elect Trump and we riot and you call us rioters, you're racist"

See the pattern here....?
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
It is basic extortion and I am tired of it.

"If you disagree with me you're racist"
"If you call protests riots, you're racist"
"If you re-elect Trump and we riot and you call us rioters, you're racist"

See the pattern here....?
well aware of their pattern. They are zero for whatever. makes them losers.
And I don't think this kid murdered anyone either. That's just something you jerk off to.

The kid killed two people and wounded another and almost got himself killed because he acted as a vigilante. He broke numerous laws carrying that AR-15 weapon 22 miles from home to play cop in a highly charged environment after a curfew had been declared. The cops and national guardsmen should have publically announced and then confiscated all weapons from any self-described “militiaman“ or non-resident found (after curfew) roaming the streets. They should have checked this kid’s ID and sent him packing the first time he appeared offering to “help” them. Instead they gave him and the others water, and treated them as allies. The responsibility for the deaths occasioned by his vigilantism falls on his own shoulders, his parents, and is also the responsibility of local cops. Those who “jerk off” to his idiot actions are as dumb as those who encourage looting and senseless violence in the streets. That protests against police violence arise is natural. But every angry skateboarder or young man or woman out after curfew is not a violent felon. Some on the streets wanted to limit violence, were self-appointed medics, journalists or just onlookers. Armed roving vigilantes & “outside agitators” of any age should expect to be prosecuted, as should any looters, to the full extent of the law.

You give a pass to the "protesters" on your side, many of whom are armed, and many of whom are intent on violence or destruction,

while wanting those there intent on trying to address that, to be confronted and disarmed by the police.

"Outside agitators", who are on yourside, have generally not been prosecuted. And you know that.
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