Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.
So if you get a speeding ticket, you deserve to be killed?
Fucking moron, no one said the teen domestic terrorist deserved to be killed for carrying a gun illegally.
The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.

You are confused once again Moon Bat.

There was no crime. Self defense is not a crime. I shit you not. Go look it up.
Wisconsin doesn't offer self defense to those who kill while committing a crime themselves, which the teen domestic terrorist did by illegally carrying a firearm.
What really happen:

  • Early in day, Kyle is spotted as part of a group cleaning up BLM graffiti.
  • Night fall, Kyle is with Libertarian group composed of white and black individuals who explain they support the protesters right to protest and target the government, but not destroy private property.
  • Video shows Kyle and group of Libertarians communicating with police, being thanked, receiving water from police.
  • Kyle is interviewed explaining he has been pepper sprayed, is here to protect the car lot, is an EMT and is providing medical assistance, interview is cut short when he runs to assist someone.
  • Libertarian group on film at a gas station a couple blocks from the car lot being confronted by angry bald man in red shirt (pedo dwarf) accompanied by lurch (skateboarding woman beater).
  • Independent journalist films people destroying the cars on the car lot for fun. Breaking out windows on all the vehicles with bats, hammers and stones.
  • Kyle being chased from a public roadway onto the car lot by pedo dwarf who has moved his red shirt onto his head as a mask. Gun shots from off to the side a short distance away. Pedo dwarf chucks an object. Kyle turns, fires, downing pedo dwarf instantly. Circles around to the back side. Pulls his phone, calls someone, says "I just killed someone", then turns and flees back towards the gas station and the police line.
  • Kyle running up the center of the road way, large crowd in pursuit. Punched once in the back of the head by an un-identified white male, maintains his balance and keeps running. Stumbles and falls in the middle of the road. Un-identified black male attempts a jump kick, Kyle fires towards him, believed the individual was not hit (has not been included in any injury reports, no video/pictures of him wounded). Skateboarding woman beater comes in with a flopping swing of the skateboard towards Kyle's head, striking his back/shoulder. Kyle fires point blank into the man's torso. Felon with a gun comes into view, stops, holds his hands up. Kyle refrains from firing. Felon with a gun then steps towards Kyle, dropping his arms, drawing/holding a gun. Shot point blank in the arm. Kyle refrains from firing again. Kyle gets up and begins walking up the roadway. Gun shots are repeatedly heard in the distance.
  • Kyle approaches gas station and police line. Raises his hands up, walks calmly toward the police, while most of the police pass Kyle up headed down the street towards where the incidents all occurred.
This. Exactly.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
You can claim self defense when attacked----the druggy whacked him with a skateboard ---good riddance to him and righteous kill..second idiot trying to pull a gun out of his pants (also reportedly a felon and marxist) shot in arm another excellent legal shot...kid should have fired a second shot and killed him though..... and all of this after the mob of violent marxist communists chased down the kid as he tried to get away from them.

Turn the kid loose and give him a medal for being more of a man then most of the men we have nowadays.

If you are committing a crime and someone else committing a crime attacks you, the odds of you being able to claim self defense are low.
I have no doubt he's going to claim self defense. But the court can reject that because he was illegally in possession of that rifle.
No he wasn't pumpkin.........he was required to have adult supervision with the weapon in Wisconsin----he originally was there with a group of teens/twenty year olds and likely was separated and singled out for attack.

It's rather odd isn't it that all 3 of the turds he shot were criminals isn't it?
Nope, now you're lying too. Wisconsin law makes it illegal for anyone under 18 to be in possession of a firearm.

(2)(a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.​
No, wrong. There is an explicit exception for 16-17 year olds open-carrying long guns.
What really happen:

  • Early in day, Kyle is spotted as part of a group cleaning up BLM graffiti.
  • Night fall, Kyle is with Libertarian group composed of white and black individuals who explain they support the protesters right to protest and target the government, but not destroy private property.
  • Video shows Kyle and group of Libertarians communicating with police, being thanked, receiving water from police.
  • Kyle is interviewed explaining he has been pepper sprayed, is here to protect the car lot, is an EMT and is providing medical assistance, interview is cut short when he runs to assist someone.
  • Libertarian group on film at a gas station a couple blocks from the car lot being confronted by angry bald man in red shirt (pedo dwarf) accompanied by lurch (skateboarding woman beater).
  • Independent journalist films people destroying the cars on the car lot for fun. Breaking out windows on all the vehicles with bats, hammers and stones.
  • Kyle being chased from a public roadway onto the car lot by pedo dwarf who has moved his red shirt onto his head as a mask. Gun shots from off to the side a short distance away. Pedo dwarf chucks an object. Kyle turns, fires, downing pedo dwarf instantly. Circles around to the back side. Pulls his phone, calls someone, says "I just killed someone", then turns and flees back towards the gas station and the police line.
  • Kyle running up the center of the road way, large crowd in pursuit. Punched once in the back of the head by an un-identified white male, maintains his balance and keeps running. Stumbles and falls in the middle of the road. Un-identified black male attempts a jump kick, Kyle fires towards him, believed the individual was not hit (has not been included in any injury reports, no video/pictures of him wounded). Skateboarding woman beater comes in with a flopping swing of the skateboard towards Kyle's head, striking his back/shoulder. Kyle fires point blank into the man's torso. Felon with a gun comes into view, stops, holds his hands up. Kyle refrains from firing. Felon with a gun then steps towards Kyle, dropping his arms, drawing/holding a gun. Shot point blank in the arm. Kyle refrains from firing again. Kyle gets up and begins walking up the roadway. Gun shots are repeatedly heard in the distance.
  • Kyle approaches gas station and police line. Raises his hands up, walks calmly toward the police, while most of the police pass Kyle up headed down the street towards where the incidents all occurred.

Awesome... sounds totally guilty to me... let's go to trial.

He killed two people. No issue here.
he walks.

He should.

It's a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin. Still a crime though

Age 16-18 open-carrying a long gun is EXPLICITLY legal in Wisconsin as long as the person has a FOID card. (He did-WI accepts an IL card.)
Let's see your evidence of this ... show evidence he had a valid FOID card and show evidence Wisconsin makes exceptions for minors with an Illinois FOID card...
It's a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin. Still a crime though

Age 16-18 open-carrying a long gun is EXPLICITLY legal in Wisconsin as long as the person has a FOID card. (He did-WI accepts an IL card.)
Let's see your evidence of this ... show evidence he had a valid FOID card and show evidence Wisconsin makes exceptions for minors with an Illinois FOID card...
Damn bro your dumb .. he’s allowed to survive.. is he not supposed to hunt for food because he’s 17??
As the Democrat Political Violence increases, so will the self defense violence.
One of the attackers was using his skateboard as a club and, the other attacker clearly had a gun.
He used self defense to save his own life.
In some states the use of deadly force can be used to stop arsonist.

They don't allow you to cross state lines and start shooting into crowds.

This punk's going to prison.
you got to get passed the ten bullies who attacked him just for being there on the street. chasing and then knocking him down while verbally taunting him. Yeah, run that one by a jury.
They were attempting to effect a citizen's arrest upon a murderer.
Nobody could be this stupid.
Wrong. He left his mom's basement with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
You liberals should be happy. If more vigilantes step in like this to stop the BLM crazies, then Trump won't need to send in federal law enforcement.
If more RWNJs start showing up armed you're gonna see protestors with arms as well.

A bunch of the "protesters" (rioters) can't legally be armed...they're convicted criminals.
The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.
So if you get a speeding ticket, you deserve to be killed?
Fucking moron, no one said the teen domestic terrorist deserved to be killed for carrying a gun illegally.
That's the logical conclusion of your claims, moron. According to you, if you shoot someone in self defence, but commit some misdemeanor in the process, then you are guilty of first degree murder.
And I don't think this kid murdered anyone either. That's just something you jerk off to.

The kid killed two people and wounded another and almost got himself killed because he acted as a vigilante. He broke numerous laws carrying that AR-15 weapon 22 miles from home to play cop in a highly charged environment after a curfew had been declared. The cops and national guardsmen should have publically announced and then confiscated all weapons from any self-described “militiaman“ or non-resident found (after curfew) roaming the streets. They should have checked this kid’s ID and sent him packing the first time he appeared offering to “help” them. Instead they gave him and the others water, and treated them as allies. The responsibility for the deaths occasioned by his vigilantism falls on his own shoulders, his parents, and is also the responsibility of local cops. Those who “jerk off” to his idiot actions are as dumb as those who encourage looting and senseless violence in the streets. That protests against police violence arise is natural. But every angry skateboarder or young man or woman out after curfew is not a violent felon. Some on the streets wanted to limit violence, were self-appointed medics, journalists or just onlookers. Armed roving vigilantes & “outside agitators” of any age should expect to be prosecuted, as should any looters, to the full extent of the law.
This is weapon-grade stupid shit.
The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.
So if you get a speeding ticket, you deserve to be killed?
Fucking moron, no one said the teen domestic terrorist deserved to be killed for carrying a gun illegally.
That's the logical conclusion of your claims, moron. According to you, if you shoot someone in self defence, but commit some misdemeanor in the process, then you are guilty of first degree murder.
Fucking moron, all you do with comments like that is prove you have no ability to think logically. You have no proof anyone was trying to kill the teen terrorist before he committed murder. Right there, your piss-poor analogy crumbles.
This gets to core of the issue. Citizens stopped policing their own neighborhoods when as a society we went with professional police forces. Now these terribly irresponsible city and state leaders are preventing their police from responding, because these elected leaders are of the same political faction as the rioters, but, if the armed citizen returns to the streets, bodies start dropping.

One 17 year old dropped 3 in a manner of minutes, would 10 have dropped 30? Will a Jury want to green-light this? If they overcharge him, he'll get off. If he is modestly charged, and has a clean background, a hung jury is a likely outcome, but his folks will have mortgaged their house, their college fund for him and spent their own retirement funds on attorney fees trying to keep him out of prison, and even if they manage that, a felony record remains a real possibility.

Lin Wood is taking the case pro bono.

As are the McCloskey's.
Who are they?
It's a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin. Still a crime though

Age 16-18 open-carrying a long gun is EXPLICITLY legal in Wisconsin as long as the person has a FOID card. (He did-WI accepts an IL card.)
Let's see your evidence of this ... show evidence he had a valid FOID card and show evidence Wisconsin makes exceptions for minors with an Illinois FOID card...

Gun laws in Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Firearms and minors
Leaving a firearm within reach of a child under 14 is generally a misdemeanor if that child points it at anyone, harms anyone, or shows it to anyone in a public place. Defenses include having the gun locked in a safe or container, having it holstered on their person, having a trigger lock on the gun, removal of a key operating part, illegal entry by anyone to obtain the firearm, or a reasonable belief a juvenile could not access the firearm.
WI statute 948.55[32]
Firearms retailers are required to provide every buyer with a written warning stating, "If you leave a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a child, you may be fined or imprisoned or both if the child improperly discharges, possesses or exhibits the firearm."
WI statute 175.37[33]
Upon the retail commercial sale or retail commercial transfer of any firearm, the seller or transferor shall provide to the buyer or transferee the following written warning in block letters not less than one-fourth inch in height: "IF YOU LEAVE A LOADED FIREARM WITHIN THE REACH OR EASY ACCESS OF A CHILD YOU MAY BE FINED OR IMPRISONED OR BOTH IF THE CHILD IMPROPERLY DISCHARGES, POSSESSES OR EXHIBITS THE FIREARM."
WI statute 948.60[34]
Defenses to prosecution under this statute:
  • Target practice under the supervision of an adult
    • Members of armed forces or police under 18 in the line of duty
    • Hunting (either with an adult or having passed hunter's safety)
For hunting purposes, the following exceptions to the age limit apply, as specified in statute 29.304[35] for firearms with barrels 12" or longer.
  • under 10 may not hunt with a firearm or bow under any circumstances
    • under 10 can only possess firearm/bow in Hunter Safety class, or while cased/unloaded and under adult supervision while going to/from Hunter Safety class, or while under adult supervision while at a target range.
    • anyone age 10 or over may hunt when accompanied by an adult (within arms reach, both must be licensed, only one firearm/bow between the adult and mentor (no hunter safety course requirement for the mentored hunter).
    • 12-13 may hunt when accompanied by an adult and the child has successfully completed a Hunter Safety class.
    • 12-13 may possess firearm when accompanied by an adult, or while transporting cased/unloaded firearm to/from Hunter Safety class, or in Hunter Safety class
    • 14-16 is the same as 12-13, except Hunter Safety graduates can hunt and possess firearms (rifles/shotguns) without adult supervision.
School students shall be suspended until their expulsion hearing if they possess a firearm in school or during a school event (except if the student is participating in a Hunter Safety class). State law requires a minimum one-year expulsion for this offense. Statute 120.13(1)(bm)[36] and 120.13(1)(c)2m. In addition, the student's driver's license may be suspended for two years under Statute 938.34(14q).[37] This suspension also applies to students who make bomb threats or having CCW violations in taxpayer-owned buildings. § The age range has changed for Minors. Link included to Wisconsin statute. [38]

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!

'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

I guess it doesn't matter to you that a 17 year old who is carrying a long gun in public is in violation of WI gun laws
What WI gun laws? Link please.
Open carry is legal anywhere concealed carry is legal. It is legal for all adults who are 18 years of age or older unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. A license is not required unless in a taxpayer-owned building or within 1000 feet of school property and not on private property.[8]
From your link, he was defending a property from rioters with the consent of the Owner:
Castle Doctrine
On December 7, 2011, Governor Scott Walker signed a bill passing a Castle Doctrine for Wisconsin. The bill provides criminal immunity (WI statute 939.48(1m)[13]) and protection from civil suits (WI statute 895.62 [14]) for homeowners or business owners who use a gun in self-defense while on their property, with the presumption that any action is justified. The law is a "stand your ground" law, which does not contain a duty to retreat. This applies at the user's private vehicle, business, and at their home. Protection extends to improvements only (driveway, sidewalk, patio, fence, garage, house...), not bare ground. Also, the criminal must have forcibly entered, or be in the process of attempting to forcibly enter, and the defender must be present in the home, car, or business. The Washington County DA ruled that opening a door counts as forcible entry.[15]
The second he openly carried that rifle in public he was breaking the law.

The business was not his property so the castle doctrine is not applicable. The owner of the business did not hire him to be armed security and could not have legally done so in the first place.
He didn’t fire the weapon to protect the property, he fired it to protect his own life from the mob of jackals attacking him.
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