teen girl beat up walgreen employees who catches her shoplifting

The white bastards are the ones stealing everything, do you refer to your black girlfriend's father as a black bastard? Just can't hide that racism, can you?
I mean, adding a racial connotation to it isn't even necessary...the problem of property crime/theft is mostly perpetrated by bastards raised by single mothers...regardless of race.
Well that works both ways Tipsyhag, when someone black commits a crime you want to blame every black person in America for it. Now when someone white commits a crime it is just on that individual. There are more whites committing crimes than there are black, but for some reason racist trash like you tries to put a black face on crime.

Because people like you excuse and justify the enormity of black crime by claiming some white guy someplace jaywalked.
Bro...people just don't get involved like that anymore. I saw a video of a woman being strong armed for her purse by a punk thief, right smack dab of a busy section of a downtown area...she screaming & crying out for help....thief is slowly walking the bike away...everyone walks past fast & trying not to even glance her direction. That is the America we live in now. Rarely does anyone stand up for crime victims in public anymore.
Well, that has consequences too -
Her father is an educated black and not a ghetto dweller like you.
So black folks who live in the ghetto are black bastards, but because you are screwing his daughter her father is an educated black. There is no way and I mean no way that her father if you are actually with a black woman knows you are a racist POS.
So black folks who live in the ghetto are black bastards, but because you are screwing his daughter her father is an educated black. There is no way and I mean no way that her father if you are actually with a black woman knows you are a racist POS.
Do you know what the definition of a "bastard" is? Male off-spring are the only ones who meet that definition, regardless of race. Females aren't & can't be bastards...not sure what the word for a fatherless female is...
Because people like you excuse and justify the enormity of black crime by claiming some white guy someplace jaywalked.
You can't find one post where I make an excuse or try to justify black folks committing crime, you are a lying racist hag. See the excuse making comes from you, now the only crimes whites commit is Jaywalking.
Do you know what the definition of a "bastard" is? Male off-spring are the only ones who meet that definition, regardless of race. Females aren't & can't be bastards...not sure what the word for a fatherless female is...
So only folks without a father commit crime? Do you know how stupid that sounds.

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