Telling Differences between Reagan and Obama's Reaction to Jet's Being Shot Down

P.S. Or are you bragging that Reagan was responsible for this terror act. I don't get it, or you.

On 8 March 1985, a car bomb exploded between 9[1] and 45 metres[2] from the house of Islamic cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah in Beirut, Lebanon, in a failed assassination attempt allegedly organized by the American CIA and British intelligence. The bombing killed more than 80 people and injured 200, almost all civilians

Nor do you understand what an act of terror is, you flipping idiot.

A car bomb kills almost 300 innocent people? In the real world we call that an act of terror. What do "people" in your world call it?

It didn't kill almost 300 people, liar, and all of Hezbollah and Hamas is civilian.

You are as stupid as the day is long in Timbukfuckingtu
LOL at you calling someone else an ideologue when you've contradicted yourself multiple times in one thread.

Bullshit, prove it.

The record is clear and your spin is not going to work, fruit loop

1. Jim Bowie complains that Obama isn't acting more like Reagan. Reagan took 4 days to respond when it was immediately clear that the Soviets shot down KAL 007. Obama hasn't even had 24 hours yet and all the facts aren't clear.
2. When confronted with the above info Jim Bowie states Reagan waited til all the facts were in. Jim Bowie ignores that all the facts aren't in regarding yesterday's incident.

1. When Reagan had the fact Reagan acted. Obama has the facts and has not acted.

2. Yes, the facts are already in for the Malaysian flight, despite your denials.

You are just lying to protect your failure of a POTUS like the good little boot licker you are.
I have to go do some real life things, so you libtards can claim victory and spam the hell out of this thread now, lol..
You posted the "facts". (You know, the article you posted) The "facts" that Camp's post was a good summary of?

Some people are factually challenged. You seem to be challenged even by the nature of facts themslves.

Watch how Jim starts to edit responses to try and cover up his mistake. Sad because it adds up to a kind of dishonesty and lack of integrity to simply say oops, I learned something today.

Anyone can trace back the posts and see that you are lying, once again.

You claim Reagan did no search. We did one of our biggest searches.

You claimed that Reagan backed off from the Soviet threats. He carried out the search despite numerous acts of sabotage and threats.

You are a liar, plain and simple, and you are too stupid to realize that you are digging yourself a hole, relying on repeated spam to try and bury the the record.

Your problem is that you posted a report that says the exact opposite of what you claim. People don't even have to click on a link. All they have to do is read the report you posted. It says there was a search, but it was outside the crash zone/
It says when the US Navy tried to search the zone they were turned away/
You admitted you understood that when you posted that to search the zone would have constituted an "invasion". So, you have admitted just a short time ago that the zone was not searched.
You admitted that Reagan backed off the search as per your own posted report.
Something is wrong with you. You are clearly broken.
Bullshit, prove it.

The record is clear and your spin is not going to work, fruit loop

1. Jim Bowie complains that Obama isn't acting more like Reagan. Reagan took 4 days to respond when it was immediately clear that the Soviets shot down KAL 007. Obama hasn't even had 24 hours yet and all the facts aren't clear.
2. When confronted with the above info Jim Bowie states Reagan waited til all the facts were in. Jim Bowie ignores that all the facts aren't in regarding yesterday's incident.

1. When Reagan had the fact Reagan acted. Obama has the facts and has not acted.

2. Yes, the facts are already in for the Malaysian flight, despite your denials.

You are just lying to protect your failure of a POTUS like the good little boot licker you are.

I don't really care much about Obama at this point. I really dislike liars, like yourself.
Obama goes AWOL again with just 40-second mention of Malaysian plane crash | Mail Online
Bobo doesn't have a clue what the word 'optics' means.
Or he doesn't give a shit what people think of him.
There are a lot of very ashamed LIBs ought there who wished they had voted for 'Hills'.
Bobo's 'library' will be located behind a trailer being used for a post office in the middle of know where.

If Obama says anything, those of you on the dark side will criticize. If he goes golfing or does practically anything, you will criticize. Just a little over 2 years left for you America haters to come up with something really solid against the colored guy in your white house.
Nor do you understand what an act of terror is, you flipping idiot.

A car bomb kills almost 300 innocent people? In the real world we call that an act of terror. What do "people" in your world call it?

It didn't kill almost 300 people, liar, and all of Hezbollah and Hamas is civilian.

You are as stupid as the day is long in Timbukfuckingtu

There were almost 300 casualties. Like you I shoulda looked harder before leaping.
Obama handles it with a fairly dignified break in his normal speaking engagement and calls it a tragedy.

Reagan held an evening telecast to all Americans that put the blame square on the Russians and noted that no other government in the world does this (not even the crazy North Koreans, though Reagan doesn't mention them).

FLASHBACK: Presidents Reagan & Obama Address America on Russians Shooting Down Passenger Airliners

The key differences are that 1) the recent jet incident was not involving an American aircraft, and 2) while Reagan holds the Russians accountable for their actions Obama does not. It is a tragedy as if Russians just cant help shooting down aircraft, like Democratic city mayors just can help being crooks and tied to gangs and Democrat President just help but be liars and frauds (with the notable exception of Jimmy Carter, God bless him).

What other differences are there that I have missed?
Well there's no comparison, Reagan had balls and Obama, much like another Democratic President AKA Carter doesn't have balls. Actually, I take that back, Jimmy had small balls and Obama has none. You might even call Obama the first female president, but even a woman would do something. Right now Obama is in his office practicing bending over for Putin.
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Telling Differences between Reagan and Obama's Reaction to Jet's Being Shot Down

What's telling is that you and others on the right would seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived political gain.
You posted the "facts". (You know, the article you posted) The "facts" that Camp's post was a good summary of?

Some people are factually challenged. You seem to be challenged even by the nature of facts themslves.

Dumbass, what you quoted as a good response to my post was my own fucking post.

roflmao, you are such a stupid ass liar.

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We did a huge search, one of our largest and all in spite of repeated Soviet attempts to run us off and they FAILED just like your lies FAIL.

Lol, maybe you should go back to your day job.

Camp must have read your article. He summarized it very nicely.
It seems you're the one with reading comprehension problems.
I remember the incident well. Reagan was "all hat and no cattle".

And of course Rothstein gave you a retards thumbs up, lol.

I know you were having trouble navigating reality this a.m.

I hadn't in fact quoted Camp's post at that time, just remarked that in a few words he gave an accurate summary of your posted article (even before you actually posted it to prove him wrong, which as I remarked, it didn't, it only confirmed his short synopsis of "Reagan's actions" after the shootdown of the KAL flight.) If I knew at the time how confused and flumoxed you were I would have quoted his post, which I will do now.

Camp posted-
Reagan made a moving speech. He was an actor. That is what he was trained to do. Now lets get real about the so called tough guy and his response.
When the US tried to send ships into the area to recover remains and debris floating in the water the Russian's chased them away. Reagan did not stand up to them. The US tried to use Japanese flagged vessels to conduct search and recovery operations. They were turned away.
The US had a US Congressman shot out of the sky and did not investigate the crash site because a belligerent country responsible for the shoot down told the US they weren't allowed to investigate the crash site. Tough guy Reagan folded his hand behind his back and walked away pouting like a little girl.
The only action Reagan took was to reveal the top secret GPS system we use today. He revealed it and gave it to the world to use free of charge.

The bolded section are the words that "nicely summarised" the article you subsequently posted. Awake yet?

J.B.-And of course Rothstein gave you a retards thumbs up, lol

Yes he did, I guess he was actually sentient while posting, unlike you.
Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean. The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?

It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.

I seriously doubt that Obama OK'd this attack. Anyone that suggests such a thing is either a moron or a provocateur.

You "seriously doubt" it? That makes you a moron.
Watch how Jim starts to edit responses to try and cover up his mistake. Sad because it adds up to a kind of dishonesty and lack of integrity to simply say oops, I learned something today.

Anyone can trace back the posts and see that you are lying, once again.

You claim Reagan did no search. We did one of our biggest searches.

You claimed that Reagan backed off from the Soviet threats. He carried out the search despite numerous acts of sabotage and threats.

You are a liar, plain and simple, and you are too stupid to realize that you are digging yourself a hole, relying on repeated spam to try and bury the the record.

Your problem is that you posted a report that says the exact opposite of what you claim. People don't even have to click on a link. All they have to do is read the report you posted. It says there was a search, but it was outside the crash zone/
It says when the US Navy tried to search the zone they were turned away/
You admitted you understood that when you posted that to search the zone would have constituted an "invasion". So, you have admitted just a short time ago that the zone was not searched.
You admitted that Reagan backed off the search as per your own posted report.
Something is wrong with you. You are clearly broken.

They searched the crash zone that represented the best guess they had with the incomplete info that they had. The Russians searched where they knew there to be the greatest likelihood of finding something. No one ran Reagan or US forces out of anything, as no one tried to enter Soviet territorial waters without their permission.

So no one ran us out, and a huge search was done, and you claimed the opposite in both cases.
It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.

I seriously doubt that Obama OK'd this attack. Anyone that suggests such a thing is either a moron or a provocateur.

You "seriously doubt" it? That makes you a moron.

All facts known to me says that Obama knew nothing about it, but I do not know for a fact that Obama didn't, and neither do you, moron.
Instead of trading insults Americans need to look at reality, international fire experts INVITED to go to the crash site, are having access limited.

Access to Malaysia Airlines crash site limited -

Another angle to this presents itself considering the flack the homosexual community has given the Russians lately.

OF course it could be mere coincidence instead of the Russian veteran KGB regime retaliating.

AIDS community mourns as top experts feared killed in downed plane | Reuters

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash: Was the cure for Aids lost along with Joep Lange and 100 top researchers? - Europe - World - The Independent

Malaysia Airlines plane crash: More than 100 passengers were Aids experts going to international conference - Mirror Online
You posted the "facts". (You know, the article you posted) The "facts" that Camp's post was a good summary of?

Some people are factually challenged. You seem to be challenged even by the nature of facts themslves.

Dumbass, what you quoted as a good response to my post was my own fucking post.

And of course Rothstein gave you a retards thumbs up, lol.

I know you were having trouble navigating reality this a.m.

I hadn't in fact quoted Camp's post at that time, just remarked that in a few words he gave an accurate summary of your posted article (even before you actually posted it to prove him wrong, which as I remarked, it didn't, it only confirmed his short synopsis of "Reagan's actions" after the shootdown of the KAL flight.) If I knew at the time how confused and flumoxed you were I would have quoted his post, which I will do now.

Camp posted-
Reagan made a moving speech. He was an actor. That is what he was trained to do. Now lets get real about the so called tough guy and his response.
When the US tried to send ships into the area to recover remains and debris floating in the water the Russian's chased them away. Reagan did not stand up to them. The US tried to use Japanese flagged vessels to conduct search and recovery operations. They were turned away.
The US had a US Congressman shot out of the sky and did not investigate the crash site because a belligerent country responsible for the shoot down told the US they weren't allowed to investigate the crash site. Tough guy Reagan folded his hand behind his back and walked away pouting like a little girl.
The only action Reagan took was to reveal the top secret GPS system we use today. He revealed it and gave it to the world to use free of charge.

The bolded section are the words that "nicely summarised" the article you subsequently posted. Awake yet?

J.B.-And of course Rothstein gave you a retards thumbs up, lol

Yes he did, I guess he was actually sentient while posting, unlike you.

Lol, then you think Camp summarized the report I posted prior to me posting it?


And no, it was not a good summary since it palnly shows that we did search where we thought the survivors would be and we were not run out of anywhere, doofus.

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