Telling It Like It Is


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You should see this, people.

It is what it is. There's just no getting around it.

Video at the link

Ralph Peters: "Putin Believes In Russia;" Obama "Does Not Believe In This Country" | Video | RealClearPolitics

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS: Look, the bottom line on this is Russia has a real leader. You may not like him, and I don't, but he is brilliant and ruthless, he has clear goals and he moves straight toward those goals. The West lacks a leader. Like it or not, the president of the United States is the de facto leader of the West, and our president just is -- he's incapable and unwilling to lead.

The weakness is phenomenal. Now, you know, we are not weaker than we were in the Carter years. I was in that military, it was pathetic. Our military today is the best in the world, best in our history, although Obama wants to dismantle it. We're also immensely wealthier than the Carter years. The problem is, that as a president Obama is far weaker than Carter, and he's probably the worst president we've ever had.

He is a man who's incapable of making a hard decision. And by the way, one other key point, Vladimir Putin believes in Russia. He believes in Russia's destiny, its mission. obama does not believe in American exceptionalism. He does not believe in this country.
You should see this, people.

It is what it is. There's just no getting around it.

Video at the link

Ralph Peters: "Putin Believes In Russia;" Obama "Does Not Believe In This Country" | Video | RealClearPolitics

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS: Look, the bottom line on this is Russia has a real leader. You may not like him, and I don't, but he is brilliant and ruthless, he has clear goals and he moves straight toward those goals. The West lacks a leader. Like it or not, the president of the United States is the de facto leader of the West, and our president just is -- he's incapable and unwilling to lead.

The weakness is phenomenal. Now, you know, we are not weaker than we were in the Carter years. I was in that military, it was pathetic. Our military today is the best in the world, best in our history, although Obama wants to dismantle it. We're also immensely wealthier than the Carter years. The problem is, that as a president Obama is far weaker than Carter, and he's probably the worst president we've ever had.

He is a man who's incapable of making a hard decision. And by the way, one other key point, Vladimir Putin believes in Russia. He believes in Russia's destiny, its mission. obama does not believe in American exceptionalism. He does not believe in this country.
I thought Obama was a Dictator? Make up your mind.

And America is not exceptional. At the moment we are barely functional.
You can be "brilliant" when you're invading a neighboring country that cannot fight back. Does the author of the OP really equate such a move with "brilliance"? I guess that made Reagans' invasion of Greneda and Bush's invasion of Panama "brilliant" also?

The right wing lust for Russian dictators is as irrational as it is gross.
You can be "brilliant" when you're invading a neighboring country that cannot fight back. Does the author of the OP really equate such a move with "brilliance"? I guess that made Reagans' invasion of Greneda and Bush's invasion of Panama "brilliant" also?

The right wing lust for Russian dictators is as irrational as it is gross.

And your lust for nutless, gutless men explains your unhappiness in life.

Reagan went into Grenada to rescue American Citizens being held by communist insurgents inside the Country.

You're not very bright, are you?
You can be "brilliant" when you're invading a neighboring country that cannot fight back. Does the author of the OP really equate such a move with "brilliance"? I guess that made Reagans' invasion of Greneda and Bush's invasion of Panama "brilliant" also?

The right wing lust for Russian dictators is as irrational as it is gross.

And your lust for nutless, gutless men explains your unhappiness in life.

Reagan went into Grenada to rescue American Citizens being held by communist insurgents inside the Country.

You're not very bright, are you?

Unhappy...I dare you to go 3 days without your illiterate rants against the "dimocraps" there skippy. One of the most compelling reasons to never become a conservative is to avoid becoming a curmudgeonly useless shit-stain like yourself. Really loser...the daily rant you have against how you've been so wronged for so many years is pathetic and hilarious at one time (your one true actual contribution--being able to pull both off at one time). :lol:

I'm exceptionally content with my life, the investments are doing well, the upcoming promotion is right on schedule, my assistant/protégé/mentee will likely be taking over my job when I'm elevated...

That you're constantly struggling not only for happiness but for legitimacy is just icing on the cake.
Republicans are showing their true colors now. It has nothing to do with policy. It has nothing to do with what's good for the country. It has everything to do with Obama looking bad.

"Obama's a Communist."

"Obama's a dictator."

"Putin's sooo dreamy."
You can be "brilliant" when you're invading a neighboring country that cannot fight back. Does the author of the OP really equate such a move with "brilliance"? I guess that made Reagans' invasion of Greneda and Bush's invasion of Panama "brilliant" also?

The right wing lust for Russian dictators is as irrational as it is gross.

And your lust for nutless, gutless men explains your unhappiness in life.

Reagan went into Grenada to rescue American Citizens being held by communist insurgents inside the Country.

You're not very bright, are you?

Unhappy...I dare you to go 3 days without your illiterate rants against the "dimocraps" there skippy. One of the most compelling reasons to never become a conservative is to avoid becoming a curmudgeonly useless shit-stain like yourself. Really loser...the daily rant you have against how you've been so wronged for so many years is pathetic and hilarious at one time (your one true actual contribution--being able to pull both off at one time). :lol:

I'm exceptionally content with my life, the investments are doing well, the upcoming promotion is right on schedule, my assistant/protégé/mentee will likely be taking over my job when I'm elevated...

That you're constantly struggling not only for happiness but for legitimacy is just icing on the cake.

That you felt the need to explain to me how 'successful' you are tells me that I hit a nerve.

Like I've always, said.... dimocrapism isn't just a vote every two or four years, it's a way of life. It's a way of looking at life. It's a way of navigating through life.

And the people that follow it always end up the same way -- Miserable.


Why do you hate being a woman?
Thanks for the neg, bitch.

We're through.

Whiney ass crybaby bitch.

She's a Jew?

So what? Seriously. So what?

I'm supposed to walk on my tippy-toes? I'm supposed to cut her some slack because.... Why?

She's Jew? So what?

My Father was blinded in the WWII Battle at Cisterno, Italy. (he later regained vision in his right eye) The man I'm named after (his brother) was shot down and KIA in his P47 over France.

My Mother's brother had a submarine shot out from under him. He survived. Barely.

You wanna play the victim card? Fer real?

At least my people didn't die on their fucking knees.

You give Jews a bad name

Piss off

Stay classy edge....Real Classy
Republicans are showing their true colors now. It has nothing to do with policy. It has nothing to do with what's good for the country. It has everything to do with Obama looking bad.

"Obama's a Communist."

"Obama's a dictator."

"Putin's sooo dreamy."

Putin wrestles bears...that is SO hawt
Did I just stumble into another conservative - Putin love fest?
It is amazing how the faux Right is lining up to fellate a Russian leader these days. What a disgrace to conservatism.
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Republicans are showing their true colors now. It has nothing to do with policy. It has nothing to do with what's good for the country. It has everything to do with Obama looking bad.

"Obama's a Communist."

"Obama's a dictator."

"Putin's sooo dreamy."

Putin wrestles bears...that is SO hawt

If he did it while wearing Axe body spray...wedge may pull an Oswald....defect then shoot his load with his micro rifle.

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