..Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US

So the key to fixing something you "think" is broken is to break it even further? Typical progressive line of thought. As long as it looks like we are "doing something" and it increases the size of government, it A-OK in your book.

I don't "think" it was broken. I KNOW it was broken. I supported a much different system then what we ended up with...unfortunately we didn't get that system. What we did get is still a POS of at least it fixes *some* of the issues we had before.

But again, what healthcare system did you want to see put in place if you don't like Obamacare? This will be the 3rd post where you haven't actually answered with anything of substance.

Considering your plan is "give it to the government and let them run it" My concept of not doing anything sounds much much better.

You may need some daddy government to change your diaper every night and tell you that you're special, but I dont need it.

Do something for yourself once in your life, and dont expect other people to pay for it, which is EXACTLY what you want.

So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.
It wasn't working for you, because you were the one who decided you didn't want to pay for your own health care. Do us all a favor, the next time you fill out the Wal-Mart application check the yes box when asked if you want to get on their health plan.

Try again please...

Ouch! How did you know I applied for a job at Walmart??!!

Your Grandmother, aka "the door greeter" told me so.

Ha, I knew you shopped at Walmart.

RDD - 1

tjvh - 0
Yup. That trainwreck ACA is gonna cost jobs big time.

Those of us who have hc will be paying more for it and we will also be "subsidizing" those who can't pay.

If I had a business I sure as hell wouldn't hire anyone full time. The ACA is a trainiwreck and the fact the Congress wants to exempt themselves and staffers from it should tell anyone all they need to know about the ACA.

They are also trying to implement it in 2015 AFTER the elections. Thats an eye opener right there. If its so fucking great then how come the Dem idiots who passed it aren't running campaigns touting how fucking great it is?? WHY? Because it sucks and they know it.

Anyone who thinks BO give a shit is delusioinal. He doesn't need anyone to vote for his sorry ass again and he will be covered by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

LOL, just LOL. Literally, you're entire post is blatantly wrong or just outright funny. Thanks for the laugh.

hey look, its the voice of treason
Yup. That trainwreck ACA is gonna cost jobs big time.

Those of us who have hc will be paying more for it and we will also be "subsidizing" those who can't pay.

If I had a business I sure as hell wouldn't hire anyone full time. The ACA is a trainiwreck and the fact the Congress wants to exempt themselves and staffers from it should tell anyone all they need to know about the ACA.

They are also trying to implement it in 2015 AFTER the elections. Thats an eye opener right there. If its so fucking great then how come the Dem idiots who passed it aren't running campaigns touting how fucking great it is?? WHY? Because it sucks and they know it.

Anyone who thinks BO give a shit is delusioinal. He doesn't need anyone to vote for his sorry ass again and he will be covered by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

LOL, just LOL. Literally, you're entire post is blatantly wrong or just outright funny. Thanks for the laugh.

hey look, its the voice of treason

Cute. I've got $50 that says you didn't come up with that on your own.
And the stock market was going to collapse, Romney would destroy Obama in 2012, Obamacare will be ruled unconstitutional......You guys are so good at predictions, I mean, Who wouldn't listen to you?

now if you had listened, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Tell us what the alternative healthcare plan looked like that you supported.

This should be good for a laugh.

not only wouldn't i be paying for the deadbeats I'd be cutting their other entitlement programs too.
I don't "think" it was broken. I KNOW it was broken. I supported a much different system then what we ended up with...unfortunately we didn't get that system. What we did get is still a POS of at least it fixes *some* of the issues we had before.

But again, what healthcare system did you want to see put in place if you don't like Obamacare? This will be the 3rd post where you haven't actually answered with anything of substance.

Considering your plan is "give it to the government and let them run it" My concept of not doing anything sounds much much better.

You may need some daddy government to change your diaper every night and tell you that you're special, but I dont need it.

Do something for yourself once in your life, and dont expect other people to pay for it, which is EXACTLY what you want.

So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

If I dont want to change anything why would I have a plan?

Again, we all know what you want is someone else to pay for your stuff, make all your decsions for you, and tell you that you are a unique snowflake.

More government is your solution to any "problem" That makes you a lemming.
In RDD's world.. it is only 'working' when someone else is working to pay for things he wants... it is only 'working' when he don't have to work to take care of his own needs... he wants things to work, as long as he don't have to work
Yup. That trainwreck ACA is gonna cost jobs big time.

Those of us who have hc will be paying more for it and we will also be "subsidizing" those who can't pay.

If I had a business I sure as hell wouldn't hire anyone full time. The ACA is a trainiwreck and the fact the Congress wants to exempt themselves and staffers from it should tell anyone all they need to know about the ACA.

They are also trying to implement it in 2015 AFTER the elections. Thats an eye opener right there. If its so fucking great then how come the Dem idiots who passed it aren't running campaigns touting how fucking great it is?? WHY? Because it sucks and they know it.

Anyone who thinks BO give a shit is delusioinal. He doesn't need anyone to vote for his sorry ass again and he will be covered by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

LOL, just LOL. Literally, you're entire post is blatantly wrong or just outright funny. Thanks for the laugh.

LOL Your a hoot yourself RD. You actually think the ACA is great. Tells me how delusional you are.

Of course Congress is trying to exempt themselves and staff from the ACA.

Of course they are touting it in campaign adds. NOT.

Of course it will cost full time jobs.

Get back to me in 2014 when this POS kicks in and then tell me how great it is. Or mayby 2015 AFTER the election.
Considering your plan is "give it to the government and let them run it" My concept of not doing anything sounds much much better.

You may need some daddy government to change your diaper every night and tell you that you're special, but I dont need it.

Do something for yourself once in your life, and dont expect other people to pay for it, which is EXACTLY what you want.

So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

If I dont want to change anything why would I have a plan?

Again, we all know what you want is someone else to pay for your stuff, make all your decsions for you, and tell you that you are a unique snowflake.

More government is your solution to any "problem" That makes you a lemming.

I love that you didn't want anything to change. Tell me about the day you became a multi-billionaire and became immune to cancer.
So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

If I dont want to change anything why would I have a plan?

Again, we all know what you want is someone else to pay for your stuff, make all your decsions for you, and tell you that you are a unique snowflake.

More government is your solution to any "problem" That makes you a lemming.

I love that you didn't want anything to change. Tell me about the day you became a multi-billionaire and became immune to cancer.

How will making government take over healthcare turn me into a cancer-immune billionaire?
In RDD's world.. it is only 'working' when someone else is working to pay for things he wants... it is only 'working' when he don't have to work to take care of his own needs... he wants things to work, as long as he don't have to work

Says the guy who is still collecting tax payer money to fund his bank account. How ironic.
Tell us what the alternative healthcare plan looked like that you supported.

This should be good for a laugh.

not only wouldn't i be paying for the deadbeats I'd be cutting their other entitlement programs too.

Your plan is "let them die!". Good for you.

because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done
In RDD's world.. it is only 'working' when someone else is working to pay for things he wants... it is only 'working' when he don't have to work to take care of his own needs... he wants things to work, as long as he don't have to work

Says the guy who is still collecting tax payer money to fund his bank account. How ironic.

Since when??

Being a vet does not mean you are 'collecting' taxpayer money... most vets work to support themselves just fine.. and when the active duty soldiers EARN their paycheck, it is much different than when you and your ilk draw an entitlement (or call for others to draw them for nothing more than existing)
If I dont want to change anything why would I have a plan?

Again, we all know what you want is someone else to pay for your stuff, make all your decsions for you, and tell you that you are a unique snowflake.

More government is your solution to any "problem" That makes you a lemming.

I love that you didn't want anything to change. Tell me about the day you became a multi-billionaire and became immune to cancer.

How will making government take over healthcare turn me into a cancer-immune billionaire?

...And right over your head.

It's almost as if I need to draw pictures for you to explain these very basic concepts to you. Would that help. Maybe If I use smaller words?
I love that you didn't want anything to change. Tell me about the day you became a multi-billionaire and became immune to cancer.

How will making government take over healthcare turn me into a cancer-immune billionaire?

...And right over your head.

It's almost as if I need to draw pictures for you to explain these very basic concepts to you. Would that help. Maybe If I use smaller words?

No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.
not only wouldn't i be paying for the deadbeats I'd be cutting their other entitlement programs too.

Your plan is "let them die!". Good for you.

because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done

And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

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