..Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US

A permanent class of part time workers...all courtesy of ObamaCare and Obamanomics.
In RDD's world.. it is only 'working' when someone else is working to pay for things he wants... it is only 'working' when he don't have to work to take care of his own needs... he wants things to work, as long as he don't have to work

Says the guy who is still collecting tax payer money to fund his bank account. How ironic.

Since when??

Being a vet does not mean you are 'collecting' taxpayer money... most vets work to support themselves just fine.. and when the active duty soldiers EARN their paycheck, it is much different than when you and your ilk draw an entitlement (or call for others to draw them for nothing more than existing)

Please bend over backwards further to justify your hypocrisy. It's cute.
Your plan is "let them die!". Good for you.

because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done

And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

All people die, not all people truly live.

And show me somewhere in the current system where people are denied urgent care (i.e. let them die).
So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

If I dont want to change anything why would I have a plan?

Again, we all know what you want is someone else to pay for your stuff, make all your decsions for you, and tell you that you are a unique snowflake.

More government is your solution to any "problem" That makes you a lemming.

I love that you didn't want anything to change. Tell me about the day you became a multi-billionaire and became immune to cancer.

looky....the 'unique snowflake' argument.......:lol: (and let's not forget the "let them die!" part...:rolleyes:)
How will making government take over healthcare turn me into a cancer-immune billionaire?

...And right over your head.

It's almost as if I need to draw pictures for you to explain these very basic concepts to you. Would that help. Maybe If I use smaller words?

No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.

Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?
because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done

And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

All people die, not all people truly live.

And show me somewhere in the current system where people are denied urgent care (i.e. let them die).

And Who pays for that "urgent care"?
This is how they'll get around Obamacare.....they don't have to give temps any benefits.

Can you blame them?

Nope...I completely understand why they're doing it. Doesn't mean we like it, and we all know what it's going to do to our economy because people won't be able to afford anything after paying for their own insurance. Or of course, they won't buy insurance (many won't), then they'll get hit with a tax bill that they also can't afford. Obama and his cronies are getting everyone just where he wants them....dependent on the government.
Your plan is "let them die!". Good for you.

because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done

And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

Again.. you ASSume that people cannot and will not take care of themselves... your premise, in itself, is flawed

You also ASSume that most on the welfare dime are 'needy', when most are nothing more than 'wanty', for most are fully capable of working as much as they need to to provide for themselves.. they simply find it easier to have things handed to them rather than work 80 hours a week at jobs they don't like

I want people to have access to all the insurance and healthcare that they wish to buy for themselves... remove government from it all... let every group negotiate with insurance companies to get a group rate... Elks clubs, bowling leagues, HOA's, alumni organizations, employers, Dungeons and Dragons clubs, activist organizations, or whatever else... let everyone choose the level of care they want.. let everyone have tax free health savings accounts to fund for their own future care... let everyone buy catastrophic care insurance whether or not they have any pre-existing conditions... let competition open up across state lines to bring prices down.. let doctors and hospitals come up with their own plans to have people pay monthly for a service plan.. the options are ABUNDANT... and you don't need nanny government to do it all for you....
...And right over your head.

It's almost as if I need to draw pictures for you to explain these very basic concepts to you. Would that help. Maybe If I use smaller words?

No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.

Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?

If you go bankrupt you end up on Medicaid almost automatically
because people are oh so helpless without big mommy government :rolleyes:

It is a real incentive to get things done WHEN YOU HAVE TO

You breed sloth when you continually have government coddle the 'wanty'.... and progressives are more than happy to give people just barely enough to be noticed (at the expense of others, of course) in order to keep the votes coming in so that the real goal of the power and the pet projects get done

And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

Again.. you ASSume that people cannot and will not take care of themselves... your premise, in itself, is flawed

You also ASSume that most on the welfare dime are 'needy', when most are nothing more than 'wanty', for most are fully capable of working as much as they need to to provide for themselves.. they simply find it easier to have things handed to them rather than work 80 hours a week at jobs they don't like

I want people to have access to all the insurance and healthcare that they wish to buy for themselves... remove government from it all... let every group negotiate with insurance companies to get a group rate... Elks clubs, bowling leagues, HOA's, alumni organizations, employers, Dungeons and Dragons clubs, activist organizations, or whatever else... let everyone choose the level of care they want.. let everyone have tax free health savings accounts to fund for their own future care... let everyone buy catastrophic care insurance whether or not they have any pre-existing conditions... let competition open up across state lines to bring prices down.. let doctors and hospitals come up with their own plans to have people pay monthly for a service plan.. the options are ABUNDANT... and you don't need nanny government to do it all for you....

And how do you propose you convince insurance companies to not drop people when they become sick and hurt the bottom line?

How do you prevent insurance companies from putting a cap on coverage limits?

How do you convince insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions?

How do you get people coverage when they truly can't afford it?

I'm sure you'll have well thought-out, thought provoking responses.
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No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.

Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?

If you go bankrupt you end up on Medicaid almost automatically

And?....so then your solution is to put people on Government healthcare? Is this what you're suggesting? :eusa_eh:
I don't "think" it was broken. I KNOW it was broken. I supported a much different system then what we ended up with...unfortunately we didn't get that system. What we did get is still a POS of at least it fixes *some* of the issues we had before.

But again, what healthcare system did you want to see put in place if you don't like Obamacare? This will be the 3rd post where you haven't actually answered with anything of substance.

Considering your plan is "give it to the government and let them run it" My concept of not doing anything sounds much much better.

You may need some daddy government to change your diaper every night and tell you that you're special, but I dont need it.

Do something for yourself once in your life, and dont expect other people to pay for it, which is EXACTLY what you want.

So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

Well as soon as Puglosi said we needed to PASS it so we could see what was IN it should have been a huge red flag to everyone! You don't pass a montrosity like this without know what it says, and Obama pushed the crap through without the votes of the republicans....and he had to bribe one of his own to make it pass! This was a shit piece of legislation from the get go, we would have been much better off without it. We might not be going through this problem with jobs right now!
Says the guy who is still collecting tax payer money to fund his bank account. How ironic.

Since when??

Being a vet does not mean you are 'collecting' taxpayer money... most vets work to support themselves just fine.. and when the active duty soldiers EARN their paycheck, it is much different than when you and your ilk draw an entitlement (or call for others to draw them for nothing more than existing)

Please bend over backwards further to justify your hypocrisy. It's cute.

yeah... being a vet who draws no pension or VA benefits makes one a person who takes an entitlement.. and being employed in the defense of the country makes someone just like a welfare queen..

You are laughable... pitiful, but laughable
Gee, didn't see this one coming with obamacare

Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US - Yahoo! Finance

..Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US
Temporary jobs becoming a permanent fixture in US as more employers seek 'just-in-time'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hiring is exploding in the one corner of the U.S. economy where few want to be hired: Temporary work.

From Wal-Mart to General Motors to PepsiCo, companies are increasingly turning to temps and to a much larger universe of freelancers, contract workers and consultants. Combined, these workers number nearly 17 million people who have only tenuous ties to the companies that pay them — about 12 percent of everyone with a job.

Hiring is always healthy for an economy. Yet the rise in temp and contract work shows that many employers aren't willing to hire for the long run.

It was a "fixture" well before Obamacare.

You'd know that if you worked in the Private Sector as opposed to being employed as a New York City Police Officer.
How about "keep the federal government the hell out of the healthcare system."

That might work.

It certainly wasn't working before Obama came in to office.

Try again perhaps?

it doesn't matter was it working or not - it was not and still isn't the most burning issue for the day. or even the last 4 years. Jobs are.
One might start thinking about "fixing" the healthcare system when the economy is robust and growing 4% a year, not when it is in recession.

Except now we won't be seeing the growth in jobs, BECAUSE of Obamacare.
Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?

If you go bankrupt you end up on Medicaid almost automatically

And?....so then your solution is to put people on Government healthcare? Is this what you're suggesting? :eusa_eh:
What's laughable is that ObamaCare is the Heritage Foundation/Bob Dole alternative to Government Health Care.

Which shows they aren't at all serious about it.
And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

Again.. you ASSume that people cannot and will not take care of themselves... your premise, in itself, is flawed

You also ASSume that most on the welfare dime are 'needy', when most are nothing more than 'wanty', for most are fully capable of working as much as they need to to provide for themselves.. they simply find it easier to have things handed to them rather than work 80 hours a week at jobs they don't like

I want people to have access to all the insurance and healthcare that they wish to buy for themselves... remove government from it all... let every group negotiate with insurance companies to get a group rate... Elks clubs, bowling leagues, HOA's, alumni organizations, employers, Dungeons and Dragons clubs, activist organizations, or whatever else... let everyone choose the level of care they want.. let everyone have tax free health savings accounts to fund for their own future care... let everyone buy catastrophic care insurance whether or not they have any pre-existing conditions... let competition open up across state lines to bring prices down.. let doctors and hospitals come up with their own plans to have people pay monthly for a service plan.. the options are ABUNDANT... and you don't need nanny government to do it all for you....

And how do you propose you convince insurance companies to not drop people when they become sick and hurt the bottom line?

How do you prevent insurance companies from putting a cap on coverage limits?

How do you convince insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions?

How do you get people coverage when they truly can't afford it?

I'm sure you'll have well thought-out, thought provoking responses.

1) A simple thing called competition.. there is money to be made.. and you don't get to dictate that you get Cadillac treatment while paying for a used bicycle... and have a law that nobody is ever turned away from a medical facility for life saving care... you get shot in the chest, you get treated.. BUT, fully expect a bill for services if you do not have insurance or a health saving account
2) Make a simple law that nobody can be turned away from purchasing a product if they have a pre-existing condition.. now, you don't get to pay nothing and have everyone else pay for you... but you don't get turned away because there is no product for you to buy
3) If you can't afford it.. FUCKING WORK FOR IT.... you are not OWED something because you fucking exist.. that is unless you are a ward of the state where you have no such thing like freedom or voting privileges, etc (such as prisoners, ones who are committed, etc)

You seem to think that you get it because you WANT it.. the typical 'wanty' progressive...
The fricken taxpayers....people are NOT denied care in an emergency room. They get the care they need, don't pay, it goes to collections where they still don't pay....so then they get sued for it, which means nothing because you can't get blood out of a rock...then the bills get written off.....then the rest of us that do have insurance pay more in premiums to pay that bill for the guy that couldn't, or wouldn't, pay.
This is how they'll get around Obamacare.....they don't have to give temps any benefits.

Can you blame them?

Nope...I completely understand why they're doing it. Doesn't mean we like it, and we all know what it's going to do to our economy because people won't be able to afford anything after paying for their own insurance. Or of course, they won't buy insurance (many won't), then they'll get hit with a tax bill that they also can't afford. Obama and his cronies are getting everyone just where he wants them....dependent on the government.

They recently announced that they can't verify eligibility for ObamaCare subsidies, so for now, subsidies will be on a self-identified basis. IOW, we will have the Liar Loan Equivalent to get free ObamaCare money.

That's really going to BEND THE COST CURVE!
Considering your plan is "give it to the government and let them run it" My concept of not doing anything sounds much much better.

You may need some daddy government to change your diaper every night and tell you that you're special, but I dont need it.

Do something for yourself once in your life, and dont expect other people to pay for it, which is EXACTLY what you want.

So your plan is to keep exactly what we had before??? LOL. Really???? Please tell me that's your plan.

Actually, save the energy. I know you don't have a plan or any actual thought about the situation. That would require using your brain and the ability to analyze a situation.

Go back to grunting at the TV and scratching yourself while the world passes you by.

Well as soon as Puglosi said we needed to PASS it so we could see what was IN it should have been a huge red flag to everyone! You don't pass a montrosity like this without know what it says, and Obama pushed the crap through without the votes of the republicans....and he had to bribe one of his own to make it pass! This was a shit piece of legislation from the get go, we would have been much better off without it. We might not be going through this problem with jobs right now!

So what healthcare plan would you have liked to see implemented instead?

Please tell me you think our healthcare system was just fine how it was. I can't take another laughing fit.

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