..Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US

Gee, didn't see this one coming with obamacare

Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US - Yahoo! Finance

..Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US
Temporary jobs becoming a permanent fixture in US as more employers seek 'just-in-time'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hiring is exploding in the one corner of the U.S. economy where few want to be hired: Temporary work.

From Wal-Mart to General Motors to PepsiCo, companies are increasingly turning to temps and to a much larger universe of freelancers, contract workers and consultants. Combined, these workers number nearly 17 million people who have only tenuous ties to the companies that pay them — about 12 percent of everyone with a job.

Hiring is always healthy for an economy. Yet the rise in temp and contract work shows that many employers aren't willing to hire for the long run.

It was a "fixture" well before Obamacare.

You'd know that if you worked in the Private Sector as opposed to being employed as a New York City Police Officer.

Yes it was....temp work has been around for years. I first started working where I am now in 1993. I started out as a full time temp (no benefits). I got hired in and I've been here 20 years now.

Most companies that hired temps was so that they could try out a person before actually hiring them into the company. Saves a lot of money that way and they would seem to get better employees. The company I work for still brings in temps, but they're usually hired in if they're good within 3 months. Many other companies though are starting to hire ONLY temps, and they're staying as temps with no hope for full time with benefits. I hope I don't see that happen here, but I won't be surprised. With over 250 employees just at this plant, I can see it happening.
And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

Again.. you ASSume that people cannot and will not take care of themselves... your premise, in itself, is flawed

You also ASSume that most on the welfare dime are 'needy', when most are nothing more than 'wanty', for most are fully capable of working as much as they need to to provide for themselves.. they simply find it easier to have things handed to them rather than work 80 hours a week at jobs they don't like

I want people to have access to all the insurance and healthcare that they wish to buy for themselves... remove government from it all... let every group negotiate with insurance companies to get a group rate... Elks clubs, bowling leagues, HOA's, alumni organizations, employers, Dungeons and Dragons clubs, activist organizations, or whatever else... let everyone choose the level of care they want.. let everyone have tax free health savings accounts to fund for their own future care... let everyone buy catastrophic care insurance whether or not they have any pre-existing conditions... let competition open up across state lines to bring prices down.. let doctors and hospitals come up with their own plans to have people pay monthly for a service plan.. the options are ABUNDANT... and you don't need nanny government to do it all for you....

And how do you propose you convince insurance companies to not drop people when they become sick and hurt the bottom line?

How do you prevent insurance companies from putting a cap on coverage limits?

How do you convince insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions?

How do you get people coverage when they truly can't afford it?

I'm sure you'll have well thought-out, thought provoking responses.

get the costly intermediaries out of the healthcare business.....the government (the biggest cost inflator), employers, insurance companies, unions, Big Pharma, greedy lawyers, etc....

make most healthcare services simply a product on the free market......people used to pay in the past directly for most of their healthcare needs just like they paid for their food and clothing.....this will cause most medical costs to plummet....clinics will become competitive to attract customers...

for the 'big medical problems' and accompanying costs....people could buy Major Medical policies which would become very cheap since daily medical stuff would not be included...this insurance should travel across state lines and be bought by the individual...much like one buys auto insurance...

create pre-tax medical savings accounts to encourage savings for the increased medical costs in old age...

provide medical vouchers to those who are in great need and qualify for financial help....this should be only a small part of the population...
Again.. you ASSume that people cannot and will not take care of themselves... your premise, in itself, is flawed

You also ASSume that most on the welfare dime are 'needy', when most are nothing more than 'wanty', for most are fully capable of working as much as they need to to provide for themselves.. they simply find it easier to have things handed to them rather than work 80 hours a week at jobs they don't like

I want people to have access to all the insurance and healthcare that they wish to buy for themselves... remove government from it all... let every group negotiate with insurance companies to get a group rate... Elks clubs, bowling leagues, HOA's, alumni organizations, employers, Dungeons and Dragons clubs, activist organizations, or whatever else... let everyone choose the level of care they want.. let everyone have tax free health savings accounts to fund for their own future care... let everyone buy catastrophic care insurance whether or not they have any pre-existing conditions... let competition open up across state lines to bring prices down.. let doctors and hospitals come up with their own plans to have people pay monthly for a service plan.. the options are ABUNDANT... and you don't need nanny government to do it all for you....

And how do you propose you convince insurance companies to not drop people when they become sick and hurt the bottom line?

How do you prevent insurance companies from putting a cap on coverage limits?

How do you convince insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions?

How do you get people coverage when they truly can't afford it?

I'm sure you'll have well thought-out, thought provoking responses.

get the costly intermediaries out of the healthcare business.....the government (the biggest cost inflator), employers, insurance companies, unions, Big Pharma, greedy lawyers, etc....

make most healthcare services simply a product on the free market......people used to pay in the past directly for most of their healthcare needs just like they paid for their food and clothing.....this will cause most medical costs to plummet....clinics will become competitive to attract customers...

for the 'big medical problems' and accompanying costs....people could buy Major Medical policies which would become very cheap since daily medical stuff would not be included...this insurance should travel across state lines and be bought by the individual...much like one buys auto insurance...

create pre-tax medical savings accounts to encourage savings for the increased medical costs in old age...

provide medical vouchers to those who are in great need and qualify for financial help....this should be only a small part of the population...

And now how about actually answering the questions I asked.
And how do you propose you convince insurance companies to not drop people when they become sick and hurt the bottom line?

How do you prevent insurance companies from putting a cap on coverage limits?

How do you convince insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions?

How do you get people coverage when they truly can't afford it?

I'm sure you'll have well thought-out, thought provoking responses.

get the costly intermediaries out of the healthcare business.....the government (the biggest cost inflator), employers, insurance companies, unions, Big Pharma, greedy lawyers, etc....

make most healthcare services simply a product on the free market......people used to pay in the past directly for most of their healthcare needs just like they paid for their food and clothing.....this will cause most medical costs to plummet....clinics will become competitive to attract customers...

for the 'big medical problems' and accompanying costs....people could buy Major Medical policies which would become very cheap since daily medical stuff would not be included...this insurance should travel across state lines and be bought by the individual...much like one buys auto insurance...

create pre-tax medical savings accounts to encourage savings for the increased medical costs in old age...

provide medical vouchers to those who are in great need and qualify for financial help....this should be only a small part of the population...

And now how about actually answering the questions I asked.

you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....
get the costly intermediaries out of the healthcare business.....the government (the biggest cost inflator), employers, insurance companies, unions, Big Pharma, greedy lawyers, etc....

make most healthcare services simply a product on the free market......people used to pay in the past directly for most of their healthcare needs just like they paid for their food and clothing.....this will cause most medical costs to plummet....clinics will become competitive to attract customers...

for the 'big medical problems' and accompanying costs....people could buy Major Medical policies which would become very cheap since daily medical stuff would not be included...this insurance should travel across state lines and be bought by the individual...much like one buys auto insurance...

create pre-tax medical savings accounts to encourage savings for the increased medical costs in old age...

provide medical vouchers to those who are in great need and qualify for financial help....this should be only a small part of the population...

And now how about actually answering the questions I asked.

you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....

Any answer that does not involve government forcing others to pay for his care, he does not want to hear
one can also reform the way medical insurance works with putting a cap on the profits they can make - not more than 5% a year - which is huge - plus limitations on the payment fro their CEO and some other features.
There also should be a major change to EMTALA laws which were the major reason costs billed by the hospitals skyrocketed. We can't provide everything to everybody - and that is how it works nowadays - you hit the ER door and might end up getting the organ transplant even if you are illegally in this country, yet you can also be fired and financially ruined if you happen to be middle class citizen paying your taxes, having an insurance, raising family and getting a chronic illness.
get the costly intermediaries out of the healthcare business.....the government (the biggest cost inflator), employers, insurance companies, unions, Big Pharma, greedy lawyers, etc....

make most healthcare services simply a product on the free market......people used to pay in the past directly for most of their healthcare needs just like they paid for their food and clothing.....this will cause most medical costs to plummet....clinics will become competitive to attract customers...

for the 'big medical problems' and accompanying costs....people could buy Major Medical policies which would become very cheap since daily medical stuff would not be included...this insurance should travel across state lines and be bought by the individual...much like one buys auto insurance...

create pre-tax medical savings accounts to encourage savings for the increased medical costs in old age...

provide medical vouchers to those who are in great need and qualify for financial help....this should be only a small part of the population...

And now how about actually answering the questions I asked.

you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....

How about the actual questions you originally quoted and replied to.....those questions.
And now how about actually answering the questions I asked.

you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....

Any answer that does not involve government forcing others to pay for his care, he does not want to hear

Says the guy who lives off of taxpayer money. Rich!
you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....

Any answer that does not involve government forcing others to pay for his care, he does not want to hear

Says the guy who lives off of taxpayer money. Rich!

does he work for that money or do they just send him a check for sitting on his ass? Big difference
...And right over your head.

It's almost as if I need to draw pictures for you to explain these very basic concepts to you. Would that help. Maybe If I use smaller words?

No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.

Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?

I took out long term/short term disability coverage, and my cap is around 2 million. I feel pretty comfortable with that.
And he tries to justify "Let them Die!" as the solution. You should be proud of yourself.

All people die, not all people truly live.

And show me somewhere in the current system where people are denied urgent care (i.e. let them die).

And Who pays for that "urgent care"?

Yes, the government, but at that point it does not control MY Health care, which is what you are aiming for.

So I end up with crappier government service, see my taxes go up, and end up subsidizing people even more than I do now.

No thank you. If you want to rob me, at least use a gun and do it the honorable way, you cowardly piece of dog shit.
you mean your questions about 'plans'......? hey i understand your hatred toward insurance companies....the idea is to get rid of them for the most part...

which is why i advocate paying cash (or credit card) when you need medical care (except for major medical)....

Any answer that does not involve government forcing others to pay for his care, he does not want to hear

Says the guy who lives off of taxpayer money. Rich!

Uh huh... your repeating of a complete lie does not make it truth.. whether it be this or your progressive beliefs
No it would help if you actually made some fucking sense and explain to me why giving government control over my healthcare is such a wonderful fucking idea, considering my current plan is just fine, thank you very much.

Is your current plan still fine when you get sick and they drop you from the policy?

If your current plan still fine when they cap your payouts for coverage and you still haven't beaten your disease?

Is your current plan still fine when you go bankrupt due to medical bills?

I took out long term/short term disability coverage, and my cap is around 2 million. I feel pretty comfortable with that.

Now try answering what I asked. Novel concept I know.
All people die, not all people truly live.

And show me somewhere in the current system where people are denied urgent care (i.e. let them die).

And Who pays for that "urgent care"?

Yes, the government, but at that point it does not control MY Health care, which is what you are aiming for.

So I end up with crappier government service, see my taxes go up, and end up subsidizing people even more than I do now.

No thank you. If you want to rob me, at least use a gun and do it the honorable way, you cowardly piece of dog shit.

The government? :eusa_eh:

Umm, no. You have no clue how our system works now or in the past, do you? You just know "the government" is your go to answer for anything you don't understand.

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