Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

JIm Jordan is a national disgrace. He's more interested in deceitful grandstanding than facts and truth.


Why do you lie Lakhota?

What is it there for you?

Don't you like the truth?

I know what my eyes and ears told me as I listened to the hearing today. Teabaggers Jordan and Meadows both need rabies shots.
Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Did anyone notice that during the Democrat Congressional Committee hearings both yesterday and today, there was not one outburst from those who were permanent fixtures of the violent Progressive Marxist Socialist Left during the last two years of hearings.

That's because this was an actual oversight hearing and not the pretend ones the republicans held.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley on Michael Cohen hearing: "We are doing the business of the American people, including today ... sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants. Electric-like is the most efficient policeman. Well let there be light, because the point of oversight is for us to pursue the trust, to pursue the truth and justice for the American people, to understand if lies, deceit and corruption are threats to democracy, and, indeed, our safety."
Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Yeah, that's not how that went down at all. You gotta take off the tRump-colored glasses and see reality for a change.

Perhaps you need to take the Surrender Monkeys dick out of your mouth and opened your eyes ...you may be able to see again....but I wouldn't bet on it!

Amen to that. That's exactly why the Trump NaziCons are angry at Cohen!
Really interesting testimony.

The Republicans were TERRIBLE in their lines of questioning. They appeared to be stuck on repeat, attacking Cohen's character instead of addressing anything he said or the evidence he presented. And that's really not very smart considering who these Republicans are defending.
Maya Wiley on Rep. Meadows' rebuttal of President Trump's alleged racism: "That was the most offensive thing I have ever seen in my life. And to take one person, parade her physically in front of cameras, and say she works for Trump, therefore he can't — even though we have a public record during the campaign of several incidents that have called into question his racial attitudes — but one woman, who worked for him who can be physically paraded out in front of the cameras — that was the most irresponsible moment I have seen on TV in a very long time."
All you needed to hear was Cohen stating there WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION....That is legally all the committee is designed for....not to search for any other wrongdoing. That is up to the DoJ!
Nothing criminal, so far.
It can NEVER be criminal to pay blackmail, or else the government would be aiding and abetting the blackmail.
The campaign finance laws are about making public, campaign contributions used to buy media time/
Paying blackmail has nothing to do with the media, or campaign finance laws.
The John Edwards case already went down this road and showed it goes nowhere.
Really interesting testimony.

The Republicans were TERRIBLE in their lines of questioning. They appeared to be stuck on repeat, attacking Cohen's character instead of addressing anything he said or the evidence he presented. And that's really not very smart considering who these Republicans are defending.

There is nothing to defend.
There is no law involved at all.
This is instead all about voters impressions for 2020.
So then attacking Cohen as being disloyal on top of everything else, is the best approach.
I thought Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election from HIllary Clinton.

What happened with that thing, you know....the one that the Dimms and MSM talked about 24/7 for 2years?

You guys just moving on to the next thing, huh?
Cohen cleared his testimony with Mueller beforehand. He was asked specifically not to talk about it that subject.
Really interesting testimony.

The Republicans were TERRIBLE in their lines of questioning. They appeared to be stuck on repeat, attacking Cohen's character instead of addressing anything he said or the evidence he presented. And that's really not very smart considering who these Republicans are defending.

There is nothing to defend.
There is no law involved at all.
This is instead all about voters impressions for 2020.
So then attacking Cohen as being disloyal on top of everything else, is the best approach.

Attacking the messenger instead of what he's saying, isn't exactly a good strategy. But I agree, it was probably their best strategy.

Cohen, a liar, proved that Trump is a liar.
And all this Cohen's dog and pony show, is happening while the President is in nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea, in Vietnam! Bless President Trump!

This is nothing more than a side show from the Demonrats Infanticides scum!

The John Edwards case already went down this road and showed it goes nowhere.
No. Edwards got by on the defense that his friends can give him gifts and operated on their own, when they paid women, and that he never worked with them to payoff the women or knew he was using campaign funds. Trump does not have this defense available to him.

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