Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

I wonder how Trump felt today as he listened to Cohen...


I doubt that President Trump was even paying any attention to the Democrat's shitshow today. I know that I didn't.

But I can tell you how he felt...








Damn man, you are straight retarded.
OK then: Name one earth-shattering thing that Cohen said, that President Trump should be worried about.
No no no, there's nothing to talk about. You said so yourself. You came here to a thread about it not to talk about it. And I am not going to to stand in the way of you doing that.
There were a few accusations that Jordan made that Cohen disputed it and then Jim Jordan looked kind of stupid.

Like when Jordan was accusing him of not paying his taxes for five years and Cohen said that he did and that it wasn’t one point something million but 250,000 a year over five years.
It was a very strange exchange.

But I went to Jim Jordan‘s Twitter feed and there was all these comments about him and his wrestling team. I can’t say what the comments were because they were so nasty. But Jim Jordan was involved in some really strange stuff.

Apparently one of the members went to Jim Gordon and told him that he went to the doctor and the doctor told him to take off all his clothes and then touched his junk and Jim Jordan said well he’s a doctor and the wrestler said yeah but my finger was broken.
That has all been disproven, you fucking douchebag. But how appropriate that you would drag it up again. No smear is too sleazy or too discredited for a leftwinger to drag it up again.
OK then: Name one earth-shattering thing that Cohen said, that President Trump should be worried about.
No no no, there's nothing to talk about. You said so yourself. You came here to a thread about it not to talk about it. And I am not going to to stand in the way of you doing that.

You know damned well what I mean. There's nothing to talk about because you people don't have a leg to stand on. You don't have a case. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nichts.

All this excitement that was built up over Cohen's testimony was nothing but one more letdown to the left. Now all they can do is hope something is revealed in the Mueller report, which probably won't even be made public.

And then there's the SDNY's allegation that Trump might have violated federal campaign finance laws.Har har.. Even if that was found to be true, those are generally settled by payment of a dinky little administrative fine.

Like when Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was found guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million dollars. We're only dealing with a measly $280,000 in regards to Cohen and Trump. Obama wasn't even prosecuted, and only had to pay a $375,000 fine.

But keep trying. I admire you people's tenacity. You'll get him yet.

Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Jim Jordan totally screwed up in his attempt to be Trump's new fixer against Trump's former fixer.
Jordan, in his closing statement went off on Cohen saying that he was a horrible lawyer because he did not advise Trump that making the hush payment could have legal consequences. He did show Cohen to be unfit council for Trump.
BUT HE ADMITTED TRUMP MADE THE ILLEGAL PAYMENTS. He was so intent in showing Cohen's weaknesses he did not realize he was confirming Trump made illegal payments. Jordan is an incompetent fixer.
Jordan not only tore down Cohen he helped implicate Trump in making illegal activities.

Cohen is an all too typical corporate lawyer. I appreciate his seemingly genuine wish for some redemption but sadly this is how the entire corporate world works. The trouble here is that we finally have someone trying to run the country like a business. Idiots have been saying they want that for years but big business is full of scams and flim-flams.

Most businesses are not run like Trump ran his business. Trump lacked morals and ethics and his businesses represent this.His businesses were closer to a crime family than the average US business
Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Jim Jordan totally screwed up in his attempt to be Trump's new fixer against Trump's former fixer.
Jordan, in his closing statement went off on Cohen saying that he was a horrible lawyer because he did not advise Trump that making the hush payment could have legal consequences. He did show Cohen to be unfit council for Trump.
BUT HE ADMITTED TRUMP MADE THE ILLEGAL PAYMENTS. He was so intent in showing Cohen's weaknesses he did not realize he was confirming Trump made illegal payments. Jordan is an incompetent fixer.
Jordan not only tore down Cohen he helped implicate Trump in making illegal activities.

Cohen is an all too typical corporate lawyer. I appreciate his seemingly genuine wish for some redemption but sadly this is how the entire corporate world works. The trouble here is that we finally have someone trying to run the country like a business. Idiots have been saying they want that for years but big business is full of scams and flim-flams.

"What" is how the entire corporate world works? All the corporations for I've worked have are excruciatingly punctilious about following the law.
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There's nothing to talk about because you people don't have a leg to stand.
That doesn't make any sense, either. We're talking about Cohen and his testimony; there are actually transcripts. It happened. What in the hell are you trying to say?
All this excitement that was built up over Cohen's testimony was nothing but one more letdown to the left.

I'm not sure what you thought anyone was expecting... but you shouldn't care so much about liberals' feelings. If you spent half that energy bettering yourself, good things could happen.
And then there's the SDNY's allegation that Trump might have violated federal campaign finance laws.Har har.. Even if that was found to be true, those are generally settled by payment of a dinky little administrative fine.
Not this kind of violation, they aren't. You're offbase, there.

Like when Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was found guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million dollars.
Except not really like that at all. That wasn't a felony. You should read up on that, before making yourself look any more silly.
JIm Jordan is a national disgrace. He's more interested in deceitful grandstanding than facts and truth.


Why do you lie Lakhota?

What is it there for you?

Don't you like the truth?

I know what my eyes and ears told me as I listened to the hearing today. Teabaggers Jordan and Meadows both need rabies shots.
That was the alcohol.

He won't understand that term. It's Firewater.
Republicans worked all day to kill the messenger and never asked a single question about the president. They did not acquit themselves well at all. I'm sure the Trumpbots loved their angry diatribes and conspiratorial tone but their incurious attitude about Trump would have been embarrassing if they had any pride.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, in fact he has less than zero.
Only a fucking retard would believe anything that fucker says
He knows more about Trump's business dealings than anyone in that hearing room and he is under oath. He does not have zero credibility it's somewhat higher than that. Just admit you find no wrongdoing in any of his allegations.

I find tons of wrong doings.

CNN: Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Lied to Congress Today, Again | 850 WFTL

1. He said that he had no ties to foreign entities by signing a document where he put "NA" where it asked for them. Then in testimony he said that he had 2.

2. He said he never wanted a job at the white house. No fewer than a half dozen people have come forward today and said he was very pissed he didn't get a job at the white house.

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