Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Where was the statement, “Trump colluded with Russia to win the Election?” Where is at least a supporting statement that Trump colluded with Russia? The only statement or suppprting statement believable among the 10 HuffPo Statements is that Trump cheated on his wife.
NO, he means the millions of ignorant Mexicans you want to import

then he should have grown a pair of stones and said his own racist bulshit instead of making someone else say it for him.

So saying Mexican's have NO business coming to this nation in anyway but legally is racist.
That's not the comment i first responded to. You just pulled that out of your well worn ass.

No, I slapped you with your own stupidity. You'll be ok.
If declarations of victory were actual victories, you would be a 17-star general by now, instead of a bitchy little crybaby, sucking Trump's butthole on the internet.
Michael Cohen: “In the mix, lying for Mr. Trump was normalized, and no one around him questioned it. In fairness, no one around him today questions it either.”
They must have tasked Steven Spielberg to write that script.
The past month dems have been literally killing their chances of winning the presidency in 2020...how out of it are they?...the people do not want their president while over seas to be verbally pummeled on national TV by angry democrats....what the hell is wrong with them?...
The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" certainly seems true of Trump and his gang. Cohen is only one of a dozen or more Trump associates who have been indicted, plead guilty, or under investigation. His former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, his former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer, all now been convicted of felonies. He has 4 cabinet members leave under an ethical cloud . To think Trump has no involvement and knows nothing is being pretty naive.

Conservatives argue that what we see now is just democrats out to get Trump. However, that does not explain the 30 years of investigations, charges, and lawsuits. In the 70's, there there was violations of the Fair Housing Act. He was represented by the infamous Roy Cohn, a now disbarred lawyer who was known for shady legal practices and being a close friend of Trump. In the 80's, New York City brought him to court for using unethical tactics to force out tenants. In 88, the Justice department had in court for illegal stock deals. In the 90's his outrageous behavior resulted in a series of defamation lawsuits. He was also fined by New Jersey for illegal Casino operations. Sex related criminal cases from child rape to molestation were filed but later dropped. In 2000, he was charged with violation of state lobbying laws. In 2001, he was charged by the SEC for with inaccurate fillings and misleading statements about properties. In 2013, he was sued by the State of New York for defrauding students at Trump University. In the 30 years prior to his presidency, Donald Trump amassed over 3000 lawsuits about half being instigated by Trump mostly over business matters. However, the rest were filed mostly by investors, home owners, and government claiming violation of civil ordinances, fraud, and illegal business practices.
Cohen provided some interesting insight into Trumps finances

Seems when he was being investigated for America’s richest man by Forbes he inflated his assets
When it came to paying taxes, he deflated their value.

Let’s have the IRS look into it
Strange how the deeper you suckasses look into Trump's private affairs the more it tends to blow up in your faces.
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Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Strange how the deeper you suckasses look into Trump's private affairs it tends to blow up in your faces.
Haha...now this is pure trump cultism. In what the rest of us call "reality", the more we look into Trump's private affairs, the more people turn state's evidence and go to jail, and the more criminal investigations are referred to the DC and NY offices.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Where was the statement, “Trump colluded with Russia to win the Election?” Where is at least a supporting statement that Trump colluded with Russia? The only statement or suppprting statement believable among the 10 HuffPo Statements is that Trump cheated on his wife.
Democraps are under the assumption that as long as you keep digging you'll eventually find something.
Hey look... The circus is back in session..... Cohen is testifying in The House about Trump paying porn stars for sex...

It appears to have been expertly timed to distract Democrats from noticing that there is about to be a war in Venezuela.....

That Guidao fellow is returning to Venezuela from meeting with Pence and the president of Columbia this week... Maduro says he is planning to jail him... Note that Guidao is the "President of Venezuela" which the US and a number of other nations recognize.... That would sort of be a pretty nice provocation...

Remember that Venezuela's military already fired on aid workers as well as their own citizens....

Russia says the US is massing troops for an invasion... Their intel is usually pretty decent.

So - Full speed ahead with Circus and Gladiators! Wall to wall Cohen Testimony!!!!! Mount up the news media distractions and ROLL full speed ahead!!!!

Watch our side start going nuts with some sort of "Democrats Blocking Building the Wall" distraction coverage or something along those lines....
Trump's approval numbers will go up because of today not down...can you imagine CNN's reaction to that?....
Watch how this all plays out in the anti-Trump media - they will portray everything that occurs next with The President of The United States of America (aka Donald J. Trump) as being done purposefully to distract attention from this dispicable farce of a sham show!

Meeting directly with the Dictator of North Korea to talk denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.... done to distract attention from Cohen’s “damning and destructive testimony”.... United States Military intervention in Venezuela.... done only as egotistical maniacal vain distractions from the wall-wall US left wing partisan media coverage of this dispicable display of airing unverifiable, unsubstantiated tabloid rumors for the sole purpose of low life Congressional partisan bedroom politics..... Cures cancer... only because he wants to distract us all from the frenzied tabloid media coverage in the midst of a politically driven media orgy.....
There were a few accusations that Jordan made that Cohen disputed it and then Jim Jordan looked kind of stupid.

Like when Jordan was accusing him of not paying his taxes for five years and Cohen said that he did and that it wasn’t one point something million but 250,000 a year over five years.
It was a very strange exchange.

But I went to Jim Jordan‘s Twitter feed and there was all these comments about him and his wrestling team. I can’t say what the comments were because they were so nasty. But Jim Jordan was involved in some really strange stuff.

Apparently one of the members went to Jim Gordon and told him that he went to the doctor and the doctor told him to take off all his clothes and then touched his junk and Jim Jordan said well he’s a doctor and the wrestler said yeah but my finger was broken.
Congressman Jordan PWND Cohen AND the democrat clowns. The other legal trouble Cohen might face is leaking his opening statement to the democrats and fake news CNN before the republicans obtained it.

CNN had it before we did—they had the exhibits before we did,” Jordan said, later adding that "this is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing."

Republicans try to derail Michael Cohen hearing over late release of testimony, evidence
There were a few accusations that Jordan made that Cohen disputed it and then Jim Jordan looked kind of stupid.

Like when Jordan was accusing him of not paying his taxes for five years and Cohen said that he did and that it wasn’t one point something million but 250,000 a year over five years.
It was a very strange exchange.

But I went to Jim Jordan‘s Twitter feed and there was all these comments about him and his wrestling team. I can’t say what the comments were because they were so nasty. But Jim Jordan was involved in some really strange stuff.

Apparently one of the members went to Jim Gordon and told him that he went to the doctor and the doctor told him to take off all his clothes and then touched his junk and Jim Jordan said well he’s a doctor and the wrestler said yeah but my finger was broken.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, in fact less than zero.
That was a fucking circus today… A waste of time, money and effort

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