Ten myth busting facts about welfare

Answer: Yes. Most left-winger assume everyone is ignorant and stupid. That's why they try and control every aspect of life. It's part of their ideology.
That's hilarious, I'd like to see what "left wingers" believe this. People on the left, the left that sprung from FDR's era, believe in utilizing the state to help everyone and encourage equality.

Intentions don't matter. Results are what matter. FDR, and the leftists of today, to the exact opposite of what you claim. They harm everyone, and destroy equality.
Yeah, results do matter, which is why FDR was elected 4 times, and why welfare has been proven to reduce poverty, same with social security.

Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
That's hilarious, I'd like to see what "left wingers" believe this. People on the left, the left that sprung from FDR's era, believe in utilizing the state to help everyone and encourage equality.

Intentions don't matter. Results are what matter. FDR, and the leftists of today, to the exact opposite of what you claim. They harm everyone, and destroy equality.
Yeah, results do matter, which is why FDR was elected 4 times, and why welfare has been proven to reduce poverty, same with social security.

Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
Intentions don't matter. Results are what matter. FDR, and the leftists of today, to the exact opposite of what you claim. They harm everyone, and destroy equality.
Yeah, results do matter, which is why FDR was elected 4 times, and why welfare has been proven to reduce poverty, same with social security.

Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Yeah, results do matter, which is why FDR was elected 4 times, and why welfare has been proven to reduce poverty, same with social security.

Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
Important read.
Ten myth-busting facts about welfare
Unlike monthly jobs numbers, poverty numbers come out only once a year—and they’ll be rolling out on Tuesday. That means this is the time to talk about the 46.2 million living in poverty. And you can’t talk about poverty without talking about welfare, officially known as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

It may come as a surprise, but TANF was never intended to be a comprehensive anti-poverty program. It was designed to be a temporary leg up, but its mission varies greatly from state to state.

Here are a few other facts that may surprise you:

  1. States have no legal obligation to support poor families with cash. States have a lot more freedom to do what they want with this program than people realize. In the extreme, states could even decide to get rid of TANF altogether, as Alabama budget cuts threatened to do last year.
  2. States are able to set their own rules about who gets TANF and how much, usually reflecting the state’s culture and philosophy about government’s role in helping the poor. Some states believe the poor shouldn’t get help from the government. Whether a family receives TANF assistance and how much they receive depends largely on the state where they live. For example, in Texas, fewer than 1 in 10 poor families receive assistance, compared with almost three out of four in California.
  3. Not everyone who is poor gets welfare. The official poverty line is already so low that a family of three with any income over $1,500 a month is not officially poor. And even that is not poor enough to qualify for TANF. To qualify, you typically need to have income below half the poverty line; in some states, the income limit is much lower. Cash assistance reaches fewer than one in three poor families nationally (about 1.5 percent of the total population).
  4. Reducing poverty is not one of TANF’s purposes. The amount families receive from TANF does not come close to lifting them out of poverty. The most a family could receive in the most generous state is still less than half the federal poverty line. A family of three would receive at most about $400 a month in the average state.
  5. Even though TANF was intended to assist needy families and promote work, the program devotes relatively few resources to either purpose.
    • In 2010, only 28.8 percent of TANF funds nationally was spent on cash payments to needy families. Less than 8 percent goes to activities that help people find work (including job search, work subsidies, education and training, transportation, individual development accounts, and other work expenses, combined).
    • A whopping 63 percent is spent on other social service programs or child care, or the other two purposes of TANF: preventing out-of-wedlock pregnancies and encouraging the formation and maintenance of two-parent families.
  6. The amount the federal government gives states for TANF has not changed since 1997. The federal government spends a total of $16.5 billion a year on TANF. This figure does not change with inflation, so it is worth less and less over time. States are obligated to contribute their own funds as well.
  7. The program was not responsive to the recession or the recent rise in poverty. During the recession, the share of needy families receiving cash assistance fell. The number of families receiving cash assistance grew, but the number of poor families grew faster.
    • While unemployment rates doubled, the number of families receiving cash assistance grew by only 13 percent.
    • The poverty rate increased from 11 percent in 2000 to 15 percent in 2011.
    • Child poverty rose from 16 percent in 2000 to 22 percent in 2011.
  8. Since TANF began in 1997, the share of poor families receiving assistance has fallen in all states, and the difference among states has grown. In 1998, about half (53 percent) of poor families with children nationally received TANF cash assistance, compared with 28 percent in 2010. In 1998, poor families in California were three times more likely to receive cash assistance than families in Texas; by 2010, California poor families were 10 times more like to receive cash assistance than those in Texas, where TANF cash assistance went to just 7 out of 100 poor families with children.
What's your point?
That there's no waste fraud and abuse in our social programs?
That they need to be expanded?
Here's what you can do.....Pick a poor family, and then each week, buy their groceries.
Until you can show you are willing to spend you own money, don't you dare stick your fucking hand out demanding everyone else pay.....
55% of the US federal budget goes toward social safety nets. Of that, about HALF the money goes to paying federal employees, many of which are NOT needed, to administer the programs.....
No one wants any one to starve( Matthew, you fucking douche bag)...No one wants the truly needy to go with out. In fact I am an ardent supporter of programs for those who cannot help themselves. The disabled and especially our seniors.....The problem is, your side refuses to seek out and find those who are gaming the system. The ones who upon reaching adulthood, instead of working, they head down to the nearest social services office to apply for as many benefits they can get their hands on.....The whole system is corrupt....
Fromthe link:
The poverty rate increased from 11 percent in 2000 to 15 percent in 2011.
So poverty increased despite (because of) 8 years of Democrat rule.
Democrat policies fail to lift people out of poverty. They fail every time.
Yup, growth suqs- what we need is ANOTHER corrupt Pub world depression or S+L crisis with doubling/tripling the debt in "good" times. Brilliant.
Hires and Quits Were Flat in April, While Job Openings Rose
The total number of job openings in April was 4.5 million, up from 4.2 million in March. In April, there were 9.8 million job seekers (unemployment data are from the Current Population Survey), meaning that there were 2.2 times as many job seekers as job openings. Put another way: Job seekers so outnumbered job openings that more than half of job seekers were not going to find a job in April no matter what they did. In a labor market with strong job opportunities, there would be roughly as many job openings as job seekers.
What do you propose happens to these people?
Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
There's nothing more disgusting then hearing a loserterian whine about how we should let them die.
shut the fuck up......
go fix your infrastructure.. pay a company to pave the street in front of your house.
Brilliant dumbass selfish BS from the know nothings.
Selfish? You tell me.....What is selfish about wanting to hang on to as much as one earns as possible?
Do you believe I owe you something?
There's nothing more disgusting then hearing a loserterian whine about how we should let them die.
shut the fuck up......
go fix your infrastructure.. pay a company to pave the street in front of your house.
Brilliant dumbass selfish BS from the know nothings.
Selfish? You tell me.....What is selfish about wanting to hang on to as much as one earns as possible?
Do you believe I owe you something?
I believe we need intelligent investment in the country and that the bloated rich and freeloader corps should pay for it AND their fair share for a change, Pub dupe. Nobody's talking about taxing your sorry ass more, dupe.
Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
Bill Moyers? Now there's an unbiased source.....Sheesh..
And now we see the "its for the children" card being played.....Gues what? No it isn't....Kids don't apply for benefits. Their parent does.....
The country could wipe out most of the debt run up by social spending if these people who produce children woudl stop and think about whether they can provide a decent household for their kids before making them....And how about the skyrocketing number of unwed mothers and one parent families?....And kids having kids?

No one on your side wants to talk about that?
No you fribbles want to talk in generalities of social problems then throw other people's money at them.....The biggest social problem we face is irresponsible behavior.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
Bill Moyers? Now there's an unbiased source.....Sheesh..
And now we see the "its for the children" card being played.....Gues what? No it isn't....Kids don't apply for benefits. Their parent does.....
The country could wipe out most of the debt run up by social spending if these people who produce children woudl stop and think about whether they can provide a decent household for their kids before making them....And how about the skyrocketing number of unwed mothers and one parent families?....And kids having kids?

No one on your side wants to talk about that?
No you fribbles want to talk in generalities of social problems then throw other people's money at them.....The biggest social problem we face is irresponsible behavior.
How do you propose these parents feed their kids? They need help for a reason.
There's nothing more disgusting then hearing a loserterian whine about how we should let them die.
shut the fuck up......
go fix your infrastructure.. pay a company to pave the street in front of your house.
Brilliant dumbass selfish BS from the know nothings.
Selfish? You tell me.....What is selfish about wanting to hang on to as much as one earns as possible?
Do you believe I owe you something?
I believe we need intelligent investment in the country and that the bloated rich and freeloader corps should pay for it AND their fair share for a change, Pub dupe. Nobody's talking about taxing your sorry ass more, dupe.
Wow.......Back the "fair share" argument? Christ. The govt could tax everyone who earns $100k per year or more at 100% and it would not put so much as a pock mark in the debt Obama has run up......
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
Bill Moyers? Now there's an unbiased source.....Sheesh..
And now we see the "its for the children" card being played.....Gues what? No it isn't....Kids don't apply for benefits. Their parent does.....
The country could wipe out most of the debt run up by social spending if these people who produce children woudl stop and think about whether they can provide a decent household for their kids before making them....And how about the skyrocketing number of unwed mothers and one parent families?....And kids having kids?

No one on your side wants to talk about that?
No you fribbles want to talk in generalities of social problems then throw other people's money at them.....The biggest social problem we face is irresponsible behavior.
How do you propose these parents feed their kids? They need help for a reason.
What reason might that be?
Hires and Quits Were Flat in April, While Job Openings Rose
The total number of job openings in April was 4.5 million, up from 4.2 million in March. In April, there were 9.8 million job seekers (unemployment data are from the Current Population Survey), meaning that there were 2.2 times as many job seekers as job openings. Put another way: Job seekers so outnumbered job openings that more than half of job seekers were not going to find a job in April no matter what they did. In a labor market with strong job opportunities, there would be roughly as many job openings as job seekers.
What do you propose happens to these people?
They can get jobs in the private sector.
Government work is not a welfare program. We should not be creating and maintaining non essential jobs for the sole purpose of employing people who are paid on the public dime.
Your stats are horse shit.
First, if there were so many looking for work, why then is the U-3 rate 5.1%?.....
Go ahead. Answer the question....
We're talking about over $250k/year for the billionth time and yes it would make a difference. And of course his debt is 70-80% bailing out the country and Pub victims- STILL 300 billion plus a year for UE and welfare. Great job Pubs starting a world depression and screwing up the recovery with STUPID disfunction DUH.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
Bill Moyers? Now there's an unbiased source.....Sheesh..
And now we see the "its for the children" card being played.....Gues what? No it isn't....Kids don't apply for benefits. Their parent does.....
The country could wipe out most of the debt run up by social spending if these people who produce children woudl stop and think about whether they can provide a decent household for their kids before making them....And how about the skyrocketing number of unwed mothers and one parent families?....And kids having kids?

No one on your side wants to talk about that?
No you fribbles want to talk in generalities of social problems then throw other people's money at them.....The biggest social problem we face is irresponsible behavior.
How do you propose these parents feed their kids? They need help for a reason.
What reason might that be?
Hires and Quits Were Flat in April, While Job Openings Rose
The total number of job openings in April was 4.5 million, up from 4.2 million in March. In April, there were 9.8 million job seekers (unemployment data are from the Current Population Survey), meaning that there were 2.2 times as many job seekers as job openings. Put another way: Job seekers so outnumbered job openings that more than half of job seekers were not going to find a job in April no matter what they did. In a labor market with strong job opportunities, there would be roughly as many job openings as job seekers.
What do you propose happens to these people?
They can get jobs in the private sector.
Government work is not a welfare program. We should not be creating and maintaining non essential jobs for the sole purpose of employing people who are paid on the public dime.
Your stats are horse shit.
First, if there were so many looking for work, why then is the U-3 rate 5.1%?.....
Go ahead. Answer the question....
It's been 30 years of dumbass Reaganism low spending on infrastructure and we're overdue on responsibility , all so the richest can laugh to the bank, chump. Change the channel. Also it's the perfect time for cheap loans for construction. Also for training for 3-4 MILLION tech jobs going begging. Your party is a stupid a-hole.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?
50 million collecting food stamps....
You libs say so yourselves. You want more more more in social spending. No matter how much it is, it's never enough.....
Why is it your version of compassion always begins in the bank accounts of others?
Six Myths About Food Stamps | BillMoyers.com
Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News
Bill Moyers? Now there's an unbiased source.....Sheesh..
And now we see the "its for the children" card being played.....Gues what? No it isn't....Kids don't apply for benefits. Their parent does.....
The country could wipe out most of the debt run up by social spending if these people who produce children woudl stop and think about whether they can provide a decent household for their kids before making them....And how about the skyrocketing number of unwed mothers and one parent families?....And kids having kids?

No one on your side wants to talk about that?
No you fribbles want to talk in generalities of social problems then throw other people's money at them.....The biggest social problem we face is irresponsible behavior.
And shytty min wage and low paying crappe Pub jobs...all so the rich greedy idiots can have all the new wealth. Which you blame on Obama like good little brainwashed drones.

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