Ten myth busting facts about welfare

You hater dupe jackasses seem to think people like poverty. So stupid. There aren't many jobs, and too many suq and are too hard to get to. At least now they include health care. No thanks to you tools of the greedy rich idiots/a-holes. And thanks for all the corrupt depressions, scandals and bubbles/busts. Real scandals.

seem to think people like poverty

the democrat leaders do in fact they love it

it is how they make their living
Nonsense. 6 years of growth after the GOP wrecked the world. Again. GTF out of the way, dupes.

slowest recovery in HISTORY.

You call this a recovery? Its like a 7 year case of the flu thanks to Democrats and their stupid ass policies. With friends like Democrats the poor don't need any enemies.
And yet Dems tell poor people they are working for them. Yeah, working to keep them poor and voting Dem.
You hater dupe jackasses seem to think people like poverty. So stupid. There aren't many jobs, and too many suq and are too hard to get to. At least now they include health care. No thanks to you tools of the greedy rich idiots/a-holes. And thanks for all the corrupt depressions, scandals and bubbles/busts. Real scandals.

seem to think people like poverty

the democrat leaders do in fact they love it

it is how they make their living
Nonsense. 6 years of growth after the GOP wrecked the world. Again. GTF out of the way, dupes.

Right now, we have the least amount of Americans working in well over 30 years. Step out of the way for what, to see if we can break a 70 year record of Americans not working?
You hater dupe jackasses seem to think people like poverty. So stupid. There aren't many jobs, and too many suq and are too hard to get to. At least now they include health care. No thanks to you tools of the greedy rich idiots/a-holes. And thanks for all the corrupt depressions, scandals and bubbles/busts. Real scandals.

There is only one solution to poverty and that is money. The most popular way to get money is to get a job.

There are plenty of jobs around. In my industry, they can't find enough people to work, so they are hiring foreigners because they don't have SNAP's cards and Obama phones. Foreigners are happy to come here and take all those jobs Americans are too lazy to do.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
most on it do not have to be on it and they can work- they just don't want to. Why go work full time for 2 grand a month when you can sit at home and do nothing for 1400? or 1200? or even a grand?

My neighbor lost his job years ago because the company closed down thanks to the recession. He went on unemployment which turned into an extension and he was out of work for a year.

With what unemployment paid after taxes, it would have been foolish for him to get a job, and he admitted this. He was bringing home (after taxes) almost $400.00 a week for doing nothing. He worked under the table painting houses on the side. Together, he was making more money than when he was working a 40 hour job.

I used to see him outside and yell "Hows the job hunting going Charlie?" He would yell back "What job hunting?" Then he would just laugh about it.
We're talking about over $250k/year for the billionth time and yes it would make a difference. And of course his debt is 70-80% bailing out the country and Pub victims- STILL 300 billion plus a year for UE and welfare. Great job Pubs starting a world depression and screwing up the recovery with STUPID disfunction DUH.

If your boy couldn't handle the job, why did he apply for it? No other President or followers have tried to shift blame like this in our history. Seven years later, and it's still Bush's fault. LOL. And you jokers think the world doesn't see this.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????

No problem. HOw about the rich stop replacing working folks with robots or moving jobs to China so there are jobs to get?

Here's the thing I found annoying. I had a problem with my email. I called Comcast, and spent 20 minutes dicking around with a robo-caller before I actually got to talk to a live person. This person was obviously in a call center in the Philippines and had a dubious grasp on English.

You see, our priorities are kind of screwed up. Our goal should be to get enough people working and bringing home paychecks, not how much wealth we can accumulate with the 1%.
My neighbor lost his job years ago because the company closed down thanks to the recession. He went on unemployment which turned into an extension and he was out of work for a year.

With what unemployment paid after taxes, it would have been foolish for him to get a job, and he admitted this. He was bringing home (after taxes) almost $400.00 a week for doing nothing. He worked under the table painting houses on the side. Together, he was making more money than when he was working a 40 hour job.

I used to see him outside and yell "Hows the job hunting going Charlie?" He would yell back "What job hunting?" Then he would just laugh about it.

So what does your neighbor do if he falls off a ladder on one of his paint jobs without insurance?
There's nothing more disgusting then hearing a loserterian whine about how we should let them die.
shut the fuck up......
go fix your infrastructure.. pay a company to pave the street in front of your house.
Brilliant dumbass selfish BS from the know nothings.
Selfish? You tell me.....What is selfish about wanting to hang on to as much as one earns as possible?
Do you believe I owe you something?
I believe we need intelligent investment in the country and that the bloated rich and freeloader corps should pay for it AND their fair share for a change, Pub dupe. Nobody's talking about taxing your sorry ass more, dupe.

What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.
And yet Dems tell poor people they are working for them. Yeah, working to keep them poor and voting Dem.

and what are you guys doing to get them into the middle class and voting Republican?

My dad was a union guy who voted strictly Republican because once upon a time, Republicans realized a strong middle class made a great America. He even thought Nixon got a raw deal because he did the same things the rest of them did.

The thing is, somewhere, the GOP figured out that instead of looking out for the working class, all they had to do was play on the religious, racial and sexual fears of white males and that would be enough to win elections. So they'd scream about "Affirmative Action" or "Welfare" or "Gay Marriage" or "Abortion",and a lot of you fucking dopes would go to the polls and vote for them and then wonder why your job was going to China next month.

Hey, and for a while, it worked. Gay marriage put Bush over the top in 2004, allowing him to totally fuck up the economy.

It's just not working now.
Yeah, proven to keep people in poverty.
I've literally shown you this is bullshit, and even if some people abuse the system, the overall positive gains are undeniable.

Funny, because even FDR himself disagrees.

“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1935 State of the Union message

And what he warned about, is exactly what I see today. I've met people who have no human spirit. They have no self worth.... and they shouldn't. They live off of the hard work of others, and they know it... but they have had their moral fiber ruined so badly, they no longer care.

You did this to them.

But here's the real killer. When you make people dependent on government, you make them dependent on something that literally can't succeed long term.

Eventually the welfare state will come to an end. We can't borrow endlessly. At some point, there will be a failure in the bond market, and these programs and benefits will be cut.

And these people you screwed over, who only know how to live off the government, and have no marketable skills because they haven't been working.... will be in a life long train wreck.
FDR disagrees? No, he really doesn't, welfare isn't meant to keep people dependent, it's a safety net for people who fall into poverty or for people who don't make enough to live off of.
That's why we have multi generational government dependence, right?
You really suck at debate, asshole.
Show me the numbers for this. What kind of dependence? Number of dependents?

What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.
Welfare dependency is generationally passed on.........

Their findings indicate that if parents become welfare dependents, the likelihood of their children eventually becoming welfare recipients also increases.
Specifically, when parents are awarded Their findings indicate that if parents become welfare dependents, the likelihood of their children eventually becoming welfare recipients also increases. Specifically, when parents are awarded Disability Insurance DI, the likelihood that one of their adult children will participate in DI rises by 5 percentage points over the next five years, and 11 percentage points over the next decade. These findings suggest that a more stringent screening policy for DI benefits would not only reduce payouts to current applicants, but would also have long-run effects on participation rates and program costs. The results underscore how important accounting for intergenerational effects can be when making projections of how participation rates and program costs may be affected by program reforms.
Is Welfare Dependency Perpetuated from One Generation to the Next? Maybe | National Review Online
No, it would be lower. Why?

Because these social programs encourage people to stay on them. The way to stay on them is to limit your income. I've experienced this several times myself. Perhaps you read my post of tenants I had to evict because they were late with rent and getting later all the time. I suggested that the female of the household work a part-time weekend job to supplement her boyfriends income. She dismissed the suggestion. Why? Because she was getting $200.00 a month in food stamps.

Without food stamps, they would be forced to increase their income. Because of food stamps, they were pressured into keeping their income limited. To make a long story short, I did evict them. It's on their record now and it will be very difficult for them to find nice rentals in the future.

for every instance where you could prove that these social programs helped somebody, I could find five where they hurt people instead.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
Don't try to push this lie onto me, they don't encourage people to stay on them, do you know how much the average amount in food stamp benefits is? Who receives them? The number of employed people on welfare? What constitutes welfare? Quoting rush? LOL.

That's just one instance of a personal experience I'm posting here. There are dozens from other sources that concur.

Welfare now pays better than the average working job if you consider taxes and all benefits. Of course this is if you are using every possible welfare program offered.

Nobody wants to give up free money. Free money is an incentive to continue getting that free money. If you are getting $250.00 per month in various benefits, and you have an opportunity to get $300.00 more in wages, are you going to take that opportunity of a wage increase if it only means fifty bucks to you after taxes? Of course not. Nobody would. You'd be better off working less hours and making less money than to make 50 bucks more a month.
You can't abuse welfare in the way you're describing, it's virtually impossible.
Happens every single day.
THe marginal cost to a welfare recipient to get a job is enormous.
You're telling me someone can get on every single welfare program in existence at the same time without any checks being done? Do you know how long it took my father to get disability?

Disability takes one year and you can't be working during that time from what I understand.
That number would be even higher without welfare programs like medicaid/medicare/wic/food stamps/social security..

No, it would be lower. Why?

Because these social programs encourage people to stay on them. The way to stay on them is to limit your income. I've experienced this several times myself. Perhaps you read my post of tenants I had to evict because they were late with rent and getting later all the time. I suggested that the female of the household work a part-time weekend job to supplement her boyfriends income. She dismissed the suggestion. Why? Because she was getting $200.00 a month in food stamps.

Without food stamps, they would be forced to increase their income. Because of food stamps, they were pressured into keeping their income limited. To make a long story short, I did evict them. It's on their record now and it will be very difficult for them to find nice rentals in the future.

for every instance where you could prove that these social programs helped somebody, I could find five where they hurt people instead.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
Don't try to push this lie onto me, they don't encourage people to stay on them, do you know how much the average amount in food stamp benefits is? Who receives them? The number of employed people on welfare? What constitutes welfare? Quoting rush? LOL.

That's just one instance of a personal experience I'm posting here. There are dozens from other sources that concur.

Welfare now pays better than the average working job if you consider taxes and all benefits. Of course this is if you are using every possible welfare program offered.

Nobody wants to give up free money. Free money is an incentive to continue getting that free money. If you are getting $250.00 per month in various benefits, and you have an opportunity to get $300.00 more in wages, are you going to take that opportunity of a wage increase if it only means fifty bucks to you after taxes? Of course not. Nobody would. You'd be better off working less hours and making less money than to make 50 bucks more a month.
You can't abuse welfare in the way you're describing, it's virtually impossible.

It's not abusing the system at all. It's legit. That's the problem.

These people can get pretty creative when it comes to scamming taxpayers out of money. For instance, I had a coworker who's wife worked at a convenience store. The girls were talking about trying to make ends meet and raising a family and whatnot. One of the women spoke out and said "Just do what I did, apply for these welfare programs and you'll be set."

Upon further questioning, she explained that all she had to do is tell welfare that her husband left her and she was stuck alone. Not only did they give her money and benefits, but she was allowed to work quite a bit of hours on top of it.

Welfare is not about to go out, find her husband, and question him about it. Even if they caught him at the house, that's not proof he actually lives there with her.

I had a new neighbor move in a couple of doors down a few years ago. I was shocked to see it was a guy I knew from work. We were talking and he explained he moved into a HUD house. He and his girlfriend moved there, but the government has no idea he lives with her. They even had a child together, and she didn't reveal who the father was, they just upped her benefits.

I know where this guy works, and he doesn't make bad money. They will never get married because of the benefits she gets. About a year or so later, he moved out. When I seen him at work, I asked about it. He claimed they didn't like living on such a busy street because they had all those kids. So they complained to HUD about it and they found them another home, larger, on a much quieter street in our suburb. So they moved.
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

Redistribution never works and never has, all throughout history no matter how it has tried to be done.
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

Training programs and infrastructure are all controlled by government--not the private entities. Unless you're suggesting we take all the wealth away from people so we can be a totally government controlled society.
We're talking about over $250k/year for the billionth time and yes it would make a difference. And of course his debt is 70-80% bailing out the country and Pub victims- STILL 300 billion plus a year for UE and welfare. Great job Pubs starting a world depression and screwing up the recovery with STUPID disfunction DUH.

If your boy couldn't handle the job, why did he apply for it? No other President or followers have tried to shift blame like this in our history. Seven years later, and it's still Bush's fault. LOL. And you jokers think the world doesn't see this.
Great bumper sticker. Of course he wrecked the world in every possible way that will take years to fix, and of course there's also the small matter of 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and their defense of freeloading
1%ers and corps. Change the gd channel- only brainwashed dupes and ignoramuses believe that bs. The rest of the world knows who the a-holes and fools are- the ugly American GOP.
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

Redistribution never works and never has, all throughout history no matter how it has tried to be done.
Idiot. Certainly worked for GOP 1% the last 30 years, fool. see sig
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

Training programs and infrastructure are all controlled by government--not the private entities. Unless you're suggesting we take all the wealth away from people so we can be a totally government controlled society.
BS> Google infrastructure bank and learn something else your propaganda service doesn't tell you, Pub dupe..
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

Redistribution never works and never has, all throughout history no matter how it has tried to be done.
Idiot. Certainly worked for GOP 1% the last 30 years, fool. see sig

Liberal policies are the cause.

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