Ten Trump LIES Liberals Tell

Just going to post them as written with a source of course. Liberals have LIED long enough so here are the cold hard FACTS...

1. He is not a billionaire. Forbes magazine researchers have placed his worth at $4 billion, while Trump asserts that he is worth $10 billion. A disclosure document recently released by the Federal Election Commission lists 515 different positions and 168 assets and sources of income for Trump.

The assets include 23 that are valued at more than $50 million each. Many items require that he check the box marked "$50 million or more" when they could be worth considerably more, meaning Trump's fortune may be higher than the disclosure suggests.

2. Trump is not a successful businessman. Critics says he inherited a fortune from his family and has declared bankruptcy several times. But Trump's father had a net wealth estimated at between $250 million and $400 million at the time of his death, and he had four surviving children who were heirs, so Trump is responsible for accumulating the great bulk of his fortune. Trump has never personally declared bankruptcy. Some businesses he controlled or licensed his name have, but this is not unusual for a mogul who has owned hundreds of properties and businesses through the years.

3. He said all Mexicans were rapists. What he said while announcing his candidacy is that illegal immigrants from Mexico are "bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Trump has made it clear he was not saying all Mexicans are criminals or that all illegal aliens are criminals, but the media have continued to charge that he branded Mexican immigrants as rapists. He has also said he "loves" the Mexican people, but was referring to the Mexican government.

4. Trump said John McCain is not a war hero. The Washington Post reported that Trump said "McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese." But Trump immediately modified his statement by saying, four times, that McCain is a war hero, including: "He is a war hero" and "he is a war hero because he was captured."

The Post also did not put Trump's remarks in the context of a feud between Trump and the Arizona senator, who has characterized some Trump supporters as "crazies."

5. Only 2,500 people showed up to hear Trump speak at the Phoenix Convention Center. The Phoenix Business Journal reported that 4,200 people were on hand, and noted, significantly, that "there were scores of Trump backers that did not get into his rally because the room hit fire code capacity." Other independent observers have placed the crowd at over 7,500.

6. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spoke at length with Trump and asked him to tone down his rhetoric. Trump said that in fact he spoke with Priebus for just 10 minutes and Priebus told him that Trump hit a "nerve, doing well." He said Priebus told him "you can't change your personality and I understand that." Trump said it "was a really nice call, a congratulatory call."

7. Hispanics don't like Trump. A poll by One America News Network in Nevada found that Trump received 31.4 percent support among Hispanics, higher than the 27.7 percent he received overall. The only other candidate to receive double digit support from Hispanics was Scott Walker. with 11.4 percent.

8. Trump lied about his salary from "The Apprentice." MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell claimed that Trump's statement in his federal disclosure document that he made more than $213 million as host of the NBC reality show was a "complete, total lie." Later that same day O'Donnell backed away from the claim, saying "I don't know" how much Trump really earned.

9. Trump was a draft dodger. Pundit Fact, a site powered by PolitiFact.com, looked into the charge and concluded: "To the best of our knowledge, no one has charged Trump with violating the Selective Service law. His student deferments were routine. And unless someone has new information, there is no legal issue with his medical deferment."

10. Americans are outraged by Trump's comments on immigration. According to Rasmussen Reports, 63 percent of Americans want the U.S. to gain control of the border, as Trump has demanded. His strong showing in the polls is further proof of support for his stance.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com The 10 Biggest Media Lies About Donald Trump
All I can say about this candidate is....God Help America
If God wants to help America God will vote Trump.

Clearly God wanted to help America when God voted for Obama.
9. Trump was a draft dodger. Pundit Fact, a site powered by PolitiFact.com, looked into the charge and concluded: "To the best of our knowledge, no one has charged Trump with violating the Selective Service law. His student deferments were routine. And unless someone has new information, there is no legal issue with his medical deferment."

You don't get to define a draft dodger 45 years after the definition was established and accepted and use your new definition to call people liars. Guys with family connections and or wealth who were able to consistently get deferments were considered draft dodgers. Even guys who got into the National Guard were sometime looked at as draft dodgers because it took connections in a lot of places to get pushed up on the waiting list.
Every time a guy like Trump got a deferment the draft board had to go down to the next guy on the list. At some point some guy who almost got lucky and not called up, got called up to replace the position because of the deferment. Do you understand? If the draft board had to fill 100 positions the guy at position number 101 would not get called. When guy with the draft deferment left his position open, number 101 had to fill it. Boys went off to war so the Donald Trumps of the country could stay home.

Really, as long as Trump is not doing stupid things like attacking John McCain for his service- which he did do- I don't care about anyone's Vietnam record at this point- Clinton used the system to avoid the draft, Bush went into the Air National Guard to avoid the draft- who cares?

Plenty of stuff to bury Trump on rather than digging up this crap again.
Here is the thing. It doesn't really matter if what Trump says is the 100% truth or if he shades the truth as the libtards claim.

You guys aren't getting what Trumps TRUE purpose is.

'Remember Ross Perot? Another billionaire back in the 90's?

Who ensured Bill Clinton the Presidency (& subsequent re-election) by running as a 3rd party candidate?

History is about to repeat itself. Trump is a Trojan Horse that is going to enable Hitlery to slither her way into the WH.

Btw? Trump has contributed LAVISHLY to Hitlery and Bills campaigns in the past. He is one of her biggest fans.

Im not a hillary fan, but it makes sense...cause some of the shit trump says you gotta believe he's a shield for somebody
Have you seen his tax plan that he released today?

Know who it benefits the most? The rich.
People have already crunched the numbers, and the tax plan that Donald the Chump has put forth is going to benefit the wealthy (like him).

And..............with a reduced income stream for the government, many more things are going to have to be cut.
People have already crunched the numbers, and the tax plan that Donald the Chump has put forth is going to benefit the wealthy (like him).

And..............with a reduced income stream for the government, many more things are going to have to be cut.
It's natural for tax cuts to benefit those who pay taxes. Again, get real dude.
Trump is going to win and fuck you liberals up.
Really,that's what you Right Wingers said about Obama NEVER GETTING THE Presidency.......didn't you.....then you systematically ABUSED his family(Low Punch),..BUT HE GOT TWO TERMS..........now you can FCUK OFF LOSER.....LOL.....theliq
People have already crunched the numbers, and the tax plan that Donald the Chump has put forth is going to benefit the wealthy (like him).

And..............with a reduced income stream for the government, many more things are going to have to be cut.
People have already crunched the numbers, and the tax plan that Donald the Chump has put forth is going to benefit the wealthy (like him).

And..............with a reduced income stream for the government, many more things are going to have to be cut.

Nothing but a 21st century version of the 20th century trickle down bullshit theory that has never ever ever ever ever worked!!
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.

Put it this way, in this country you give a rich man a break, he won't create one damn job, but he'll sure as hell buy ya something nice!!
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.

Put it this way, in this country you give a rich man a break, he won't create one damn job, but he'll sure as hell buy ya something nice!!

No, they will buy you something that you THINK is nice. Sorry, but the 300 dollar rebate that most Americans got a couple of times under Jr. pales in comparison to the tax breaks received by the rich.

Average Americans get 300 bucks, the super rich get tax cuts worth thousands.
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.

Put it this way, in this country you give a rich man a break, he won't create one damn job, but he'll sure as hell buy ya something nice!!

No, they will buy you something that you THINK is nice. Sorry, but the 300 dollar rebate that most Americans got a couple of times under Jr. pales in comparison to the tax breaks received by the rich.

Average Americans get 300 bucks, the super rich get tax cuts worth thousands.
You can't give tax cuts to people who don't pay income taxes.
Average Americans DO pay taxes Slyhunter. I know that I paid, and I earn less than 25,000/yr on my retirement check.
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.

Put it this way, in this country you give a rich man a break, he won't create one damn job, but he'll sure as hell buy ya something nice!!

No, they will buy you something that you THINK is nice. Sorry, but the 300 dollar rebate that most Americans got a couple of times under Jr. pales in comparison to the tax breaks received by the rich.

Average Americans get 300 bucks, the super rich get tax cuts worth thousands.
You can't give tax cuts to people who don't pay income taxes.

As George Bailey once put it, its the little people that do most of the living and dying in this country......in short, they are the back bone of this economy.
Trickle down is a myth. Not only does it not work for economics, but ever heard of the water wars over in California? There is a very good example of how trickle down is a failure.

Put it this way, in this country you give a rich man a break, he won't create one damn job, but he'll sure as hell buy ya something nice!!

No, they will buy you something that you THINK is nice. Sorry, but the 300 dollar rebate that most Americans got a couple of times under Jr. pales in comparison to the tax breaks received by the rich.

Average Americans get 300 bucks, the super rich get tax cuts worth thousands.
You can't give tax cuts to people who don't pay income taxes.

As George Bailey once put it, its the little people that do most of the living and dying in this country......in short, they are the back bone of this economy.

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