Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

The navy is lying. Plain and simple.

Bernie Sanders for president.
They never crossed over the line I guarantee it but the WH doesn't want any conflict with Iran. Now we look pathetically weak,
they crossed over the line i guarantee it
you look not weak.you arent just bully guy anymore.
all nation arent your horse.all nation arent your cow.all nation arent your dogs like arabian
arabian sucking your dick because animal always sucking their masters.
Given your total command of the English language I can tell your an expert at US Military strategy,

Well, Stump learned his foreign policy from watching news shows. So....?
This is what we as Americans must bow down to so as not to offend the Muslim scum. Great job liberals

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The great majority of Americans, who do understand the story, don't like the narrative but understand, and also who deeply resents the far right's politicization of it.
The great majority of Americans, who do understand the story, don't like the narrative but understand, and also who deeply resents the far right's politicization of it.

You don't know what you're talking about. Fake Snake Jake talks out his rear end


Did Iran’s videos of U.S. Navy captives violate Geneva Convention?

Concern than American sailors were mistreated or used for propaganda

An unidentified U.S. sailor is seen apologizing for straying into Iranian territory in a video.

Iran released a set of videos of U.S. sailors who were released Wednesday after being captured and detained overnight, raising questions about whether the country’s hard-line military force mistreated the Americans or violated international law by using them for propaganda purposes.​
One video, broadcast on Iranian television and released world-wide, showed several Americans kneeling, with their hands clasped behind their heads. Another showed a U.S. service member speaking to a questioner, admitting wrongdoing and apologizing.
Did Iran’s videos of U.S. Navy captives violate Geneva Convention?
It seems like some people are pissed off because Iran didn`t hold these sailors until a republican is elected president which won`t happen until 2024 at the earliest. How dare they touch any of our ships or sailors who DRIFTED INTO THEIR TERRITORIAL WATERS! They released our sailors and ships without incident so the hysterical war mongers/little girls can now unclench their tensed up anal sphincters and concentrate on electing a president who will blow up a little country for them. Why not do Granada again?
Most Americans find the far right's ultra nationalism, the "America can do whatever it wants, fuckers" middle school mentality, laughable.

Fact, our personnel and boats entered Iranian territorial waters.

Fact, the Iranians responded quickly and responsibly.

Fact, the US can use proper channels to address any violations of the Geneva rules of warfare.

Fact, the crying and whining of the far right agitators loses centrist and independent voters that Trump needs.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Those PT boats did not stray into Iranian waters they have GPS systems, The Iranian military took our Seaman, paraded them in front of the international community and Kerry thanked them for it,

The US is weaker because of this incident.
What do you think they were doing so close to Iranian waters?
They weren't just patrolling. The story is they were on there way to or from Bahrain. But it wasn't necessary for them to come that close to Iranian waters.
They didn't cross over into Iranian waters
Provide a link for that statement, please.
So, does this prove that Iran is friendly to the US? How do the Iranian people feel about Americans?

I know lots of Iranians here in America. They love America and the people except republicans that wants to go to war. They don't like the militant government. And from what they told me most of the Iranians feel the same way in Iran. Am I right or wrong Dani?

the Iranian people aren't running the country you idiot. The Islamofacist, mullahs are, Obama refused to stand with the Iranian people as they rose up against the mullahs :mad:

Jerk off Roc....... As always you don't have a clue what you are talking about..... Read my post again before calling yourself idiot. Where in my post that I said the Iranians are running the country? Didn't I say the militants running the government? Didn't I say most Iranians don't like the government? Go get some help.
Provide a link where Obama refused to help the Iranians against the mullah. Go read some newspapers to update yourself then get back to me. I mean read the news not the sales.
The navy is lying. Plain and simple.

Bernie Sanders for president.
They never crossed over the line I guarantee it but the WH doesn't want any conflict with Iran. Now we look pathetically weak,
You guarantee it? Lol, show the link.
Right. I told Thunderkiss to give me the link that proves they did not go into Iranian waters. He cannot provide a link because we were in Iranian waters. I agree, Dani.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.
and again, i don't think anyone is claiming that happened.

maybe you can cite that claim
Go ahead and Google it yourself.
The White house claims one boat broke down and the other boat was towing it when it also broke down. Fucking did not happen!
The Iranians claim they were told the US Navy boats 'navigation systems broke down' Ya fucking right! BOTH ultra 'hardened' navigation systems broke down so the boats 'got lost'. Ya fucking right. Here's what really happened. As the Iranians claimed the US Navy boats were 'snooping on the Iranians and got caught in the process. Period!
And that is not out of the ordinary. Countries do that all the time. Remember Gary Powers, the u-2 pilot that was caught while spying for the US?
Of course Obama is going to make all sorts of bull shit stories up.
These sailors weren't even your basic sailors of course. Who in their right mind believes the US Navy is going to load up a couple of boats with ordinary sailors? Then send them out to do what? Go on on a fucking fishing trip? The 'sailors' taken were Seals or Special Ops. or some of each. They were tasked with a specific mission.
They got caught. Period.

Yeah, lots of women SEALs!
There are females serving in Special Ops.
I posted the 'sailors were "either Seals and or Special Ops".
Clear violation of international law by forcing one of the sailors to “confess,” by filming the servicemen and woman in humiliating positions, and by forcing the lone woman in the crew to comply with Sharia law.
Clear violation of international law by forcing one of the sailors to “confess,” by filming the servicemen and woman in humiliating positions, and by forcing the lone woman in the crew to comply with Sharia law.
Ya Kerry is writing a nasty letter to the Ayatollah complaining about Iran breaking International Law.
He's including the tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars in Blackmail money in the same envelope.
God Obama is a naive coward!
Fact, our personnel and boats entered Iranian territorial waters.

Fact, the Iranians responded quickly and responsibly.

Fact, the US can use proper channels to address any violations of the Geneva rules of warfare.

Fact, the crying and whining of the far right agitators loses centrist and independent voters that Trump needs.

Fact, what they did was an act of war.

Fact, you don't take prisoner a boat in your waters without provocation. You think we do that with every boat that comes into our waters?

Fact, Obama got embarrassed on the world stage yet again.

Fact, John dumbass Kerry thanking Iran for taking hostages they should have never taken is an embarrassment for the United States and for the Obama administration.

Fact, Iran is using this as a propaganda piece.

Fact, It was a violation of international law to force them to confess and then videotape it for the world to see.

Stick those FACTS in your ass and fuck them, jackasstarkey.
they should have never been taken you half -wit :slap:
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!
what would we do if an iranian boat showed up in our waters?

we'd detain them and their vessel, and i doubt we would hand them back so quickly.

the thing to remember about this situation is that we were in the wrong.
We are in the wrong for giving terrorist supporters 150 Billion dollars:slap:
we aren't 'giving' iran 150 billion

We've already given them 20 billion another 100 coming... Ok 120 billion

Lifting Sanctions Will Release $100 Billion To Iran. Then What?

120 billion is iran money.usa did steal money by sanctions.

The money was frozen because the Iranian islamonazi scum use it for their terrorist supporting operations. It was suppose to stay that way, until they actually have a real government there, but Obama decided he loves the mullahs...what a an idiot
The poor neo-cons are unhappy: the sailors were released within 24 hours.

Real Americans are very unhappy the Islamonazi, Iranian, mullahs took our people to embarrass the United States:slap:

If only RR was around to trade more weapons for hostages.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then releases the sailors like it's doing us a big favor after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.
I would like to know the truth about how and why they were released. How much money was involved?

AS I SAID BEFORE! RR is not around to trade weapons for hostages, is he? He sure did it in his first four years.
Reagan kept Saddam and the mullahs fighting each other:cool:

Reagan created and empowered Saddam. Then Saddam's backers created Daesh after old recovering Alcoholic W decided to kick out all of the Bathe party out of Government. And that is why we are fighting Daesh now. Old W should have just taken a drink and gone to bed.

Obama is the co-founder of isis

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