Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

The great majority of Americans, who do understand the story, don't like the narrative but understand, and also who deeply resents the far right's politicization of it.
Fake is more afraid of conservatives who want a strong American than he is of the islamofacist :slap:
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Clear violation of international law by forcing one of the sailors to “confess,” by filming the servicemen and woman in humiliating positions, and by forcing the lone woman in the crew to comply with Sharia law.
Ya Kerry is writing a nasty letter to the Ayatollah complaining about Iran breaking International Law.
He's including the tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars in Blackmail money in the same envelope.
God Obama is a naive coward!
More lying. You have been informed on numerous times the money being returned to Iran is not taxpayer money, but rather their own money being held by not only by the US but by other foreign banks. You have been asked to provide a link to refute what you have been told, or to back up your own claims. Not doing so, and repeating the misinformation makes your claim a lie not credible and you a purposeful dispenser of misinformation, i.e., a liar.
Clear violation of international law by forcing one of the sailors to “confess,” by filming the servicemen and woman in humiliating positions, and by forcing the lone woman in the crew to comply with Sharia law.
Ya Kerry is writing a nasty letter to the Ayatollah complaining about Iran breaking International Law.
He's including the tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars in Blackmail money in the same envelope.
God Obama is a naive coward!
More lying. You have been informed on numerous times the money being returned to Iran is not taxpayer money, but rather their own money being held by not only by the US but by other foreign banks. You have been asked to provide a link to refute what you have been told, or to back up your own claims. Not doing so, and repeating the misinformation makes your claim a lie not credible and you a purposeful dispenser of misinformation, i.e., a liar.

Doesn't matter, it was frozen for a reason. People like you support funding Iran's terrorist operations .Like I said, the mullahs use people like you as fodder. They laugh all the way to the bank:slap:
Preferred they remained prisoners?

Thought so.
they should have never been taken you half -wit :slap:
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!
what would we do if an iranian boat showed up in our waters?

we'd detain them and their vessel, and i doubt we would hand them back so quickly.

the thing to remember about this situation is that we were in the wrong.
We are in the wrong for giving terrorist supporters 150 Billion dollars:slap:
we aren't 'giving' iran 150 billion

We've already given them 20 billion another 100 coming... Ok 120 billion

Lifting Sanctions Will Release $100 Billion To Iran. Then What?
again, we aren't giving them anything
That doesn't change the fact that president Clinton if the first president that failed to get OBL.

If anyone "created" OBL it was Carter when he OK'd arming the mujahideen.
Those aren't the Taliban! That's Shah Massoud the people that were fighting the Taliban, and later killed by Al Queda. How many times are you guys going to post that fake photo?

It is not a fake photo and you have to provide a link to make the claim that Massoud is not in that photo because he never came to the US or White House. Furthermore, the Taliban did not exist when that photo was taken. Those are Mujahadeen and the Mujahadeen became Taliban and al Qaeda. Hence, Reagan played a key role in creating the Taliban and al Qaeda. There is not a shred of evidence that Carter would have continued funding the Mujahadeen in a second term or any other US President would have funded them for the entire decade the way Reagan did.
What I meant was that it's a fake claim that leftist whackos often make that the men in that photo are either Taliban or Alqueda. Yes that is Shah Massoud.
Carter? Bwahahahaha! Let's say the world is still suffering from his diastrous foreign policy. He was so bad that any ambitious Democrat would know better than to associate themselves with him. Never even invited to give speeches at any conventions. That's how bad.
I asked you for a link to show that Massoud is in that photo. None of those guys look anything like Massoud and no bio of Massoud indicates he ever visited America. No listing of the members of that meeting list him either, in fact, the listing of those
"Freedom Fighters" is not available and appears to have been scrubbed, deleted, made secret.
This is how "disinformation" works. An idea has been planted that Reagan was meeting with the "good" freedom fighters and not the Muhajadeen that became the "bad" freedom fighters. Why would a listing of those people visiting the President in the Oval Office not be available to the public?
The great majority of Americans, who do understand the story, don't like the narrative but understand, and also who deeply resents the far right's politicization of it.
Fake is more afraid of conservatives who want a strong American than he is of the islamofacist :slap:
True Americans despise the far right as epitomized by Jroc and his troopies.

Regardless of how our election ends, kid, you are not going to be happy with the results.
You make up shit Jake. It's not an act of war to break down and drift into Iranian waters.

You obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. Show links or you're making shit up.

Or we could just save time and say you're making shit up.
You make up shit Jake. It's not an act of war to break down and drift into Iranian waters.

You obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. Show links or you're making shit up.

Or we could just save time and say you're making shit up.
a military vehicle entered iranian sovereign territory without permission.

think we would have been cool with a russian boat showing up off the coast of california in 1985 claiming they broke down?
You make up shit Jake. It's not an act of war to break down and drift into Iranian waters.

You obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. Show links or you're making shit up.

Or we could just save time and say you're making shit up.
You demand of me what you don't do. :lol: Not going to happen.

Keep it up and keep getting your ass kicked.

Tis what it is. :itsok:
a military vehicle entered iranian sovereign territory without permission.

think we would have been cool with a russian boat showing up off the coast of california in 1985 claiming they broke down?

Um, we were "cool" with a Chinese ship 12 miles off the coast in our waters a few months ago. We didn't detain them did we? How you have selective memory. And they weren't stranded, they were under full power.

Chinese Navy Ships Came Within 12 Nautical Miles of U.S. Coast

Pentagon officials said late Thursday that the five Chinese navy ships had passed through U.S. territorial waters as they transited the Aleutian Islands, but said they had complied with international law and didn’t do anything threatening. “This was a legal transit of U.S. territorial seas conducted in accordance with the Law of the Sea Convention,” said Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Bill Urban.

We didn't do anything threatening either. In fact, they weren't even under power, they were drifting. Certainly not against the law the be broken down.

So when will you admit Iran did wrong and we DON'T do the same thing to people who behave the same way in our waters?
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You, airplanemechanic, like almost all of the far right, continue to chase your

Fact, an act of war was committed by us when we entered the Iranian waters without permission.

Fact, any nation can take any other military's boat in their water without permission.

Fact, Obama and America were not embarrassed.

Fact, Kerry thank the Iranians for handling the situation responsibly.

Fact, no violation of international law occurred.

Fact, you are as stupid as most of the far right.

Stick the real facts up your ass, airplanemechanic. :lol:
You make up shit Jake. It's not an act of war to break down and drift into Iranian waters.

You obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. Show links or you're making shit up.

Or we could just save time and say you're making shit up.
You demand of me what you don't do. :lol: Not going to happen.

Keep it up and keep getting your ass kicked.

Tis what it is. :itsok:

I know its not going to happen because you make shit up without any proof of anything. I can produce links for every single thing I said.

You make shit up and then say prove me wrong. That's not how the game is played. You said they were facts, then PROVE THEM.

Without proof you're a liar and you make up shit like we all know you do anyway.
You make up shit Jake. It's not an act of war to break down and drift into Iranian waters.

You obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. Show links or you're making shit up.

Or we could just save time and say you're making shit up.
You demand of me what you don't do. :lol: Not going to happen.

Keep it up and keep getting your ass kicked.

Tis what it is. :itsok:

I know its not going to happen because you make shit up without any proof of anything. I can produce links for every single thing I said.

You make shit up and then say prove me wrong. That's not how the game is played. You said they were facts, then PROVE THEM.

Without proof you're a liar and you make up shit like we all know you do anyway.
Ahh, still no proof huh? No links? Nothing to back up your moronic opinions? Didn't think so.
When you are posting your opinions without links, why should I?

You do understand that if you make the assertion first, your duty is to support said assertion, not demand others refute with supported evidence.

You did not get beyond high school, did you?
Um you might want to read. I posted 3 links. How many did you post? Thats right, NONE! Loser! Best way to beat a liberal: Simple facts.
You were scatter shot (heh) with The Federalist, IBT, and scatter shot.

Let's have clear and objective evidence, not opinion nonsense.

You had several points: support each one. Then we will talk. Get to it.

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