Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

So? Fuck Jimmy Carter. Fuck Reagan even more. Look at him, hosting the enemy in his own home. Despicable.

Sigh, let me help you out old timer, the US wasn't interested in the Taliban, it was the cold war, the Soviets were in Afghanistan, the Soviets were our enemy in said Cold War, the mujahideen were the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Understand?
You're right. Reagan armed entire armies of terrible people in the 80's. I'm glad you've come to terms with it. If we're lucky, we'll have less Presidents like Reagan arming our next few waves of enemies. I bet Reagan would have been proud of Obama's stupidity in interfering in the mid-east wasteland.

But your boy started the arming. It's a fact jack. Too bad so sad your narrative just went down the shitter
In the waning months of the final year of his Presidency, the idiot Carter started a stupid program that was doomed to failure. And then Reagan, who must have thought it was a brilliant idea (probably the crippling Alzheimer's), massively expanded it and armed the lunatics in the middle east well enough to last them for multiple decades. But he had such charisma!

Well ya know what they say about hindsight...like if Clinton had of taken OBL when he had the chance? History is full of blunders on both sides
Actually believe it or not, it was Clinton that supported the Taliban and Al Queda and distrusted Shah Massoud.
I know who Masood, "the Lion of Panjshir", is. I was raised with his stories.

But I think you don't know who he is. You thought he was in this picture, which obviously is wrong.

These are the people who Shah Masood was not getting along with, because of their fundamental religious views, and got killed by them.

You have no idea what you are talking about...
I know exactly who he is and the history of the region. When Shah Massoud's assassination gave rise to the take over of Al Queda and the Taliban. It was the beginning of the end for Afghanistan. That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:


No he is not.


This is Shah Masood.

Not sure if you are just plain stupid, or plain blind.......

Not sure if you're ignorant or an illiterate 'etard:

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983
Ah the Reagan Doctrine. The most colossal fuck up of the 20th century by an American President.

No I've been talking about it for a while in this thread. Reagan's massive arming of lunatic, desert dwelling zealots, including those in that photo you keep bringing up for some reason, was a disaster.
Clinton shoulda got OBL.
Reagan shouldn't have created OBL

That doesn't change the fact that president Clinton if the first president that failed to get OBL.

If anyone "created" OBL it was Carter when he OK'd arming the mujahideen.
Those aren't the Taliban! That's Shah Massoud the people that were fighting the Taliban, and later killed by Al Queda. How many times are you guys going to post that fake photo?

It is not a fake photo and you have to provide a link to make the claim that Massoud is not in that photo because he never came to the US or White House. Furthermore, the Taliban did not exist when that photo was taken. Those are Mujahadeen and the Mujahadeen became Taliban and al Qaeda. Hence, Reagan played a key role in creating the Taliban and al Qaeda. There is not a shred of evidence that Carter would have continued funding the Mujahadeen in a second term or any other US President would have funded them for the entire decade the way Reagan did.
These people are affiliated with Taliban. They are called "Haqqani network" and have nothing to do with Masood...

Haqqani network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bzzzz wrong. And now the truth:

Ahmad Shah Massoud (Dari Persian: احمد شاه مسعود;[1] September 2, 1953 – September 9, 2001) was an Afghan political and military leader, who was a powerful military commander during the resistance against the Soviet occupation between 1979 and 1989 and in the following years of civil war. He was assassinated on September 9, 2001.

Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud, who rejected the Taliban's fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, returned to armed opposition until he eventually fled to Kulob, Tajikistan, destroying the Salang Tunnel on his way north. He became the military and political leader of the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (also known in the West as the Northern Alliance). He was assassinated, probably at the instigation of al-Qaeda, in a suicide bombing on September 9, 2001, just two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States which led to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation invading Afghanistan, allying with Massoud's forces.

I know who Masood, "the Lion of Panjshir", is. I was raised with his stories.

But I think you don't know who he is. You thought he was in this picture, which obviously is wrong.

These are the people who Shah Masood was not getting along with, because of their fundamental religious views, and got killed by them.

You have no idea what you are talking about...
I know exactly who he is and the history of the region. When Shah Massoud's assassination gave rise to the take over of Al Queda and the Taliban. It was the beginning of the end for Afghanistan. That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:


No he is not.


This is Shah Masood.

Not sure if you are just plain stupid, or plain blind.......

Not sure if you're ignorant or an illiterate 'etard:

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983

And where does it say it is Shah Masood in this picture?

No where, but NO WHERE, in the link you sent, it says ANYTHING regarding SHAH MASOOD! ANd you have the nerve to post those links as a source for your claim.

I think you are stupid and blind, at the same time.....

You just think he is Shah Masood, well, I guess because he has a beard?

Your stupidity is in epic levels....

The War That Never Was .
Sigh, let me help you out old timer, the US wasn't interested in the Taliban, it was the cold war, the Soviets were in Afghanistan, the Soviets were our enemy in said Cold War, the mujahideen were the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Understand?
You're right. Reagan armed entire armies of terrible people in the 80's. I'm glad you've come to terms with it. If we're lucky, we'll have less Presidents like Reagan arming our next few waves of enemies. I bet Reagan would have been proud of Obama's stupidity in interfering in the mid-east wasteland.

But your boy started the arming. It's a fact jack. Too bad so sad your narrative just went down the shitter
In the waning months of the final year of his Presidency, the idiot Carter started a stupid program that was doomed to failure. And then Reagan, who must have thought it was a brilliant idea (probably the crippling Alzheimer's), massively expanded it and armed the lunatics in the middle east well enough to last them for multiple decades. But he had such charisma!

Well ya know what they say about hindsight...like if Clinton had of taken OBL when he had the chance? History is full of blunders on both sides
Actually believe it or not, it was Clinton that supported the Taliban and Al Queda and distrusted Shah Massoud.

More nonsense. Provide links for these wild claims.
Reagan shouldn't have created OBL

That doesn't change the fact that president Clinton if the first president that failed to get OBL.

If anyone "created" OBL it was Carter when he OK'd arming the mujahideen.
Those aren't the Taliban! That's Shah Massoud the people that were fighting the Taliban, and later killed by Al Queda. How many times are you guys going to post that fake photo?

It is not a fake photo and you have to provide a link to make the claim that Massoud is not in that photo because he never came to the US or White House. Furthermore, the Taliban did not exist when that photo was taken. Those are Mujahadeen and the Mujahadeen became Taliban and al Qaeda. Hence, Reagan played a key role in creating the Taliban and al Qaeda. There is not a shred of evidence that Carter would have continued funding the Mujahadeen in a second term or any other US President would have funded them for the entire decade the way Reagan did.

He thinks the brown coat on the right is Masood. I guess because he has a beard........ A fairly thick one compared to what Masood ever had, but still, a beard is a beard and it is enough of a proof for this bone head....
I know exactly who he is and the history of the region. When Shah Massoud's assassination gave rise to the take over of Al Queda and the Taliban. It was the beginning of the end for Afghanistan. That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:


No he is not.


This is Shah Masood.

Not sure if you are just plain stupid, or plain blind.......

Not sure if you're ignorant or an illiterate 'etard:

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983
Ah the Reagan Doctrine. The most colossal fuck up of the 20th century by an American President.

No I've been talking about it for a while in this thread. Reagan's massive arming of lunatic, desert dwelling zealots, including those in that photo you keep bringing up for some reason, was a disaster.
So what did you want Reagan to do? Use our own military to invade and repel the Soviets? When we use our own, you moan and groan, when we arm people to do the fighting for themselves, you moan and groan. Make up your minds. That was a successful case of using the people of the country to fight and defend for themselves. Something Oblahblah has yet to do!
They were not in international waters. The Iranians had every right to detain them. Do you have a link to show otherwise?

It was water the Itanians, and no one else, claimed to to be theirs. They could have issued a warning instead of taking them hostage.

So whats the chances that two navy vessels were disabled and drifted into Iranian waters? ..That's Obama's story anyways:eusa_shifty:
The navy rigid inflatables have multiple outboard engines. There is no possibility all the engines stopped on both boats. Not possible.
first, i hadn't heard they did, but all could stop if they ran out of fuel, which was a possibility.
As usual Obama believes the average American is too fucking stupid to bother to do a little research. So he and the scum like the Clintons always get away with telling lies to the people. Maybe Americans really are too stupid to see the truth.
you might be.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons why should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.

Images I have seen don't show RHIBs.
first, i hadn't heard they did, but all could stop if they ran out of fuel, which was a possibility.
you might be.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.
and again, i don't think anyone is claiming that happened.

maybe you can cite that claim
Go ahead and Google it yourself.
The White house claims one boat broke down and the other boat was towing it when it also broke down. Fucking did not happen!
The Iranians claim they were told the US Navy boats 'navigation systems broke down' Ya fucking right! BOTH ultra 'hardened' navigation systems broke down so the boats 'got lost'. Ya fucking right. Here's what really happened. As the Iranians claimed the US Navy boats were 'snooping on the Iranians and got caught in the process. Period!
And that is not out of the ordinary. Countries do that all the time. Remember Gary Powers, the u-2 pilot that was caught while spying for the US?
Of course Obama is going to make all sorts of bull shit stories up.
These sailors weren't even your basic sailors of course. Who in their right mind believes the US Navy is going to load up a couple of boats with ordinary sailors? Then send them out to do what? Go on on a fucking fishing trip? The 'sailors' taken were Seals or Special Ops. or some of each. They were tasked with a specific mission.
They got caught. Period.

Yeah, lots of women SEALs!
first, i hadn't heard they did, but all could stop if they ran out of fuel, which was a possibility.
you might be.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.
and again, i don't think anyone is claiming that happened.

maybe you can cite that claim
Go ahead and Google it yourself.
The White house claims one boat broke down and the other boat was towing it when it also broke down. Fucking did not happen!
The Iranians claim they were told the US Navy boats 'navigation systems broke down' Ya fucking right! BOTH ultra 'hardened' navigation systems broke down so the boats 'got lost'. Ya fucking right. Here's what really happened. As the Iranians claimed the US Navy boats were 'snooping on the Iranians and got caught in the process. Period!
And that is not out of the ordinary. Countries do that all the time. Remember Gary Powers, the u-2 pilot that was caught while spying for the US?
Of course Obama is going to make all sorts of bull shit stories up.
These sailors weren't even your basic sailors of course. Who in their right mind believes the US Navy is going to load up a couple of boats with ordinary sailors? Then send them out to do what? Go on on a fucking fishing trip? The 'sailors' taken were Seals or Special Ops. or some of each. They were tasked with a specific mission.
They got caught. Period.
Those poor innocent Iranians.

Who happen to be the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism.
The worlds leading sponsor of terrorism takes US Sailors hostage and the left cheer as victors.

The leftist love groveling to the islamonazi scum...I can hear Kerry now. "please Mr. mullah we didn't mean it". Here take another 100 billion for your terrorist financing:eusa_doh:
Preferred they remained prisoners?

Thought so.
they should have never been taken you half -wit :slap:
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!
what would we do if an iranian boat showed up in our waters?

we'd detain them and their vessel, and i doubt we would hand them back so quickly.

the thing to remember about this situation is that we were in the wrong.
We are in the wrong for giving terrorist supporters 150 Billion dollars:slap:
They were not in international waters. The Iranians had every right to detain them. Do you have a link to show otherwise?

It was water the Itanians, and no one else, claimed to to be theirs. They could have issued a warning instead of taking them hostage.

So whats the chances that two navy vessels were disabled and drifted into Iranian waters? ..That's Obama's story anyways:eusa_shifty:
The navy rigid inflatables have multiple outboard engines. There is no possibility all the engines stopped on both boats. Not possible.
first, i hadn't heard they did, but all could stop if they ran out of fuel, which was a possibility.
As usual Obama believes the average American is too fucking stupid to bother to do a little research. So he and the scum like the Clintons always get away with telling lies to the people. Maybe Americans really are too stupid to see the truth.
you might be.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons why should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.
Obama and Kerry are sticking with that story:eusa_shifty:
It was water the Itanians, and no one else, claimed to to be theirs. They could have issued a warning instead of taking them hostage.

So whats the chances that two navy vessels were disabled and drifted into Iranian waters? ..That's Obama's story anyways:eusa_shifty:
The navy rigid inflatables have multiple outboard engines. There is no possibility all the engines stopped on both boats. Not possible.
As usual Obama believes the average American is too fucking stupid to bother to do a little research. So he and the scum like the Clintons always get away with telling lies to the people. Maybe Americans really are too stupid to see the truth.
Even with bad fuel? So, experts.....tell us what YOU know in opposition to what the U.S. Navy is saying.
Don't be so fucking stupid!
The US Navy TESTS every fucking gallon that goes into every fucking fuel tank. Yes every one!
Each engine has it's own fuel supply system which operates 100% physically apart from the other engine's fuel supply system. Each engine has a series of fuel filters AND sensors which test the fuel in the filters which determine if the fuel has a different specific gravity than the fuel being used like water in the fuel. If the sensor reads an incorrect specific gravity a audio AND a visual light alarm goes off.
You don't even know what kind of vessel the sailors were operating you jackass. They were not as you stupidly claimed on inflatables. They were operating CB90's powered by twin diesel water jets.

I wonder if we got the vessels back?:dunno:
The poor neo-cons are unhappy: the sailors were released within 24 hours.

Real Americans are very unhappy the Islamonazi, Iranian, mullahs took our people to embarrass the United States:slap:

If only RR was around to trade more weapons for hostages.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.
Wait, how is this considered a victory? Iran gets to be a bully and grabs American sailors in international waters, and then releases the sailors like it's doing us a big favor after our state dept begged them. So in essence it was an act of war, and at a minimum Iran was exerting its power and had no right to grab those sailors.

This is just another instance of America not being taken seriously any longer, because we have a weak, disastrous foreign policy.
I would like to know the truth about how and why they were released. How much money was involved?

AS I SAID BEFORE! RR is not around to trade weapons for hostages, is he? He sure did it in his first four years.
Reagan kept Saddam and the mullahs fighting each other:cool:
American Sailor Apologizes in Video Released by Iran

Iran apologized for releasing the pictures and video of the apology by the "sailor." Sure. Some mistake. They say there was a mechanical problem in one of the boats. Then why didn't the other one just tow the other back into international waters? The mechanical problem suddenly resolved itself when the sailors were released. Uh huh. To be fair, the sailors probably had to make up a story quick and that was the best they came up with under pressure or a short time,
Pictures of the Automatic Rifles and machine guns with ammunition were taken by the Iranians at the same time.

The sailors are now on an aircraft carrier getting medical attention and debriefing.
If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy
Yes and any naval commander also has some leeway to use their own judgement in situations like these.
Can you imagine the commander explaining to the Ayatollah that they had captured Americans in Iranian territory but he decided to let them go?

I can imagine the mullahs using fools like you as fodder :slap:
The worlds leading sponsor of terrorism takes US Sailors hostage and the left cheer as victors.

The leftist love groveling to the islamonazi scum...I can hear Kerry now. "please Mr. mullah we didn't mean it". Here take another 100 billion for your terrorist financing:eusa_doh:
Preferred they remained prisoners?

Thought so.
they should have never been taken you half -wit :slap:
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!
what would we do if an iranian boat showed up in our waters?

we'd detain them and their vessel, and i doubt we would hand them back so quickly.

the thing to remember about this situation is that we were in the wrong.
We are in the wrong for giving terrorist supporters 150 Billion dollars:slap:
we aren't 'giving' iran 150 billion

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