Tenn. murderer's religion is irrelevant

If a devout Christian had done this, imagine the outrage and religion finger-pointing..
Just like you folks are doing with a Muslim.

Very good. That is exactly what the Muslim haters are doing right now. Christian haters do it when they can as well.
It would appear the Left does hate Christians, but has no problem with Islam. Rather strange don't you think?
Only to the nondiscerning. Much for the far right reactionary social con Christians hate atheists and Muslims. Not strange at all. Folks hate what they don't understand.

Or are malignantly motivated as evidenced by such adorable comments, such as, "These attacks are sponsored by the US Cult of obama. And they're designed to CHANGE THE SUBJECT..." without any sensible commentary.

The fact remains that the killer was a Muslim. That as motive needs to be investigated.
The killers father was on a terror watch list for years. No one expected that he would inculcate his son into terrorism. Why not?
What if Muslim Terrorists killed 114 people per MONTH, EVERY month, in the top ten u.s. cities (1, 140 kills per month total)....

Wouldnt we nuke the entire midde east?

There are 1, 140 murders per month every month here since 9/11.

I <3 math.
If a devout Christian had done this, imagine the outrage and religion finger-pointing..
Just like you folks are doing with a Muslim.

Very good. That is exactly what the Muslim haters are doing right now. Christian haters do it when they can as well.
It would appear the Left does hate Christians, but has no problem with Islam. Rather strange don't you think?
Only to the nondiscerning. Much for the far right reactionary social con Christians hate atheists and Muslims. Not strange at all. Folks hate what they don't understand.

Or are malignantly motivated as evidenced by such adorable comments, such as, "These attacks are sponsored by the US Cult of obama. And they're designed to CHANGE THE SUBJECT..." without any sensible commentary.

The fact remains that the killer was a Muslim. That as motive needs to be investigated.
With radical Islam murdering vast numbers of people all over the world, one would think Leftists would get it, but no.

You claim there is a right wing Christian radicalism with a hatred toward Muslims. Where is this?
Hey, good for your particular experience and all.

I went to school with a large number of them, and yea they do assimilate.

This kid Mohammad is a really awesome kid I know, in particular. Makes 6 figures working at CVS after graduating with a 6 year degree frm Albany college of Pharmacy. The kid drives a BMW and listens to Rap music.

His dad was an olympic boxing instructor from Iraq. Theyre Muslims, they highly enjoy themselves over in America.

There are over a Billion Muslims. Hell, even if 100, 000 of them were violent jihadists, what percentage is that into one billion? Why does that not matter to anyone?

(0.01% btw).

You are trying to say only .01% are murdering savages?
Give me the numbers, if you have them.

It's impossible to land on a number here. And you damn well know it, so asking me to produce a figure is like asking me to find a unicorn.

The demonic koran is the driving force behind everything they do, and seeing how they all read it. I have to assume that more are cut out to be murdering savages than not. Every place they become a majority, they hoard up and murder those that aren't like them. See Bosnia, a war we were on the wrong side of. They were raping, pillaging, murdering, like they have since the year 1000 when this cult was devised. And America fucking assisted them. If I'm wrong and there is a heaven and hell, Bill Clinton better bring a god damn air conditioner.
^^ Assumes facts nit in evidence

I mean, you seriously take yourself serious when you just said that more are cut out to be murderous savages than not??? In a religion of ONE BILLION people? Are you mathematically challenged?

Theres about 3x as many Muslims than there are Americans TOTAL.


In order for a Muslim to be a good Muslim he must follow the teachings of Muhammed. Early in the Koran he taught peace. Later he taught them to be murdering terrorists. Not all of them follow his teaching to the letter. Bur many aspire to.

"). Muslims believe that the chronologically final surahs of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet in Medina, and are called Medinan surahs in contrast to the earlier Meccan surahs.[3][4]

Medina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes... the "Peace" thing didn't really pan out too well for Mohammad, so he decided to go another way. And that's the precise point where science shows that Mohammad succumbed to evil.
With radical Islam murdering vast numbers of people all over the world, one would think Leftists would get it, but no.

You claim there is a right wing Christian radicalism with a hatred toward Muslims. Where is this?

The Ideological Left is ENABLING Islam to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological Left is using Islam as its proxy, FOR MURDER.
What if Muslim Terrorists killed 114 people per MONTH, EVERY month, in the top ten u.s. cities (1, 140 kills per month total)....

Wouldnt we nuke the entire midde east?

There are 1, 140 murders per month every month here since 9/11.

I <3 math.

The problem in Chicago is gang violence and since that is Obama's home town and ran by Democrats nothing will be done to stop it. There are no Christians or Muslims involved in the killings, only people of color and the first one to say that is labeled a racist.
Chicago crime is a national disgrace but Obama is only concerned when a white cop shoots a black thug. That is a matter of record and the racist in this example is not me.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy. Sound familiar? Why is a perverted religious ideology different than a perverted political one? Dylann Roof was dismissed as a lone crazy person, not a terrorist. This guy kills for the same reason; to terrorize a community based on his sick, twisted political views but he is not a lone crazy person; he is part of the Isis invasion that exists in the mind of morons like Louis Gohmert and many who post here. This nut took on the US military; not elderly church women.
What if Muslim Terrorists killed 114 people per MONTH, EVERY month, in the top ten u.s. cities (1, 140 kills per month total)....

Wouldnt we nuke the entire midde east?

There are 1, 140 murders per month every month here since 9/11.

I <3 math.

OH! Terrorism is murdering vastly more than 1140 innocent people in US Cities every month.

Terrorists have taken the lives of 50 million innocent individuals in the US alone since the mid 1970s. And we learned just this week that they're now harvesting and selling the organs of those innocents.

So, yes... the Left is an evil beyond anything that is actually imaginable.
Just like you folks are doing with a Muslim.

Very good. That is exactly what the Muslim haters are doing right now. Christian haters do it when they can as well.
It would appear the Left does hate Christians, but has no problem with Islam. Rather strange don't you think?
Only to the nondiscerning. Much for the far right reactionary social con Christians hate atheists and Muslims. Not strange at all. Folks hate what they don't understand.

Or are malignantly motivated as evidenced by such adorable comments, such as, "These attacks are sponsored by the US Cult of obama. And they're designed to CHANGE THE SUBJECT..." without any sensible commentary.

The fact remains that the killer was a Muslim. That as motive needs to be investigated.
With radical Islam murdering vast numbers of people all over the world, one would think Leftists would get it, but no.

You claim there is a right wing Christian radicalism with a hatred toward Muslims. Where is this?
With radical Islam murdering vast numbers of people all over the world, one would think Leftists would get it, but no.

You claim there is a right wing Christian radicalism with a hatred toward Muslims. Where is this?

The Ideological Left is ENABLING Islam to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological Left is using Islam as its proxy, FOR MURDER.
The Ideological right is ENABLING racists to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological right is using racists as its proxy, FOR MURDER.
Here is an example of unsupported far right angst toward Islam. It is a fallacy of hasty generalization and a fallacy of false derivative analogy.

"The Ideological Left is ENABLING Islam to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological Left is using Islam as its proxy, FOR MURDER."
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy.

In fact, the Clinton government was the enemy of Americans. Of which Tim McVeigh was not one.

HE murdered innocent children, because he was disqualified from Ranger School... and felt that the US Government was wrong to invade and attack Iraq.
Bush took the war to the enemy on his soil.

Obama has brought the war here and he's left us vulnerable.

Even today he has our military facilities on condition Bravo, which is simply checking I.D.s of everyone going into buildings........no weapons are allowed.

As if not having an I.D. is going to stop a terrorist.
Americans killed by Islamic terrorists on US soil - 3000. Americans killed by Islamic Terrorists on U.S. Soil, 12, but only if you include every crazy American Christian who adopts Islam.
What if Muslim Terrorists killed 114 people per MONTH, EVERY month, in the top ten u.s. cities (1, 140 kills per month total)....

Wouldnt we nuke the entire midde east?

There are 1, 140 murders per month every month here since 9/11.

I <3 math.

OH! Terrorism is murdering vastly more than 1140 innocent people in US Cities every month.

Terrorists have taken the lives of 50 million innocent individuals in the US alone since the mid 1970s. And we learned just this week that they're now harvesting and selling the organs of those innocents.

So, yes... the Left is an evil beyond anything that is actually imaginable.
Oh buzz off loon
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
It probably mattered to him. Yes he's a criminal...one of those crazy fanatics who think that killing in the name of their religion is some how a good thing.
Democrats should not be allowed to be in charge of defending America....because they can't be realistic about it.
Most of them start talking like this asshole.
Yeah, Bush did such a bang up job he kept the death toll to under 4000.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy. Sound familiar? Why is a perverted religious ideology different than a perverted political one? Dylann Roof was dismissed as a lone crazy person, not a terrorist. This guy kills for the same reason; to terrorize a community based on his sick, twisted political views but he is not a lone crazy person; he is part of the Isis invasion that exists in the mind of morons like Louis Gohmert and many who post here. This nut took on the US military; not elderly church women.

You don't seem to understand the difference between an individual with an individual twisted agenda, and an organization with a collective twisted agenda.
The Ideological right is ENABLING racists to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological right is using racists as its proxy, FOR MURDER.

Would you please take a moment and define "racist" as you're using it?

Reader, understand that the above would-be 'contributor' cannot define the word racist, as it is using it, because as the word is otherwise defined: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another, the statement makes no sense.

As it will now demonstrate for you.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

Tim McVeigh did not do what he did because of his Christian beliefs. You are a bigot and a racist to equate being white to being a Christian. Truly whenever I hear someone like you say that tripe about McVeigh I wonder if you really know how big of fool you sound.
McVeigh did what he did because of his political beliefs. Just like Dylann Roof did what he did for his political beliefs and this killer did what he did for political reasons. Terrorism consists of acts of violence to achieve a political aim. All three did what they did to achieve a political aim and all three were absolutely delusional to think that their violence would accomplish anything.

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