Tenn. murderer's religion is irrelevant

McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy. Sound familiar? Why is a perverted religious ideology different than a perverted political one? Dylann Roof was dismissed as a lone crazy person, not a terrorist. This guy kills for the same reason; to terrorize a community based on his sick, twisted political views but he is not a lone crazy person; he is part of the Isis invasion that exists in the mind of morons like Louis Gohmert and many who post here. This nut took on the US military; not elderly church women.

You don't seem to understand the difference between an individual with an individual twisted agenda, and an organization with a collective twisted agenda.

Leftists are incapable of objective reason, so there is very little which they are equipped to 'understand', per se.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy. Sound familiar? Why is a perverted religious ideology different than a perverted political one? Dylann Roof was dismissed as a lone crazy person, not a terrorist. This guy kills for the same reason; to terrorize a community based on his sick, twisted political views but he is not a lone crazy person; he is part of the Isis invasion that exists in the mind of morons like Louis Gohmert and many who post here. This nut took on the US military; not elderly church women.

You don't seem to understand the difference between an individual with an individual twisted agenda, and an organization with a collective twisted agenda.
You don't seem to understand the concept of personal responsibility. You believe in collective responsibility... for Muslims and blacks but not so much for far right extremists.
His blog is online, sure looks like he was motivated by Islam to me. He speaks of passing the exam to receive the pleasures in paradise.
And Dylann Roof's blog was as well. What motivated him? Do the people he cited as the inspiration for what he did get blame here as well?
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.
McVeigh killed in the name of a hateful, racist ideology; an ideology that considered the American government its enemy. Sound familiar? Why is a perverted religious ideology different than a perverted political one? Dylann Roof was dismissed as a lone crazy person, not a terrorist. This guy kills for the same reason; to terrorize a community based on his sick, twisted political views but he is not a lone crazy person; he is part of the Isis invasion that exists in the mind of morons like Louis Gohmert and many who post here. This nut took on the US military; not elderly church women.

You don't seem to understand the difference between an individual with an individual twisted agenda, and an organization with a collective twisted agenda.
You don't seem to understand the concept of personal responsibility. You believe in collective responsibility... for Muslims and blacks but not so much for far right extremists.

You are full of stool. My comment relating to your lack of cognizance stands.
McVeigh did what he did because of his political beliefs.{which were Leftists} Just like Dylann Roof did what he did for his political beliefs {which were Leftists} and this killer did what he did for political reasons {which are Leftists} Terrorism consists of acts of violence to achieve a political aim.{Leftists} All three did what they did to achieve a political {Leftist} aim and all three were absolutely delusional to think that their violence would accomplish anything.

Left-think is Delusional. (It's the same Mental Disorder that presents in all forms of degeneracy... )
The Ideological right is ENABLING racists to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological right is using racists as its proxy, FOR MURDER.

Would you please take a moment and define "racist" as you're using it?

Reader, understand that the above would-be 'contributor' cannot define the word racist, as it is using it, because as the word is otherwise defined: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another, the statement makes no sense.

As it will now demonstrate for you.
Dylann Roof was a racist. He frequented racist webs sites. Sites like that of the White Supremacist Group the Conservative Citizens council. How do we know this? He wrote that he did in his manifesto:

“The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens,” he wrote. “There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?”

Here is what they believe: " We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people .... We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races."

Is that clear enough for you?
Paddy is running the far righties ragged here without any trouble.

To smear all Muslims as responsible with this crime is a fallacy of hasty generalization. The OP is certainly correct.

No further need for rebuttal of the frothing far right here is necessary.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
How many murders by Islamic terrorists does it take for leftists to recognize the cause?

Apparently a lot.
They recognize the cause. A radical perversion of Islam. You seem to think all Islam is the cause. That is not only moronic but makes stopping these attacks that much more difficult.
Paddy is running the far righties ragged here without any trouble.

To smear all Muslims as responsible with this crime is a fallacy of hasty generalization. The OP is certainly correct.

No further need for rebuttal of the frothing far right here is necessary.
And just about everything they post here is the exact opposite of what they posted when the right wing radical terrorist, Dylann Roof, murdered elderly church ladies.
The Ideological right is ENABLING racists to murder. Therefore we can know to an absolute certainty that The Ideological right is using racists as its proxy, FOR MURDER.

Would you please take a moment and define "racist" as you're using it?

Reader, understand that the above would-be 'contributor' cannot define the word racist, as it is using it, because as the word is otherwise defined: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another, the statement makes no sense.

As it will now demonstrate for you.

Dylann Roof was a racist. ...

ROFLMNAO! I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE! ^

Your concession is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.

Reader, understand that the key to defeating Leftists in debate rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to Speak.
I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

So your advice is ignore a problem till it bites you in the ass.

3400 deaths and over 11,000 injuries due to acts of terrorism since 2000. How many people have died from Global warming since then? Obama seems to think that is the real threat.

Death rates from terrorism United States and Israel 1985-2013
"3400 deaths and over 11,000 injuries due to acts of terrorism since 2000" And about 90% in one attack when GW Bush was protecting us.
Paddy is running the far righties ragged here without any trouble.

To smear all Muslims as responsible with this crime is a fallacy of hasty generalization. The OP is certainly correct.

No further need for rebuttal of the frothing far right here is necessary.
And just about everything they post here is the exact opposite of what they posted when the right wing radical terrorist, Dylann Roof, murdered elderly church ladies.

"Right Wing Radical"?

Now Reader, when the Left uses the term: Right Wing Radical, they're speaking of Americans; which is to say those people who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America... not the least of those is the understanding of that which is represented in the American Standard.

Below is Dylan Roof doing what NO AMERICAN has ever done, anywhere..., but that which is done by Leftists, everywhere:



Any questions?
How many attacks would there have been had there not been an extensive effort to interrupt that attack. A father just turned in his muslim convert son which stopped an attack.

These attacks are at the direction and request of a central authority. Which makes them very different from random crime.
They are not at the direction and request of a central authority. They are the epitome of random. The social media is inundated withe messages sent out all over the world exhorting violence. They hope that one of these messages reaches some weak minded, mentally ill fool looking for meaning in a meaningless life. Maybe some insane loser in Boston; or loon in Alabama angered over losing his job or this cretin in Texas. They will likely find the only connection between this killer and Isis are the visits to websites where messages encouraging these random acts of violence. "Go find a soldier or cop to kill."
I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

So your advice is ignore a problem till it bites you in the ass.

3400 deaths and over 11,000 injuries due to acts of terrorism since 2000. How many people have died from Global warming since then? Obama seems to think that is the real threat.

Death rates from terrorism United States and Israel 1985-2013
"3400 deaths and over 11,000 injuries due to acts of terrorism since 2000" And about 90% in one attack when GW Bush was protecting us.

Again... Americans do not look to the US Government for protection. We (The Americans) look to the US Government only when we look in the mirror.
Paddy is running the far righties ragged here without any trouble.

To smear all Muslims as responsible with this crime is a fallacy of hasty generalization. The OP is certainly correct.

No further need for rebuttal of the frothing far right here is necessary.
And just about everything they post here is the exact opposite of what they posted when the right wing radical terrorist, Dylann Roof, murdered elderly church ladies.

"Right Wing Radical"?

Now Reader, when the Left uses the term: Right Wing Radical, they're speaking of Americans; which is to say those people who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America... not the least of those is the understanding of that which is represented in the American Standard.

Below is Dylan Roof doing what NO AMERICAN has ever done, anywhere..., but that which is done by Leftists, everywhere:



Any questions?
Yes, are you that fucking stupid. He was a right wing radical. Not a Republican or a Conservative or even a right wingers. A radical. Just like the killer in Texas was an Muslim radical. Not a moderate Muslim or even a conservative Muslim, a radical. Tim MCVeigh was a radical. The Atlanta Olympics bomber was a radical. Chesimard was a left wing radical. The SLA were left wing radical. Do you understand what the word radical means, you silly, stupid prick?
And Dylann Roof's blog was as well. What motivated him? Do the people he cited as the inspiration for what he did get blame here as well?

The rejection of God's spirit motivated Roof... just as the REJECTION OF GOD's SPIRIT MOTIVATES ALL MASS MURDERERS.
Odd, then, that he did not write about that when he explained why he was doing was he was doing. The willingness of you losers to simply make shit up to support you silly opinions has not limits.
When the religion is the basis of the attack itself, the religion becomes very relevant.
I agree that more attention will be brought towards whatever a guilty person chooses to get behind, but it doesn't mean that everyone else who is behind it as well will go and do whatever the person is guilty of doing.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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