Tenn. murderer's religion is irrelevant

I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

So your advice is ignore a problem till it bites you in the ass.

3400 deaths and over 11,000 injuries due to acts of terrorism since 2000. How many people have died from Global warming since then? Obama seems to think that is the real threat.

Death rates from terrorism United States and Israel 1985-2013
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This is another delta4 derp thread.

His religion is relevant. He is another symptom of the illness of religious indoctrination.

Luckily, like most Americans, once you assimilate Muslims into American culture they can start ignoring most if their religious tenets out of convenience....they mostly already do.

Not true at all, muslims don't assimilate. The trash bag wearing woman wont even look at Americans.
Hey, good for your particular experience and all.

I went to school with a large number of them, and yea they do assimilate.

This kid Mohammad is a really awesome kid I know, in particular. Makes 6 figures working at CVS after graduating with a 6 year degree frm Albany college of Pharmacy. The kid drives a BMW and listens to Rap music.

His dad was an olympic boxing instructor from Iraq. Theyre Muslims, they highly enjoy themselves over in America.

There are over a Billion Muslims. Hell, even if 100, 000 of them were violent jihadists, what percentage is that into one billion? Why does that not matter to anyone?

(0.01% btw).

You are trying to say only .01% are murdering savages?
Give me the numbers, if you have them.

It's impossible to land on a number here. And you damn well know it, so asking me to produce a figure is like asking me to find a unicorn.

The demonic koran is the driving force behind everything they do, and seeing how they all read it. I have to assume that more are cut out to be murdering savages than not. Every place they become a majority, they hoard up and murder those that aren't like them. See Bosnia, a war we were on the wrong side of. They were raping, pillaging, murdering, like they have since the year 1000 when this cult was devised. And America fucking assisted them. If I'm wrong and there is a heaven and hell, Bill Clinton better bring a god damn air conditioner.
^^ Assumes facts nit in evidence

I mean, you seriously take yourself serious when you just said that more are cut out to be murderous savages than not??? In a religion of ONE BILLION people? Are you mathematically challenged?

Theres about 3x as many Muslims than there are Americans TOTAL.

I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

So your advice is ignore a problem till it bites you in the ass.
No, my advice is to take facts and data and deal with the problems in order of importance, like ones where the body bags are higher in quantity as a result.

190000 americans murdered right here at home since 9/11.

That youre hell bent on solving a problem that claimed 37 americans in the same time period only means youre politicized and overtaken in your propoganda. Thats crystal.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
More bullshit from the Board Perv.

Yes, D-4, his religion is relevant, very relevant.

Ok, lets always say the religion of a criminal, most are atheist, so when it a Jew, Christian, Muslim, then we should know. I agree, and Muslims will not win in the US since most Hispanics and Blacks are Christians. I just watched the guy get 1st degree murder for the killing in the theater, it was called a massacre, no religion named and not called a terrorist attack. There are more people who identify as Muslim now in the US and so there will be more Muslim crimes. What happened yesterday is only big time news since it was an arab American and Marines were killed, his motive we do not know. Maybe his girlfriend left him for a Marine.
Maybe.....so why did he attack Navy and Army recruiters too?

Was his gf fucking them as well?

Maybe he was turned down from serving. We don't know do we. Even if he wanted to commit and act for Allah, so what, how many crimes have been committed by Christians in the name of Jesus and Israel because Jews have some special god given right to Palestine.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.


Well, unfortunately for this obtuse fraud... "The Mass-Murderer" is a follower of a Mass-Murderer, who's religion is founded in Mass-Murder.

Somewhere in there... is a clue as to why The Religion at issue is not a religion, but a political cult disguised as a religion... not at all distinct from the Ideological Left, except that it's only been able to murder 60-70 million over the last 1250 years of war; where the Ideological Left managed to murder 150 million in just the 20th Century alone; and there in just a 30 year period of PEACE.
Maybe he was turned down from serving. We don't know do we. Even if he wanted to commit and act for Allah, so what, how many crimes have been committed by Christians in the name of Jesus and Israel because Jews have some special god given right to Palestine.

Zero. (0)
I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

Yeah vending machines and murdering savages are really the same thing.

One American murdered by a god damn koranimal in the name of the devil is too many. You think there is an acceptable level of terrorism?
I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

Yeah vending machines and murdering savages are really the same thing.

One American murdered by a god damn koranimal in the name of the devil is too many. You think there is an acceptable level of terrorism?
No, i have sort of a zero tolerance policy when anyone murders in the name of anything.

But if we let sensationalism take our eyes off the ball of a greater threat, the body bags pile up at home at a much larger rate than if we had shifted our focus in order of importance - most dangerous to least is a pretty good formula.

190000 is how many 9/11's?
Its how many x as many of our brave men and women whove died oveeseas in the m.e.?


Eyes off that ball.
The mind of a leftist:

"Its not radical ideology. Its those darn guns."
I hadnt really thought too much about perspective on this whole thing until I look at actual facts, and actual data, and its pretty disgusting what the narrative is (predominantly) vs. What the narrative should be to prevent more tragedies in more American families' lives.

190k dead makes a lot of fucking families effected, friends, neighbors, communities.

How many attacks would there have been had there not been an extensive effort to interrupt that attack. A father just turned in his muslim convert son which stopped an attack.

These attacks are at the direction and request of a central authority. Which makes them very different from random crime.
The minds of reactionary righties and radical lefties: exercises in futility.

The OP is wrong, of course. Motivation is always relevant to a murder. Lafferty in Utah murdered because of his crazy form of Mormon belief. And we can find dozens of examples.

To the anti-Islam folks here: you will get no traction with this incident.
I was just reading through some interesting statistics, and it seems propoganda surely wins the day with so many.

As of 2014, there were 37 u.s. civilians killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11.

In the same time frame, 190, 000 Americans total were murdered.

2013 was an interesting year. The year of the boston marathon bombing, etc.

THAT year, you were statistically as an American civilian MORE LIKELY to be killed by a toddler than by a Muslim Terrorist.

None of that matters if youre already scared, the media apparently got you.

You should be more afraid of vending machines but hey, what do facts and data have to do with anything about REALITY?

lets have a little focus on Chicago for a little bit.

So your advice is ignore a problem till it bites you in the ass.
No, my advice is to take facts and data and deal with the problems in order of importance, like ones where the body bags are higher in quantity as a result.

190000 americans murdered right here at home since 9/11.

That youre hell bent on solving a problem that claimed 37 americans in the same time period only means youre politicized and overtaken in your propoganda. Thats crystal.

Oh I totally agree.

Of course, the 190,000 figure is a result of the product of Left-think, murdering the product of Left-think; wherein the Inner-city "Families", OKA: Gangs are out to murder members of the other Families, for whatever rationalization is boiling at any given moment, has zero to do with America, except where the would-be sub-people involved stumble across an adherent to American Principle and kill them.

It's a problem that is easily solved. The problem is that the solution is not pleasant, requires the drawing of hard lines and that is presently out of fashion.
If a devout Christian had done this, imagine the outrage and religion finger-pointing..
Just like you folks are doing with a Muslim.

Very good. That is exactly what the Muslim haters are doing right now. Christian haters do it when they can as well.
It would appear the Left does hate Christians, but has no problem with Islam.

Rather strange don't you think?
How many attacks would there have been had there not been an extensive effort to interrupt that attack. A father just turned in his muslim convert son which stopped an attack.

These attacks are at the direction and request of a central authority. Which makes them very different from random crime.
And theyre still far more rare....

Yet our eyes, our NSA, our Patriot act....is all bout it bout it while our citizens at home are slain right in front of their faces to a disturbing degree.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Nonsense. Factions of Islam have sworn to destroy America and the West, and their support is growing.

It is totally relevant.
How many attacks would there have been had there not been an extensive effort to interrupt that attack. A father just turned in his muslim convert son which stopped an attack.

These attacks are at the direction and request of a central authority. Which makes them very different from random crime.

These attacks are sponsored by the US Cult of obama. And they're designed to CHANGE THE SUBJECT...

Now, this last one was designed to change the subject from "obama LICENSING NUCLEAR WEAPONS FOR IRAN". Which was not changed by a PP exec going on National Television to sell the organs of the babies that PP murdered. SO action had to be taken.

The week before that... an illegal murders a woman in SF with the sidearm of a Federal Agent. (Anyone else notice that the media has NO INTEREST in finding out who the agent was and how the illegal come to possess his/her weapon?)
Not true at all, muslims don't assimilate. The trash bag wearing woman wont even look at Americans.
Hey, good for your particular experience and all.

I went to school with a large number of them, and yea they do assimilate.

This kid Mohammad is a really awesome kid I know, in particular. Makes 6 figures working at CVS after graduating with a 6 year degree frm Albany college of Pharmacy. The kid drives a BMW and listens to Rap music.

His dad was an olympic boxing instructor from Iraq. Theyre Muslims, they highly enjoy themselves over in America.

There are over a Billion Muslims. Hell, even if 100, 000 of them were violent jihadists, what percentage is that into one billion? Why does that not matter to anyone?

(0.01% btw).

You are trying to say only .01% are murdering savages?
Give me the numbers, if you have them.

It's impossible to land on a number here. And you damn well know it, so asking me to produce a figure is like asking me to find a unicorn.

The demonic koran is the driving force behind everything they do, and seeing how they all read it. I have to assume that more are cut out to be murdering savages than not. Every place they become a majority, they hoard up and murder those that aren't like them. See Bosnia, a war we were on the wrong side of. They were raping, pillaging, murdering, like they have since the year 1000 when this cult was devised. And America fucking assisted them. If I'm wrong and there is a heaven and hell, Bill Clinton better bring a god damn air conditioner.
^^ Assumes facts nit in evidence

I mean, you seriously take yourself serious when you just said that more are cut out to be murderous savages than not??? In a religion of ONE BILLION people? Are you mathematically challenged?

Theres about 3x as many Muslims than there are Americans TOTAL.


In order for a Muslim to be a good Muslim he must follow the teachings of Muhammed. Early in the Koran he taught peace. Later he taught them to be murdering terrorists. Not all of them follow his teaching to the letter. Bur many aspire to.

"). Muslims believe that the chronologically final surahs of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet in Medina, and are called Medinan surahs in contrast to the earlier Meccan surahs.[3][4]

Medina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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