Tenn. murderer's religion is irrelevant

Democrats should not be allowed to be in charge of defending America....because they can't be realistic about it.
Most of them start talking like this asshole.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

It is the underlying Warrior Religion Mentality of Islam that (mentally and spiritually) inspires and empowers these Neanderthals to commit heinous criminal acts.

You would have us hide our heads in the sand and consider this as atypical behavior on the part of radicalized adherents of that so-called belief system.

Trouble is, as we rack up more and more and more of these Islam-inspired terror acts, any sane person - and any sane People - need to ask themselves...

"How many 'atypicals' in a 'typical'?

How many of these must we as a People suffer before we realize that it is 'typical' rather than 'atypical'?

How many of these must we as a People suffer before we come to the realization that we have a viper in our midst?

According to folks such as yourself, who would have us ignore the common denominator, again and again and again and again and again... the answer is 'infinity'.

Translation: We should perpetually ignore the common denominator - Islam.

Well... No Sale.

You are motivated by the highest ideals of Egalitarianism and Freedom of Religion and all of that, I'm sure...

But even the best of intentions can serve to blind the well-meaning, when confronted with a cold, hard Truth that runs contrary to their ideals and hopes.

You will excuse many of the rest of us, if we do not share your Religion-Neutral perspective on this assault upon America by Militant Islam.

You, on the other hand, mine good colleague, along with a great many other well-meaning Faux Equivocators, may 'carry on' as before...

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Here's what the terrorist blogged on Monday:

"life is short and bitter" and Muslims should not miss an opportunity to "submit to Allah,"

Obviously his religion was very relevant.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
More bullshit from the Board Perv.

Yes, D-4, his religion is relevant, very relevant.

Ok, lets always say the religion of a criminal, most are atheist, so when it a Jew, Christian, Muslim, then we should know. I agree, and Muslims will not win in the US since most Hispanics and Blacks are Christians. I just watched the guy get 1st degree murder for the killing in the theater, it was called a massacre, no religion named and not called a terrorist attack. There are more people who identify as Muslim now in the US and so there will be more Muslim crimes. What happened yesterday is only big time news since it was an arab American and Marines were killed, his motive we do not know. Maybe his girlfriend left him for a Marine.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.

Sorry, there is an organized movement based on muslim religion...that has to be dealt with. In the least...we know who we need to kill to reduce the number of murderers.....
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
More bullshit from the Board Perv.

Yes, D-4, his religion is relevant, very relevant.

Ok, lets always say the religion of a criminal, most are atheist, so when it a Jew, Christian, Muslim, then we should know. I agree, and Muslims will not win in the US since most Hispanics and Blacks are Christians. I just watched the guy get 1st degree murder for the killing in the theater, it was called a massacre, no religion named and not called a terrorist attack. There are more people who identify as Muslim now in the US and so there will be more Muslim crimes. What happened yesterday is only big time news since it was an arab American and Marines were killed, his motive we do not know. Maybe his girlfriend left him for a Marine.
Maybe.....so why did he attack Navy and Army recruiters too?

Was his gf fucking them as well?
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.

Typical disingenuous liberal bullshit!

And you and many other libs are part of the fucking problem.

Funny how everything else gets a label on it isn't it? But islamic terror is always called something else that can be hidden a little. Liberals protect this cult, and attack other religions. Just more moving goalposts I expect from the left. Islam is a very curious thing to defend.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
Yep, it definitely is the PC-protected religion.

His blog is online, sure looks like he was motivated by Islam to me. He speaks of passing the exam to receive the pleasures in paradise.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

Tim McVeigh did not do what he did because of his Christian beliefs. You are a bigot and a racist to equate being white to being a Christian. Truly whenever I hear someone like you say that tripe about McVeigh I wonder if you really know how big of fool you sound.
If a devout Christian had done this, imagine the outrage and religion finger-pointing.

He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

That is just not the case since they encourage people to kill Americans. There are websites online, and their strange religious superstitions "command them" to kill people. What do you think would drive this young man, who was allegedly a "normal kid" to commit such an atrocity?
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

Timothy McVeigh was not motivated by religion but by his anger at our government.

His own words . . .

PrimeTime McVeigh s Own Words - ABC News

"What the U.S. government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge was dirty," he says. "And I gave dirty back to them at Oklahoma City."

In 1992 at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the wife and son of a white separatist, Randy Weaver, were killed by federal agents during a standoff.

McVeigh tells the authors he knew he would get caught and even anticipated execution as a form of "state-assisted suicide." He only wanted to make sure his message first reached the American public.

Though he considered other possibilities, including assassinating elected officials, ultimately McVeigh chose that building because it had everything he wanted, including federal agents with offices there, glass in the front of the building, which made it especially vulnerable, and good camera angles for media coverage.

Michel describes McVeigh's instant appraisal of the damage caused by his 7,000-pound explosives: "Damn, I didn't knock the building down. I didn't take it down."
The Left sees anyone who is a 'radical' Christian as a terrible threat. A radical Muslim, not so much and they will ignorantly do what they can to diminish or ignore the radical motivations of radical Islam. (this thread is proof)

He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.

--LOL yeah sure

it is such a no big deal

that the leftist media ran for as long as it could

that is was an average white guy that did the shooting

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