Tennessee Congressman launches push for Barr impeachment probe (+Barr interview transcript with NPR)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Piling on Barr has never been more popular...but the basis for this criticism has never been weaker. Three particular news stories this week seemed to break entirely free from any factual or legal moorings, and no one seemed to care.

Piling on Barr has never been more popular...but the basis for this criticism has never been weaker. Three particular news stories this week seemed to break entirely free from any factual or legal moorings, and no one seemed to care.
It is just, Barr sucks so bad and makes himself an easy target. I like Steve and he is from near here, but I don't see Barr going anywhere until January, when we officially or rid of trump, but I appreciate Steve Cohen's effort.

Piling on Barr has never been more popular...but the basis for this criticism has never been weaker. Three particular news stories this week seemed to break entirely free from any factual or legal moorings, and no one seemed to care.

This is a waste of time. If the election is fair and honest trump will lose in November. We won't have a fair and honest election in November.

So there is a chance that trump will stay in our White House.

The time to impeach barr is if trump stays in the White House. I doubt that there will be enough votes in the Senate to throw him out of office. Even if the democrats win majority. It's nearly as difficult to remove an AG as it is to remove a president. There has never been an AG who has been impeached and removed from office. The only one who came close was Mitchell. He quit before it happened.

If Biden wins, the whole thing will be unnecessary. Especially since the Senate isn't going to vote to convict and remove barr.

If Biden wins barr needs to be investigated, prosecuted if any crimes have been committed then sent to prison. He should be disbarred and lose his law license.

Should barr be impeached and thrown out of office? Of course he should but I think that it's a bit late to do it.

Piling on Barr has never been more popular...but the basis for this criticism has never been weaker. Three particular news stories this week seemed to break entirely free from any factual or legal moorings, and no one seemed to care.
It is just, Barr sucks so bad and makes himself an easy target. I like Steve and he is from near here, but I don't see Barr going anywhere until January, when we officially or rid of trump, but I appreciate Steve Cohen's effort.
Yet, you said nothing about Holder or Lynch under the prior administration. Hell, they were
Obama's wing man/woman. They were blatant and open with their shenanigans.
Barr is a exposing what has been covered up and that is why he is such a pariah to the left.
Let's have some honesty

Piling on Barr has never been more popular...but the basis for this criticism has never been weaker. Three particular news stories this week seemed to break entirely free from any factual or legal moorings, and no one seemed to care.
It is just, Barr sucks so bad and makes himself an easy target. I like Steve and he is from near here, but I don't see Barr going anywhere until January, when we officially or rid of trump, but I appreciate Steve Cohen's effort.
Yet, you said nothing about Holder or Lynch under the prior administration. Hell, they were
Obama's wing man/woman. They were blatant and open with their shenanigans.
Barr is a exposing what has been covered up and that is why he is such a pariah to the left.
Let's have some honesty
I thought Eric Holder pretty mediocre. I remember the name Lynch, but not what she did that still has you upset, of course I was pretty busy working, commuting and putting my financial house back in order after the Bush crash.
It is just, Barr sucks so bad and makes himself an easy target. I like Steve and he is from near here, but I don't see Barr going anywhere until January, when we officially or rid of trump, but I appreciate Steve Cohen's effort.
Somethings just need repeating.
Barr, as well as Trump both gave the following oath, both Trump and Barr have broken that oath

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Barr has his nose stuck up so far up trump’s ass that he can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong.

Trump and Barr should be impeached now to set an example to others so they will not follow the same path leading only to corruption and malfeasance


The fact that administrative or executive action is invalid according to public law principles is an insufficient basis for claiming common law damages. The remedies in public law for invalid government action are orders that quash the underlying decision, or prohibit its further enforcement, or declare it to be null and void.

Unlawful failure or refusal to perform a public duty is addressed by a mandatory order to perform the duty according to law. In other words, harm caused by invalid government action or inaction is not compensable2 at common law just because it was invalid. The tort of misfeasance in public office represents a “safety net” adjustment to that position, by allowing damages where the public defendant’s unlawfulness is grossly culpable at a moral level.

Briefly, misfeasance in public office is a tort remedy for harm caused by acts or omissions that amounted to:

1. an abuse of public power or authority;
2. by a public officer;
3. who either
a. knew that he or she was abusing their public power or authority, or
b. was recklessly indifferent as to the limits to or restraints upon their
public power or authority;
4. and who acted or omitted to act
a. with either the intention of harming the claimant (so-called
“targeted malice”), or
b. with the knowledge of the probability of harming the claimant, or
c. with a conscious and reckless indifference to the probability of harming the claimant.

I was pretty busy working, commuting and putting my financial house back in order after the Bush crash.
Now we have the Trump crash, isn't it time you change party affiliation-?
Luckily, already not a trump supporter. Independent actually, having voted Republican and Democrat depending on who was running since 1972 and as of 2016, have even voted 3rd party (Libertarian). You do not have to register with a party here. But, that also means I will make no promise of loyalty to the Democrats after this election, even though that is how I will vote in the Presidential race, this time.

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