Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Yup, apparently the British live in a police state!

"Complete government control over individual lives."

"Works for me."

Eat shit, Commie bastard.

Last time I checked, they took an oath to save lives.

If you can point out the part where, "I'll only do it if I can make a shitload of money", you might have a point.
Yes, we know you loath freedom, and believe everyone should be slaves to the State. You've made that quite clear.

I don't have the words to adequately express my contempt for you.


Everything you say just doesn't make any sense.

You want to get rid of doctors now. How do you plan to replace them? Just pencil-whip their test scores?

Yeah, I want an unqualified quack working on me. That's a real good solution according to Joefuckstain.

I'd rather have a fresh graduate from a medical school who learned the latest techniques than some old quack who is still doing whatever he learned back in the 1970's.

Fact is, we aren't going to get rid of any doctors. They'll whine and bitch how they can't buy mansions, but they'll suck it up like the rest of us have to.

The only doctor in my area that I liked retired. The rest of them suck eggs. He's the one that discovered my wife had a heart-murmur and saved her life.

I love the way one of the so-called compassionate liberals can be so flippant about life and death.
Progressivism is a death cult.
"Complete government control over individual lives."

"Works for me."

Eat shit, Commie bastard.

Last time I checked, they took an oath to save lives.

If you can point out the part where, "I'll only do it if I can make a shitload of money", you might have a point.
Yes, we know you loath freedom, and believe everyone should be slaves to the State. You've made that quite clear.

I don't have the words to adequately express my contempt for you.

What you loath is the fact that the only reason a pathetic creature like you survives is because you live in a society of decent human beings that make sure you get your monthly welfare check.

I find it hilarious somoene who has spent his entire adult life sucking off the government teet spends so much time talking about "Freedom". It's hilarious.
Muddy, nice to see you lose your mind... because you've lost the argument.
Muddy, nice to see you lose your mind... because you've lost the argument.

Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...
Joefuckstain thinks he's winning.

No, I know I have.

You don't have an argument anymore,other than the same tired platitudes of "Freedom" like

"I want to have the freedom to be totally cheated by a big insurance company."
Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...

Pot meet kettle.

That's the problem with you dude.

They ain't catch-phrases.
Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...

Pot meet kettle.

That's the problem with you dude.

They ain't catch-phrases.

In your case, they are.

I frankly don't consider it "Freedom" to be cheated by a big insurance company, which HAS happened to me in my life.

I just get a kick out of this headline.......

Barack Obama, More Unpopular Than George W. Bush?

In George W. Bush’s fifth year his administration was under fire for an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq and what was widely seen as a botched response to Hurricane Katrina. His approval ratings were abysmal on historic proportions, we were told.

Which is something to keep in mind when you consider that President Obama’s approval ratings are now lower in his 5th year than Bush’s were: Barack Obama, More Unpopular Than George W. Bush? | Say Anything
I'm sure you do....

But here's the thing. Bush had bodies floating down the river at this point in his term.
Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...

Pot meet kettle.

That's the problem with you dude.

They ain't catch-phrases.

In your case, they are.

I frankly don't consider it "Freedom" to be cheated by a big insurance company, which HAS happened to me in my life.


Nite nite sparky.
Last time I checked, they took an oath to save lives.

If you can point out the part where, "I'll only do it if I can make a shitload of money", you might have a point.
Yes, we know you loath freedom, and believe everyone should be slaves to the State. You've made that quite clear.

I don't have the words to adequately express my contempt for you.

What you loath is the fact that the only reason a pathetic creature like you survives is because you live in a society of decent human beings that make sure you get your monthly welfare check.
Sheer projection.
I find it hilarious somoene who has spent his entire adult life sucking off the government teet spends so much time talking about "Freedom". It's hilarious.
I wish you weren't such a pussy. Then you'd move to Cuba, the Worker's Paradise you long for.

But no, you're too big a pussy.
Nice dodge, Dave.

But you've been collecting money from the Government you hate your entire life.

Doesn't that kind of make you a hypocrite?
Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...
You know how you like to say you're not a Communist?

You're wrong.
Joefuckstain thinks he's winning.

No, I know I have.

You don't have an argument anymore,other than the same tired platitudes of "Freedom" like

"I want to have the freedom to be totally cheated by a big insurance company."

As opposed to the freedom you want:

"I want the government to make all my life's decisions for me."

You never have explained how that's freedom. Well, I suppose it is freedom from thinking for yourself. You never have liked doing that.
Nice dodge, Dave.

But you've been collecting money from the Government you hate your entire life.

Doesn't that kind of make you a hypocrite?

I can tell when someone starts having a meltdown.

They start posting run-on sentences.
Yup... you've lost it.

Hey, here try to get you back on track.

"Freedom".... "the Constitution"... "Founding Fathers!"

Seriously, man, these catchphrases always help defend the indefensible...
You know how you like to say you're not a Communist?

You're wrong.

No, I just don't see the problem the way you do.

Here's how I see the problem.

First, is health care a consumer commodity, that only those who earn it should have access to, or a fundimental public service that everyone should have access to? The answer to this question is obviously the latter. The stupidity that we let poor people die of treatable diseases because they are poor is a very bad reflection on us as a society.

Second, once we've established the first point (and frankly, it's not even one your side is really arguing, other than the few fringe nutbags) then the question becomes, what is the best way to assure everyone has access? The rest of the world has figured this out. They have single payer in Canada, the UK, Japan, France. Germany and Holland have a series of private and public programs that cover everyone.

ObamaCare is a half-measure that reflects our system is very hard to reform and we have very entrenched special interests protecting a status quo they really can't defend. But it's also a failing one. Employers were having a hard time keeping up with their foreign competitors whose government have already figured this out.

So really, I see it as an incremental step in the right direction.

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