Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

There's too much freedom going on here.
The government needs to do something about that.
And they should get the IRS involved.

Extreeeeeme right screeactionary!!!!
Truth not your friend, hm, DBlack. Tch, tch, tch!
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?
Oh. Then you OPPOSE Obamacare. Because that's what it does.
Medicare isn't a private business that doesn't rely on tax dollars to operate. It is also operating at a loss. Medicare also has this crazy habit of shafting doctors. When they do the doctors drop medicare patients when they grow tired of getting screwed over.

I'm not sure what your point is other than you don't understand the difference between government and the private sector. Insurance companies don't have the resources that the government has. They are a slave to the market.

Simple solution to that. You drop medicare patients, we yank your medical license. Have a good time working at McDonalds, buddy!

Sorry, paying doctors what it actually costs to provide the service is not screwing them.

Frankly, you are making a good argument as to why we should just chuck private insurance and go single payer, even if you don't realize it.
Why not just pass a law that doctors have to keep practicing, no matter what?

Why not just draft people into the medical profession? "Hey, kid -- you're gonna be a surgeon. Study hard."

That's what progressivism always leads to. Complete government control over individual lives.
Yes, that's what you were told to say. And like an obedient sheep, you repeat it.

Another Obama Ass-Suck.

how sad a person needs a politician to tell them what to think and they just follow like sheep

no thinking required

If you ever wonder what it's like to have no self-respect -- talk to a progressive. They'll show you.

no kidding, they just don't follow the party they grovel at their feet

it's embarrassing, but that doesn't stop them
Marsha should denounce her socialist plan for life if she wants legitimacy.

They'll be retired.

If driving doctors into retirement is your goal then you're doing a good job.

By the way, if you hate the rich why do you support them so vehemently?

Obama and his cohorts are after all getting rich while standing on our throats.

Is it how you got rich that matters?

Lying to 300 million Americans or working hard to earn your money? Which I's more acceptable? Most doctors had work their asses off to become welloff. All Obama had to do was check his conscience at the door and lie his ass off, telling hateful bigotted numbnuts what they want to hear and then doing the opposite.

Old doctors retiring is a good thing, guy. Make room for some fresh blood.

Now, frankly, I'm really kind of getting tired of indulging your brand of crazy.
Why not just pass a law that doctors have to keep practicing, no matter what?

Why not just draft people into the medical profession? "Hey, kid -- you're gonna be a surgeon. Study hard."

That's what progressivism always leads to. Complete government control over individual lives.

Works for me. Pretty much how the British do it, and they get better results spending half as much.
Why not just pass a law that doctors have to keep practicing, no matter what?

Why not just draft people into the medical profession? "Hey, kid -- you're gonna be a surgeon. Study hard."

That's what progressivism always leads to. Complete government control over individual lives.

Works for me. Pretty much how the British do it, and they get better results spending half as much.
Good Gaea, you really HATE freedom.

This is undeniable.

They'll be retired.

If driving doctors into retirement is your goal then you're doing a good job.

By the way, if you hate the rich why do you support them so vehemently?

Obama and his cohorts are after all getting rich while standing on our throats.

Is it how you got rich that matters?

Lying to 300 million Americans or working hard to earn your money? Which I's more acceptable? Most doctors had work their asses off to become welloff. All Obama had to do was check his conscience at the door and lie his ass off, telling hateful bigotted numbnuts what they want to hear and then doing the opposite.

Old doctors retiring is a good thing, guy. Make room for some fresh blood.

Now, frankly, I'm really kind of getting tired of indulging your brand of crazy.


Everything you say just doesn't make any sense.

You want to get rid of doctors now. How do you plan to replace them? Just pencil-whip their test scores?

Yeah, I want an unqualified quack working on me. That's a real good solution according to Joefuckstain.
Why not just pass a law that doctors have to keep practicing, no matter what?

Why not just draft people into the medical profession? "Hey, kid -- you're gonna be a surgeon. Study hard."

That's what progressivism always leads to. Complete government control over individual lives.

Works for me. Pretty much how the British do it, and they get better results spending half as much.
Good Gaea, you really HATE freedom.

This is undeniable.

Yup, apparently the British live in a police state!


Everything you say just doesn't make any sense.

You want to get rid of doctors now. How do you plan to replace them? Just pencil-whip their test scores?

Yeah, I want an unqualified quack working on me. That's a real good solution according to Joefuckstain.

I'd rather have a fresh graduate from a medical school who learned the latest techniques than some old quack who is still doing whatever he learned back in the 1970's.

Fact is, we aren't going to get rid of any doctors. They'll whine and bitch how they can't buy mansions, but they'll suck it up like the rest of us have to.
Good Gaea, you really HATE freedom.

This is undeniable.

Yup, apparently the British live in a police state!

"Complete government control over individual lives."

"Works for me."

Eat shit, Commie bastard.

Last time I checked, they took an oath to save lives.

If you can point out the part where, "I'll only do it if I can make a shitload of money", you might have a point.


Everything you say just doesn't make any sense.

You want to get rid of doctors now. How do you plan to replace them? Just pencil-whip their test scores?

Yeah, I want an unqualified quack working on me. That's a real good solution according to Joefuckstain.

I'd rather have a fresh graduate from a medical school who learned the latest techniques than some old quack who is still doing whatever he learned back in the 1970's.

Fact is, we aren't going to get rid of any doctors. They'll whine and bitch how they can't buy mansions, but they'll suck it up like the rest of us have to.

The only doctor in my area that I liked retired. The rest of them suck eggs. He's the one that discovered my wife had a heart-murmur and saved her life.

I love the way one of the so-called compassionate liberals can be so flippant about life and death.

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