Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

The OP doesn't grok that the old insurance was actually better than the New & Unimproved ObamaCare policies which cost far far more for far far less.
Taking into consideration that Obama never comes through with his promises, I figure that initially some may get a decent deal. Some. Not many. But eventually the price will skyrocket. Everything that government touches always does, historically.

Joe, I told you Obama was lying when he said we could keep our insurance. He's also lying about people being able to afford Obamacare. Not enough healthy folks will join it willingly. They will change it.....as they already have numerous times.
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Adding more risk for insurers is only going to do one thing, increase costs.

You really are an idiot.

Guy, they are also adding more revenue for the insurers in reuqiring everyone to buy in

Look, this was the right's stupid idea.

The left just wanted to make MediCare (which has much lower overheads than Private Insurance) applicable to everyone.

It's like the old story of the Frog and teh Scorpion. When the Frog (the rest of us) asked the Scorpion (big insurance) why he stung him, the Scorpion said, "It's my nature!"
Taking into consideration that Obama never comes through with his promises, I figure that initially some may get a decent deal. Some. Not many. But eventually the price will skyrocket. Everything that government touches always does, historically.

Joe, I told you Obama was lying when he said we could keep our insurance. He's also lying about people being able to afford Obamacare. Not enough healthy folks will join it willingly. They will change it.....as they already have numerous times.

Every other country that has universal health care spends less than we do.

So, no, not buying it.


Adding more risk for insurers is only going to do one thing, increase costs.

You really are an idiot.

Guy, they are also adding more revenue for the insurers in reuqiring everyone to buy in

Look, this was the right's stupid idea.

The left just wanted to make MediCare (which has much lower overheads than Private Insurance) applicable to everyone.

It's like the old story of the Frog and teh Scorpion. When the Frog (the rest of us) asked the Scorpion (big insurance) why he stung him, the Scorpion said, "It's my nature!"

And Obama is the Scorpion. You're the frog.

Yes, we've heard the story.

That's why I've never been stupid enough to believe Obama about anything, and he's proving this every day.

This isn't the right's idea you dumb asshole. They would have voted for it if it had been.

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Taking into consideration that Obama never comes through with his promises, I figure that initially some may get a decent deal. Some. Not many. But eventually the price will skyrocket. Everything that government touches always does, historically.

Joe, I told you Obama was lying when he said we could keep our insurance. He's also lying about people being able to afford Obamacare. Not enough healthy folks will join it willingly. They will change it.....as they already have numerous times.

Every other country that has universal health care spends less than we do.

So, no, not buying it.

Not every other country has a dick like Obama, backed by the Weather Underground, running their countries into the ground.

It's a tossup whether they're screwing this up on purpose or they're really this incompetent.
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...says the guy who blames capitalism for the failures in his life.

No, I blame them for the damage they've done to the country.

I'll do well under a system where capitalists are fucking working people.

And I'll do well under a system where working people are lining up capitalists and shooting their sorry asses.

The sad thing is, thanks to folks like you, the latter is probably a lot closer than you think.
And I keep telling you:

Bring it, you pussy.


Adding more risk for insurers is only going to do one thing, increase costs.

You really are an idiot.

Guy, they are also adding more revenue for the insurers in reuqiring everyone to buy in

Look, this was the right's stupid idea.

The left just wanted to make MediCare (which has much lower overheads than Private Insurance) applicable to everyone.

It's like the old story of the Frog and teh Scorpion. When the Frog (the rest of us) asked the Scorpion (big insurance) why he stung him, the Scorpion said, "It's my nature!"

And Obama is the Scorpion. You're the frog.

Yes, we've heard the story.

That's why I've never been stupid enough to believe Obama about anything, and he's proving this every day.

This isn't the right's idea you dumb asshole. They would have voted for it if it had been.


Getting rid of your stupid cartoon because your crazy birther nonsense is largely why no one takes you seriously anymore.

Sorry, ObamaCare was the right's idea.

Nixon was the guy who wanted to expand private insurance when the Democrats wanted single payer.

The Heritage Foundation wanted an individual mandate when Hillary wanted a public Option.

And then Romney put those ideas together in RomneyCare. And republians thought it was great...

Until the Black Guy Did It.

Not every other country has a dick like Obama, backed by the Weather Underground, running their countries into the ground.

It's a tossup whether they're screwing this up on purpose or they're really this incompetent.

Sorry, the only guy I saw running the country into the ground was your boy Bush.

And when you talk about the "Weather Underground" like that's a real thing anymore, you kind of can't be taken seriously.

you do get this, right That you can't go off sounding like a loon and still get to sit at the grownup table?
Guy, they are also adding more revenue for the insurers in reuqiring everyone to buy in

Look, this was the right's stupid idea.

The left just wanted to make MediCare (which has much lower overheads than Private Insurance) applicable to everyone.

It's like the old story of the Frog and teh Scorpion. When the Frog (the rest of us) asked the Scorpion (big insurance) why he stung him, the Scorpion said, "It's my nature!"

And Obama is the Scorpion. You're the frog.

Yes, we've heard the story.

That's why I've never been stupid enough to believe Obama about anything, and he's proving this every day.

This isn't the right's idea you dumb asshole. They would have voted for it if it had been.


Getting rid of your stupid cartoon because your crazy birther nonsense is largely why no one takes you seriously anymore.

Sorry, ObamaCare was the right's idea.

Nixon was the guy who wanted to expand private insurance when the Democrats wanted single payer.

The Heritage Foundation wanted an individual mandate when Hillary wanted a public Option.

And then Romney put those ideas together in RomneyCare. And republians thought it was great...

Until the Black Guy Did It.

in a nutshell, yeah. Repub voters are sooo transparent
Guy, they are also adding more revenue for the insurers in reuqiring everyone to buy in

Look, this was the right's stupid idea.

The left just wanted to make MediCare (which has much lower overheads than Private Insurance) applicable to everyone.

It's like the old story of the Frog and teh Scorpion. When the Frog (the rest of us) asked the Scorpion (big insurance) why he stung him, the Scorpion said, "It's my nature!"

And Obama is the Scorpion. You're the frog.

Yes, we've heard the story.

That's why I've never been stupid enough to believe Obama about anything, and he's proving this every day.

This isn't the right's idea you dumb asshole. They would have voted for it if it had been.


Getting rid of your stupid cartoon because your crazy birther nonsense is largely why no one takes you seriously anymore.

Sorry, ObamaCare was the right's idea.

Nixon was the guy who wanted to expand private insurance when the Democrats wanted single payer.

The Heritage Foundation wanted an individual mandate when Hillary wanted a public Option.

And then Romney put those ideas together in RomneyCare. And republians thought it was great...

Until the Black Guy Did It.

I'm sure you have a ready made excuse for every Dem fuck up.

The problems in Obama's first term were all Bush's fault.

Now it's the Tea Party's fault.

See a pattern????

Not every other country has a dick like Obama, backed by the Weather Underground, running their countries into the ground.

It's a tossup whether they're screwing this up on purpose or they're really this incompetent.

Sorry, the only guy I saw running the country into the ground was your boy Bush.

And when you talk about the "Weather Underground" like that's a real thing anymore, you kind of can't be taken seriously.

you do get this, right That you can't go off sounding like a loon and still get to sit at the grownup table?

See. Blaming Bush again.

And you think I'm not taken seriously.

Trust me, my reputation is much better than goofballs like you.

I'm sure you have a ready made excuse for every Dem fuck up.

The problems in Obama's first term were all Bush's fault.

Now it's the Tea Party's fault.

See a pattern????

No, guy, what I see is perspective.

Given my druthers, I'd have a single payer system like Canada has. (I think a complete nationalization of health care like the UK Has would be going too far.) this could have easily been acheived to expand MediCare to cover everyone.

ObamaCare involved a whole bunch of concessions to private insurance because Big Insurance INSISTED that it be allowed to continue on as it has. And because Big Insurance insisted it could do the job better than the Public Sector... And the GOP and far too many Democrats (Bayh, Leiberman) agreed with them.

Except now it turns out it can't. Once it's been told, "You can't cheat your customers with policies where you take their money and don't provide coverage", they just dropped policies like hot potatoes and let the government pick up those people.

Not every other country has a dick like Obama, backed by the Weather Underground, running their countries into the ground.

It's a tossup whether they're screwing this up on purpose or they're really this incompetent.

Sorry, the only guy I saw running the country into the ground was your boy Bush.

And when you talk about the "Weather Underground" like that's a real thing anymore, you kind of can't be taken seriously.

you do get this, right That you can't go off sounding like a loon and still get to sit at the grownup table?

See. Blaming Bush again.

And you think I'm not taken seriously.

Trust me, my reputation is much better than goofballs like you.

Guy, you've been here for four years, in a nice safe cocoon with your fellow nutters, and you thnk you have good reputation when you say crazy Birfer shit that would get you laughed at in the real world?


I'm sure you have a ready made excuse for every Dem fuck up.

The problems in Obama's first term were all Bush's fault.

Now it's the Tea Party's fault.

See a pattern????

No, guy, what I see is perspective.

Given my druthers, I'd have a single payer system like Canada has. (I think a complete nationalization of health care like the UK Has would be going too far.) this could have easily been acheived to expand MediCare to cover everyone.

ObamaCare involved a whole bunch of concessions to private insurance because Big Insurance INSISTED that it be allowed to continue on as it has. And because Big Insurance insisted it could do the job better than the Public Sector... And the GOP and far too many Democrats (Bayh, Leiberman) agreed with them.

Except now it turns out it can't. Once it's been told, "You can't cheat your customers with policies where you take their money and don't provide coverage", they just dropped policies like hot potatoes and let the government pick up those people.

Kind of hard for "Big Insurance" to do the job when the government forces them to follow stupid regulations designed to make them operate in the red.

You don't have the sense that God gave a pissaint. Obama knows that insurance companies renew all of their policies every year, and sometimes they have to change what they offer, which means that the new grandfather clause (that was inserted in the law after it was signed) would make many of the policies illegal. At first Democrats voted not to even have a grandfather clause, but pressure from voters forced them to put it in. Then they just changed it a few months later after it was signed. This is basically a Democrap thing. They knew what it would do.
Sorry, the only guy I saw running the country into the ground was your boy Bush.

And when you talk about the "Weather Underground" like that's a real thing anymore, you kind of can't be taken seriously.

you do get this, right That you can't go off sounding like a loon and still get to sit at the grownup table?

See. Blaming Bush again.

And you think I'm not taken seriously.

Trust me, my reputation is much better than goofballs like you.

Guy, you've been here for four years, in a nice safe cocoon with your fellow nutters, and you thnk you have good reputation when you say crazy Birfer shit that would get you laughed at in the real world?


You could start a thread and put it to a vote. Let everyone vote who is more trustworthy. Joe Fucknuts or Mudwhistle.

I'm afraid you'd be very disappointed.
The problem with you Joe, is you can't tell the difference between a joke and the truth.

Kind of hard for "Big Insurance" to do the job when the government forces them to follow stupid regulations designed to make them operate in the red.

You don't have the sense that God gave a pissaint. Obama knows that insurance companies renew all of their policies every year, and sometimes they have to change what they offer, which means that the new grandfather clause (that was inserted in the law after it was signed) would make many of the policies illegal. At first Democrats voted not to even have a grandfather clause, but pressure from voters forced them to put it in. Then they just changed it a few months later after it was signed. This is basically a Democrap thing. They knew what it would do.

Here's the problem.

Is the purpose to make profits for insurance companies or to provide health care to policyholders?

"Oh, gosh, we can't cheat our customers anymore! Or maybe we can, but maybe we can sabotage the law by dropping people and then offering them something more expensive later."

Seriously, guy, why you think that the poor insurance companies are the victims here is baffling.

You could start a thread and put it to a vote. Let everyone vote who is more trustworthy. Joe Fucknuts or Mudwhistle.

I'm afraid you'd be very disappointed.

Yeah, guy, the last time I tried a poll to see how "not crazy" the rank and file of USMB is when I honestly asked how many people really, really thought that Obama was born in Keyna.

And found out that 25% of them thought he was and 25% were "not sure".

Kind of hard for "Big Insurance" to do the job when the government forces them to follow stupid regulations designed to make them operate in the red.

You don't have the sense that God gave a pissaint. Obama knows that insurance companies renew all of their policies every year, and sometimes they have to change what they offer, which means that the new grandfather clause (that was inserted in the law after it was signed) would make many of the policies illegal. At first Democrats voted not to even have a grandfather clause, but pressure from voters forced them to put it in. Then they just changed it a few months later after it was signed. This is basically a Democrap thing. They knew what it would do.

Here's the problem.

Is the purpose to make profits for insurance companies or to provide health care to policyholders?

"Oh, gosh, we can't cheat our customers anymore! Or maybe we can, but maybe we can sabotage the law by dropping people and then offering them something more expensive later."

Seriously, guy, why you think that the poor insurance companies are the victims here is baffling.

I'm sorry, but your reputation isn't going to get any better by lying about me or putting words in my mouth, which you constantly do.

I don't support insurance companies. I think they're dishonest and will screw you over at the drop of a hat. I passed my life insurance licensing test 20 years ago when I first retired from the military. I got out of the business really quick. It can be really cutthroat.

Insurance companies are in business to make money. That is a fact you libs can't seem to understand. The whole point of running a business is to make a friggen profit. Hopefully you can provide a product or service someone will pay you for. Unfortunately the Obama Administration knows this and gave them no choice other than screw over their subscribers. He knew that once Obamacare kicked in, once the mandates kicked in, insurance providers would be dropping subscribers in droves. You can't expect a company to lose money dumbass. They can't stay in business if they did. It's the law of economics.

Jesus you're stupid.

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