Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

If you're so concerned about poor kids, do something for them yourself instead of making yourself feel all warm and fuzzy by being generous with other people's money.

I pay thousand of dollars in taxes every year.

Things I don't want them going to.

Paying Israel to play "God Loves me the very best".
Fighting wars in the middle east.
Paying ignorant assholes who spent 20 years making latrines for the Air FOrce.

Things I don't mind paying for.

Keeping kids from starving.
Paying taxes is not being generous, Butthurt Boi.

You REALLY think it's generous when your contribution is made due to the threat of government force?

You really ARE a retard.
Paying taxes is not being generous, Butthurt Boi.

You REALLY think it's generous when your contribution is made due to the threat of government force?

You really ARE a retard.

No, I expect to pay taxes as the fee of living in a CIVILIZED society.

But frankly, enough Corporate Welfare, enough fighting wars to protect the interests of the wealthy, and especially stop fighting wars over religious stupidity.

Again, it's what Jesus would do.

Well they nailed him to a cross.

Would you like to try being crucified? Maybe buy O'Reilly's "Killing Jesus" to get a flavor of being nailed to a cross.

Asking him to give up his pension is pretty damned silly if you ask me. Why don't you just shove a flaming hot poker up your ass too. See how that feels. Let me know when you're done.

I wasn't speaking of Jesus like he really existed. I was asking what the fictional character would do.

He wouldn't insist on getting a payment he didn't need while watching poor kids starve.

WWJD baby!

Incidently, I was just pointing out his hypocrisy. He REALLY TRULY BELIEVES we are in a fiscal crisis!!!!

Dooom Agony Destitution!

Can't borrow more money, can't raise taxes on the rich. We got to totally cut expenses.

Just not his.

I've got a feeling he's gonna need all of the cash he can get. 3 more years of that prick Obama and we'll have to reopen the soup kitchens.

BTW, Fictional characters do nothing.

They're fictional.

Funny, I don't see anyone saying Muhammad is fictional. Why Jesus?
$17 trillion in the hole is NOT a financial crisis?

No wonder you got fired.

Yes, it would be nice if Reagan and Bush hadn't put us there.
Republican debt = bad and not nice and evil.

Democrat debt = good and righteous and holy.

Tax teh wealthy appropriately, and we won't be.

I can see you have no concept of mathematics. But in your defense, that's only because you're stupid.

You can steal every single penny -- not just income, but assets, property, EVERYTHING -- and it will pay to run your bloated government for about 8 months.

Then what will you do? From whom would you steal then?
If you're so concerned about poor kids, do something for them yourself instead of making yourself feel all warm and fuzzy by being generous with other people's money.

I pay thousand of dollars in taxes every year.

Things I don't want them going to.

Paying Israel to play "God Loves me the very best".
Fighting wars in the middle east.
Paying ignorant assholes who spent 20 years making latrines for the Air FOrce.

Things I don't mind paying for.

Keeping kids from starving.

Show us some of these starving kids.

Or are they fictional too?
Paying taxes is not being generous, Butthurt Boi.

You REALLY think it's generous when your contribution is made due to the threat of government force?

You really ARE a retard.

No, I expect to pay taxes as the fee of living in a CIVILIZED society.

But frankly, enough Corporate Welfare, enough fighting wars to protect the interests of the wealthy, and especially stop fighting wars over religious stupidity.
Donate to charity. Then you'll have something to feel generous about.

Paying taxes? Nope. Not at all.
I've got a feeling he's gonna need all of the cash he can get. 3 more years of that prick Obama and we'll have to reopen the soup kitchens.

BTW, Fictional characters do nothing.

They're fictional.

Funny, I don't see anyone saying Muhammad is fictional. Why Jesus?

Because there's no historical evidence Jesus actually existed.

There is evidence of Muhammed's existence.
Paying taxes is not being generous, Butthurt Boi.

You REALLY think it's generous when your contribution is made due to the threat of government force?

You really ARE a retard.

No, I expect to pay taxes as the fee of living in a CIVILIZED society.

But frankly, enough Corporate Welfare, enough fighting wars to protect the interests of the wealthy, and especially stop fighting wars over religious stupidity.
Donate to charity. Then you'll have something to feel generous about.

Paying taxes? Nope. Not at all.

Never met a charity that wasn't a scam. Most of them are run by churches, the ULTIMATE Scams.
Funny, I don't see anyone saying Muhammad is fictional. Why Jesus?
Because Jesus' followers won't saw your head off with a rusty knife.

Progressives are not only bigots, they're cowards, too.

Well, yeah, if you go into someone else's country and fuck with them, they are likely to try to kill you.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's not fucking do that.
Still waiting on that hot-poker report Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like a lib. Wanting to take from everyone else but never willing to give themselves.

No, I expect to pay taxes as the fee of living in a CIVILIZED society.

But frankly, enough Corporate Welfare, enough fighting wars to protect the interests of the wealthy, and especially stop fighting wars over religious stupidity.
Donate to charity. Then you'll have something to feel generous about.

Paying taxes? Nope. Not at all.

Never met a charity that wasn't a scam. Most of them are run by churches, the ULTIMATE Scams.

Atheists in Chicago Package More Than 18,000 lbs of Fruit
Atheists in Chicago Package More Than 18,000 lbs of Fruit

Last week, on the day after Christmas, more than 30 members of Secular Events in Chicago (including Jessica and me from this site) went to the Greater Chicago Food Depository to help with whatever they needed us to do.
Turns out they wanted us to sort good fruit from bad fruit and box up the good stuff so they could ship it to local food pantries across the city.

Some of the oranges were torn, squishy, and disgusting… but we rescued the good ones!

We’re in here somewhere…
Over the course of three hours, we went through 18,522 lbs. of fruit, packaging 450 cases for shipment, for people who are “food insecure” (to use the GCFD’s terminology):​

The Freedom From Religion Foundation Metropolitan Chicago Chapter (FFRFMCC) is the Chicago chapter of the national Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), based in Madison, Wisconsin.

The purpose of the FFRFMCC is to:

Protect the constitutional principle of separation of state and church
Educate the public on matters relating to non-theism
Act as a social organization for freethinkers to meet, gather and converse with other like-minded individuals
Coordinate community service and charity work and create partnerships with secular-based charitable organizations/foundations
Work to encourage atheists, agnostics and skeptics to be open about their non-belief​

You have no excuse. Get off your ass and help people. Donate time and/or money.

Saying you're generous because you pay taxes is bullshit.
Funny, I don't see anyone saying Muhammad is fictional. Why Jesus?
Because Jesus' followers won't saw your head off with a rusty knife.

Progressives are not only bigots, they're cowards, too.

Well, yeah, if you go into someone else's country and fuck with them, they are likely to try to kill you.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's not fucking do that.

What country did Theo van Gogh go to?

Oh, yeah -- his own.

But you won't condemn his murder. You're a coward.
And you think because he's more successful than you.....you feel the need to give financial advice?

Not giving him financial advice. That works on the assumption I care about his well-being.

(I really don't.)

I'm just pointing out that if he is such a great patriot who is truly concerned about the fiscal crisis, maybe he need to forgo his retirement payment instead of trying to yank food out of some poor kid's mouth.

Again, it's what Jesus would do.

Well they nailed him to a cross.

Would you like to try being crucified? Maybe buy O'Reilly's "Killing Jesus" to get a flavor of being nailed to a cross.

Asking him to give up his pension is pretty damned silly if you ask me. Why don't you just shove a flaming hot poker up your ass too. See how that feels. Let me know when you're done.

You have to remember [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION], this is what Dumbocrats always do. Because they've had their ass kicked so thoroughly on the battlefield of facts and ideas, they have to come up with nonsensical scenarios and attempt to sell them (thankfully, nobody is buying except for equally stupid Dumbocrats).

They keep this insane narrative that conservatives actually like their communism such as Social Security, Medicare, etc. because we don't pass on them when we are eligible... :bang3:

Ah...duh! You've literally stolen from me my entire life, taken more than 60% of what I've earned making it damn near impossible to properly save for retirement for the express purpose of forcing me into a dependency on government, and then you're going to pretend that I like the programs?!?! Of course I'm not going to pass on Social Security after you spent 45 years STEALING from me. That is my opportunity to get some of MY money BACK.

You want proof that I hate Social Security, Medicare, etc.? Allow me to opt out of it, give me 100% of MY money BACK - and I will gladly burn my Social Security card on national television.

Yes folks, this is how dumb Dumbocrats really are. They can't even form a narrative that is even slightly rational enough to sell.
In the case of Soc Sec -- they have LITERALLY stolen from you. Every paycheck for the past 40 yrs in the form of your SS overpayments... "They" in this case -- being BOTH parties.
In the case of Soc Sec -- they have LITERALLY stolen from you. Every paycheck for the past 40 yrs in the form of your SS overpayments... "They" in this case -- being BOTH parties.

Yup, but only one party wants to pay us back.

Most of the debt is Congress stealing from Social Security.

You have no excuse. Get off your ass and help people. Donate time and/or money.

Saying you're generous because you pay taxes is bullshit.

guy, i'm too busy working three jobs because I have to pay off medical debt because I live in the only country that runs health care as a "for profit" business. Thanks for asking, though.

Again... when you give up your retirement check, then you can talk to me about taking food out of the mouths of children.

Naw, I'd still tell you to fuck off because that's inhumane.

Conservatism- a rationalization for selfishness at the end of the day.
Still waiting on that hot-poker report Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like a lib. Wanting to take from everyone else but never willing to give themselves.


So asking dave to give up a paycheck he doesn't need is the equivlent of taking a poker up the ass?


I mean, I'm going by YOUR definition, that we are in SOOOOOOO much trouble we need to take food out the mouths of hungry children because we are just so broke.

Although I think the billions we spend on wars and weapons and corporate welfare would be much better candidates for cutting than starving a poor child...

Look, guy, I've exposed your hypocrisy, there's no reason to be nasty about it...

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