Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance


You have no excuse. Get off your ass and help people. Donate time and/or money.

Saying you're generous because you pay taxes is bullshit.

guy, i'm too busy working three jobs because I have to pay off medical debt because I live in the only country that runs health care as a "for profit" business. Thanks for asking, though.

Again... when you give up your retirement check, then you can talk to me about taking food out of the mouths of children.

Naw, I'd still tell you to fuck off because that's inhumane.

Conservatism- a rationalization for selfishness at the end of the day.
...says the guy rationalizing his selfishness.

You have to remember [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION], this is what Dumbocrats always do. Because they've had their ass kicked so thoroughly on the battlefield of facts and ideas, they have to come up with nonsensical scenarios and attempt to sell them (thankfully, nobody is buying except for equally stupid Dumbocrats).

They keep this insane narrative that conservatives actually like their communism such as Social Security, Medicare, etc. because we don't pass on them when we are eligible... :bang3:

Ah...duh! You've literally stolen from me my entire life, taken more than 60% of what I've earned making it damn near impossible to properly save for retirement for the express purpose of forcing me into a dependency on government, and then you're going to pretend that I like the programs?!?! Of course I'm not going to pass on Social Security after you spent 45 years STEALING from me. That is my opportunity to get some of MY money BACK.

You want proof that I hate Social Security, Medicare, etc.? Allow me to opt out of it, give me 100% of MY money BACK - and I will gladly burn my Social Security card on national television.

Yes folks, this is how dumb Dumbocrats really are. They can't even form a narrative that is even slightly rational enough to sell.

Poodle, somehow when you finally get old enough to need social security and medicare, when you are at the point where the Financial Crisis of 2040 has devalued your 401K and a big corporation has looted your pension fund, you are going to gladly starve to death because that's what Ayn Rand would do.

Psst. Psst. When Ayn got old, she got social security and medicare... She comes from the Dave School of Self-reliance. "I've got mine, fuck you!"

And somehow, I doubt you are paying 60% of your earnings in taxes.
Still waiting on that hot-poker report Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like a lib. Wanting to take from everyone else but never willing to give themselves.


So asking dave to give up a paycheck he doesn't need is the equivlent of taking a poker up the ass?


I mean, I'm going by YOUR definition, that we are in SOOOOOOO much trouble we need to take food out the mouths of hungry children because we are just so broke.

Although I think the billions we spend on wars and weapons and corporate welfare would be much better candidates for cutting than starving a poor child...

Look, guy, I've exposed your hypocrisy, there's no reason to be nasty about it...

Nobody is taking food out of the mouths of children. WTF is Michelle always talking about how fat our kids are? Is it because they're starving? Heck no. Back when I was growing up everyone looked like a beanpole. Now they all look like butterballs.

God Damn. Wake the fuck up asshole.

BTW, Obama spent more on Obamacare before it was implemented then we did in Iraq. So far it has cost over a trillion dollars. They predict it will end up costing another $2.6 trillion before it gets going and in the meanwhile millions of us will lose our health insurance because of it, will have our hours cut at work, some will have to take desperate measures just to remain in our homes. And you want to bitch about the usual strawmen liberals always throw at us. Look at yourself first. Look at the rising costs of food. Thanks to Obama and Michelle we pay twice as much for what they call "Fatty Foods" like cheese, pastries, desserts, anything that has alot of calories in it. A wedge of cheese that only a couple of years ago cost $3.60 now costs $6.89. Yet the administration says there's no inflation. People in New Jersey won't be able to heat their homes this Winter thanks to Obama and his stupid Global Warming edicts. I suggest that the skinny prick start cutting firewood for all of the people he's screwing over.
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Nobody is taking food out of the mouths of children. WTF is Michelle always talking about how fat our kids are?

God Damn. Wake the fuck up asshole.

BTW, Obama spent more on Obamacare before it was implemented then we did in Iraq. So far it has cost over a trillion dollars. They predict it will end up costing another $2.6 trillion before it gets going and in the meanwhile millions of us will lose our health insurance because of it, will have our hours cut at work, some will have to take desperate measures just to remain in our homes. And you want to bitch about the usual strawmen liberals always throw at us. Look at yourself first.

Guy, we haven't spent a trillion dollars on ObamaCare. Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass.

Honestly, guy, I work a job where I am making about a lower middle class salary My insurance is exactly the same as it was before ObamaCare, and i don't even think it is a particularly good plan, but it qualifies.

So I honestly have to wonder what alternate universe where ObamaCare is going to cost you your home.

I think you just like blaming Obama for the failures of your life.

Nobody is taking food out of the mouths of children. WTF is Michelle always talking about how fat our kids are?

God Damn. Wake the fuck up asshole.

BTW, Obama spent more on Obamacare before it was implemented then we did in Iraq. So far it has cost over a trillion dollars. They predict it will end up costing another $2.6 trillion before it gets going and in the meanwhile millions of us will lose our health insurance because of it, will have our hours cut at work, some will have to take desperate measures just to remain in our homes. And you want to bitch about the usual strawmen liberals always throw at us. Look at yourself first.

Guy, we haven't spent a trillion dollars on ObamaCare. Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass.

Honestly, guy, I work a job where I am making about a lower middle class salary My insurance is exactly the same as it was before ObamaCare, and i don't even think it is a particularly good plan, but it qualifies.

So I honestly have to wonder what alternate universe where ObamaCare is going to cost you your home.

I think you just like blaming Obama for the failures of your life.
...says the guy who blames capitalism for the failures in his life.

Nobody is taking food out of the mouths of children. WTF is Michelle always talking about how fat our kids are?

God Damn. Wake the fuck up asshole.

BTW, Obama spent more on Obamacare before it was implemented then we did in Iraq. So far it has cost over a trillion dollars. They predict it will end up costing another $2.6 trillion before it gets going and in the meanwhile millions of us will lose our health insurance because of it, will have our hours cut at work, some will have to take desperate measures just to remain in our homes. And you want to bitch about the usual strawmen liberals always throw at us. Look at yourself first.

Guy, we haven't spent a trillion dollars on ObamaCare. Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass.

Honestly, guy, I work a job where I am making about a lower middle class salary My insurance is exactly the same as it was before ObamaCare, and i don't even think it is a particularly good plan, but it qualifies.

So I honestly have to wonder what alternate universe where ObamaCare is going to cost you your home.

I think you just like blaming Obama for the failures of your life.

Sorry dickwad. I have no failures. Seems to me all you do is complain about your's.

Two years ago Obama borrowed $700 billion from Medicare to help pay for the start-up of Obamacare. That was just a down-payment. This was widely reported. Go check it out.

Nobody is taking food out of the mouths of children. WTF is Michelle always talking about how fat our kids are?

God Damn. Wake the fuck up asshole.

BTW, Obama spent more on Obamacare before it was implemented then we did in Iraq. So far it has cost over a trillion dollars. They predict it will end up costing another $2.6 trillion before it gets going and in the meanwhile millions of us will lose our health insurance because of it, will have our hours cut at work, some will have to take desperate measures just to remain in our homes. And you want to bitch about the usual strawmen liberals always throw at us. Look at yourself first.

Guy, we haven't spent a trillion dollars on ObamaCare. Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass.

Honestly, guy, I work a job where I am making about a lower middle class salary My insurance is exactly the same as it was before ObamaCare, and i don't even think it is a particularly good plan, but it qualifies.

So I honestly have to wonder what alternate universe where ObamaCare is going to cost you your home.

I think you just like blaming Obama for the failures of your life.
...says the guy who blames capitalism for the failures in his life.

Along with Catholics and religion (other than Muslims).
...says the guy who blames capitalism for the failures in his life.

No, I blame them for the damage they've done to the country.

I'll do well under a system where capitalists are fucking working people.

And I'll do well under a system where working people are lining up capitalists and shooting their sorry asses.

The sad thing is, thanks to folks like you, the latter is probably a lot closer than you think.

Two years ago Obama borrowed $700 billion from Medicare to help pay for the start-up of Obamacare. That was just a down-payment. This was widely reported. Go check it out.

So now it's not 2.6 Trillion like you said. It's 700 Billion taken out of one account to help old people and put into another account to help old people. That's really, really not the same thing.

Frankly, I'm happy to see the scam of Medicare Part C limited. That was one of the most egregious forms of Corporate Welfare.
Guy, we haven't spent a trillion dollars on ObamaCare. Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass.

Honestly, guy, I work a job where I am making about a lower middle class salary My insurance is exactly the same as it was before ObamaCare, and i don't even think it is a particularly good plan, but it qualifies.

So I honestly have to wonder what alternate universe where ObamaCare is going to cost you your home.

I think you just like blaming Obama for the failures of your life.
...says the guy who blames capitalism for the failures in his life.

Along with Catholics and religion (other than Muslims).

Hilarious when you can't argue your points, you want to talk about me.

Okay, guy, we don't have a problem with Muslims because of their religion.

We have a problem with them because we keep invading their countries.

If you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, don't whine about getting stung.

You have no excuse. Get off your ass and help people. Donate time and/or money.

Saying you're generous because you pay taxes is bullshit.

guy, i'm too busy working three jobs because I have to pay off medical debt because I live in the only country that runs health care as a "for profit" business. Thanks for asking, though.

Again... when you give up your retirement check, then you can talk to me about taking food out of the mouths of children.

Naw, I'd still tell you to fuck off because that's inhumane.

Conservatism- a rationalization for selfishness at the end of the day.
...says the guy rationalizing his selfishness.

You see his "logic"? He's pissed off his healthcare wasn't free. He's pissed off his rent isn't free. He's pisses off his food isn't free. He's pissed off he has to hold a job.

By the way, he's claimed he held two jobs. Today it's suddenly "three". I've caught him in so many lies I can't even count. On top of that, he has confessed to being a communist on multiple occassions.

Just block him and move on. There is no point is arguing with a selfish lying communist.

You have no excuse. Get off your ass and help people. Donate time and/or money.

Saying you're generous because you pay taxes is bullshit.

guy, i'm too busy working three jobs because I have to pay off medical debt because I live in the only country that runs health care as a "for profit" business. Thanks for asking, though.

Again... when you give up your retirement check, then you can talk to me about taking food out of the mouths of children.

Naw, I'd still tell you to fuck off because that's inhumane.

Conservatism- a rationalization for selfishness at the end of the day.
...says the guy rationalizing his selfishness.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You see his "logic"? He's pissed off his healthcare wasn't free. He's pissed off his rent isn't free. He's pisses off his food isn't free. He's pissed off he has to hold a job.

By the way, he's claimed he held two jobs. Today it's suddenly "three". I've caught him in so many lies I can't even count. On top of that, he has confessed to being a communist on multiple occassions.

Just block him and move on. There is no point is arguing with a selfish lying communist.

Please point out where I'm pissed off that I have job? Or that my Mortgage isn't "Free". (Sorry, pay a mortgage, poodle, not rent like you do.)

Also, if you've been paying attention, I've stated that I work two salaried jobs and have a side business, which I sometimes call a third job. (I write resumes for people).

Oh, yeah, never said I was a "communist". Used to be a republican until batshit crazy fuckers like you took over the party.

Two years ago Obama borrowed $700 billion from Medicare to help pay for the start-up of Obamacare. That was just a down-payment. This was widely reported. Go check it out.

So now it's not 2.6 Trillion like you said. It's 700 Billion taken out of one account to help old people and put into another account to help old people. That's really, really not the same thing.

Frankly, I'm happy to see the scam of Medicare Part C limited. That was one of the most egregious forms of Corporate Welfare.

I think you're just trying to act retarded

You've succeeded..

But remember, never go full-retard.
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Two years ago Obama borrowed $700 billion from Medicare to help pay for the start-up of Obamacare. That was just a down-payment. This was widely reported. Go check it out.

So now it's not 2.6 Trillion like you said. It's 700 Billion taken out of one account to help old people and put into another account to help old people. That's really, really not the same thing.

Frankly, I'm happy to see the scam of Medicare Part C limited. That was one of the most egregious forms of Corporate Welfare.

I think you're just trying to act retarded

You've succeeded..

But remember, never go full-retard.

No, retarded is whining about the most needlessly expensive medicine in the world being made more affordable, but live in fear that poor people might get access.
How cum all the crazier Socialist fanatics "used to be Republicans" ??

Speaking of crazier fanatics.. --- WTF happened to OnePercenter and this phoney OP??
How cum all the crazier Socialist fanatics "used to be Republicans" ??

Speaking of crazier fanatics.. --- WTF happened to OnePercenter and this phoney OP??

Probably beause you called all the Not Crazy republicans "Socialists" and wondered why we left.

On the subject of health care, the notion of "Socialism" is laughable.

Cigna is just as "socialist" as Medicare.

Everyone throws their money into a big pool, and it's paid out according to need.
So now it's not 2.6 Trillion like you said. It's 700 Billion taken out of one account to help old people and put into another account to help old people. That's really, really not the same thing.

Frankly, I'm happy to see the scam of Medicare Part C limited. That was one of the most egregious forms of Corporate Welfare.

I think you're just trying to act retarded

You've succeeded..

But remember, never go full-retard.

No, retarded is whining about the most needlessly expensive medicine in the world being made more affordable, but live in fear that poor people might get access.

So affordable to you means more expensive than it was before Obamacare.
I think you're just trying to act retarded

You've succeeded..

But remember, never go full-retard.

No, retarded is whining about the most needlessly expensive medicine in the world being made more affordable, but live in fear that poor people might get access.

So affordable to you means more expensive than it was before Obamacare.

More expensive to who? Most people are seeing their rates go down or stay the same.

And people who couldn't get access at all are getting it.

More to the point, when you factor out waste in emergency rooms because people can see regular doctors, or the elimination of bankruptcies caused by medical crisis, you are going to see real savings.
No, retarded is whining about the most needlessly expensive medicine in the world being made more affordable, but live in fear that poor people might get access.

So affordable to you means more expensive than it was before Obamacare.

More expensive to who? Most people are seeing their rates go down or stay the same.

And people who couldn't get access at all are getting it.

More to the point, when you factor out waste in emergency rooms because people can see regular doctors, or the elimination of bankruptcies caused by medical crisis, you are going to see real savings.


Adding more risk for insurers is only going to do one thing, increase costs.

You really are an idiot.

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