Tennessee Republicans led by Senator Marsha Blackburn Send Letter To DHS, HHS Calling For Answers Over Facilities Used To House Illegal Immigrants

I don't want them sent to Pennsylvania either. And I never want to hear that idiotic talking point "this is who we are" again. What Biden is doing here makes him an irresponsible, anti American asshole.

GOP Lawmakers Furious, Thousands Of Illegals Bussed Into Tennessee In Middle Of Night​


Within 119 days, Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din has destroyed America and the Middle Class....

We now have a LAWLESS, CRIMINAL, EVIL and ANTI Progressive Marxist/DSA Communist American government.
I told you! Illegal immigrants and immigrant children will be flown and bused into every state in the Union. And once they are in YOUR home state, they ain't leaving.
"The safety of a republic depends on a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles & habits; the exemption of the citizens from foreign prejudice; & that love of country which is almost invariably closely connected with birth, education & family

to admit foreigners indiscriminately...would be nothing less than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty" - Adolf Hitler

WAIT...it was actually Alexander Hamilton who said this stuff

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