Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

Actually the racists were local law enforcement, just like in these cases the bigots are the local "anti-discrimination" boards.

No, the racists were all the people who thought Jim Crow was just fine, because it was them uppity yankees coming down and demanding equal rights and stuff. Their negros were perfectly happy with the status quo, just ask them.

You base it on zero fact. You are just as bad as that fake vietnam vet indian poseur.

You mean the veteran who was mocked by an entitled little white punk who had to hire a bunch of public relation firms to tell him how to not look like an entitled little punk?

Mr. Wifebeater has had a lot of the same PR firms, and he still comes off as a bullying bigot whose wife is terrified of him. Any self-respecting woman would have dumped him after he tanked the business she spent years building.

It's the truth. I know of NO straight man who obsesses over gay sex like a closet gay. Keep spinning though as it only makes you look even more pathetic.

It is kind of sad. again, I go back to my steak analogy....
What’s odd is that those types of kids are so difficult to raise with no point where adult independence is reached that anyone seeking them out to adopt is either 1. a complete glutton for punishment 2. An angel or 3. Someone who might have ulterior plans for a child least likely/least able to resist, understand or communicate that they are being sexually abused.

Yeah, clearly these gays know that these kids won't already be getting a ration of shit at school for having gay parents... they'll totally mess that up further by putting the moves on the kid.

Once again, gays think they have more rights to more dignity than the rest of us.

When they ask for the same thing you are entitled to, they want more/ How does this work, exactly?
Who said they should be? Marriage is a holy coupling between man and woman.

Just ask Donald Trump, he's done it three times.


He must be extra holy!

Here's the thing.... Melania's green card wedding was just as holy was two gay folks walking down the aisle after a 10 years relationship.
Actually the racists were local law enforcement, just like in these cases the bigots are the local "anti-discrimination" boards.

No, the racists were all the people who thought Jim Crow was just fine, because it was them uppity yankees coming down and demanding equal rights and stuff. Their negros were perfectly happy with the status quo, just ask them.

You base it on zero fact. You are just as bad as that fake vietnam vet indian poseur.

You mean the veteran who was mocked by an entitled little white punk who had to hire a bunch of public relation firms to tell him how to not look like an entitled little punk?

Mr. Wifebeater has had a lot of the same PR firms, and he still comes off as a bullying bigot whose wife is terrified of him. Any self-respecting woman would have dumped him after he tanked the business she spent years building.

It's the truth. I know of NO straight man who obsesses over gay sex like a closet gay. Keep spinning though as it only makes you look even more pathetic.

It is kind of sad. again, I go back to my steak analogy....

That doesn't respond to my statement. try again, hack.

Wow, you are still going with the proven lie? You are a worthless pile of scum (apologies to scum)
So if I really am gay like you think I am, you'd have no objection to seeing you naked? Maybe giving you a nice back rub or something?
No objection at all . Lots of people see me naked. I'm a nudist and I'm not homophobic so you can rub my back if you like .
Send me some pics! My days of walking around naked are over, but I still have my long legs and don't look too bad in my underwear.
Send you pics? Watch for a PM
Here's to a thumb in your eye big guy

No thumb, no eye. tl;dr. Civil unions were the ticket, all that was needed, but gays just couldn't be satisfied with being equal.
You don't read very well, do you?

With time as valuable as mine, you have to be SELECTIVE in filtering out the garbage.
There is a lot more at stake than your "valuable Time' Like civil rights and human dignity.

Once again, gays think they have more rights to more dignity than the rest of us.
No they do not. You bigots just like to regurgitate that shit because you think that you can score points with it and that it sounds smart. You can't and it doesn't
Who said they should be? Marriage is a holy coupling between man and woman.

Just ask Donald Trump, he's done it three times.

View attachment 246813

He must be extra holy!

Here's the thing.... Melania's green card wedding was just as holy was two gay folks walking down the aisle after a 10 years relationship.
In his case, a man and a woman and numerous porn stars on the side.
You don't know that much do you

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Aside from genetics, there are other factors that can effect sexual orientation

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

In any case, this contradicts the "defect of behavior" horseshit

We already beat the shit out of that article last time you posted it UC BERKELY gimme a fucking break ....
You didn't beat the shit out of anything! Where did you go to school? Trump U? Did you go to school?

I think what you're failing to consider is history. Our President has suggested that the American people become more biblically literate.

If you study the bible, you can see how poorly Gay Marriage and Sodomy worked out for the city of Sodom as well as Gomorrah. Sodom adopted its name, because of the high amount of sodomy being performed within its city limits. The city did not survive.
"Sodom adopted its name, because of the high amount of sodomy".....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

...or Sodomites adopted their name because that's what they did in Sodom. Either way.
You mean Lot pushing his young virgin daughters on the people of Sodom so they'd leave him alone?
I think what you're failing to consider is history. Our President has suggested that the American people become more biblically literate.

If you study the bible, you can see how poorly Gay Marriage and Sodomy worked out for the city of Sodom as well as Gomorrah. Sodom adopted its name, because of the high amount of sodomy being performed within its city limits. The city did not survive.
If you'd actually read the bible, you know that the "sins" of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with gays or gay marriage....it had to do with inhospitality.

Sweety - I'm not even a Christian and I know thats a pile of horse shit .... I have studied the bible extensively - which is why I am not a Christian - but you are simply posting false horse feathers

In Leviticus 18.22 it says that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as with a woman. In Lev. 20.13 the death penalty is prescribed in Israel for such an act, along with adultery, incest, and bestiality. Now sometimes homosexual advocates make light of these prohibitions by comparing them to prohibitions in the Old Testament against having contact with unclean animals like pigs. Just as Christians today don’t obey all of the Old Testament ceremonial laws, so, they say, we don’t have to obey the prohibitions of homosexual actions. But the problem with this argument is that the New Testament reaffirms the validity of the Old Testament prohibitions of homosexual behavior, as we’ll see below. This shows they were not just part of the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, which were done away with, but were part of God’s everlasting moral law. Homosexual behavior is in God’s sight a serious sin. The third place where homosexual acts are mentioned in the Old Testament is the horrifying story in Genesis 19 of the attempted gang rape of Lot’s visitors by the men of Sodom, from which our word sodomy derives. God destroyed the city of Sodom because of their wickedness.

Which is why it’s important to understand that the New Testament came along as Jesus’ more reasonable modification of old Jewish laws. Even stil, Jesus reminds his followers in Roman’s 1 & Jude 1 that the particular prohibition (gay culture & behaviors) are in even his eyes, just as calling for God’s wrath.
Yeah Yeah Yeah....we know. The OT doesn't count....except when it does.

It's not the "OT" that doesn't count my dear - it's you that don't count .... now run away like a good little cockroach
Ah...this is the CRC (conservative republican christianity) we keep hearing about.
Here's to a thumb in your eye big guy

No thumb, no eye. tl;dr. Civil unions were the ticket, all that was needed, but gays just couldn't be satisfied with being equal.
WE tried the "civil union" route....it was sanctimonious anti-gay marriage people who shot that down in any state it was introduced in. Made us realize that marriage was the only way to go.
Here's to a thumb in your eye big guy

No thumb, no eye. tl;dr. Civil unions were the ticket, all that was needed, but gays just couldn't be satisfied with being equal.
You don't read very well, do you?

The problem is not his reading skills ... it's your writing skills ... did you even go to school stupid ? Yes I know ----- you came out that way too.
Some more of that CRC (conservative republican christianity), I see.
It's amazing how interested you are in gay sex. I think it's time for you to come out of the closet because true straight men could not care less about it and you sir, are obsessed with it.

You do know that every time a liberal uses that inane piece of logic, a kitten dies, don't you?

So by the same reasoning, I must be a closet gun-hater because I own so many of the damned things, right?

Or I must really love liver and onions, because the thought of it makes me want to puke, right?

Or how about this: I'm really a closet Democrat because I vote Republican every election.

Now do you see why we conservatives think you people have some loose screws upstairs?

It's the truth. I know of NO straight man who obsesses over gay sex like a closet gay. Keep spinning though as it only makes you look even more pathetic.

Bullshit. If I was gay, you'd have no other recourse than to sympathize with me, support my "cause", and go out an protest for my "rights", being the brain-dead liberal that you are.

Otherwise, your peers would condemn you for being "homophobic."

Looks like you're backed into a corner, hypocrite. :laughing0301:
No, we would not being supporting your bigotry if you were gay and engaging in gay bashing as a smokescreen to prove that you are straight- which may well be what you're doing. But I would have great sympathy for the pain that you are apparently in. I think that it is who are backed into a corner.

I don't have to "prove" anything pole-smoker. I know misery loves company and you sure hate having to suffer through your gayness by yourself, but I'm a good ol' 110% straight, white American who isn't suffering from the sexual dysfunction you're afflicted with.
Methinks you protest too much.....:71:
You do know that every time a liberal uses that inane piece of logic, a kitten dies, don't you?

So by the same reasoning, I must be a closet gun-hater because I own so many of the damned things, right?

Or I must really love liver and onions, because the thought of it makes me want to puke, right?

Or how about this: I'm really a closet Democrat because I vote Republican every election.

Now do you see why we conservatives think you people have some loose screws upstairs?

It's the truth. I know of NO straight man who obsesses over gay sex like a closet gay. Keep spinning though as it only makes you look even more pathetic.

Bullshit. If I was gay, you'd have no other recourse than to sympathize with me, support my "cause", and go out an protest for my "rights", being the brain-dead liberal that you are.

Otherwise, your peers would condemn you for being "homophobic."

Looks like you're backed into a corner, hypocrite. :laughing0301:
No, we would not being supporting your bigotry if you were gay and engaging in gay bashing as a smokescreen to prove that you are straight- which may well be what you're doing. But I would have great sympathy for the pain that you are apparently in. I think that it is who are backed into a corner.

Ever notice that actual straight men don't have to claim over and over that they are. Nor, are they as obsessed with gay sex and JGalt is.
I have many gay and lesbian friends and none of them have ever mentioned anything about sex at all. They're just ordinary people who want to go on with their lives just like everyone else does. There are two married male couples and one married female couple and a some who are single. One couple lives in the SFO area but the rest live around here. We get together for lunch/dinner occasionally and not once does sex ever enter into the conversation. My one lesbian friend and I meet more frequently and have gone to the movies a few times. She's a very talented musician and master woodworker. She made a mandolin out of a wooden cigar box and it's beautiful. When we part to go home, I hug her right on the street and don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about it. I feel blessed to have all of them as my friends. They're talented, creative, educated, and just good people. All of them are so much better than any of the homophobes here on this board.

So if I really am gay like you think I am, you'd have no objection to seeing you naked? Maybe giving you a nice back rub or something?

Everyone knows that women feel less "threatened" by gay people, than they do straight men, so why not take me up on my offer?

I promise, I won't try to stick it in you because after all, I'm gay. We could even be BFF. :biggrin:

Maybe afterward, we can go shopping for clothes at the mall and have a mocha at Starbucks, while I tell you how fabulous you look in that new dress, and that I wish I had the figure to wear something like that.

Definitely trying very very hard to convince......someone....that you are straight.
Here's to a thumb in your eye big guy

No thumb, no eye. tl;dr. Civil unions were the ticket, all that was needed, but gays just couldn't be satisfied with being equal.

Civil unions are NOT the same as being married. This was pointed out several pages ago.

Who said they should be? Marriage is a holy coupling between man and woman.
So, only religious people can get married?

Ironically, my wife and I had a church wedding almost 20 years before we could legally marry.
You do know that every time a liberal uses that inane piece of logic, a kitten dies, don't you?

So by the same reasoning, I must be a closet gun-hater because I own so many of the damned things, right?

Or I must really love liver and onions, because the thought of it makes me want to puke, right?

Or how about this: I'm really a closet Democrat because I vote Republican every election.

Now do you see why we conservatives think you people have some loose screws upstairs?

It's the truth. I know of NO straight man who obsesses over gay sex like a closet gay. Keep spinning though as it only makes you look even more pathetic.

Bullshit. If I was gay, you'd have no other recourse than to sympathize with me, support my "cause", and go out an protest for my "rights", being the brain-dead liberal that you are.

Otherwise, your peers would condemn you for being "homophobic."

Looks like you're backed into a corner, hypocrite. :laughing0301:
No, we would not being supporting your bigotry if you were gay and engaging in gay bashing as a smokescreen to prove that you are straight- which may well be what you're doing. But I would have great sympathy for the pain that you are apparently in. I think that it is who are backed into a corner.

I don't have to "prove" anything pole-smoker. I know misery loves company and you sure hate having to suffer through your gayness by yourself, but I'm a good ol' 110% straight, white American who isn't suffering from the sexual dysfunction you're afflicted with.
Methinks you protest too much.....:71:
I've been saying that all along.
What’s odd is that those types of kids are so difficult to raise with no point where adult independence is reached that anyone seeking them out to adopt is either 1. a complete glutton for punishment 2. An angel or 3. Someone who might have ulterior plans for a child least likely/least able to resist, understand or communicate that they are being sexually abused.

Yeah, clearly these gays know that these kids won't already be getting a ration of shit at school for having gay parents... they'll totally mess that up further by putting the moves on the kid.
That was a very obvious straw man. Please at least attempt to explain why gays are eagerly taking on these truckloads of stress to raise. Pick 1, 2 or 3 & convince me of your explanation. Thanks.
Yanno..................there are a few churches out there that are gay friendly, and more are popping up every day. If a church doesn't want to perform a gay wedding, hey, that is their choice, but if they can find a church that is willing to marry them, then what is the problem?

Gays deserve to be just as miserable as straights and get married.
Yanno..................there are a few churches out there that are gay friendly, and more are popping up every day. If a church doesn't want to perform a gay wedding, hey, that is their choice, but if they can find a church that is willing to marry them, then what is the problem?

Gays deserve to be just as miserable as straights and get married.
Maybe someday an Islamic Mosque will ”adjust” the immutable words of their Prophet & Allah to accommodate this abomination. Time & the Devil’s slippery tongue finds its ways even into hairline cracks.

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