Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

That doesn't respond to my statement. try again, hack.

Wow, you are still going with the proven lie? You are a worthless pile of scum (apologies to scum)

Nobody has proven a lie to me... an entitled punk from an $8000 a year high school approached a bunch of minorities with his Nazi MAGA cap, and then got in the face of the oldest, most frail guy there. (Because those other darkies would have kicked his entitled ass.)

In his case, a man and a woman and numerous porn stars on the side.

The porn stars were just livening things up.
What’s odd is that those types of kids are so difficult to raise with no point where adult independence is reached that anyone seeking them out to adopt is either 1. a complete glutton for punishment 2. An angel or 3. Someone who might have ulterior plans for a child least likely/least able to resist, understand or communicate that they are being sexually abused.

Yeah, clearly these gays know that these kids won't already be getting a ration of shit at school for having gay parents... they'll totally mess that up further by putting the moves on the kid.
That was a very obvious straw man. Please at least attempt to explain why gays are eagerly taking on these truckloads of stress to raise. Pick 1, 2 or 3 & convince me of your explanation. Thanks.
Joe? Gonna answer?
That doesn't respond to my statement. try again, hack.

Wow, you are still going with the proven lie? You are a worthless pile of scum (apologies to scum)

Nobody has proven a lie to me... an entitled punk from an $8000 a year high school approached a bunch of minorities with his Nazi MAGA cap, and then got in the face of the oldest, most frail guy there. (Because those other darkies would have kicked his entitled ass.)

In his case, a man and a woman and numerous porn stars on the side.

The porn stars were just livening things up.

You have plenty of evidence that the kid did nothing wrong, and yet you continue lying.

But keep making shit up, it just shows everyone on this board how much of a fucking liar you are.
I sure wish that Joe or any other gay marriage advocate would show up here & tell us why gays are so eager to marry to qualify to adopt kids; only to happily line up for the hardest most stressful children to raise?

I offered three possibilities of motivation we could discuss. But there may be more & we could explore those as they are offered. I said the gays are doing so because in raising significantly mentally disabled kids who will never be independent reciprocating care helpers of their parents when aging means their care...means the prospective guardians are 1. Gluttons for punishment. 2. Angels. 3. Eager to have access to kids who can’t understand, can’t recognize & would be the least able to communicate even if they did, that they were being sexually abused.

Many many gays have cited in the top two reasons civil unions weren’t enough is because marriage bumps prospective adult partners/applicants into the top tier of being able to adopt children.
Sil will convert to Islam as soon as all the Christian churches decide that homophobia just makes them look bad.
And when will lgbt formally confront Islam on their WAY more brutal intolerance of the sinners who identify themselves as homosexuals? When it comes time for two gay dudes to apply to adopt disabled orphans from a Muslim charity orphanage?
Sil will convert to Islam as soon as all the Christian churches decide that homophobia just makes them look bad.
And when will lgbt formally confront Islam on their WAY more brutal intolerance of the sinners who identify themselves as homosexuals? When it comes time for two gay dudes to apply to adopt disabled orphans from a Muslim charity orphanage?
Like will they force the issue with this group? Muslim Foster Care Association – Helping those in need!
And when will lgbt formally confront Islam on their WAY more brutal intolerance of the sinners who identify themselves as homosexuals? When it comes time for two gay dudes to apply to adopt disabled orphans from a Muslim charity orphanage?

Here's the problem with that. This is the kind of cultural imperialism they use to get stupid people to fight wars. (And I say that as someone who spent a large part of his life as a professional soldier) We have to save the oil....er the women.
You definition is totally flawed. One man and one woman. What a joke!
So many people have been married multiple times and then when married were having affairs.
Well, is that one man and one woman? NO! LOL stop trying to fool yourself and tell others how to lead their lives.
There is an adulterous lying pile of non-monogamous asshole in the whitehouse.
He even paid people to pay them to shut them up.
What is the difference, Being married 5 times to marrying 5 different people.
Stop lying about the "law".
Or are you one of the "evangelicals?"

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.
Because once you redefine what marriage is, you’re fucked. Pretty soon, muslims will demand the “equality” for their form of marriage. Guess what that means for your company-provided health insurance when they - by law - have to provide healthcare benefits for 14 fucking wives? It means the company says “fuck this shit” and you lose your benefits.

And that’s not all. By law, a spouse gets access to their S.O. in an ICU and has decision making powers. Which means, a hospital will have to let a damn harem of wives into an ICU. And on top of that nightmare, what happens legally when 7 wives want to pull the plus and 7 wives don’t?

Our entire way of life was built on marriage being 1 man and 1 woman. The moment you redefine marriage to be anything else, you open Pandora’s Box.
Two men marrying produce a lifelong contract banishing any children involved from having a mother under their roof.

Tennessee may have vested fiscal & socio-political objections to removing the importance & impact of the word/concept of “mother” from the English language. That’s what the courts will weigh; among other compelling interests of individual states on their powers to limit marriage.
You definition is totally flawed. One man and one woman. What a joke! So many people have been married multiple times and then when married were having affairs. Well, is that one man and one woman?
Um...yes stupid, it is. They are still married to ONE person. :lmao:

You argue like a 5-year old. :lmao:
What is the difference, Being married 5 times to marrying 5 different people
Psst... boilermaker55 .... Trump is your President. :lmao:

Two men marrying produce a lifelong contract banishing any children involved from having a mother under their roof.

Tennessee may have vested fiscal & socio-political objections to removing the importance & impact of the word/concept of “mother” from the English language. That’s what the courts will weigh; among other compelling interests of individual states on their powers to limit marriage.
You obviously didn't read my comment several pages back about the two men who adopted at birth both a drug addicted infant and a fetal alcohol syndrome infant. They spent hundreds of dollars on their medical bills and walked the floors with them almost 24/7 to try to comfort them. They are a white couple and the boys are black. They had a black woman friend who introduced the boys to their culture when they were still toddlers.
Fast forward to today, the boys are in their teens and doing fine and they have adopted more kids that no one else would ever want. That's the thing many like you will never understand. You think that a gay couple only wants damaged children so that they can do whatever perverted thing the want with them, when in fact, they put their heart and soul and money into trying to make these kids whole again.
And, if you had read another of my comments several pages back, I said that here in NC there was a foster couple...man and woman....who tied a raw chicken around a small foster girl's neck, tied her to the porch and she died of both hypothermia and starvation. Key words - MAN AND WOMAN!
Two men marrying produce a lifelong contract banishing any children involved from having a mother under their roof.

Tennessee may have vested fiscal & socio-political objections to removing the importance & impact of the word/concept of “mother” from the English language. That’s what the courts will weigh; among other compelling interests of individual states on their powers to limit marriage.
You obviously didn't read my comment several pages back about the two men who adopted at birth both a drug addicted infant and a fetal alcohol syndrome infant. They spent hundreds of dollars on their medical bills and walked the floors with them almost 24/7 to try to comfort them. They are a white couple and the boys are black. They had a black woman friend who introduced the boys to their culture when they were still toddlers.
Fast forward to today, the boys are in their teens and doing fine and they have adopted more kids that no one else would ever want. That's the thing many like you will never understand. You think that a gay couple only wants damaged children so that they can do whatever perverted thing the want with them, when in fact, they put their heart and soul and money into trying to make these kids whole again.
And, if you had read another of my comments several pages back, I said that here in NC there was a foster couple...man and woman....who tied a raw chicken around a small foster girl's neck, tied her to the porch and she died of both hypothermia and starvation. Key words - MAN AND WOMAN!
The quote you replied to doesn’t match your response. The quote talks about Tennessee’s investment in limiting marriage & preserving the importance & meaning of the word “mother” in the English language. That not being merely the only reason to assert state right to define.
The quote you replied to doesn’t match your response. The quote talks about Tennessee’s investment in limiting marriage & preserving the importance & meaning of the word “mother” in the English language. That not being merely the only reason to assert state right to define.

Yes, yes, some day Sil hopes that a court somewhere will validate his homophobia so he feels those years of suppressing his feelings wouldn't have been in vain.

But the reality- the big corporations that run the GOP and America have decided that homophobia is no longer useful in getting the stupids to vote against their own economic interests.


Whoops. 67% and rising... You lose.
The quote you replied to doesn’t match your response. The quote talks about Tennessee’s investment in limiting marriage & preserving the importance & meaning of the word “mother” in the English language. That not being merely the only reason to assert state right to define.

Yes, yes, some day Sil hopes that a court somewhere will validate his homophobia so he feels those years of suppressing his feelings wouldn't have been in vain.

But the reality- the big corporations that run the GOP and America have decided that homophobia is no longer useful in getting the stupids to vote against their own economic interests.


Whoops. 67% and rising... You lose.
I doubt 67% of Americans support exiling the meaning & importance of the word “mother” to the dusty archives of a post beta-male era museum.
Two men marrying produce a lifelong contract banishing any children involved from having a mother under their roof.

Tennessee may have vested fiscal & socio-political objections to removing the importance & impact of the word/concept of “mother” from the English language. That’s what the courts will weigh; among other compelling interests of individual states on their powers to limit marriage.
You obviously didn't read my comment several pages back about the two men who adopted at birth both a drug addicted infant and a fetal alcohol syndrome infant. They spent hundreds of dollars on their medical bills and walked the floors with them almost 24/7 to try to comfort them. They are a white couple and the boys are black. They had a black woman friend who introduced the boys to their culture when they were still toddlers.
Fast forward to today, the boys are in their teens and doing fine and they have adopted more kids that no one else would ever want. That's the thing many like you will never understand. You think that a gay couple only wants damaged children so that they can do whatever perverted thing the want with them, when in fact, they put their heart and soul and money into trying to make these kids whole again.
And, if you had read another of my comments several pages back, I said that here in NC there was a foster couple...man and woman....who tied a raw chicken around a small foster girl's neck, tied her to the porch and she died of both hypothermia and starvation. Key words - MAN AND WOMAN!

Are you alright today, my friend?

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