Tens of thousands in France protest destruction of traditional values

Read the link they are trying to do pass some disturbing stuff...
There has also been anger among conservatives in France of what is known as an “equality ABC “ program in primary schools, where rumors are spreading that young children are to be taught gender theory.

The rumors spiralled out of hand to the point that some French newspapers were reporting that school children would be taught how to masturbate and to reject their own sexual identity. The rumors, according to AFP, show the feverish level to which Catholic right wing groups will go to, to whip up public support.

I bet they are just "rumors"
Read the link they are trying to do pass some disturbing stuff...

With all due respect, you posted a link to "Russia Today" - which is a media source run almost directly by the Russian Government, which you probably know is particularly hostile towards gay groups. How am I supposed to take this article seriously?
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Then don't. I take it more seriously than fox/cnn/msnbc/abc/nbc etc combined.
Then don't. I take it more seriously than fox/cnn/msnbc/abc/nbc etc combined.

I actually used to read RT, for quite some time actually. But they are Russian State run media, and eventually I came to my senses and started to seek out more independent news sources.

Would you trust a media source the the Whitehouse puts out? If no, then why the Russians? That Gov is just as corrupt, crony, and ruthless as ours.
Nope I wouldn't. I find the ones I listed even more unreliable though. RT may not give legit news from Russia but they do give legit news from the rest of the world...
Nope I wouldn't. I find the ones I listed even more unreliable though. RT may not give legit news from Russia but they do give legit news from the rest of the world...

Lol, yes they give legit news from the rest of the world UNTIL the story interferes in some way with the goals of the Russian Gov't agenda or one of its partners/buddies.

Dude, there's no reason you should be reading a State-run media site for news. There's other ones out there..

However: first, France is only 7.5 percent Muslim now. It isn't going to be 40% Muslim in a few years.

Second, France is a small but lovely country which would be dramatically changed if it were 50% Muslim. Nothing wrong with being Muslim, but I would not like to see it become something it isn't. I would like it to stay France with a very French culture.

When the European imperialists went in and took over countries and decimated their cultures, that was wrong, very, very wrong. It is not a good thing to destroy a culture; I hope that doesn't happen in France. Not because there is something wrong with being Muslim, but it is a loss when we destroy any culture.

I'd disagree with a couple of things there. First France is frickin' huge, I drove the length of it a few years ago and it was never-ending. Second there is brilliant local government in france and the rural communites, the majority of the "french" france will never change. The cities may well become cosmopolitan melting pots with 1 mosque per block but the rural communities are so resistant to change they will always remain the same. I'm not joking when I say I actually saw men in berets with moustaches riding bicyles when i was there.

I've been to France a bit. Spent 3 weeks in Paris last winter. Have driven through France going south and going back north. Have spent a summer there a few years ago and will be doing so again this summer. I've been to Paris 5 or 6 times. Paris has an Islamic population and Islamic neighborhoods. In fact, I once stayed in a hotel in an Islamic neighborhood, for over a week. I am fine with a certain percentage of France being Muslim, but I think if that percentage becomes too large or dominant, we will see a decline in the French culture, and that would be a great loss.

However, I don't think that is going to happen. France has aways accepted people from other cultures. It has a lot of multi-culturalism, but it is still essentially French culture, which we shouldn't lose.

Oh, and btw, France is about the size of one US state, so by my standards, a rather small country. :)

Fact: Texas is the 2nd largest US state. Texas is 10% larger than France.

The French will ignore you if you don't speak French like a native, they can be the most pompous of people and violent if the mood takes them. The muslims torch cars in Paris all the time and the Police are very reluctant to enter muslim areas. Very soon the French will kick off and the rural French will become involved and that is when the muslims had better watch out. Once France starts then you can expect the rest of western Europe to join in and the muslims will have but one choice.
There has also been anger among conservatives in France of what is known as an “equality ABC “ program in primary schools, where rumors are spreading that young children are to be taught gender theory.

The rumors spiralled out of hand to the point that some French newspapers were reporting that school children would be taught how to masturbate and to reject their own sexual identity. The rumors, according to AFP, show the feverish level to which Catholic right wing groups will go to, to whip up public support.

I bet they are just "rumors"

Old news as this was known about 7 years ago or more, along with legalising child sex and bestiality. The majority soon put paid to them antics and some activists were hurt in the process. The French can be a very violent people when the mood takes them, and they are starting to get very moody................
Says this part of it is new...article was from just a bit ago..
France is fucked.......meatheads always wake up to a crisis when its too late.

They'll be more than 50% Muslim by 2020.


And that's absurd.

The percentage of Muslims in France is 7.5%.

And rising fast.

Muslim Voters Change Europe :: Gatestone Institute

Muslim Voters Change Europe

Muslims cast the deciding voted that thrust Hollande into the Elysée Palace. He also pledged to change French electoral laws so that Muslim residents without French citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal elections as of 2014, enabling the Socialist Party to tighten its grip on political power.

An analysis of the voting patterns that barrelled François Hollande to victory on May 6 as the first Socialist president of France since 1995 shows that this overthrow was due in large measure to Muslims, who voted for him in overwhelming numbers.

The French vote marks the first time that Muslims have determined the outcome of a presidential election in a major western European country; it is a preview of things to come.

As the politically active Muslim population in France continues to swell, and as most Muslims vote for Socialist and leftwing parties, conservative parties will find it increasingly difficult to win future elections in France.

I'd disagree with a couple of things there. First France is frickin' huge, I drove the length of it a few years ago and it was never-ending. Second there is brilliant local government in france and the rural communites, the majority of the "french" france will never change. The cities may well become cosmopolitan melting pots with 1 mosque per block but the rural communities are so resistant to change they will always remain the same. I'm not joking when I say I actually saw men in berets with moustaches riding bicyles when i was there.

I've been to France a bit. Spent 3 weeks in Paris last winter. Have driven through France going south and going back north. Have spent a summer there a few years ago and will be doing so again this summer. I've been to Paris 5 or 6 times. Paris has an Islamic population and Islamic neighborhoods. In fact, I once stayed in a hotel in an Islamic neighborhood, for over a week. I am fine with a certain percentage of France being Muslim, but I think if that percentage becomes too large or dominant, we will see a decline in the French culture, and that would be a great loss.

However, I don't think that is going to happen. France has aways accepted people from other cultures. It has a lot of multi-culturalism, but it is still essentially French culture, which we shouldn't lose.

Oh, and btw, France is about the size of one US state, so by my standards, a rather small country. :)

Fact: Texas is the 2nd largest US state. Texas is 10% larger than France.

The French will ignore you if you don't speak French like a native, they can be the most pompous of people and violent if the mood takes them. The muslims torch cars in Paris all the time and the Police are very reluctant to enter muslim areas. Very soon the French will kick off and the rural French will become involved and that is when the muslims had better watch out. Once France starts then you can expect the rest of western Europe to join in and the muslims will have but one choice.

This is very true in Paris but then the people from Paris are pretty well disliked around France. I went to one small town in the south which had quite a large British population and when I asked the local cafe owner if he minded all these Brits moving in to yhis town he shrugged in a way only a frenchman can and said "at least they aren't Parisien"
I've been to France a bit. Spent 3 weeks in Paris last winter. Have driven through France going south and going back north. Have spent a summer there a few years ago and will be doing so again this summer. I've been to Paris 5 or 6 times. Paris has an Islamic population and Islamic neighborhoods. In fact, I once stayed in a hotel in an Islamic neighborhood, for over a week. I am fine with a certain percentage of France being Muslim, but I think if that percentage becomes too large or dominant, we will see a decline in the French culture, and that would be a great loss.

However, I don't think that is going to happen. France has aways accepted people from other cultures. It has a lot of multi-culturalism, but it is still essentially French culture, which we shouldn't lose.

Oh, and btw, France is about the size of one US state, so by my standards, a rather small country. :)

Fact: Texas is the 2nd largest US state. Texas is 10% larger than France.

The French will ignore you if you don't speak French like a native, they can be the most pompous of people and violent if the mood takes them. The muslims torch cars in Paris all the time and the Police are very reluctant to enter muslim areas. Very soon the French will kick off and the rural French will become involved and that is when the muslims had better watch out. Once France starts then you can expect the rest of western Europe to join in and the muslims will have but one choice.

This is very true in Paris but then the people from Paris are pretty well disliked around France. I went to one small town in the south which had quite a large British population and when I asked the local cafe owner if he minded all these Brits moving in to yhis town he shrugged in a way only a frenchman can and said "at least they aren't Parisien"

I found it more widespread than that, a bit like being in Wales or Scotland. I had a slight benefit as I was travelling with a group of Frenchmen who did their best to smooth things over for me. The joys of a mutual pastime
I'd disagree with a couple of things there. First France is frickin' huge, I drove the length of it a few years ago and it was never-ending. Second there is brilliant local government in france and the rural communites, the majority of the "french" france will never change. The cities may well become cosmopolitan melting pots with 1 mosque per block but the rural communities are so resistant to change they will always remain the same. I'm not joking when I say I actually saw men in berets with moustaches riding bicyles when i was there.

I've been to France a bit. Spent 3 weeks in Paris last winter. Have driven through France going south and going back north. Have spent a summer there a few years ago and will be doing so again this summer. I've been to Paris 5 or 6 times. Paris has an Islamic population and Islamic neighborhoods. In fact, I once stayed in a hotel in an Islamic neighborhood, for over a week. I am fine with a certain percentage of France being Muslim, but I think if that percentage becomes too large or dominant, we will see a decline in the French culture, and that would be a great loss.

However, I don't think that is going to happen. France has aways accepted people from other cultures. It has a lot of multi-culturalism, but it is still essentially French culture, which we shouldn't lose.

Oh, and btw, France is about the size of one US state, so by my standards, a rather small country. :)

Fact: Texas is the 2nd largest US state. Texas is 10% larger than France.

The French will ignore you if you don't speak French like a native, they can be the most pompous of people and violent if the mood takes them. The muslims torch cars in Paris all the time and the Police are very reluctant to enter muslim areas. Very soon the French will kick off and the rural French will become involved and that is when the muslims had better watch out. Once France starts then you can expect the rest of western Europe to join in and the muslims will have but one choice.

Absolutely not true. Absolutely not my experience at all. I think you probably don't know anything about it except what you have read. I've been to France many times. They are not different than anyone else. They are friendly and warm to me. I was in France last winter for 3 weeks during Christmas and New Years. Everyone was absolutely lovely to me. So much so I asked the lady I rented an apartment from about it. Paris is a huge city and like London, NY, etc., people can be abrupt. She said they were warmer because of the holidays. Something you may not find in NY, or other American big cities where people get angrier during the holidays. They have some problems in some areas that are essentially Muslim ghettos, problems that are not different than America has in its ghettos, and the torching of cars is much over sensationalized. When people in American ghettos get upset about something, they do the same type of thing: burning cars, burning shops, looting...even worse that the Muslims do in European ghettos.

I suspect you know nothing about France except what you have read or seen on TV. Maybe you have been there for a 1 or 2 week vacation, acted like a typically arrogant American tourist, and then turned around and said what jerks the French are. :cuckoo:
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