Tens of Thousands with Guns at Protest, Not One Arrest

I live 30 minutes out of downtown Richmond, and you wouldn't know there was anything going on, aside from local radio informing us nothing bad is happening and interviewing polite, well spoken protesters. Some businesses shut down to let their employees stay home and avoid potential trouble spots, but otherwise it's just another day in RVA.
Virginia should have a very interesting election this November, yes, very interesting, indeed.
Excellent news.

The Democratic Party governor’s show of force kept the blob supporters in line.

Good to see.
You mean the state of emergency he declared because he was afraid of the protesters?

Hey, I know as a blob supporter you were hoping to crack a few skulls....Im happy that you didn’t get the opportunity thanks to the gov.

Go throw some firecrackers at birds or something and work off your aggression
Excellent news.

The Democratic Party governor’s show of force kept the blob supporters in line.

Good to see.
Yeah, 10,000 guns versus 150. And those 150 were on our side.

Whatever Newsome did to neutered you boys was fine by me. It worked.
Sounds like you're disappointed the adults were running the show. If only the left could figure that out.

Im very happy the governor kept the blob supporters in check
22,000 protesters, most armed.

And not one ounce of trouble.

Gov. Blackface wasn't going to start anything. If he would have, President Trump would have deployed the military to squelch the insurrection as fast as Eisenhower did when the libs objected to Ike's integration of the schools in Liberal Little Rock.
Excellent news.

The Democratic Party governor’s show of force kept the blob supporters in line.

Good to see.
You mean the state of emergency he declared because he was afraid of the protesters?

Hey, I know as a blob supporter you were hoping to crack a few skulls....Im happy that you didn’t get the opportunity thanks to the gov.

Go throw some firecrackers at birds or something and work off your aggression
Wow, your foil helmet is working overtime today. Better take it off and let it cool down. While you're at it, check the fit, because it's not working very well.

I knew you were disappointed, because you've been fed a lie, believing in spite of decades of evidence to the contrary that all conservatives are violent creatures. What an idiot to believe that when it is the left that not only craps all over the place when they protest, but usually end up setting fire to something, breaking some windows, and beating up old people in wheelchairs. As the famous bunny says, "What a maroon!".
Excellent news.

The Democratic Party governor’s show of force kept the blob supporters in line.

Good to see.
You mean the state of emergency he declared because he was afraid of the protesters?

Hey, I know as a blob supporter you were hoping to crack a few skulls....Im happy that you didn’t get the opportunity thanks to the gov.

Go throw some firecrackers at birds or something and work off your aggression
Wow, your foil helmet is working overtime today. Better take it off and let it cool down. While you're at it, check the fit, because it's not working very well.

I knew you were disappointed, because you've been fed a lie, believing in spite of decades of evidence to the contrary that all conservatives are violent creatures. What an idiot to believe that when it is the left that not only craps all over the place when they protest, but usually end up setting fire to something, breaking some windows, and beating up old people in wheelchairs. As the famous bunny says, "What a maroon!".

Again, I’m happy Newsome neutered you guys
The NRA and gun rights people farted in Richmond, VA today. Fortunately, it was a windy day and the stink drifted away rather quickly.
No surprise.

Those who opposed the rally wisely stayed away.

They can march another day, and hopefully pro-gun people will stay away.

There would have been no Charlottesville unpleasantness if both sides had not appeared on the same day.
Excellent news.

The Democratic Party governor’s show of force kept the blob supporters in line.

Good to see.
You mean the state of emergency he declared because he was afraid of the protesters?

Hey, I know as a blob supporter you were hoping to crack a few skulls....Im happy that you didn’t get the opportunity thanks to the gov.

Go throw some firecrackers at birds or something and work off your aggression

You got proof or are you just projecting?

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