Terezza: "Laura never had a real job..."

no1tovote4 said:
You should have seen my wife's reaction. She is a stay at home mother, and she was livid! How can the woman say she didn't hold a job, if that isn't the hardest job in our family at least then I don't know what difficult work is.

She is such an idiot.

Then in her "apology" she only mentions the Library and School Teaching as if that is the only valuable thing she had done.

Stay at home mother of twins!

Then to top it off, what job has Teresa ever held?

If this is any indication of what these people think about the rest of the world, it speaks volumes. What an elitist pig!

Hey, perk up! Tell your wife that everytime Teresa opens her mouth, count it as another, say, hundred or so votes for Bush. Maybe more.

I would kill to be a SAHM...my hubby is in the process of making that happen. Until then, a friend of our family watches my son, and in turn, I am helping her out financially (she and her hubby are retired, and on social security as well as a small pension), and my son gets one-on-one attention from her, since he is the only kid she takes care of for now.

I consider myself having 2 full time jobs---family and office.

Honestly, I think Teresa may be the one to REALLY lose it for Kerry. I wonder if either HE will divorce HER, for trashing what was left of his campaign, and blowing what chance he (thinks) he may have had. OR...would Teresa divorce Kerry because he is such a loser, and he's not successful enough for her. She sounds like that type of woman. I think it will be interesting to track their relationship AFTER they lose.
Does anyone else think its a tad bit insulting for THK to not even think being the First Lady is a job in and of itself?
lilcountriegal said:
Does anyone else think its a tad bit insulting for THK to not even think being the First Lady is a job in and of itself?

It probably pays less than her childhood allowance.. :D
lilcountriegal said:
Does anyone else think its a tad bit insulting for THK to not even think being the First Lady is a job in and of itself?

Can you imagine her sitting at a table full of dignitaries wives, and spouting out a comment like that?? :chains:
Bonnie said:
Can you imagine her sitting at a table full of dignitaries wives, and spouting out a comment like that?? :chains:

Haha, one dead femanazi!
phadras said:
sure her comment was made out of a good heart... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa...

And lets not forget her empathy for the common folk :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
no1tovote4 said:
Yeah, it worked. I still can't believe that she said it twice and her handlers didn't catch it. You know she has them, because they only let her talk rarely. I wonder how many feet she can eat before she will no longer be able to walk on the stage ever again.

Well as others have said let her talk because everytime she opens her yap it makes Bush's stock go up :D

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