terrible perceptions of what the parties promote based on extremism on the internet

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit
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Internet blogging seldom changes anyone's mind, but selective "news" coverage has a big effect on what people perceive to be true.

I would agree with that for the most part but more and more the media pulls right out of the blogesphere.

After being on here for some time now my personal ideals haven't really changed but reading all the utter nonsense that people like dean or matthew write has given me some perspective. I don't encounter people like them in the real world. Not to say they don't exist but rather that they are a miniscule minority. They just happen to be loud on the internet.

Just a few years ago I did an estimate for Clair McKaskills sister for a remodel. Hardcore dem and very regular likeable person who I doubt wanted to see the demise of the American dream.
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

You're absolutely 100% right Pops! There ARE extremists and thank God they constitute maybe 5% I estimate of both corporate parties. Which is weird because as you implicate, most people are NOT extremists. So how do they get so much say in politics and government? How do with end up with Pelosis and Reeds and Scott Walkers and Kasichs in charge of something important? Who the hell bestowed so much power to the Tea Party to gridlock government to a standstill? That stuff amazes me.
It does not take a majority to control a Party. The Nazis barely made up five percent of the German population when they took over.

Crazy people have a lot of energy and they have hijacked the GOP.

How do we know this? We know this when we see them invite a barking mad birther to CPAC this year.

We know this when a surprising number of "conservatives" start believing Nazis are left wing.

We know this when a foam-flecked rabid dog can spew anti-military conspiracy theories to his right wing followers on the radio and not only not be roundly condemned by everyone but actually be taken seriously and parroted by the brain dead.

So wake the fuck up. The nutjobs are taking over, and the majority is letting them.

It is WAY past time to start cleaning house.
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Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

You're absolutely 100% right Pops! There ARE extremists and thank God they constitute maybe 5% I estimate of both corporate parties. Which is weird because as you implicate, most people are NOT extremists. So how do they get so much say in politics and government? How do with end up with Pelosis and Reeds and Scott Walkers and Kasichs in charge of something important? Who the hell bestowed so much power to the Tea Party to gridlock government to a standstill? That stuff amazes me.

I agree - with one major caveat.

I think that Pelosi, Reed, Walker and Kasich are all status-quo corporate controlled politicians - not "extremists".

The "extremists" are the ones on the sidelines screaming nonsense, not the people actually playing the game.
most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

Thanks for the thread and I couldn't agree more, with one exception.

I'm not so sure that this is the only type of place you'll find the over-the-top partisan rhetoric. I'm talking more and more, face to face, with people who talk like the crazies on the ends of the spectrum. It's like I'm listening to Limbaugh or Levin or Maddow or Matthews. And they're angry, seriously angry. I'm convinced that what I'm witnessing is real, literal hatred.

The clear similarities between what these people say and what I hear the partisan blabbers say have convinced me that the division pimps are causing great damage. Our elected, uh, "leaders" have to step up and put these people in their place. They have to clearly distance themselves from the division pimps and "lead" people in a more civil, mature, constructive direction.

That would be a start. And there's a bunch of people who really need to step away from the radio, the teevee and the internet. Maybe think for themselves.

Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

Thanks for the thread and I couldn't agree more, with one exception.

I'm not so sure that this is the only type of place you'll find the over-the-top partisan rhetoric. I'm talking more and more, face to face, with people who talk like the crazies on the ends of the spectrum. It's like I'm listening to Limbaugh or Levin or Maddow or Matthews. And they're angry, seriously angry. I'm convinced that what I'm witnessing is real, literal hatred.

The clear similarities between what these people say and what I hear the partisan blabbers say have convinced me that the division pimps are causing great damage. Our elected, uh, "leaders" have to step up and put these people in their place. They have to clearly distance themselves from the division pimps and "lead" people in a more civil, mature, constructive direction.

That would be a start. And there's a bunch of people who really need to step away from the radio, the teevee and the internet. Maybe think for themselves.

Where are these people? I hear little if any of the things I hear on her outside of the radio or internet.
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

Thanks for the thread and I couldn't agree more, with one exception.

I'm not so sure that this is the only type of place you'll find the over-the-top partisan rhetoric. I'm talking more and more, face to face, with people who talk like the crazies on the ends of the spectrum. It's like I'm listening to Limbaugh or Levin or Maddow or Matthews. And they're angry, seriously angry. I'm convinced that what I'm witnessing is real, literal hatred.

The clear similarities between what these people say and what I hear the partisan blabbers say have convinced me that the division pimps are causing great damage. Our elected, uh, "leaders" have to step up and put these people in their place. They have to clearly distance themselves from the division pimps and "lead" people in a more civil, mature, constructive direction.

That would be a start. And there's a bunch of people who really need to step away from the radio, the teevee and the internet. Maybe think for themselves.

Where are these people? I hear little if any of the things I hear on her outside of the radio or internet.

Oh, I could tell you stories. I'm a financial advisor and I meet maybe 5 to 7 new people every week, and of course, politics often enter the conversation. I not only see hatred in their eyes, I see fear, seriously. I hear words like "communist" and "socialist" and "Marxist" all the time. All kinds of weird ideas on money and gold, etc. From lefties it's mostly about health care and the obstruction by the GOP and, of course, "the rich".

Maybe I'm just a magnet for this stuff, but seriously, I end up in at least two or three whacked-out conversations every freakin' week.

It's a nuclear arms race between Fox, right wing radio and MSNBC with each trying to push their agenda with more and more sensationalism. The only problem is that this is the only info the majority of the extremists listen to and they totally discount anything the other side says. You see it on here daily, if someone links to Huffington Post it is discounted immidiately and if someone links to Fox it is discounted without research. Reminds me of two rabid rival fan bases in sports where there is visceral hate towards one another and whatever the other side does must be condemned. Think Ohio State vs Michigan, Alabama vs Auburn, or Red Sox vs Yankees.
It's a nuclear arms race between Fox, right wing radio and MSNBC with each trying to push their agenda with more and more sensationalism. The only problem is that this is the only info the majority of the extremists listen to and they totally discount anything the other side says. You see it on here daily, if someone links to Huffington Post it is discounted immidiately and if someone links to Fox it is discounted without research. Reminds me of two rabid rival fan bases in sports where there is visceral hate towards one another and whatever the other side does must be condemned. Think Ohio State vs Michigan, Alabama vs Auburn, or Red Sox vs Yankees.

Very true. I got bitched at a couple weeks ago about posting a link from a blog despite the content being true. Its like the secrete code of the skulls and I didn't have the correct password lol

I NEVER discount any info based on source alone.
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

I would like to think that to be true, and on the Democratic side I think it is pretty much true. Unfortunately, imo the Republican Party has been hijacked by the far right and the extreme seems to be the rule rather than the exception. It is the reason that I left the Republican Party. Until it changes I can't see myself ever going back.
What I see on a daily basis is vitriol filled democrats who carry their hatred on their sleeves. They attack anyone and anything that disagrees with them, and are the most hate-filled, racist people I have ever met.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration but in the video posted below, the faces you see in the crowd (twisted by computer graphic alteration) are not that far off from some of the faces I see from people when the word Republican is mentioned.

I really wish it was just a bunch of liars on the internet.
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most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles, whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society
most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Riiiight. Individual freedom is just so...disastrous. :doubt:

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles,

No, libertarians don't think people must be forced to serve anything or any principal. Just don't ask us to pay for your poor choices. It's progressives that want to force everyone to serve their principals. Libertarians believe in voluntary, practically a bad word among central planner types like yourself.

whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society

Ah yes, the "I know what's best for everyone else" argument.

Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

the current republican party is racist as hell
I deal with retarded racists conservatives every day. The fact that most conservatives are stupid with a narrow view of the world isn't an extreme. But the majority of the population isn't in an extreme.

here i guess is an example of what Gramps is talking about......:eusa_eh:

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